Interview 1540 – James Corbett and Jason Bermas Discuss Coronavirus Stats

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Interviews | 33 comments

Jason Bermas has James Corbett on for a discussion about the Coivd-19 numbers. What do we know and what don’t we know about the stats and numbers that are being used to facilitate the transformation of our civilization, and why does it matter, anyway?



CDC: Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

England & Wales Weekly Deaths All Causes

80%+ of people being put on ventilators are dying

Coronavirus: Record weekly death toll as fearful patients avoid hospitals

David Stockman on the Real Reason Why the Government Shutdown Caused an Economic Collapse

New ICD code introduced for COVID-19 deaths

Deborah Birx: If Someone Dies w/ COVID-19, We Are Counting That As a COVID-19 Death

Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics

The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY – Did COVID-19 Come from America? (by Nathan Rich)


  1. I enjoyed this Bermas / Corbett episode. The groove felt better than the last one.
    I have been watching some of the Bermas videos over the past month.
    I even threw him a few bucks, but I don’t think he reads his comments from the donors at Patreon.

    Corbett made a good point about “cherry picking data” to fit in with preconceived ideas.
    I find myself doing that sometimes…ya know…looking for supporting information to fit with my prejudicial notion. …Rather than just looking at data and information, period. Just observing.

    Also, I am glad that Corbett again emphasized that we really don’t know what the numbers are (I doubt we will ever really know).
    And, Corbett underscored The Narrative.
    April 17th Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics
    QUEUED VIDEO towards the end

    • Past my bedtime correction: “Patreon” should read “Go Fund Me”.

    • Those 2 ER doctors you talked about said lots of good stuff. However, they are controlled opposition because they are for testing (we didnt need tests for the flu which killed similar numbers), and near the end they are pushing vax. See this video who dismisses they guys as controlled opposition.

      • I think those doctors did a good job as far as maybe putting some normies on the fence. But other than that, the underlying message is terrible, just a bit less so than the main narrative.

        • I said “maybe”. And no, I don’t know of any normies who are on the fence, let alone any normies who are on the fence because of this video. The grand total of people with whom I can discuss these topics in real life is one. Mabye two. Which is quite a lot, actually. All the others completely shut out everything.

          These doctors are kind of official sources of some authority. They have nice offical looking uniforms. They maybe coild influence someone sufficiently enough to puncture their outer shield of dissonant thoght, for maybe long enough for an original, independent thought to sneak in.

          I’d say it’s a better chance than some jag off comedian has at doing the same. Beggars can’t be choosers, my dear multi species amalgam mythical creature.

  2. Hi James!

    I watched the video with you and Jason and realized just how frustrated everyone is in regard to all the “numbers”.
    I’m not sure if this will help at all but I watched a video done by a gentleman John Cullen. Here’s the link.

    Supposedly John set up the maps and correlating numbers we all see from the CDC some years ago and has much to say regarding those mysterious numbers.

    According to him, the normal flu numbers are literally “off the chart” this year and the US is having the worst flu (not Covid-19)
    year since the pandemic of 1918.

    Please check it out. I would love your opinion on his take of what is really happening.

    God Speed to all!

    • “According to him, the normal flu numbers are literally “off the chart” this year and the US is having the worst flu (not Covid-19) year since the pandemic of 1918.”

      Terri he’s way off on his U.S. flu numbers!
      They are not off the charts at all.

      The flu numbers this year are well within line with those for the last few years!

      He makes countless mistakes with his charts and numbers.

      I watched the video very carefully. It’s very amateurish.

  3. The returning home mercenary had a dream, which most people, since that dream, have been indoctrinated: “,,,an angel came and told me that the conquest of nature will be done through number and measure” R. Descartes

    and so was the seed planted that became our “scientific” method
    here’s a “numbers” reference:


    Here’s a site that tracks military acquisitions (

    It gives population predictions for now vs 2025.

    example: the USA 2017/327 million people, 2025/100 million people. I wonder which leading “m” with following “odel” they were using?

    It looks like any arms dealer’s/state dept reference. Or some more seasoned browser/tracker may be able to verify it’s authenticity for us,,?

    to repeat how I got to this linked page: start on the home page, put the desired country in the site search bar, this will link to a new page that says “no results”, but you will be in the “equipment” folder, switch to the “country” folder, et voilla.

  4. I posted the full video of the two docs with their points of view on another website, so did another person, in the same thread. Someone commented that they did not like the attitude of the doctor who said that 80 % of people die on the vents (vents are used when it is serious and they are probably going to die, etc)…they said it was unethical to say it in such a manner….I did not understand, but when you are a mainstream media junkie, I suppose the truth hits hard? So cobble up some nonsense and feed it to them sideways?! Anyway, contact tracing, heard those words on the TV where I work today…

    Everyone else is excited for the end of “lockdown” and being allowed out twice a day. I was never locked down but whatever, getting tired of the “we are all in this together” schmaltz too…

  5. Could someone post a link to the vid they refer to with the 2 doctors?

    • The first time I checked the euromomo site was in early march after I’d watched an interview with Dr. Wodarg. At the time of his first interview he was right when he said, that this winter the excess mortality so far was way less then in the years before. Since then I checked in repeatedly and after a while you could see the numbers going up.

      After a pause of two weeks I tried to access the the site again yesterday, but nothing would show on the browser. Tried again today, same result. I began to suspect foul play. But apparently they just overhauled their page and changed the .com to .eu. Funny thing, that they did it just now?! I don’t know…

      What I find particularly puzzling is the fact, that there are huge differences between the individual countries. But it seems to be consistent in so far, that in those countries where in previous years the excess mortality had higher peaks, this year also shows higher peaks. Unfortunately the graphs only show data as far back as 2015. But so far in certain countries, the numbers go way higher than in any previous year.

      Demographics may be one factor, but it would be interesting to know what the guidelines for treatment of COVID19 are. I don’t know, are there any? Are there different guidelines for different countries?

      The German Dr. Köhnlein cited in an interview a case report out of The Lancet ( Especially interesting is the part where he lists the medication (ha, funny typo I initially made there: “madication”) used to cure the disease. Two different antibiotics, cortisone in high doses, two different (as he says quite toxic) agents used in curing AIDS and interferones. Judging from my limited knowledge I would call that “curing the patient to death”. But I understand the dilemma, a doctor doing nothing would be sued, so…

  6. Thanks for those links, John. Have been watching quite a few of Andy Kaufman’s videos. Always something new. Just finished his interview with Dawn Lester and David Parker about their book – “What Really Makes You ILL – why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong”, which I’m going to recommend to our library. Also downloaded the David Crowe pdf which has a wealth of info.
    Much of the information I have discovered about the corona virus was subsequent to the London Real interview with David Icke. I set about to verify his claims about the virus. What a rabbit hole. The most mind blowing revelation came yesterday watching the youtube “killertrumpet” interview with Kaufman where he talks about experiments done during the Spanish flu epidemic. In the first one they took sputum, fluid from around the eyeballs, swab samples from noses of sick soldiers, introducing the infectious cocktail into the ears, nose, mouth of healthy subjects. None got sick.
    Second experiment: Same infected secretions, this time injecting them into healthy people. Again, none became ill.
    Third experiment – Reasoning that perhaps proximity to the sick person would cause contamination, a sick person sat close to a healthy subject and conversed for a length of time. If that wasn’t enough, the sick person then breathed out forcefully into the mouth of the healthy one as he/she inhaled. Once again, healthy persons didn’t become sick. There were a hundred subjects for each experiment. Three hundred varied exposures and none became ill.
    When asked what he thought was the real cause of the Spanish flu pandemic Kaufman mentions an upgrade in an electrical grid preceding the epidemic. This info evidently came from The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. However, I have tried to find the Spanish flu study Kaufman cites to no avail. If anyone knows the one he’s referring to I would be interested.
    Thanks again for the links, John.

    • Yeah, I bought Dawn and David’s book. I’m really interested in reading the lack thereof evidence for the germ theory. The germ theory never really made total sense to me but I chalked it up to me just lacking understanding. Now, I am trying to immerse myself into this specific subject matter and look into both sides.

    • A good book about this is called Virus Mania. I hope corbettreport interviews these authors. They said there were many causes for the Spanish flu such as vax they took back then, poisons in medicine, malnutrition, etc.
      They also dispelled everything we have been taught about viruses.

  7. I would assume this has already been looked at but I had some of these on my PC because I was having an argument with someone about death rates on a different matter

    Some of the PDF’s… they are very dense but do have general mortality at the very top 1st page

  8. Cancelling elective procedures may lower death rates…. I read a long while back that a Dr’s strike had that effect since elective patients dont generally die of their issue but MAY die from the opp or aftermath infections.
    Just going off memory so I may be way off

  9. ‘Liverpool care pathway’ in the UK’… if the Dr’s did not murder enough old people the hospitals did not get their NHS bonus…. NOT EVEN KIDDING.

    When it hit the news they promised not to murder people anymore….

  10. I’m with you 9tH.

    I have a science background and am also very open-minded.
    I am open to the terrain theory of infection, versus the germ theory.

    However I need good explanations for what you are asking about.

    It’s one thing to shoot down the germ theory, it’s quite another to come up with compelling explanations for the deaths of millions of people.

    Yes those deaths could very well be from multiple sources, but they must make sense, ie. be reasonable explanations and preferably with documentation.

    And as you say, good explanations for simple things like passing an illness to family members.
    And friends half way across the city coming down with the same symptoms/illness and passing it on to their family.

    Dawn, if you are reading this, can you perhaps give us these explanations? I want to become a convert, but if I am to go on a crusade with this ‘terrain theory’ I will need to be able to answer these questions that others will undoubtedly ask, in a CONVINCING manner.

    Right now, I’m nowhere close.

    • You only know about the Wuhan “epidemic” because they wanted you to know about it. If the test does not exist, how can anyone be determined “positive”?

      • You are completely and utterly confused.

        I’m talking about the TEST. The one into which you put a sample and then it either beeps or doesn’t beep.

        What do you know about the test? If the answer starts with “I believe” you can skip it as far as I’m concerned.

  11. “Back to the “Numbers”

    Wayne County Michigan is Reporting over 1500 COVID19 Deaths with a population of 1.75 million. This gives us a Death rate relative to the entire population (most of whom have not even been tested) of .0857% over about two months. (see link to confirm data)

    If you were to multiply deaths Reported over 2 Months by 6, you get a yearly Death Rate of .51% which begins to look significant.”

    As a “Math and Science” guy you should be a little more careful with your numbers. 🙂

    The number of Wayne County Covid-19 deaths as of today (Apr 27) are reported to be 672. (from the website).

    This would give a .0384% death rate per 1.75 million population.

    I would not even attempt to get a yearly death rate as there are just too many unknown variables at play.

    Your multiplying your original % (two months data) by 6 assumes that the Covid-19 death rate numbers will remain the same over the entire year.
    That is quite the assumption!

  12. Well James may not be a numbers guy by trade, but he sure has got a firm
    grasp of the key concepts and understands them exceptionally well!

    Yes it is the “all causes of deaths” numbers that we want.

    Let’s see if there is a huge spike going on with them now?
    Yes/No? One would think there would be given all the pandemic hype, right?

    Let me cover the numbers James was asking about first, and then I’ll add a few more comments.

    My source for the numbers is:
    CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. I don’t necessarily trust the numbers, but I like to use the most authoritative institution’s data whenever possible.

    James cautions that we should not cherry pick our data.
    I am always aware of this when I do my research.
    Of course we all have our biases, but if I come across data that does not fit with my expectations I will never ignore it!

    The initial numbers I will provide are the ‘All cause of death’ numbers for the U.S. for the following years: 2014-2019

    2014: 2,664,285
    2015: 2,693,027
    2016: 2,725,761
    2017: 2,804,306
    2018: 2,831,836
    2019: 2,841,905

    As one might expect, the numbers do not deviate much from one year to the next. They have increased steadily each year, but not by leaps and bounds.

    Now since we are in the April of the current year, it is probably best to compare numbers from the start of January until the present date (this captures the Covid-19 period). Fortunately I was able to pull up numbers as current as Apr 12, 2020.

    So let’s look at the time period from Jan 1 – Apr 12 for years: 2014-2020.

    2014: 790,409
    2015: 841,548
    2016: 825,308
    2017: 866,478
    2018: 892,029
    2019: 865,238
    2020: 848,042

    What we see here are numbers that remain in a fairly narrow range and that this year’s numbers do not spike as one might have expected, due to the viral pandemic.

    James hit the money on the head when he suggested we isolate the over 70 year-olds and take care of them for the rest of their lives, if need be, seeing as this is the group most susceptible to the virus.
    That would be orders of magnitude less than the devastation being created now with the economy worldwide.

    Did anybody else notice that Jason coughed during the broadcast?
    Perhaps coughs will be monitored by drones of the future and points will be deducted from your social credit score for that.
    Coughing could lead to a visit from the health department to your front door for special testing.

  13. Hi James,

    New York is also my city, so here are my 2 cents. Let’s assume for a minute that the daily statistics from the New York City Health Department are correct:

    As of April 28 there were 11,820 confirmed deaths from COVID-19. I am ignoring the so-called “probable” ones. Of those, 73.5% were 65 or older. I am in that age group and am taking all the recommended precautions , but I don’t expect 8,398,748 (population of NYC as of 2018) to be forced to take the same precautions. New Yorkers age 0 to 44 represent only 4.1% of deaths. People between the ages of 45 and 64 represent 22.4% and do have reason to be cautious—especially if they already have heart disease, diabetes, or other conditions that can make them vulnerable. Only five children have died so far. Why are the playgrounds closed? As you said, and I agree, and have said it myself, most of the people who need to be out there working and supporting their families are not at serious risk. Those who are, should be allowed to stay home and given all the support services they need. I started looking at the number of deaths back at the beginning of April when I became totally confused about what it meant to be “positive for COVID-19”. Dead was very self-explanatory, I thought. Now they are even fooling around with those numbers. I doubt very much that this lock down has saved lives. I don’t think it was even about saving lives at all.

  14. Yes, this is correct. Test manufacturers and CDC say the same thing, basically.

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