Ebola: Panic or Pandemic? – An open source investigation

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Articles | 69 comments

by James Corbett
August 6, 2014

This post is intended as a round-up of available information on the current Ebola outbreak from various sources around the web. Corbett Report members are encouraged to debate and discuss the situation in the commments thread below, ask questions, suggest links, and otherwise contribute to this investigation. The comments will be used to piece together an upcoming episode of The Corbett Report Podcast on this subject [UPDATE: The podcast is now available for download here]. [Not a Corbett Report member? Sign up today.]

Overview: Official information on Ebola virus

ebolaEbola haemorrhagic fever is the human disease caused by the Ebola virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease has a fatality rate of up to 90% and is “one of the world’s most virulent diseases.” The disease first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks, one in the Congo (near the Ebola river) and the other in a remote area of Sudan. It transfers through close contact with blood of an infected animal (including chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines) and spreads human-to-human through direct contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids, or through contact between broken skin or mucous membranes of a healthy person and the contaminated possessions (blankets, bedclothes, needles) of an infected person.

Symptoms include “sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat” followed by “vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding.”

There is currently no licensed or authorized treatment or vaccine for Ebola virus. Serum containing antibodies from previously infected survivors of Ebola disease was used to successfully treat seven out of eight patients in the 1995 Congo outbreak (although those results have been disputed repeatedly), and other experimental treatments are currently being developed including monoclonal antibodies and prototype vaccines. Controversy has arisen in the current outbreak over the unauthorized use of an experimental treament (“Zmapp“) to treat two cases in the US (see below).

Timeline of the 2014 outbreak

On March 22 2014, an epidemic emergency is declared after an outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in southern Guinea. That day, Médecins Sans Frontières announces they have already deployed 24 nurses, doctors, logisticians and hygiene and sanitation experts to the country with 33 tons of supplies leaving France and Belgium on the way.

eboladeathBy March 25th, the BBC reports 62 confirmed deaths from the disease, including five people in Liberia who died “after crossing from southern Guinea for treatment.” As the BBC report notes, “It is the first time Ebola has struck Guinea, with recent outbreaks thousands of miles away, in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

On March 31st, Ebola is confirmed to have spread to Liberia where two sisters (one of whom has just returned from Guinea) are found to be carrying the disease. The death toll rises to 78 people.

In early April West Africa begins mobilizing to combat the spread of the disease, including sending health teams to border territories.

By May 27th the death toll rises to 187 and the virus is confirmed to have spread to Sierra Leone.

By mid-June, WHO data shows 333 total deaths, making this the deadliest outbreak in recorded history. The previous most deadly outbreak was the 1976 outbreak in Congo, with 280 reported deaths.


On July 3rd and 4th the WHO convenes a two-day Emergency Ministerial meeting on Ebola Virus Disease in Ghana where West African countries and various international organizations agree to adopt a strategy of “cross-border collaboration” for combating the outbreak. They also decide that the “WHO will establish a Sub-Regional Control Center in Guinea to act as a coordinating platform to consolidate technical support to West African countries by all major partners; and assist in resource mobilization” and that the WHO will be a lead organization in coordinating action on the issue.

The agreement includes resolutions to:

  • Convene national inter-sectoral meetings involving key government ministries, national technical committees and other stakeholders to map out a plan for immediate implementation of the strategy.
  • Mobilise community, religious, political leaders to improve awareness, and the understanding of the disease
  • Strengthen surveillance, case finding reporting and contact tracing
  • Deploy additional national human resources with the relevant qualifications to key hot spots.
  • Identify and commit additional domestic financial resources
  • Organise cross-border consultations to facilitate exchange of information
  • Work and share experiences with countries that have previously managed Ebola outbreaks in the spirit of south-south cooperation

They also decide that the “WHO will establish a Sub-Regional Control Center in Guinea to act as a coordinating platform to consolidate technical support to West African countries by all major partners; and assist in resource mobilization.”

On July 25th the WHO confirms a probable case of Ebola in Nigeria, although an undated post on the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health website claims to “debunk” Ebola in Nigeria, claiming that it is in fact Dengue Fever.

ebolaemoryOn July 30th, Germany agrees to a WHO request to accept two Ebola infected patients for treatment at the university clinic in Hamburg-Eppendorf. According to Deutsche Welle: “The university clinic has made six beds available in a segregated part of the facility. In this isolation unit, no liquids, gases or particles in the air can reach the outside world. Access is only possible through three airlocks. In the first, the air pressure is slightly reduced; in the second and the third even more so. That’s to ensure clean air from outside is able to come in, but contaminated air from inside is not able to go out. Up until now, the unit has only been used for training.”

On August 2nd, an infected American aid worker traveled from Liberia to the United States to receive treatment at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. According to Reuters: “The facility at Emory, set up with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is one of only four in the country with the facilities to deal with such cases.” A second American aid worker, also infected in Liberia, arrived at the same facility two days later.

As of August 6th, the disease is confirmed to be spreading in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria. Suspected cases are currently being tested in Lagos, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia. The total number of confirmed cases stands at 1,711 with 932 deaths. An emergency meeting of “global health experts” has just been convened by the WHO in Geneva to address the situation.UPDATE: On August 8th, the WHO declared the current Ebola outbreak a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” This is an instrument under the International Health Regulations, a legally-binding international agreement on disease prevention and control. The declaration allows for potential international coordination of the crisis and grants the WHO powers to obtain and share information about the crisis anywhere within the IHR territories with or without the consent of the individual governments involved. According to Stephen Morrison, the director of the Global Health Policy Center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, this potentially allows for “boots-on-the-ground” intervention by the US military or other NATO member countries to operate in these environments in terms of ground transport, supply chain, and distribution of commodities. This is only the third time a PHEIC has been declared, the first being the 2009 swine flu outbreak and the second a declaration related to polio earlier this year.

Controversies, Contradictions and Conspiracies

Despite repeated denials and downplaying of the possibility by health authorities, there is growing evidence that this strain of Ebola may be airborne (transmissible from human to human through the air, not direct contact). A 2012 study examining “Transmission of Ebola virus from pigs to non-human primates” concluded: “Our findings support the hypothesis that airborne transmission may contribute to ZEBOV spread, specifically from pigs to primates, and may need to be considered in assessing transmission from animals to humans in general.” Despite the fact that even the official CDC guidelines for how airlines should handle the Ebola crisis contains the concern tha the virus may be airborne, a concerted effort is being made online to ridicule those hypothesizing that the current Ebola outbreak represents an airborne strain of the virus:ebolaflowchart

According to Bloomberg: “Despite the deadly nature of the disease, the relative rarity of outbreaks and their confinement to primarily rural areas of poor African nations make Ebola an unattractive target for big drugmakers.” An American or German outbreak, would, of course, change that calculus, and just last month a potential treatment for the disease was put on hold by the FDA due to safety concerns. Now, controversy is arising after experimental medicine was given to the two stricken American aid workers without FDA approval. The BBC describes the medicine as a “ZMapp drug, which has only been tested on monkeys.” For many, the idea that the WHO is heavily involved in a pandemic emergency in which drug companies are looking to circumvent traditional approval processes raises eerie parallels with the 2009 swine flu scare, which followed this pattern almost exactly, and was later ruled by both the British Medical Journal and the Council of Europe to have been a sham pandemic declared by a Big Pharma-connected WHO panel on behalf of the vaccine manufacturers themselves.

Others point to the possibility that this Ebola has been weaponized, or is part of a planned bioterror release. These reports focus on Dr. Charles Arntzen, a researcher at the University of Arizona who helped develop the experimental Ebola treatment given to the two American aid workers. In 2012, Dr. Arntzen joked about using genetic modification to create a “better virus” to cull 25% of the human population:

This is in line with similar statements by fellow biologists, including Dr. Eric Pianka at the University of Texas at Austin, who eyewitnesses claim used his acceptance speech for the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist Award from the Texas Academy of Science to muse on “the elimination of 90 percent of the human population” through an airborne disease like the Ebola virus.

Some have pointed to the long, documented history of government research into biological weapons and intentional government releases of biological agents on their own citizens in the past as a sign that the current outbreak could be some form of intentional bioweapon release by a government agency or rogue actor.

Yet others argue whether the current outbreak is being deliberately downplayed to hide the severity of what is happening or deliberately overhyped to panic the public and make them acquiesce to medical martial law or other dramatic maneuvers. Some even question whether or not the entire pandemic is a hoax.


  1. When I first heard mention that they were actually airlifting patients to the states and europe, red flags started going up in my head like crazy. Is this the first time this has been done? In previous outbreaks, were people transported to non infected areas in the US or Europe?

    Maybe the end game is coming sooner than we think. It could be a few waves of outbreaks, one every few years taking out more and more people with a concurrent implementation of forced vaccination, tighter restriction of movement, and more arbitrary detentions.

    Ps. I’ve never liked specific dates either…the Legarde video for me is just pointing out a month, July! Gaza offensive, MH17, Ebola, Argentina. Like a “Ok guys this is the roughly when the distraction will happen, so begin to move and do your bit when need be” not much has to be said when you think about the rings within rings concept.

  2. To add to the pharmaceutical conspiracy outlook, here’s some info from Natural News:

    -Monsanto is involved.

    “One fascinating development worth investigating further is that TEKMIRA Pharmaceuticals, a company working on an anti-Ebola drug, just received a $1.5 million cash infusion from none other than Monsanto. … Another press release about Tekmira reveals a $140 million contract with the U.S. military for Ebola treatment drugs: TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNAi therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office.”

    – The U.S. government owns a PATENT on Ebola. http://www.naturalnews.com/046290_Ebola_patent_vaccines_profit_motive.html

    So there does seem to be some kind of profit motive here.

    – And then lastly, also from Natural News, an Ebola vaccine inventor “joking” about using Ebola to reduce the population:

    “In response, Dr. Arntzen, developer of an Ebola vaccine tested on mice, says:

    Has anybody seen “Contagion?” (laughter) That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in “Contagion.””

    Video in article: http://www.naturalnews.com/046347_Ebola_vaccine_genetically_engineered_virus_depopulation

    This should be shocking and disturbing, but somehow it’s become expected to have these type of people saying these sorts of things.

  3. Oops I see you already got the Dr. Arntzen video in there!

  4. Interesting point, especially with Obama hosting a big African leaders summit and announcing all this aid to Africa even as the crisis is taking off. I discuss this more with David Smith in a Geneva Business Insider that will be published shortly.

  5. One of the very early reports from witnesses at the MH17 crash site was of seeing lots of containers with “blood and serum”. News reports were that some of the passengers were on their way to an “AIDS conference”. I have wondered since whether one aspect of the obvious false flag was biowarfare.

  6. The continuous coverage in the media is indeed a sign of Hegelian mind games. If ebola was really a deadly virus with the potential to grow into a global pandemic, they probably wouldn’t tell us about it. They are only interested in crisis they can control.

    Notice how the media is stressing the need for a global approach to the crisis. They are throwing up the question if vaccination should be voluntary. I expect this ebola crisis to slowly dim away, but it sets the frame of reference for the next crisis. Step by step we are approaching global collectivism.

  7. Jon Rappoport has written a series of articles about this hoax. He has collected them here: http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/category/ebola/

    Please note especially Ebola 2: Here come the “global pandemic” promoters.

    After he investigated the aids hoax, he learned how the Big Pharma/Medical Industrial complex works. He smells a rat, and so do I. It is heartening to see so many people here voicing skepticism. Maybe people did learn something from the ridiculous h1n1 scare a few years ago.

    if you go to the wikipedia page about ebola, you will notice a photo at the top right with the caption, “1976 photograph of two nurses standing in front of Mayinga N., a person with Ebola virus disease…” Yes, it says 1976, nearly 40 years ago. We have been treated to breathless news reports every few years since 1976 about the deadly flesh eating disease that will destroy the human race. Still waiting…

  8. In reply to stellar_consortium above, your point is quite apt. The World Bank is providing $200 million in emergency funding to help the governments “deal” with the crisis because, in the WB’s own words: “In the mining sector, if the evacuation of skilled expatriate staff continues, there will be a sizable decline in production.” Money is literally being spent (presumably on health workers and other medical assistance) in order to keep the workers working.


  9. In 2002, USAMRIID procedures called for Biosafety Level 4 containment for transporting/treating Ebola patients:


    This is what a BSL-4 facility looks like:


    This is an example of the “isolation unit” at Emory University where the American patients have been treated:


    Rather than physically isolated, airlock-protected conditions, it seems patients are separated from the public by a glass partition:


  10. On August 8th, the WHO declared the current Ebola outbreak a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”


    This is an instrument under the International Health Regulations, a legally-binding international agreement on disease prevention and control.


    The declaration allows for potential international coordination of the crisis and grants the WHO powers to obtain and share information about the crisis anywhere within the IHR territories with or without the consent of the individual governments involved.


    According to Stephen Morrison, the director of the Global Health Policy Center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, this potentially allows for “boots-on-the-ground” intervention by the US military or other NATO member countries to operate in these environments in terms of ground transport, supply chain, and distribution of commodities.


    This is only the third time a PHEIC has been declared, the first being the 2009 swine flu outbreak and the second a declaration related to polio earlier this year.

  11. I don’t watch TV so haven’t seen this, but checked out the plot on wikipedia.


    Notable excerpts:

    “…they realise that a global food manufacturer may be involved in the spreading of a new disease, and that they intend to market a cure that only works on specific genetic profiles or races.”

    “Milner reveals that there are other people in the world who will be doing the same thing, and cause a world-wide pandemic, and people will rush for the vaccine and only 9 in 10 people will be unknowingly infected with Janus, and become infertile.”

    And this TV show is called ‘Utopia’? Hmmmm

  12. I’m waiting for another epidemic of “Russian flu” as part of the campaign to vilify Putin/Russia…the Hollywoodites in the US Military would not pass up such a glorious opportunity.

  13. This document was recently leaked onto the internet: http://www.thesilveredge.com/pdf/defense-threat-reduction-agency-silver-nanoparticles-neutralize-hemorrhagic-fever-viruses.pdf

    It appears to be suppressed evidence of an extremely effective cure for Ebola virus. One that is apparently inexpensive, readily available, and impossible to patent (due to the fact that it’s a natural substance). Regulatory agencies have been trying, to no avail, to have it banned in the US… and it looks like it has already been successfully banned in the EU.

    Document Background

    In 2008, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), in conjunction with several other federal agencies, quietly conducted clinical research into the use of silver nanoparticles against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses. Astonishingly, they discovered that silver were highly effective against these deadly viruses, including the nanoparticles Ebola virus. They later presented their findings to federal health regulators and other national health authorities. But these findings were kept top secret.
    The presentation was called “Silver Nanoparticle Neutralization of Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses,” and the gist of the presentation was that silver nanoparticles displayed “powerful neutralizing effects against hemorrhagic fever viruses,” including Arenavirus and Filovirus (i.e., Ebola). This clinical presentation was conducted under the auspices of the DoD’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the presentation was given by researchers from the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laboratory. In other words… those are the big guns! Which is to say that they are the very people responsible for keeping this nation safe from outside threats like bioterrorism. That clinical presentation – made to federal regulators and national health authorities – was later summarized in a printed document, de-classified, and cleared for public release. Nonetheless, there were zero news reports to be found on the release of said information… in spite of the fact that Department of Defense researchers found nano-silver to be profoundly effective against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses.

    Furthermore, it appears that this would not be the first time that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency sponsored research into the use of nano-silver for hemorrhagic fever viruses, and found it to be effective. For example, here’s a study (http://en.youscribe.com/…/interaction-of-silver…) published in the prestigious Journal of Nanobiotechnology in 2010, demonstrating silver’s effectiveness against the Tacaribe virus, a hemorrhagic fever virus nearly identical to Ebola.

    The individual who leaked this document wants to keep his source confidential (for their safety, he says), so it’s difficult to verify it’s authenticity. However, I will say that it certainly does appear to be legitimate IMO. What do you guys think about this?


    • hello Amanda,

      thanks for causing this snowball of info.
      just to be sure, i want to relate the following.

      i am in electronics and know little about other subjects. so i do not pretend anything, but since i got this internet connection, now exactly one year ago, i did some google research on cancer.

      ok, research is a big word, i just acquired some insights for myself and did not save much. what i have to say is rather superficial. but as i said, just to be sure, someone may need this even soon perhaps, so let me tell you. if you want you may check this out for yourself.

      millions of people die each year of cancer and many other illnesses. trillions of dollars are wasted on drugs. the problem however generally does not lie in these diseases themselves, it lies in the immune system. there are many circumstances in modern life that may obstruct the immune system.
      this means you do not need a particular medicine for each and every disease, as your doctor seems to believe. you just need your immune system to function real well.

      the key factor here is oxygen, in particular hydrogen peroxide, H2O2. this sounds strange at first. i at least used to think H2O2 was a dangerous poison, but it turns out to be a totally natural essential standard component of the human body.

      just to illustrate this for americans, you could consider the leucocytes to be the soldiers, the H2O2 molecules to be their guns and the single oxygen atoms that are split off from the H2O2 by the trigger-enzyme called katalase the bullets. the leftover H2O spent cartridges are just water! so where is the poison? the poison is in the propaganda of course, H2O2 costs next to nothing compared to mention any patented drug. it is, however the only medicine that applies exactly where it should, with no side-effects at all. oxygen kills anything that’s not good for you. and your own cells need it very much. if there is not enough of it available, they may turn into cancer cells. this insight comes from original research by a Otto Warburg, 1935, but we are not supposed to know this.

      one of the links that came out of your story mentioned extreme doses of vitamine-c, some 500g per day! that’s where i must comment, as i remember to have read somewhere that at the end of its course through the bloodstream, vitamine-c produces an oxygen atom, just as H2O2 does.
      so if vitamine-c is effective against ebola, i think H2O2 may be a lot more effective and quite a bit cheaper.

      see you around,

      • Ad,

        I agree with you completely about building up the immune system. As the famous Hippocrates quote goes, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
        I don’t take medicines anymore, because it poisons the immune system. Instead I try to maintain my health by staying away from doctors (ha!) and processed / pasteurized foods… which are devoid of beneficial enzymes and nutrients.

        Sadly, my mother has breast cancer and, unlike myself, she is still hypnotized by the medical establishment. She has already undergone drastic surgery to “cut-out the cancer”, but has utterly failed to rebuild her immune sys. She doesn’t have ears to hear the truth yet… and perhaps she never will. My hands are bound.


      • P.S. – The vitamin C theory is interesting. However, from where exactly would one be able to obtain such massive doses of intravenous vitamin C? Because, lets face it… you can only swallow so many large pills at a time. Injecting it directly into the blood stream via IV would be the way to go.


      • Amanda,

        i hope james will not snip me off for being off-topic. i want to react on what you said on the more general subject of the immune system, which of course, is also valid in the case of ebola and its treatment.

        you mention medicines poisoning the immune system. from a local newspaper some 10 years ago i read they found a new medicine to prevent cancer cells from growing extra bloodvessels. cancer cells need lots of glucose and these little scoundrels developed some biochemical trick to build glucose highways centering around themselves. so the rationale behind this new medicine may appear evident at first glance.

        but then you realise that the immune system also needs blood vessels to attack the cancer, and you become puzzled. why not have the stupid cancer cells dig their own graves? they want glucose, so you cut off the glucose supply and instead of glucose you feed them oxygen over their own highway, surprise! lack of glucose will starve them and the oxygen kills them. evidently, the more vessels, the better.
        so there must be something very doubtful going on here.

        of course your good cells must be fed too. well, contrary to cancer cells that survive on glucose only, normal cells can happily live on fat, too.
        so your good cells will flourish on a diet that is double lethal to cancer cells and you will profit enormously from the extra bloodvessels.

        just stop eating sugar, grains, potatoes and other carbonhydrates and start with butter, coconut oil, eggs, meat, etc. plus anything that increases oxygen levels, such as vit-c containing fruits and vegetables, preferably boosted with or even replaced by vit-c tablets, H2O2 and/or ClO2 or clorine dioxide as in MMS.

        the fun part is that this will not only work on cancer, but on any infectuous disease as well. i think its self evident that this would kill ebola, but ebola may kill you very quickly, so that you may have no time to go shopping for oxygen. time is decisive here, just as quantities. it took me half a year to get my bottle of 35% food grade h2o2 from europe into my refrigerator here. dangerous goods, sea freight only, parcels get lost, all coincidence?

        of course, nano silver may also be effective, i do not know its dynamics yet. either it provides oxygen somehow, or it is a specific poison to ebola or virusses in general. it may combine nicely with the already mentioned.

        you must see the strategy of half truths behind all this. for example doctors generally advise you these days to move more and eat more fruit and vegetables. if you ask them why, they will tell you that research has proven a statistical correlation between these and general health. they know you are lazy and wil keep riding your car instead of your bike and you will most probably not take the effort of preparing your own fresh vegetables so nothing will change. they will never try to move your awareness straight to oxygen. oxygen is too cheap, oxygen is in your breathing and in your food.
        you generally do not even need a doctor with oxygen, if not taken intravenously.

        there is much more to say to it but i must take it easy, mr.snip is always watching.

        i feel very sorry for your mother’s suffering. i had something similar with a cousin recently. he was in europe an i am here. i tried what i could, but they kept him on morphine and he died exactly as prescribed by the doctor, surrounded by a wall of believers. i was told to backoff and show some respect.

        if your mother does not want to listen, there are lots of things you may still try by selecting her food and arranging her environment. just no carbs, enough fat, and oxygen as much as possible. open windows, stimulate breathing, if only by talking, and give fruit drinks that you prepare yourself without sugar, perhaps enhanced with a few sneeky drops of h2o2 or MMS, but check directions first.

        remember the immune system is balance. a little structural lack of oxygen or a little too much glucose may slowly keep turning this balance the wrong way and finally make you slip off. so even small adjustments may be essential and slowly turn it back.
        i believe you should never give up, but do not believe me for my pretty beard, do your own research, it is all there for the asking.

        i wish you lots of strength and luck.


      • Yes-ad, Amanda and JB, Bio-oxidative therapy appears to be a cure for many illnesses and conditions. I have been reading the work of Ed McCabe, who was actually imprisoned for 18 months for spreading the word about his research and use of oxygen and ozone. I am also using the H2O2 protocol and I am on day 21 and am feeling great with the exception of some occasional mild nausea. I also encourage you to look at the work of Hulda Clark. She used resonance frequency technology to diagnose parasites at the root of cancer. Absolutely, ad, food is medicine…and a strong immune system is our best defense. It is heart breaking to see people suffer with illness when I know there is a cure, and I gently nudge them to seek out alternatives to their current regimen but they don’t even begin to consider it.

    • Gnostic Media released a podcast with Joe Atwill and Rima Laibow – “Preventing and Treating Ebola” – #206 on Wednesday, August 07, 2014 about this subject of nano silver.


      Here’s more info to go along with this topic. I, myself, question these claims; I need to do more research myself.

  14. Five more cases confirmed in Lagos (pop 21 million).

    Nigeria declares national emergency over Ebola outbreak – spokesman

    Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan has declared a national emergency over the Ebola outbreak, which has now spread to the large West African country from other West African countries struggling to deal with the disease. Five more cases of Ebola were confirmed in Lagos, Africa’s largest city with a population of 21 million. Five people in Nigeria have so far been infected with the virus and all of them are believed to be health workers who had contact with a man who traveled to Nigeria from Ebola ridden Liberia. Ebola has already wreaked havoc in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and over 960 people have now died of the disease.

  15. As always follow the money:

    Tekmira Receives $1.5 Million Milestone Payment from Monsanto: http://investor.tekmirapharm.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=858983

    Tekmira stock soars after FDA relaxes precautions on experimental Ebola drug – http://www.timescolonist.com/tekmira-stock-soars-after-fda-relaxes-precautions-on-experimental-ebola-drug-1.1304120#sthash.fVf9PsxK.dpuf

    Official Tekmira explanation: http://www.tekmira.com/pipeline/tkm-ebola.php

    FDA Modifies Tekmira’s TKM-Ebola Clinical Hold to Partial Hold: http://investor.tekmirapharm.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=865208

    ZMapp: The Experimental Ebola Treatment Explained – http://www.popsci.com.au/science/medicine/zmapp-the-experimental-ebola-treatment-explained,390844

  16. I have to admit I have not delved into this topic like I have other issues…eg., MH17. Why not? Because I have an aversion to biowarfare conspiracy theories, I guess. I believe HIV was man made and spread through western vaccination programs in Africa. The “Anthrax” scare did it for me…it summed up the goals and methodology of the biowarfare perps–terror and cowardly infecting the unsuspecting.

    So if someone can convince me that this latest ebola scare is anything other than another overblown false flag like SARS, H1N1. bird flu, etc., I would be open to hearing about it. As it is…all I can say is…the timing is impeccable. Gaza, MH17, Russian Sanctions….they need to get everyone looking the other way…that’s all, IMO.

  17. Consider the angle that there is no ebola virus. The whole field of virology has a sordid history of overblown claims and research down blind alleys, eg. cancer causing viruses, aids… Rappoport mentioned that the tests for ebola include PCR. That is a clue that there is no virus in the patients. It might also be a clue that there is no virus.

  18. I should also point out that it’s not unlikely that much from the articles written attributing super destructive powers to engineered microbes and about evil genius scientists concocting fantastically deadly viruses could be (most likely is, I’d say) totally made up as part of the psyops. Genius gov’t scientists? really? from what I can see, not likely.

    A super destructive virus is not likely to spread all over the world because it is so deadly. If patients contract the virus and are overcome quickly, they won’t be able to spread it very far. They’ll die before they’re able to spread it. Super viruses are therefore self limiting. Dispersing them mechanically would be difficult, too. Like chemical weapons, they can be spread effectively in enclosed areas, but otherwise they disperse too quickly to do that much damage. Have the evil genius gov’t scientists solved these problems? Seems very unlikely to me.

    I still come out with this is either a complete hoax, like swine flu, or stupid gov’t tricks such as attributing illness to a virus that isn’t the cause, a la hiv.

  19. I thought I would dip into some MSM to see where we are up to with the Ebola story.

    First up was something on the BBC on “Why is it this disease we fear?”


    Basically it claims this is because Ebola has a high death rate and there is no cure and vaccinations are good, but there isn’t one yet, so this outbreak is bringing it to the attention of people of the western world where their “insidious complacency” in getting vaccinations will be reduced.

    This was written by Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of the GAVI Alliance, whose founder was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Personally, I see this as conditioning to get us ready for the vaccination drive.

    Then there was this one from RT which has two parts…fear mongering, followed by a solution!


    So a man comes back from Nigeria with ebola-like-symptoms, he is quarantined and then he is fine. So it was probably flu, but they don’t mention that. But there is really nothing newsworthy in it at all apart from fear mongering.

    But then that takes you onto the next bit which is the announcement that GlaxoSmithKline is developing a vaccine that should be out in 2015. Great timing!

    “We are targeting September for the start of clinical trials, first in the United States and certainly in African countries, since that’s where we have the cases,” AFP quoted WHO’s head of vaccines and immunization, Jean-Marie Okwo Bele, as saying on French radio.

    So not sure why a British company would be doing clinical trials in the US first and not the UK.

    “And since this is an emergency, we can put emergency procedures in place…so that we can have a vaccine available by 2015,”

    Emergency! Emergency! This just reeks of something sinister IMO.

    • The vaccination drive is here. Just this year, nursing homes must have a greater than 90% flu vaccination rate for their staff in order to receive full reimbursement from Medicare/Medicaid. Many administrators are pushing for 100%. Some nurses are being fired for choosing not be injected, or they are forced to wear a mask at work for the season whether or not they have symptoms. NAMV (Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines) is doing great work, despite being under attack by the ptsb. I will be refusing, and I will let you all know how it goes.

  20. Nancy, may I take a crack at this? In many cases, modern medicine describes a constellation of symptoms–syndrome–and gives it a name as a “disease.” Many then mistakenly believe that this “disease” has one causal agent and today it is often proposed to be a virus. This categorization of a syndrome as a viral disease can be made without any evidence of a virus, or any single causal agent. Then they scurry around looking for the virus. This is exactly what happened with HIV, a harmless virus that was fingered as causing AIDS, which is clearly a lifestyle syndrome.

    This could be the case again, as Rappoport so cogently proposes. Or it could be an engineered bug, like Lyme disease. Seems hard to tell yet, but I’m betting on the former.

    What we have to keep in mind while reading the msm and even many alt media reports is that we have no direct experience with this situation. We are depending on reporting from congenital liars for our “facts.” We need to have some background in the topic and a good model of biology/medicine to be able to sort out the facts from lies. Following the money will also help.

    For example, when the swine flu news broke, that there was an outbreak of a deadly flu in Mexico, my daughter was there. Several clues tipped us off that it was a hoax.

    1. Flu season in Mexico is in the summer, not winter. Flu spreads easiest when people don’t get enough sun and therefore vitamin D. In the US/Canada, that’s winter. In Mexico, that’s the beginning of the rainy season. So why would this “epidemic” begin in Mexico when the population was protected?

    2. Nobody had the flu. At first, the Mexicans were panicked and went around wearing those stupid surgical masks. After a few weeks they looked around and noticed that NO ONE had the flu. I talked to a friend whose husband is a doctor. He had had not one patient with flu and didn’t know any other doctor with any flu patients. I did a little survey while in Mexico for the summer. No one I asked knew anyone with the flu.

    3. Then the money started flowing with the massive amount of vaccine ordered by gov’ts….

    4. Some people in Mexico postulated that that country was chosen because it was an election year and the gov’t in power was unpopular. An epidemic would be useful in preventing rallies and protests.

    So we added up our direct experience and knowledge and came out that the whole thing was a hoax. And we were correct. Without direct experience, we would not have been so confident but we still would have figured it out.

    • I am suspicious that AIDS was a strategic subversive effort at eugenics and a sacrifice of the gay community in order to build sympathy for gay equal rights. (Could that be why the US funded Hitler, then helped to found the state of Israel?) Don’t get me wrong, we have lost so many good people to AIDS, and I believe we are free to love whom we love-but in the greater picture of things, the NWO agenda is an ungodly force.

  21. There is a youtube video out about false flag name games and it is pretty well done. It was brought to my attention that the American alleged victim’s name is Nancy Writebol. In my 52 years of living in Canada, the US and France, I have never heard of such a name. Oh, and by the way, funny coincidence-her last name is spelled WritEBOLe. She was an aid worker/missionary. (CIA)?? Sometimes we can put the truth together by observing the visual symbols, numbers and names and it takes a little imagination to try to get into the depraved psychopathological mentality of these demons.

  22. There is certainly more truth in film, television and literature than there is in the news! Hollywood is packing their work full of clues, communication with the web/brotherhood/network/ptsb, and sick inside jokes.

  23. Biological warfare and pandemic false flags go back literally thousands of years. I’ve always wondered whether the “Black Death” was biowarfare. I know they’re always trying to replicate that plague. Syphilis used to be called “the Spanish disease” back when the Brits were fighting the Spanish.

    Smallpox-ridden blankets go back hundreds of years in the ongoing wars against indigenous peoples.

    And why are scientists always digging up victims of the flu epidemic of 1918 (biowarfare from WWI) to replicate those germs?

    It must be frustrating for the biological warmongers that humanity is so resilient and has built up immunity against epidemics… It seems difficult to get a good pandemic going, even in this day of universal air travel.

  24. http://www.naturalnews.com/046414_Ebola_vaccine_safety_testing_drug_company_profits.html

    “Natural News” is reporting that a drug company that has a “criminal” record produced the ebola vaccine:

    “…GlaxoSmithKline, now being celebrated by the pro-pharma press, is the same company that also has a proven criminal record of bribing physicians and knowingly distributing misleading information about the safety of their drug products.

    Just two years ago, GSK plead guilty to felony crimes in the United States and was forced to pay an historical $3 billion fine for committing those crimes. After paying the fine, GSK was then exempted from normal rules regarding criminal enterprise, allowing it to continue conducting business with the federal government.”

  25. About the Ebola/HIV connection, where is an interview of Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize who discovered HIV), telling that a healthy immune system can get rid of HIV on its own without any vaccine, and he accuses big-pharma about the vaccine propaganda: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbrwl7_urgent-sida-luc-montagnier-avoue-on_news

    Étienne de Harven, one of the top 5 HIV researchers claims that HIV and AIDS are two unrelated things. I saw an interview of him explaining this in French, there probably are in English too, maybe this conference (I didn’t watched it yet): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maCY15pduNU


  26. I noticed that you place the first known announcement as coming from the MSF (doctors without borders). In a previous episode or video about Fukushima you mentioned that doctors without borders was, if memory serves, the first ones in on the ground responding to that disaster as well.

    At the time of the Fukushima Meltdown there was still a Rockefeller on the Advisory Board of MSF/DWB. Richard Rockefeller, MD, was actually the founding member and sat as chair for 21 years. He, also, died June 13, 2014 in a plane crash, apparently he was a avid pilot.


    Richard is an interesting feller, where else does his name come up?
    Board – Rockefeller Bros. Fund (Chair until 2013)
    Board – Rockefeller University (until 2006)
    Hour Exchange Portland (http://www.hourexchangeportland.org/)
    Health Commons Institute (which I cant find a website for)
    Maine Coast Heritage Trust
    PTSD work with Veterans and with Marijuana (1) and MDMA (2)
    1) http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Pot-to-be-tested-as-remedy-for-post-traumatic-5342895.php
    2) http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/news/story/index.cfm?id=4036

  27. Here’s an interesting article from Yoichi Shimatsu speculating that the outbreak might have been part of an illegal human trial of a new Ebola vaccine that got out of hand. Nothing definitive, but some interesting connections and data in here:


  28. Thanks for that, lincolnlea. I do address the CDC patent issue at the end of my podcast (http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-293-the-ebola-effect/). Long story short: the CDC has been patenting viruses for at least a decade now in an effort (so they say) to keep it in the public domain so corporations can’t limit or charge for research into cures:


  29. Hi Anna
    You got me thinking about depopulation via gmo. Here’s an article about gmo soy and the sterilizing effect on rats and hamsters. I wonder if the depopulation of western civilization is pretty much taken care of with the ingestion of gmo/processed foods, and the vaccination campaign is for the third world where so many eat what they raise and grow, thus they will not be so easy to poison via food. Interesting to look at the possible reason why recent generations have been labelled by the media as Generation X, Generation Y..and the last generation would be Z.

    The fear of a perceived pandemic is all that is needed. All of these news reports and images could very well be fiction altogether.

  30. Here’s a video that I am going to post on this site (Ebola investigation site) and on the MH17 investigation site. Incredibly, according to this report, the two news stories have suddenly merged, with the information that Ebola researcher Glenn Thomas was killed in the MH17 shoot-down…just as he was travelling to a medical convention to discuss the Ebola virus.


  31. Utopia series 2 opening sequence in the final episode.
    We find the Network agent ,who last week received the call to release the virus, at a coach station, where he meets a mother and her young son.
    When the woman starts discussing her eco-conscience and environmentally-friendly travel arrangements, he offers to murder the boy by slitting his throat, he believes that he would be doing the ‘right’ thing: saving the world.
    According to him having children is the worst crime someone can commit – their carbon footprint surpassing countless other polluting activities.

  32. Do any of u know anything about the drug or vaccine being used rite now in Nigeria for ebola ? My girlfriend is living in Jos, Nigeria rite now and said many people there are getting the shot and asked me if I thought she should get it. Is it safe and effective ? I would appreciate accurate info on this ! Thanks ! Samadhi108

  33. There are lots of dots to connect here between the plane used to transport Writ-EBOL and Brantley, and the founder of Samaritan’s Purse etc.


    It looks very likely that Billy Graham is a freemason. Samaritan’s Purse was founded by his son.


    Documentation of Billy Graham promoting the NWO. Turn up the volume-


    Phony Christians abound!

  34. http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/breaking-cdc-whistleblower-thompson-in-grave-danger-now/

    Man who is the whistleblower re the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism is in “danger” according to Jon Rappoport.

    I would think so….if it becomes accepted that vaccines have caused the epidemic of autism in the last decades (which I have believed for at least 10 years)…well the pharmaceutical companies don’t have nearly enough money in the kitty to pay the damages…and believe me, they have plenty of money.

  35. Point Four implicates Canada and urges “criminal and civil redress”
    People all over the world are waking up to the “detestable and devilish deeds” of the western empire…perpetrated against “the colonies”.


    The U. S., Canada, France, and the U. K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, and African countries and people should secure legal representation to seek damages from these countries, some corporations, and the United Nations. Evidence seems abundant against Tulane University, and suits should start there. Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.

  36. EBOLA Deaths double every 21 days

    3,000 Friday, September 26, 2014
    6,000 Friday, October 17, 2014
    12,000 Friday, November 07, 2014
    24,000 Friday, November 28, 2014
    48,000 Friday, December 19, 2014
    96,000 Friday, January 09, 2015
    192,000 Friday, January 30, 2015
    384,000 Friday, February 20, 2015
    768,000 Friday, March 13, 2015
    1,536,000 Friday, April 03, 2015
    3,072,000 Friday, April 24, 2015
    6,144,000 Friday, May 15, 2015
    12,288,000 Friday, June 05, 2015
    24,576,000 Friday, June 26, 2015
    49,152,000 Friday, July 17, 2015
    98,304,000 Friday, August 07, 2015
    196,608,000 Friday, August 28, 2015
    393,216,000 Friday, September 18, 2015
    786,432,000 Friday, October 09, 2015
    1,572,864,000 Friday, October 30, 2015
    3,145,728,000 Friday, November 20, 2015
    6,291,456,000 Friday, December 11, 2015

    Well, obviously the 21 day doubling time won’t hold, so some time well before November next year, Ebola deaths, both real and imagined, will stop climbing.

    But just take a look at those numbers. At what point is the level of fear mongering sufficient to cause massive panic and widespread fatalities from such things as breakdown of services and supply lines, rioting and so forth.

    Perfect cover to round up all those guilty of thought-crime, and put them into fema camps — everybody else gets the vaccination and the rfid chip. Game over.

  37. Ebola vaccine = the Trojan Horse of the Apocalypse?

    On the Chinese calendar, this (01/31/2014-02/18/2015)is the year of the wooden horse. In western mythology, the wooden horse is the Trojan Horse. IMHO an implanted rfid chip, masquerading as an Ebola vaccination is a pretty good Trojan Horse.

    And another thing, which is easier?

    Strap on a bunch of explosives, position yourself close to a target, blow yourself up,


    Expose yourself to Ebola virus, go to New York (or any city of your choice), gather intelligence and sleep with lots of hookers – the higher priced, the better. After three weeks you have a fifty-fifty chance to return home.


  38. Of course it must first get itself established firmly as the great terror that it is intended to be.

    What better way than to downgrade quarantine procedures to that of self enforced isolation in your family home at the local apartment block for those who have been in contact with the diseased. Doh!

  39. What is your taken on jon rappoports, in my mimd excellent, reporting? Especially with regards to test methods. If he is correct there are no reliable methods used whatsoever to identify ebola virus quantities sufficient to determine if a person has ebola! Hence,NOTHING can be relied upon regarding deaths and cases. Can this really be?

  40. “Host Dave Lindorff discusses two horrors in the news with guests Francis Boyle and Linn Washington. Boyle, prominent international law expert who wrote the US law passed in the 1980s banning germ warfare, which brought the US under the Geneva Convention against Germ Warfare, tells how the Ebola epidemic in west Africa can be traced to a US weapons lab located in Sierra Leone.”


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