Results for "isis"

Pretexts for War: How the public is deceived into fighting

by James Corbett March 11, 2014 When Secretary of State John Kerry made his now infamous statement about Russia's actions in Ukraine, the hypocrisy was immediately apparent to all but the most clueless of viewers. But perhaps Kerry wasn't so wrong...

The Enemy of My Enemy (Video)

WATCH THIS VIDEO ON ODYSEE / YOUTUBE We've seen the rollout of the MSM propaganda using over-the-top hyperbole and flat-out lies to try to demonize Russia in the lead up to the "new cold war." But is this just part of the dialectic, trying to get us to buy into one...

Episode 290 – The Enemy of My Enemy

Episode 290 – The Enemy of My Enemy

We've seen the rollout of the MSM propaganda using over-the-top hyperbole and flat-out lies to try to demonize Russia in the lead up to the "new cold war." But is this just part of the dialectic, trying to get us to buy into one side or the other in a rigged game?...


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