
Is Wikipedia Reliable? – QFC #056

This week on Questions For Corbett, Jon asks if Wikipedia is part of the problem. Long-time listeners will already know the answer is yes, and James goes through some of the reasons why we know this to be true. But as part of the open source data collection that The Corbett Report provides as a public service, James asks Corbett Report members to log in to and leave links to specific instances of Wikipedia being caught out.

Medical Martial Law

FROM 2009: Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab, but you won’t hear that in the controlled corporate media. Nor will you hear about Bilderberg plans to use the pandemic hysteria to flex the muscles of their nascent global government. But you will hear all about it in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.

Is Coronavirus the Next 9/11? Discussion on The Ochelli Effect

In this conversation recorded on March 9th, James Corbett joins Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect to discuss the pandemic panic and its parallels to other “world-altering” (but ultimately manipulated) crises like 9/11. What is the real threat here? What is being neglected in coverage of the phenomenon? What else is happening in the world that this story is overshadowing? Your questions are answered in this in-depth conversation.

James Bovard on the Dark History of the US Census

Author and researcher James Bovard joins us today to discuss Facebook’s recent pledge to suppress all criticism of the US Census Bureau from its platform. We delve into the dark history of the US census and discuss how it has been used to round up and intern mass numbers of US citizens in the past.

Is This THE Big Event? – QFC #055

As I’ve noted in my recent work, many globalist agenda items are up for grabs as the world continues to freak out about the novel coronavirus and Covid-19. So is this the main event? Is the disease much worse than it’s being portrayed? Are reinfections after “recovery” common? And what should we do to prepare. James tackles these questions in depth in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

Fact Checking the 5G/Coronavirus Hypothesis

Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, no-speculation truth about the dangers of 5G.


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