Results for "syria"

The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know

The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know

In case you haven't heard yet, the world has just changed irrevocably. After 13 years of battle, the alphabet soup of foreign-financed, foreign-armed, foreign-trained terrorist insurgents in Syria have finally accomplished their goal: the overthrow of Assad. There are...

Episode 469 – A Brief History of the War on Syria

Episode 469 – A Brief History of the War on Syria

The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists' objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East? And what does it mean for the world? Today on The...

False Flags Over Syria

. . . As you can imagine, the gaggle of bloodthirsty neocons that infest Trump's war cabinet are unhappy about the prospect of their golden boys in Syria—those lovely child-beheading terrorists that they have been supporting for the last seven years—being vanquished...

Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: An Open Source Investigation

No sooner has the idea of a US withdrawal from Syria been floated than Assad launched a chemical weapons attack on the suburbs of Damascus...or so we are being asked to believe. But this is not the first time we have been lied to about chemical weapons claims. What is...

Fact checking Newsbud’s “Syria Under Siege” Video

James fact checks Newsbud's recent "Syria Under Siege" video and comes to some unfortunate conclusions. Watch this video on BitChute / YouTube SHOW NOTES Sibel attacks 21st Century Wire (Archived link) Sibel accuses "junkie" news site 21Wire of mystery funding...

Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies on Syria

Today we're joined by Eva Bartlett of to discuss her reporting from Syria. We talk about the lies, propaganda and outright fabrications that have attempted to paint the terrorist insurgency as a "civil war" led by "moderate rebels," including the...


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