Interview 1096 – Jonathan Latham on GMO Concerns

by | Oct 7, 2015 | Interviews | 6 comments

lathamsquareToday we’re joined by Dr. Jonathan Latham of to discuss his recent article, “Growing Doubt: A Scientist’s Experience of GMOs.” We talk about the fundamentally flawed “risk assessment” process for GMO crops, the dangers of increasing herbicide use in the GMO era, the corporate corruption of GMO research and more.

Independent Science News

Growing Doubt: A Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

The Principle of Substantial equivalence is Unscientific and Arbitrary

GMOs, Herbicides, and Public Health

Center for Food Safety

GM Free Cymru


  1. Very strange. The file is working fine for me. Is anyone else experiencing any problems streaming/downloading this interview?

  2. Not working for me either. I’m using my iPhone 5 btw. Usually I have to click the triangle icon to get it to play but it’s not working this time. Pretty sure it would work from my desktop btw.

    • If you’re ever having trouble accessing any files on a mobile device, you can always use one of the apps or programs under “mobile” in the sidebar (Stitcher, Android App, TruthSeeker App).

  3. Anyone that could point me in the direction of the Norwegian research institute devoted to the risk issues of GMO crops (mentioned at 19:58 in the interview)?

  4. It takes years of contemplation to understand with wisdom, but only a few minutes of excitement to estimate profits.

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