Results for "isis"

Meet the Corporatocracy (Video)

Are corporations using the mask of government to collectivize wealth, selectively regulate their competition and completely subvert government by and for the people? You bet they are, and we have a name for that. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore...

Meet the Corporatocracy (Video)

Are corporations using the mask of government to collectivize wealth, selectively regulate their competition and completely subvert government by and for the people? You bet they are, and we have a name for that. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore...

Episode 238 – Meet the Corporatocracy

Are corporations using the mask of government to collectivize wealth, selectively regulate their competition and completely subvert government by and for the people? You bet they are, and we have a name for that. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore...

Syrian Updates and Food World Order (Video)

Kofi Annan steps down as the UN’s Syria ‘Peace’ Envoy as more rebel atrocities come to light and details of Obama’s secret authorization of CIA support emerge. Join us tonight on the program as James breaks down all the latest on the Syrian crisis. In the second half...

Politics and Language with Andrew Gavin Marshall (Video)

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube (UPDATE JUNE 2019: As noted in Episode 357 - Language is a Weapon, this video is no longer available on YouTube. I have uploaded it to BitChute and DTube, and it is still available as always for direct download from my server.)...


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