Results for "isis"

Weekend Open Thread

by James Corbett August 23, 2014 The media and the government are falling all over themselves to promote the latest ISIS (false flag) terror hype. First there was General Dempsey telling us that ISIS has an ‘End-Of-Days Strategic Vision’ and Hagel...

Episode 293 – The Ebola Effect

Episode 293 – The Ebola Effect

Are you worried about the ebola pandemic? Should you be? Is it hype? Real? A false flag? Bioterrorism? A Big Pharma scam? Join James today on The Corbett Report podcast as he peels back the layers of the ebola onion and exposes the pandemic endgame. For those with...

Ebola: Panic or Pandemic? – An open source investigation

by James Corbett August 6, 2014 This post is intended as a round-up of available information on the current Ebola outbreak from various sources around the web. Corbett Report members are encouraged to debate and discuss the situation in the commments...


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