How to Fake an Alien Invasion (Transcript)

by | Apr 1, 2015 | Articles | 63 comments

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JAMES CORBETT: Welcome back to The Corbett Report, ladies and gentlemen. I’m your host, James Corbett of, podcasting to you as always from the sunny climes of western Japan, here on this 5th day of February 2015.

Welcome to Episode 301 of The Corbett Report: How to Fake an Alien Invasion.

Now, you’d better be careful who’s watching over your shoulder today, because we are about to broach one of the most top-secret, ultra-classified pieces of information in the entire conspiracy pantheon. A subject so sensitive that its mere exposure threatens to topple the power pyramid itself and, as a result, is never talked about in the establishment mouthpiece media. I’m referring of course to the topic of . . . [whisper] aliens.

Just what was in the skies over Jerusalem, and why did it stop over one of the most treasured sites in Christianity?


SOURCE: Female Anchor Scared Of UFO Sighting Over Jerusalem’s Dome Of The Rock


We bring you this special radio television broadcast in order to give you the very latest information on an amazing phenomenon: the arrival of a spaceship in Washington. The army has taken every precaution to meet any emergency which may develop. Just a minute, ladies and gentlemen, I think something is happening . . .


SOURCE: Day the Earth Stood Still Trailer


What’s hovering over Salt Lake City? Is it a rocket? A blimp? A UFO?


SOURCE: A Giant UFO Over Salt Lake City


PRESENTER: Former government UFO expert is warning that Britain is wide open to alien visitors and that the consequences of not monitoring extraterrestrials could be huge. Nick Pope, who resigned from the Ministry of Defense UFO Project, says the department looking into UFOs has all but closed down and despite a higher number of credible sightings. Let’s speak to Nick Pope. He joins us in the studio. . . .


SOURCE: BBC Warns of Alien Invasion


PRESENTER: . . . you want to meet this guy. Joining us now are team leader James Fox, one of the nation’s top UFO experts, and Erin Ryder, who is in charge of tech and recon for this series. Good morning to both of you.




FEMALE REPORTER: This is a ufologist? Is that what the actual . . .?


JAMES FOX: So they say.


SOURCE: CBS: UFOs Mounting Preponderance of Evidence & Government Cover Up!


“AWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over.”


“Negative. We don’t want a report.”


“Aries 31, do you wish to report a UFO? Over.”


“Negative. We don’t want to report one of those, either.”


“Aries 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind? Over.”


“I wouldn’t know what kind of report to file.”


“Aries 31, me neither. I’ll try to track traffic at destination. Over.”


SOURCE: (Close Encounters) Indianapolis Air Traffic Control detects the UFOs


ADRIENNE MOORE: While the family knows their story sounds out of this world, they are convinced they witnessed a close encounter and will be keeping a watchful eye on the sky.


STACEY GIBSON: I think we’re definitely believers now.


SOURCE: UFO near San Diego — El Cajon, California — CBS News

Sorry, my mistake, my mistake. No, this is clearly a subject that is propounded time and again ad nauseam in the establishment mouthpiece media—that same media that we know is lying to us about most major world events, either through direct lying or lying by omission.

So, why are they not omitting this little idea from the cultural context? Why are they constantly returning to the idea of “alien presence,” “alien cover-up,” “alien invasion,” “alien threat”?

Why is this propounded so often, not just in the news media but also in those cultural entertainment productions that I hope we understand are, in the end, a product of the culture-creation industry that has been predictably programming us for decades—generations, perhaps—to accept various memes and ideas, including this idea of “alien invasion,” “alien threat” and the fallout and consequences thereof?

It is a theme that has been returned to time and time and time and time and time again for the better part of the century by this point. It’s almost as if the billionaire power players at the top of this pyramid are actually connected to an idea to implant this idea of alien invasion in the public consciousness for the purpose of manipulating public opinion. And that’s because . . . they are connected to such an agenda, demonstrably so.

RADIO NEWSCASTER (archival): Ladies and gentlemen, here is the latest bulletin from the Intercontinental Radio News, Toronto, Canada: Professor Morris of Macmillan University reports observing a total of three explosions on the planet Mars between the hours of 7:45 PM and 9:20 PM Eastern Standard Time. This confirms earlier reports received from American observatories. Now, nearer home, comes a special bulletin from Trenton, New Jersey. It is reported that at 8:50 PM a huge flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton. The flash in the sky was visible within a radius of several hundred miles, and the noise of the impact was heard as far north as Elizabeth.


SOURCE: “War of the Worlds” 1938 Radio Broadcast


NARRATOR: Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds. Never before had a radio broadcast provoked such outrage—or such chaos. Upwards of a million people convinced, if only briefly, that the United States was being laid waste by alien invaders, and a nation left to wonder how they possibly could’ve been so gullible.


By a quarter past eight Eastern time, telephones were ringing madly all across the country, as concerned Americans tried to determine the whereabouts of relatives, warn friends and acquaintances, and most of all, corroborate what they were hearing.


MAN ON THE PHONE (archival): City Desk. A what?? Wait a minute.


NARRATOR: For the next several hours, newspapers, radio stations and police precincts from coast to coast would be swamped with calls.


MAN ON THE PHONE (archival): Well, I can’t help that, ma’am, we just don’t know anything about it. Did I say something about a quiet Sunday evening?

SECOND MAN (archival): What’s going on, anyway?


NARRATOR: Soon, strange bulletins began coming in over the press service wires. In Bergenfield, New Jersey, just north of Grovers Mill, some twenty families turned up at a police station, with all of their household possessions piled into their cars. In Indianapolis, a woman rushed to the pulpit in a Methodist church, shouting that the end of the world had come. And in Washington state, a spectacularly ill-timed power failure plunged the small town of Concrete into darkness and sent terrified residents fleeing into the mountains.


RADIO NEWSCASTER (archival): The battle which took place tonight at Grover Mills has ended in one of the most startling defeats ever suffered by an army in modern times: 7,000 men armed with rifles and machine guns pitted against a single fighting machine of the invaders from Mars. One hundred and twenty known survivors . . .


SEYMOUR CHARLES HAYDEN (archival): Well, my wife, she came in, my wife did, just wringing her hands and wailing away, her eyeballs about to pop out onto her lap, going, “What is it? What is it? What could it be? Is it the Germans?” Well, she hadn’t heard the word “Martians,” but I had.


RADIO NEWSCASTER (archival): . . . There’s a brief statement informing us that the charred body of Carl Phillips has been identified in a Trenton hospital.


DAVID ROEPIK (archival): We think that we’re really smart, but if there’s a cue out there that could possibly be dangerous, we’re going to react to it protectively, autonomically, instinctively—fear first, and reason and fact second.


SOURCE: War of the Worlds: The Panic Broadcast | PBS America

Now, I’m sure that the majority of the listening and viewing audience will be familiar with the story of Orson Welles’ infamous 1938 radio dramatization of the famous H. G. Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds and the resulting hysteria and panic that ensued, driving people insane, believing there to be a real alien invasion taking place, and farmers running out into the fields shooting at grain silos and the like. That story is a fascinating one for a number of reasons—namely, because it is a confluence of different events in world history at that time that had a very interesting and profound effect on shaping an entire field of study.

This relates to the advent of mass communication technologies like the radio, which was still, to some extent, in its infancy as a broadcast medium at that time, capable of reaching across a nation as wide and diverse as America and reaching many millions of people at the same time and inducing this kind of mass panic and psychosis.

It is interesting to study in that regard. So, it is not surprising that it was immediately made the subject of such a study, funded by—who else? The Rockefellers. We can take more on this from a very, very important article that was published on back in 2012: Early ‘Psychological Warfare’ Research and the Rockefeller Foundation by Prof. James Tracy.

Reading from that article:

The “founding fathers” of mass communication research could not have established their field without Rockefeller largesse. Alongside World War One propagandist and University of Chicago political scientist Harold Lasswell, psychologist Hadley Cantril was a principal contributor to the knowledge and information that helped propel Rockefeller-controlled enterprises and American empire in the postwar era. Throughout this period Cantril provided the Rockefeller combine with important information and new techniques in public opinion measurement and management in Europe, Latin American, and the United States.


A roommate of Nelson Rockefeller’s at Dartmouth College in the late 1920s, Cantril took a doctorate in psychology at Harvard, coauthoring The Psychology of Radio with his doctoral mentor Gordon Allport in 1935. “Radio is an altogether novel medium of communication,” Cantril and Allport observed, “preeminent as a means of social control and epochal in its influence upon the mental horizons of men.”


The work garnered the attention of Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Division officer John Marshall, commissioned by the Foundation with convincing commercial broadcasters to include more educational programming into their advertiser-driven schedules. To this end Rockefeller was funding fellowships at the CBS and NBC broadcasting networks.


Aware of the Dartmouth connection, Marshall encouraged the enterprising Cantril to apply to the Foundation for support. Cantril’s request resulted in a $67,000 grant for a two-year charter of the “Princeton Radio Project” (PRP) at Princeton University. There Cantril proceeded to develop studies assessing radio’s effects on audiences. In 1938 Cantril also became a founding editor of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Public Opinion Quarterly, an organ closely associated with US government’s psychological warfare endeavors following World War Two.


When the Princeton venture commenced, another trained psychologist close to Rockefeller, CBS Director of Research Frank Stanton, was named PRP lead researcher but took a secondary role of Associate Director due to his position at his broadcast network. At this time Austrian émigré social scientist Paul Lazarsfeld was recruited to join Cantril. Thus Cantril, Stanton, and Lazarsfeld were closely affiliated and ideally positioned to embark on a major study involving public opinion and persuasion.


The opportunity for such an analysis presented itself when CBS broadcast Orson Welles’ rendering of H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds on October 30, 1938. Lazarsfeld saw the event as especially noteworthy and immediately asked Stanton for CBS funds to investigate reaction to what at the time was the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history. Over the next several months interviews with War of the Worlds listeners were collected, provided to Stanton at CBS, and subsequently analyzed in Cantril’s 1940 study, The Invasion From Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic.


SOURCE: Early ‘Psychological Warfare’ Research and the Rockefeller Foundation

A fascinating little tidbit from history, I trust that you’ll agree. And if you do, I hope you’ll go and follow the link in the show notes to that original article so you can continue reading about Hadley Cantril’s adventures providing studies and information about psychological persuasion to the Rockefeller Foundation and how that developed and contributed to world psychological warfare techniques for the US Army and things of that nature.

I think it is interesting to see this confluence of H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds becoming a radio dramatization, which incites this mass panic, the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history, which is then studied by the Princeton Radio Project backed up by the Rockefeller Foundation.

But you could argue that that’s a tangential connection or just a coincidental connection—that this doesn’t mean that the Rockefellers are interested in mass persuasion in terms of alien invasion per se, it’s just that that was the immediate proximate cause of this particular study.

So, you might fruitfully ask, “Are there any other connections between the Rockefellers and this idea of faking an alien invasion or an alien presence of some sort?” And the answer is: yes! Yes, there is such evidence . . .

RESEARCHER ANTONIO HUNEEUS: Mr. Rockefeller backed many UFO-related projects in the period between the late ’80s and 2000. But, for the purposes of this hearing, we will concentrate on his political initiatives in these areas.


Laurance Rockefeller’s first forays into ufology started sometime in the late ’80s through Dr. Cecil B. Scott Jones, a parapsychologist and former US Navy Commander who had worked as naval attaché́ in Asia and at the Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center. Between 1985 and 1991, Jones was Special Assistant to Sen. Claiborne Pell (1918–2009), the powerful Rhode Island Democrat Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1987–1994) who was deeply interested in parapsychology and who probably many of you met personally. Sen. Pell was also friends with Laurance Rockefeller, and both served on the board of the Human Potential Foundation, a small think tank launched in 1989 in Vienna, Virginia, by Jones to conduct “research into all conditions of humankind: physiological, psychological and spiritual.”


Many of the papers released by the White House OSTP [Office of Science and Technology Policy] come from Scott Jones, who knew Dr. John Gibbons, a physicist who worked for many years as Director of the Office of Technology Assessment for the US Congress and was appointed in 1993 by the Clinton administration to direct the OSTP.


What was the exact turning point of Laurance Rockefeller’s evolution from a general interest in consciousness studies into the specific area of UFOs and Extraterrestrial Intelligence is still unclear. But the end of the Cold War and the arrival in Washington of a younger generation represented by Bill and Hillary Clinton are key factors. He felt the time was ripe for a new and fresh approach into an area that had been previously dominated by a Cold War mentality.


Rockefeller recruited for these efforts a long-time associate, Henry L. Diamond, an environmental attorney from Washington, D.C., whose links to the family went all the way back to the 1960s, when he worked with Laurance in his conservation activities. Diamond also knew John Gibbons, and so he was the right person to make the first contact with the OSTP chief when he sent a Memorandum on March 29, 1993, requesting a meeting. I’m quoting now the first paragraph:


“Laurance S. Rockefeller, who is a leading US conservationist, businessman, and philanthropist, is anxious to have a brief meeting with Dr. Gibbons to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life. As one who has had a long-time interest in environmental and spiritual issues, Mr. Rockefeller, with other leading citizens, is planning to make an approach to President Clinton on this subject . . . .”


SOURCE: UFOs : Truth, Lies & The Coverup / Part 1


STEPHEN BASSETT: I invite all of the political media, all media in general but certainly the political media, to look at the Rockefeller Initiative. It is one of the stories in American history—it’s one of the great political stories, certainly in this or any other time. It is filled with amazing people who are still around and still very powerful.


At the time that Rockefeller approached, through his attorney, President Clinton, Clinton’s key adviser—or one of his very key advisors—was John Podesta. The Chief of Staff at the time was Leon Panetta. The wife of the President at the time was Hillary Clinton. A good friend of the family at the time, soon to be Clinton’s Secretary of Energy, was Bill Richardson. This Initiative went on for six years. The press completely ignored it, as if “What’s the news there? It’s just a billionaire Rockefeller trying to get the President to release all the files on these phenomena. Possibly put a letter into every newspaper in the country, and release . . . and basically end the Truth Embargo. There’s no news there.”


SOURCE: Citizens Hearing April 29th Steven Bassett Rockefeller Initiative and John Podesta or Annotated Proceedings of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure [PDF])


Now, for those of you not immersed in the topic of the Disclosure Movement, you may not be familiar with some of these names and faces. But some of the main ones to take note of are Dr. Stephen Bassett, who founded and ran something called the Paradigm Research Group at He defines himself as a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and the Extra-Terrestrial Phenomena Politicalist Action Committee, and executive producer of the X Conference: The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure and the Congressional Hearing Initiative, and Dr. Steven Greer, who runs something called the Disclosure Project. He describes himself as “The Father of the Disclosure Movement” and the person who presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May of 2001.

So, these are some of the biggest names if not the biggest names in this Disclosure Movement. And, well, they don’t really make a secret of the fact that the Rockefellers are . . . well, specifically Laurance Rockefeller was a big help in getting this movement launched back in the mid-1990s. We can document this. In order to do so, let’s turn to a very important website, which I will commend to your attention. I hope you guys out there have . . . well, I know some of you have already found it and have emailed me about it.

I have found it myself, and it seems that the author of this website and I are in accord on a number of our political views—especially the overall way in which the BRICS—China and Russia—and other aspects of the New World Order system are being used as the good cop in a good cop/bad cop system.

Also on this subject of the UFO Disclosure Movement, [there is] a very important article called “Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO disclosure movement?” at I will put the link in the show notes so you can go and follow it.

Reading from that article:

The Rockefeller role in getting the Disclosure ball rolling is something of an open secret among the Disclosure people (the Disclosuristas, as I call them). On Stephen Bassett’s own Research Group website, a specific Rockefeller effort referred to as the “Rockefeller Initiative” is openly touted. The same effort is also touted on Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project website as “Project Starlight” . . . .


“This letter from the Project Starlight Coalition was the result of the historic Asilomar, California, meeting that Dr. Greer organized and Laurance Rockefeller paid for in June 1995, just before Clinton’s meeting with Rockefeller in August 1995.”


Who is Laurance Rockefeller? Well, according to Laurance Rockefeller’s biography:


In 1937 he inherited his grandfather’s seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for 42 years, from its inception in 1940 to 1982. During this time, he also served as its president (1958 to 1968) and later its chairman (1968 to 1980) for 22 years, longer than any other leader in the Fund’s history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.


SOURCE: Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?


So, not only was Laurance deeply involved in the financial industry, but he was also among the founders of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Fund. These funds are notorious for advancing globalist aims under the pretense of ‘philanthropy.’ Laurance also served on the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project.” End quote.

Now, I’ll let you continue reading about that Special Studies Project and the interesting fact that even now, four decades after the publication of the final report, The Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports, certain sections of that report are still classified, which is interesting in and of itself. But there are also screenshots of some of the pages of this report shown here in this very important article talking about how they are steering America towards shaping a new world order and things that you would expect to find in a typical Rockefeller study.

I suppose the point here is to emphasize that Laurance Rockefeller is very much in the heart of the Rockefeller matrix, pushing this global government agenda, which David Rockefeller so gleefully admitted to in his memoirs, as I’m sure we all know—or we all should know by now.

And I would again suggest you go to see this original article, if for no other reason than to click on such things as The Rockefeller Initiative or the Disclosure Project’s own Project Starlight’s page, where you can browse through and see all of the main characters who are connected through this Initiative that ran from 1993 to 1996. They include, of course, President Clinton and Laurance Rockefeller, along with Hillary [Clinton] and Dr. John Gibbons and John Podesta and Vice President Al Gore and this cast of Congress critters and [other] very unsavoury characters—including Dr. Steven Greer, the aforementioned “Father of the Disclosure Movement.”

All of these letters are archived here online, so you can read through them all and the various correspondence between some of the players, including between Laurance Rockefeller and John Gibbons and between Laurance Rockefeller and the Clintons.

I mean, this is a pretty interesting and openly admitted non-secret—that the Disclosure Movement was really launched with the aid of Laurance Rockefeller and the Clinton administration. So, I think that should at least get our antennas up toward the possibility that this is going to be used towards the furtherance of some sort of staged or faked alien invasion.

Now, that sounds like an outlandish prospect to those poor souls coming in from mainstream media land who are just landing on this site randomly. I hope you will be able to at least appreciate that there might be a reason why the very rich and powerful and well-connected would be interested in doing something as ridiculous and outlandish— I agree with you there—as staging some sort of alien threat, alien presence—whatever it may be.

But there are reasons why this might be done, and these aren’t reasons we have to speculate on. We can find all of the usual suspects talking about these reasons in all of the usual places, with the big ones—global religion, global finance and global government—uniting the world around this perceived alien threat.

FATHER JOHN MORRIS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: What is exceptional is that the Vatican was taking very seriously what science might tell us about the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life forms. That’s what the conference was about. I can’t tell you that the Vatican found any alien life. I don’t think that’s what they were looking for, but they were taking very seriously the issue.


SOURCE: Alien Life: Vatican and NASA Now Talking


TRISHA THOMAS, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: We probably won’t be seeing aliens at Mass anytime soon, but the Vatican’s chief astronomer does say that there could exist other forms of life outside Earth, and he says if they do exist they are God’s creatures.


SOURCE: The Vatican’s Take on Aliens?


INTERVIEWER: So, how does this actually work? When Discovery [Channel] decided they were going to do a show on alien invasions, your phone rings because you’re sort of on the speed dial for theoretical physicists who can help them do the war game for how this might play out?


DR. MICHIO KAKU: Well, believe it or not, we physicists have actually studied the question of what happens if we do encounter a hostile advanced civilization in space, and Hollywood gets it all wrong. Hollywood assumes that the aliens are maybe a hundred years more advanced than us and that if only we had a secret weapon, we could defeat the aliens. Wrong. Either the aliens don’t bother with us because we’re simply too primitive or, if they do invade, it’ll be more like Bambi versus Godzilla.”


SOURCE: Dr. Michio Kaku: How to Survive an ALIEN INVASION


REPORTER: Now the United Nations is getting ready for contact with aliens from outer space. This is Mazlan Othman. She’s out of Malaysia. She will be planet Earth’s first interstellar diplomat.”


SOURCE: UN Appoints Ambassador for Aliens


MAZLAN OTHMAN: First, I have to categorically deny that I was appointed or will be appointed the ambassador for aliens, the ambassador for the United Nations for aliens. No, the committee is not discussing this very . . . this subject matter. But yes, I was in the UK to attend a meeting—which I can quote to you—called “Towards a Scientific and Societal Agenda on Extraterrestrial Life,” which is why this whole thing came about, because the British press caught hold of the fact that I was going to be at this meeting, and I was on a panel that was discussing . . . they call it the Great Panel Debate. I like that name. It says: “Extraterrestrial Life and Arising Political Issues for the UN Agenda.”


SOURCE: Dr. Mazlan Othman z ONZ na temat debaty w sprawie UFO (UN ET panel debate at UK) – napisy PL


PAUL KRUGMAN: It’s very hard to get inflation in a depressed economy, but if you had a program of government spending plus an expansionary policy by the Fed, you could get that. So, if you think about using all of these things together, you could accomplish a great deal. If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive build-up to counter this space alien threat, and inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump would be over in 18 months. And then, if we discovered, “Whoops, we’ve made a mistake. There actually aren’t any space aliens . . .”


PROFESSOR KENNETH ROGOF: We need Orson Welles, is what you’re saying . . .


PAUL KRUGMAN: No, there was a Twilight Zone episode like this in which scientists fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace. Well, this time . . . we need it in order to get some fiscal stimulus.”


SOURCE: Krugman calls for space aliens to fix US economy


RONALD REAGAN: Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.


SOURCE: Reagan’s ALIEN speech to UN


BILL PULLMAN (AS “PRESIDENT THOMAS J. WHITMORE”): And should we win, the day the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday but as the day when the world declared in one voice, “We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive. Today we celebrate our Independence Day.”


SOURCE: Independence Day


JIMMY KIMMEL: If you saw that there were aliens there, would you tell us?




KIMMEL: You would?


CLINTON: I would. I think, look, what do we know? We know now we live in an ever-expanding universe. We know that there are billions of stars and planets literally out there. And the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than twenty planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from their sun and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life. So, it makes it increasingly less likely we are alone.


KIMMEL: Oh, you’re trying to give me a hint that there are aliens.


CLINTON: No, I’m trying to tell you I don’t know, but if we were visited someday, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just hope that it’s not like Independence Day. That it, you know—a conflict. Maybe that’s the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours. If they’re out there, we’d better think of how all the differences among people on earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader. That’s the whole theory of Independence Day: everybody gets together and makes nice and you know . . .


KIMMEL: You and Bill O’Reilly would be hiding in a bunker together . . .


SOURCE: Bill Clinton Talks About The Coming FAKE Alien Invasion — April 1st 2014


What an interesting milieu of characters we have floating around there. We have the Vatican and the UN and Nobel Prize-winning economist/Keynesian wingnut Paul Krugman and multiple presidents of the United States—and all of these people talking about the same thing: “Wouldn’t it be great if we had this idea of an alien threat that would unite us all behind . . . fill in the blank . . . a world government or a world financial system or baptizing the aliens. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!”

And it’s interesting to look at this. I mean, I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I understand and can smell the public preparation for some sort of staged event when I see one, and, well, if it looks and smells and quacks like a false flag operation, it probably is one.

Being supported by some of the most prominent and powerful and well-connected political and financial elites, clearly there is something very, very stinky here. In order to really understand this stink . . . again, we know why this would potentially be a valuable thing for these “power elites” to consolidate their power in a world government or what have you.

But the question is: could they do it? If so, how could they do it? These are important questions that we need to address if we want to really approach the subject. And, I guess, if we’re going to address it, we have two different routes we can take. We can go down the unverifiable, unsourceable, unfalsifiable, undocumented route, or we can go down the sourced, verified, falsifiable documented route. Me being me, I’m going to go down the sourced, falsifiable, documented route. But if you want to go down that unsourced, unknowable, unverifiable route, you can go, for example, with something called Project Blue Beam.

Now, Project Blue Beam is something I’m sure most of the listeners out there have heard of at some point—at least in a vague sense—as some sort of plan that was uncovered. There must be documents backing this up—talking about staging an alien invasion with holograms in order to create a world government. Something along those lines.

Well, if you really want to open the Pandora’s Box of Project Blue Beam, it’s much more specific than that and, well, somewhat more outlandish and much less documented than you might expect.

This really all dates back and sources back to one particular French Canadian journalist, Serge Monast, who was talking in the mid-1990s about this Project Blue Beam—this NASA project that he had uncovered and was unveiling to the public. It had a multiple stage process for creating a world religion, world government—world tyranny. This involved the induction of earthquakes in order to expose archaeological finds—manipulated, planted archaeological finds—that would change our view of human history and a staged extraterrestrial invasion and the appearance of a new Messiah to be the head of this world religion and the imposition of UN World Government, etcetera. This is a detailed plan that was talked about, but there is literally no document behind this. There is no NASA secret paper that was ever exposed about this. It really all sources back to this Serge Monast and a couple of interviews that are available online.

There’s a transcript of a speech. There’s a translation of what I guess is some sort of summary of a book he apparently wrote on this subject. He did write a book, apparently in French, on this subject, but it’s never been reprinted, and it’s basically unobtainable. There are a couple of different translations of something that may have sourced from this book, more or less, but that’s basically it. I mean, there are just a few scraps. And from those scraps there’s been a lot of talk, and a lot of people have run with this idea. But I think not a lot of people know where it actually sources from.

I will put some links in the show notes, so you can actually follow them and read about them and come to your own conclusion: “Is this worth following?” and “Why should we believe this particular piece of information?” Call me a doubting Thomas. I’ll believe it when I see something, anything documentable, verifiable in terms of this plan.

If we want to go down the other route and look at actual verifiable, sourced and knowable technologies that we know exist, let alone those technologies that we don’t know exist that are being worked on in the skunkworks of DARPA, down in the bowels of the Pentagon—and for more on DARPA I’ll direct you to a previous Corbett Report radio episode, where we talked about DARPA and its various projects—we can source that in a number of different ways, from a number of different, seemingly disparate threads, but definitely technologies that we now know exist.

One place to start: we can get the clue from the book by previous Corbett Report guest James Perloff, Truth Is A Lonely Warrior, where he talks about an Air Force military publication that was available on the Air Force website. You can still access it on the Wayback Machine. The link will be in the show notes. This is about an airborne holographic projector which, this AF.MIL website notes, is:

” . . . a three-dimensional visual image in the desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.”


SOURCE: Airborne Holographic Projector

You can see the unsophisticated visualization that is accompanying this on the website itself. But, yes, very crudely, it’s a plane projecting an image of another plane elsewhere in the sky. Now that is a very crude implementation of this type of holographic technology that, at the very least, would be required for making the world believe we were under some sort of alien invasion threat or what-have-you, but that is twenty years old now and sources from an Air Force military website.

I’m thinking that the actual technology would be somewhat more advanced. But we don’t have to speculate about that. We can take a look at the very real developments in technology, including such incredible things as beaming sound directly into people’s ears, touchable holograms, and being able to manipulate people’s perceptions and incite fear and panic through brain wave technology.


PRESENTER: “The ultimate weapon in the infowar would be so secret, so invisible, so undetectable, you would never know your mind was under attack. At Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada, a young student is about to undergo one of the strangest experiences of her life. They’re hooking Denise’s brain up to an electroencephalograph, or EEG machine. For thirty to forty minutes, this will monitor her brain waves while these electric coils attached on either side of her head will immerse her brain in an electromagnetic field. Her brain actually completes the circuit between the two coils. The field pulsing through her brain is less powerful than one given off by a digital clock radio. But, acutely controlled and focused on specific parts of the brain, it will open Denise’s mind to outside suggestion by this man. Dr. Michael Persinger is a professor of psychology and neuroscience. He is designing ways to put the power of mind control to good use. Dr. Persinger’s research focuses on brain trauma, and he uses carefully controlled doses of electromagnetic radiation to induce relaxation and alleviate pain.


DR. PERSINGER: So what Sandra did was to initiate an opiate-releasing pattern. That’s a burst-firing field that is stimulated once every four seconds and that produces relaxation and a very pleasant sensation. Similarly, using the appropriate field we can induce fear and apprehension, but clearly that would be unethical in that setting.


PRESENTER: Dr. Persinger’s tests suggest that carefully programmed electromagnetic frequencies can tap into individual brains and influence people’s emotions.


DR. PERSINGER: The cognitive processes of the human brain are really quite simple. And, if you understand how they work, you can make entire populations think and decide in the manner which you wish.


PRESENTER: Many experts are skeptical of such an Orwellian scenario, but Persinger thinks the implications are chillingly real.


DR. PERSINGER: Suppose you generate a field that produces fear—fundamental fear—in large numbers of people, and then over the television or in traditional ways you say, “The reason we’re having this fear is because of this particular group.” Now you start to move the population, believing in a direction that you wish.


PRESENTER: To influence 250 million people, the equivalent of the entire population of the United States, may not be difficult. According to Dr. Persinger, we already have the technology—satellites and television and radio transmitters. Mind control may already be happening. We know the mysterious psyops plane can beam persuasive sounds and pictures into people’s television sets. Will it someday beam disturbing frequencies directly into the mind?”


SOURCE: UltraScience ’97 Electronic Mind Control


PRESENTER: First, your voice is transformed into high-frequency ultrasound—a sound so high no one can hear it. Ultrasound is highly directional, so, like a torch, it can be pointed at someone standing a long way away. Although they cannot hear the ultrasound, it causes secondary vibrations in the air around them, and it’s that sound the person hears.


DR. JOSEPH POMPEI: So, if you imagine you’re in a room and I shine a flashlight at you, it’s very bright for you but it’s very dark for everybody else. Much the same way, the audio spotlight creates a very narrow beam of sound that can shine at a listener. They hear it very clearly, and it doesn’t create noise that might bother other people in the same space.


SOURCE: Voice to Skull Time


PRESENTER: Researchers at Tokyo University have come up with the technology that is a first and significant step away from the mouse and keyboard: touchable holograms.


HIROYUKI SHINODA (translated): Up until now, holography has been for the eyes only. If you tried to touch it, your hand would go right through. But now we have the technology that also adds the sensation of touch to holograms.”


SOURCE: Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms


Now, look, I’m not necessarily saying that there’s going to be a staged alien invasion tomorrow and that we should all be concentrating on this, nor am I saying that there is no such thing as alien life in the universe. I would be shocked, flabbergasted, if there was not. Whether or not it’s visiting Earth well, what do I know? How do I know? I mean, I haven’t seen it myself, but does that mean it doesn’t exist? Well, of course not.

I’ll let you guys . . . you’re grown-up boys and girls out there. I’m sure you can decide for yourself on things like that. But we should know that there is a coordinated plan, or an agenda in place, to capitalize on such things as fake alien invasions that is being funded and promoted by the financial power elite at the top of the pyramid and is being promoted and pushed out into the cultural sphere by the politicians and economists and the Vatican and the UN, and then, underneath them, the culture-creators in the entertainment industry, to prepare the public for such a possibility. And we should be on guard against such manipulations.

These technologies that are now coming together . . . the ones that we know about, let alone the ones that are secretly in development that we don’t have access to . . . are clearly along the path towards making such an event possible.

You can look at something like the Norway spiral and believe the official response—that this was a Russian ICBM test that went awry. If you believe that, I have a bridge on the moon to sell you.

But all of these are just different pieces of the puzzle. I think they add up to something very interesting and something that is potentially coming sometime in the future.

Even if this particular instantiation—this fake alien invasion or what have you—doesn’t come together, still, the concept of psychological manipulation through manipulated events in manipulated reality is an important one—obviously one that we have to continue to keep in mind. Now that the technology for making these events possible is more and more a documentable reality, I think we should have our mental guards up for such eventualities.

So, that’s, I think, where we’re going to leave things today.

This is an open-source investigation. I invite and encourage and applaud the input of all of you out there. So, if you are a Corbett Report member, please do leave your comments on the website with any relevant links or information. Any comments, questions, complaints, criticisms, concerns or otherwise—all invited at

Once again, I’m your host James Corbett of thanking you for joining me for this edition of The Corbett Report podcast and inviting you to join me again next week.


  1. James, I’ve been listening to your intelligent and earnest reports for only a short time, I have appreciated them. And this one has led me to comment on it, and please refer this also to Mr. Lionel. Maybe I’ll sound like a “nutter”, as one of your commenters called Christians (and I partly can’t blame the commenter), but please bear with me for a second.

    This has to do with the UFO interest.

    The Bible is little understood correctly nowadays, and especially its prophecy of Christ’s second coming. The Bible is under attack as much as truth is from every other source. Particularly, the scenario of the return of Christ. This ties into the genre of UFO invasion, extra-terrestrials, etc. In the biblical return of Christ, the world is demolished (2Pet. 3:11). But, over the last 40 years a new version of this event promises Earth a visiter from space who will not destroy civilization and its infrastructure. He will call himself Christ (his brilliant arrival probably won’t need such a self-proclamation) and he will purport to set up a millennium of peace.

    This new version is called the Secret Rapture (theory). In this scenario, Christ comes invisibly and takes millions of Christians to heaven. Then follows 7 years of unbridled tribulation by the “Antichrist”–trouble like you have been portending in your reports. But, the Bible never speaks of two second comings of Jesus, the first “return” having been invisible, hence “secret”. This invisible rapture doctrine is an obvious setup for deception, and it has swept up all of the denominations and carried them away in it. The Secret Rapture scenario includes airliners falling out of the sky, with many dying passengers because the pilots were Christians, who suddenly vanished, raptured away in the blink of an eye. At least since the ‘70s, we’ve had airliner drone technology, with multiple landings and take-offs practiced by remote control. That’s about the time that the wildly read book came out, The Late Great Planet Earth, which so widely proliferated the Secret Rapture scenario. Especially since 911, it shouldn’t be hard at all to realize that even from an Evangelical direction, a personage from space is expected to appear (with a deluge of other unidentified flying personages). This Secret Rapture/futurist interpretation of prophecy has been in development for a long time, since the Counter-Reformation days. See the history of it at

    I’ve often thought, Why couldn’t this potential hoax be tied in with all the hype about UFO’s? The Secret Rapture formula has the unbiblical two returns of Christ that bound a 7 year tribulation, and millions (billions?) of Christians around the world believe it, even if some are closet believers. And consider this possibility: What will the day be like when the NWO operators cause drone airliners to fall out of the sky and their media broadcasts the false reports that millions of unnamed people suddenly disappeared?

    Won’t so many millions (billions?) of Evangelicals “left behind” believe that they missed the rapture because they weren’t good enough. And, added to that major rejection, they must now endure 7 dreaded years of spiritual darkness and an inconceivable earthly purgatory from a satanic Antichrist? Imagine the wild-eyed delusion and chaos that will result from such a mass-controlling deception.

    Millions (billions?) will be ready to obey everything the one-world religious ruling powers tell them to do, even chasing down and killing every protesting heretic and dissenter (John 16:2). It will be a crusade on an order never before seen throughout history. And the impersonating “Jesus” will be the one to decree the exterminations, which will be required in order for the purported millennium of peace to begin (a holocaust which is also part of the Secret Rapture scenario). Where will the atheistic, freedom-from-religion X-geners hide from the fanatical man-hunt during that 7 year period, when the religionist-owned military have control of all the technology to round up the unwilling “prodigals”? There will be a world-wide religious war between the religionists and the anti-religionists, on a par never before known. And the powers that be will stand back and watch all their dupes on both sides of the religion issue fight each other. It will truly be subjugation and terrorism on a massive scale.

  2. Thanks Pablo!
    My review…

    A Truth Humor Award goes to TruthStreamMedia
    T-Files: The Last Card

    The great content of the video covers the Rockefellers, UFOs, X-Files, Greer, the Clintons, Podesta, etc.
    The humor, wit and clever script are superb.
    Hit some spots in the video such as 2:59 or 8:13 or 25:18 or 27:57.

  3. At the end of your video you talk about Dr Michael Persingler’s research. Time Reference: 36:54
    I found the 1997 entire documentary where it’s about psy-op and Electronic Mind Control.

    Weird part, 13 years ago, they emphasize SPECIFICALLY on the 2020 mind control WAR and how much a threat it could be in the wrong hands?!?!

    He’s known around the world for one of his research projects called “The God Helmet,” in which a person’s temporal lobes were stimulated to replicate the FEELING OF HAVING ANOTHER PRESENCE IN THE ROOM.

    If you see his association and that it’s called « SHIVA » Galactic RELIGION you understand where I’m going with this…

    5G radiation is a enormous power in mind control frequency in believing UFO, messiah…

  4. Warm Greetings from Canada James.

    Thank you for putting this together as I feel increasing awareness of this potential hypothetical is of paramount importance at this time.

    I would be grateful if you would do another segment with an update on current intel pertaining to efforts that are being made to fake an attack of interstellar origin.

    Along with the prolific psychological warfare material being pushed by hollywood on this topic, I have seen several government related indications in the past few years that the people above the puppets in the governments of nation-states (Vanguard, Blackrock and WEF) are positioning themselves (and their puppets) to initiate a false flag op in which their new ‘bad guy’ will be extraterrestrial in origin.

    I am sure you are aware of most (if not all) of this material, but just in case you are not familiar with any of this (and for ease of access) here are a few links to pertinent developments in this area:

    1. They are setting the stage to idolize people fighting ‘bad guys’ in space and mobilizing physical military personnel and assets to be prepared for conflict in space-based warfare:


    2. NATO military facility created for the purpose of doing reconnaissance to identify extraterrestrial “threats”:

    3. Pentagon Admits Testing Wreckage From UFOs:

    4. CIA trickle releases “UFO” (aka “UAP”) files in an attempt to set up the pretense of a possible “ET threat”. This is a continuation of the slow but steady narrative that UFOs and ETI are real but that they are a threat:

    5. US military UFO report ‘does not confirm or rule out alien activity’:

    6. Retired Navy Chief: Have Seen UFOs with Technology 100 to 1,000 Years Into the Future (the “distorted fear based et disclosure” moves forward full speed ahead:

    7. In his book, “Forbidden Science 4,” Dr. Jacques Valle explains how he came in possession documents showing that forced “UFO abductions” were conducted by the CIA as psychological warfare experiments:

    (continued in another comment)

    • 8. US Military brags about tech is has capable of fighting in a futuristic war:

      9. The DNI Report on “UAPs”:

      The DNI report on so-called UAPs (another made-up psyops term created to obfuscate the truth) is, as predicted ,the usual US government cover-up, but with a twist:

      Since the mid-1940s, the US government (and others) have simply denied the significance of the subject. As you outlined above, this involved project Blue Book, the Condon report and other operations staged to give the appearance of a real investigation. The government has simply denied the matter is “real” or of significance.

      This time, in ‘UFO’ Cover-up 2.0, the DNI report calls for further “study” . Doubtlessly, this will be staged and a dog and pony show like the 1960s Condon “Report”.

      But this time, the so-called further investigations are beginning with one true premise and three huge lies:

      The true premise is that the “UFOs” are real, and not simply misperceptions of other known craft or phenomenon.

      And the 3 Big Lies:

      First: that we do not know what the UFOs are. But we do. A cursory investigation of existing evidence, testimony and so forth proves what Lockheed Skunkworks director Ben Rich concluded in 1986: That there are 2 types of UFOs “ours” , or manmade antigravity propulsion vehicles , and Extraterrestrial. Case closed.

      Second: That the US does not have any aircraft or technologies that can perform in the manner the UAPs do. This is simply a cover-up of the fact that since the mid-1950s Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) have had exactly such operational classified craft. These craft have been used in clandestine operations for 60 years, including the criminal staging of “alien” kidnappings and torture, also known as “alien abductions”. Such false flag operations have been confirmed by intelligence officials and by a 1980s CIA document (see The Cosmic Hoax, to be released soon). Additionally, the energy and propulsion technologies behind such man made UFOs, once disclosed, would lead to the end of oil , gas, coal, nuclear power and other current energy systems and begin a New Energy economy. While this would be the salvation of the earth and perhaps the long term prospects of humanity, this would spell the end of the corrupt global elites and oligarchs who currently run the planet.

      Finally, such a truthful disclosure would also expose the means whereby these same USAP-connected oligarchs could continue to hoax, and eventually convince the vulnerable general public of “an Alien Threat”. This hoax, which began in the 1950s, has been part of a long-term covert military strategy to unite the world, not in peace, but around a militaristic response to this hoaxed alien threat.

      Which leads us to the third Big Lie: That the UAPs are a threat to “national security” . What nonsense! If the ET threat was real, we would have known about it the day the first atomic bomb was detonated. As first CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter stated in a letter, the SECRECY surrounding UFOs is a threat to national security – NOT the UFOs- except for the man made ones that are being used in false flag operations, deceiving even our top military officials.

      [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

      • Finally, such a truthful disclosure would also expose the means whereby these same USAP-connected oligarchs could continue to hoax, and eventually convince the vulnerable general public of “an Alien Threat”. This hoax, which began in the 1950s, has been part of a long-term covert military strategy to unite the world, not in peace, but around a militaristic response to this hoaxed alien threat.

        Which leads us to the third Big Lie: That the UAPs are a threat to “national security”. This is illogical, if the ET threat was real, we would have known about it by now. As first CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter stated in a letter, the SECRECY surrounding UFOs is a threat to national security – NOT the UFOs- except for the man made ones that are being used in false flag operations, deceiving even our top military officials. This Big Lie is central to the long term military strategy : Convince the world that we must be united , again not in peace and real unity, but against an external threat. The result: a global totalitarian super-state that unites the world against the “alien threat”, just as Werner Von Braun warned.

        It must be remembered that those who authored the DNI report may be completely unaware of any of this. How? The nature of USAPs is that only those read into the project know of its very existence. The extreme secrecy and runaway nature of USAPs, which President Eisenhower warned us about, is the actual threat to national security and to world peace.

        Below I will provide one example of the psyops material they are pushing in movies, tv shows, video games and other forms of “entertainment” on this topic.

        Exhibit A: The ?????? ?????? psyop film: “??? ???????? ???” (???????? ????????, ???? ?? ???, ????????? ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ????? ???????????? ?????????? ??? ? ?????????? ????????????? ???????? ?????)

        trailer for the film:

        The script appears to have been created with several purposes:

        1. Convince the world that we must be united (but not in peace and real unity, but against an external threat). The intended result: a global totalitarian super-state that unites the world against the “alien threat”, just as Werner Von Braun warned.

        2. This psyop film goes a step further than the usual nonsensical “Alien Invasion” drivel and portrays a cute little girl named “Muri” as a main character that loves vaccines and mentions them several times throughout the movie (despite the fact this has nothing to do with the main story).

        3. Aside from propagating unwarranted generalized fear towards any and all extraterrestrial beings, this movie also champions genetic modification as humanity’s saving grace as the film portrays our last hope as a genetically modified toxin (made using something that seemed like rDNA gene splicing tech).

  5. I was seed saving the other night and overheard a line in a tv show my wife likes to watch (NCIS) that caught my attention. So went into the other room and asked if she could rewind it and she played it again. In this episode of NCIS (a copy type show with fictional ‘navy special forces investigator people’ doing cop jobs, where they love to push woke propaganda, and one of the main actors (James Todd Smith aka “LL Cool J”) makes comments about “those stupid conspiracy theorists that don’t trust our government” there is this other character that appears to be Muslim. I don’t watch the show so I don’t know the character’s story but she is one of these US navy copy type people in the show and wears what appears to be a hijab. So in this episode in question she is talking about how her and her African American colleague on the team have to deal with so much racism, discrimination and bigotry in their day to day life in the states, and then she out of the blue says “maybe we will all realize we are one big family when the aliens come down and attack” (and her friend agrees).

    Here is the clip:

    Could this be part of some kind of ‘passing of the terrorist boogie man baton’ psyop (where they show this fully indoctrinated, ‘democratized’, and assimilated Muslim character working as an operative for the very government that pillaged the people of her homeland and then she hints at who the next big bad boogie man is going to be that we should all be afraid of?).

    I see little lines like this snuck into movies, tv shows and even news casting scripts from time to time, and it makes me wonder if they are laying the psychological ground work for their next falst flag op.

  6. I discuss what was talked about with regards to extraterrestrial savior figures (and/or “galactic federation” etc) and hopium (in Interview 1782 – James Corbett on The Missing Link) in this article:

    Here is an excerpt from the article pertaining to that subject matter:

    The prominent group that seems to represent a consensus of the majority of advanced interstellar civilizations from our galaxy (and perhaps beyond) that engage the Earth seems to be in essence choosing to connect/communicate with to those humans who wish to help in laying the foundation for a more peaceful, regenerative, compassionate, honorable and responsible civilization on earth (and beyond). This, however, does not appear to be any kind of indication that they will fix everything and clean up our mess for us.

    There also appear to be others (interstellar visitors) here for passive observation and study (“anthropologists”, “geneticists” “botanists” etc).

    Perhaps other advanced civilizations come here to show their young “anthropologists” a ‘worst case scenario’ as a cautionary tale?

    Well, regardless of their motivation for being here, as stated (and documented in witness testimony) above, sadly, our military assets on Earth have been attempting to shoot at off world visitor’s craft for many decades now. The fact the interstellar visitors have not defended themselves (considering their immense technological superiority) says a lot about the kind of beings we are dealing with.

    That being said, I feel like much of humanity has an unhealthy proclivity to look for “savior” figures that they hope will swoop in and save the day and do the hard work for them cleaning up the mess they made, thus I do not think hoping for our cosmic neighbors to deal with the mess we have allowed to fester to the point it is at now is an advisable path if we want to break the cycles of the past and chart a new course as a civilization. So many today, whether in a religious sense or a political sense, codependently seek out someone or something to “fix everything” for them.

    It is my hope that we (as a human family) do not perpetuate this mentality of looking for savior figures by putting our cosmic neighbors on that same pedestal. So, while I do genuinely believe we have much to learn from our cosmic neighbors and the study of the universe around us, I also believe that the best course of action for ensuring the social and spiritual development of our species is to refrain from putting our energy into hoping some external force will help us but rather take active steps to deal with this mess to the best of our ability on our own, allowing our heart to guide us and moving forward lovingly, honestly and courageously.

    • Hi Gavin, I was reminded this morning of the SETI project and I wanted to get your thoughts about why you think the theoretical extra terrestrial entities did not choose to communicate with mankind via that route.
      It seems like sending a message through radio signals would certainly not pose a physical risk of any sort to them. And surely any language barriers would be insignificant to at least some of the numerous races of beings that are speculated to be out there.

      I’m only asking because I’m sure that you have given this much more thought than I have and are likely to have some interesting ideas about it.
      Thanks in advance.

      • Hey Steve,

        I think it is likely that they have, many military, corporate and citizen scientist testimonies have indicated that a wide range of overt communications were initiated by various interstellar cultures over the decades (centuries and perhaps millennia).

        I think a more important question we need to ask is can people like Seth Shostak (and those like him) be trusted? When I listen to that guy talk in interviews, he just exudes duplicitousness and corruption, I wouldn’t trust people like him as far as I can throw them.

        I have no doubt some of the scientists working in programs like that are genuine in their stated intent for becoming part of an initiative like that, but the same could be said for young and aspiring journalists that go to work in the dinosaur media industry. They would quickly discover that if they want to keep getting paid, they are expected to play ball and cooperate with the mockingbird operatives, or they risk being cast onto the streets and their reputation in the profession destroyed. I suspect there are equivalent dynamics in projects like SETI.

        Some have claimed that various interstellar representatives have communicated to humans through not only radio, but through so called “crop circles” (encoded with direct responses to messages humans sent out to ETs such as the “The Golden Record” message that was alledgedly sent out with the Voyager 1 probe) and even in some cases, via landing on the ground in some incidents with physical beings exiting the craft and making their intent clear to communicate amicably with the people of Earth.

        Astronaut Gordon Cooper (who we are told was one of the seven original astronauts of ‘Project Mercury’, the first manned space program of the United States) gave testimony about one incident where a disc shaped craft landed near Edwards Air Force Base when he was working as a test pilot there.

        Others have described more events that involved two way communication between humans and ET beings that exited craft in which military brass and/or the oligarchs that manage their projects basically told the ETs that we wanted nothing to do with them basically telling them to ‘get off our front lawn’ if you will.

        I sense that at one time more open communication was attempted but after being shot at by trigger happy and/or greed/fear driven humans in compartmented military black ops and corporate defense contractors looking to steal tech from the visitors that type of communication became less and less common.

        • Thanks Gavin. But that leads me to a second question. Why wouldn’t the entities just bypass the compromised and self serving humans by hijacking terrestrial radio and television signals. Thereby transmitting their peaceful intentions directly into the ears and eyes of almost all the every day people around the world?
          Surely they would have the technology and the technical skills to do that.

          With such a tactic wouldn’t you imagine that the citizens would be able to override their militaristic overlords and welcome the visitors?

          I’m picturing a message broadcast continually all over the globe for weeks or months announcing a time and location(s) where the ships would arrive allowing huge groups of ordinary people to amass in overwhelming numbers which would naturally thwart the government(s) nefarious intentions.
          If the government(s) attempted to prevent the people from attending the arrivals by force, that would plainly illustrate their duplicity and evil intentions and likely provoke rebellion.

          What do you think?

          • @Steve

            From what I have gathered there is a large conglomeration of these advanced civilizations that work in connection with one another towards similar ends and guided by an agreed upon set of principals and guidelines. One of their guiding principals for engaging with relatively primitive civilizations (such as the humans of Earth) seems to be reminiscent of the concept which was depicted as a rule that “The United Federation of Planets” adhered to in Gene Roddenberry’s Startrek which was called “The Prime Directive”.

            Perhaps their “prime directive” is more nuanced than Gene Roddenberry’s and they can engage in some formats of communication/engagement but not others, or perhaps some of the civilizations that are not part of the real life ‘federation’ organization which are visiting the Earth are the ones who have attempted communication in the past, but it seems to me that either way the larger group knows how detrimental it would be for them to impose an awareness and acknowledgement of the thriving interstellar community that is all around us onto the population of the Earth.

            I mean imagine if they did the process you outlined, there would be people deifying them, building alters and making weird ET worshipping religions/cults, there would be others demonizing the visitors and seeking to lash out and there would be yet others seeking to use their time tested psychological warfare tools to capitalize on the situation to further entrench their material influence and consolidation of power on Earth. I personally, would love to see a day like you describe come to fruition some day, but I do not think humanity (in aggregate) is ready yet (and I think our cosmic neighbors know that to be true in more ways than I can understand).

            Perhaps a time will come when they do not have a choice in the matter and will be compelled by some covenant or rule to intervene in human affairs overtly or perhaps humans will consciously choose to reach a critical mass of consciousness where we become ready to consciously invite them to engage with us in the open as a people, only time will tell…

            • Well thanks for that Gavin. I truly wasn’t trying to put you on the spot.
              I guess that I just don’t understand why some of them are supposedly making contact with certain individuals in unusual and mysterious ways, such as you’ve described, but aren’t willing to make contact with everyone openly.
              I guess that I’ll just have to live with that unsolved mystery.

              • Your welcome, and no worries, asking questions is valuable for both you and me.

                I do not have all the answers and many aspects of the reality of our cosmic neighbors remain mysterious to me as well. Doing my best to answer your questions provides me a metaphorical mirror, offering me the opportunity to perceive potential blind spots and/or seeing how my ways of perceiving this aspect of our universe that may need improvement/adjustment.

                The one thing that appears to be represented in the testimony of a wide range of contactees throughout the world (and throughout history) is that the larger, more peaceful and more advanced group of civilizations have made it clear they are beings that acknowledge the existence of God and acknowledge that all life is sacred as it is imbued with the conscious spark from the Creator. The fact that these beings from elsewhere in the universe also recognize the divine Creator and apparently seek to be of service to that same being (that goes by many names on the Earth) gives me comfort and makes me feel hope for the future in our interactions with these beings.

                One time when I was camping in a canyon in BC (the same one I described in my substack article) I was with a different friend from Japan. As we lay at the campsite we had built (we had made a ‘living mattress’ out of transplanted moss) looking up at the strip of vibrant stars outlined by the canyon walls, star gazing and listening to the flowing water, 3 luminous craft flew over the canyon slowly. The feeling I got when I opened my self up and sensed the occupants observing us was very distinctly grounded in love, reverence and a deep spiritual peace that very few humans embody. We were sober and though the craft were further up in the sky than the other time (where that one flew really close to us) they were clearly visible and moving in formation. Perhaps I was just imagining what I thought I sensed from the occupants, but my friend said he felt it too, and what I felt was the conscious spirit of intelligent beings that have seen far more than humans can comprehend and have cultivated a degree of compassion and intuition that surpasses any I have sensed in the humans which are currently alive that I have engaged with in this life.

                This did not make me feel compelled to idolize or deify the beings (or others like them and/or those that may surpass them) but rather it offered me the humbling realization that humanity has only begun it’s path to evolve and unfold. It allowed me to feel, in a tangible way, that our human family has immense potential, and if we look within and move forward with God’s guidance, we are (as a species) capable of transcending all perceived limitations of the past and co-creating wonderous things.

              • I do not know why some of the visitors appear to be quite selective and reserved in who they contact (and/or make themselves visible to). Not sure if it has something to so with the “prime directive” type rules they may pledge to adhere to or something more related to the human individuals, or a combination of both.

                In any case, while I do see humanity’s future as being interwoven with our cosmic neighbors I do not know when those threads will begin to connect. It could be years, could be decades, or perhaps generations.

                In the mean time, to those that would want to hasten the fruition of an open contact situation with our elder cosmic neighbors, I feel the best way we can take steps to be ready for that step in our unfolding as a species is to be of service to God and to Mother Earth in our day to day lives, with humility, with love, with courage and with purpose. If enough of us can do that and cultivate that which we wish to see in the world around us, within us, we can begin to chart a course to a time when our human family will be ready to ‘take our seat at the adults table’ in the broader community all around us. The important work we have before us now is learning to clean up our own mess, learning to stand on our own two feet and leaving this Earth a little bit more beautiful than it was when we got here for those that will call this place home after we are gone.

              • lisab:

                I believe that the likelihood of life on other planets in the universe is much more likely than the alternative, that we are alone in the entire universe.

                I don’t think we are alone and I suspect that earth was visited a long time ago, which is why some ancient artifact seem to depict beings coming down from the sky.

                But these are my opinions and interpretations and I recognize that there are people who hold different views and also that it is extremely unlikely for every human being to hold the same views as I do.

                Essentially, there are people who would never be ready to accept the existence of alien life. So collective human beliefs and acceptance are likely impossible IMO.

                I have never seen a UFO or an alien but I’d certainly welcome a genuine experience. I’d have a lot of questions about where they come from and how life on their planet was.

                From what I understand from a pragmatic position and from my 40+ years on our own planet is that “collective humanity” is a nebulous idea and perhaps impossible. Though there are generalities about human beings, certain capacities in most people, there will never be every one who shares them. For example, not everyone is an evil psychopath and not everyone is an honest and loving person. Humans are a diverse group and the best we can strive towards is a balance.

                I would hope that another intelligent species would know this because I would conclude that there is also diversity among life on their planets. I think it’s a characteristic of life in general, a spectrum, not black and white.

                I’m not really a believer in collectivism and the need for universal beliefs. People can behave collectively in certain instances and then as individuals in other instances.

                So if aliens are waiting for every human being to be ready before making their presence known to everyone, they will be waiting a very long time, possibly an eternity.

  7. Just stumbled across this today and thought it was worth sharing here:

    “PSYOP-UFO Rising: Balloons, Unknown Flying Objects and AI”

    Not sure if they are ramping up for hitting the go button on a large scale psyop/false flag op or just doing some secondary psychological warfare preparations, but the oligarchs are unleashing their msm script reading puppets (at CNN) to cover this topic (with a fear based spin) and that cannot be good..

  8. The ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ???????? Checklist:

    Step 1 : Create weapons system that are capable of interfering with the navigation systems and/or disabling the craft of peaceful interstellar/interdimensional visitors on the rare occasion when you can catch them off guard entering our atmosphere and/or dimension. Use covert military assets to pillage their downed craft, capture live extraterrestrial beings for torturing, experimentation and execution, recover any diseased extraterrestrials for post mortem study, bring their downed craft to well equipped facilities and begin to back-engineer (and weaponize their tech) . ?????!

    Step 2 : Launch a multi-decades long psychological warfare campaign using a combination of movies, tv, video games, radio broadcasts, famous scientists reading scripts and simulated alien abductions (aka MILABS) to create a general apprehension towards the idea of interstellar visitors coming to Earth in the general population. ?????!

    Step 3 : Instruct various psychological warfare specialists in intelligence/military circles to “leak” out footage of our own back engineered craft (and some ET/TDI craft too perhaps) and create a “threat assessment task force” in the pentagon and do news interviews getting people thinking about these craft being perceived as a “threat to national security”. Meanwhile, begin the weaponization of space using the orbital entry vehicles of various compliant billionaires like Musk as mules to get orbital weapons systems in place and create a “Space Force” branch of the military. ?????!

    Step 4 : Set up a Congressional Hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency” and use a combination of “whistle blowers” (having been fed cherry picked material and told a bunch of scary stories) using handlers and throw some knowingly lying paid shills in there as well to push out testimony and announcements about non-human advanced craft engaging in “hostile behavior” and talking about eyewitness accounts by former U.S. military personnel who said they’ve seen non-human entities doing “very disturbing” harm to humans. ?????!

    Step 5 : Use some of the weaponized manmade electrogravetic craft (utilizing mass cancellation propulsion systems) that were honed over decades and manufactured (thanks to step 1) to appear similar the the craft of the interstellar/interdimensional visitors (to the untrained eye) and blow some things up, kill some people and just generally do some nasty stuff to innocents with said craft (while also perhaps using some holograms and other sneaky tech to really sell it) and then blame it on the “evil invading aliens” …

    • You might consider expanding that into a screenplay. Hollywood is obviously desperate for some originality. And audiences are equally as desperate for some original fiction.
      Or perhaps offer it to the National Enquirer. I hear that they love paying for stories like that. And they have a readership that will eat it up. ?

      • @Steve

        I wish you were right and that it is all just fiction.

        Thankfully “step 5” is only a hypothetical at this point but sadly (to the best of my knowledge) steps 1 through 4 are not fiction, but rather are real world aspects of our recent history (as in human beings engaged in the disgraceful, hubristic, malicious and cowardly actions I described above and those atrocious behaviors are now part of the legacy of our human family).

        Did you watch the recent congressional hearings on so called “UAPs”, ET crash retrieval programs and back engineering operations?

        • No. I’m afraid that I didn’t have time for that.
          While I am certain that no one ever dissembles or lies in congressional hearings, I thought that my time would be better spent on something a bit more “down to earth”. ?

          I do hope that you don’t lose any sleep over humanity’s mistreatment of the peaceful, benevolent space travelers though. They will probably just go back home, arm up and then come back to earth and send us back to the Stone Age. .
          It would serve us right!

          • @Steve

            Thanks for the response.

            You make a good point about the various aspects of the government having a proclivity to lie and manipulate. For anyone that is serious about educating themselves about this topic, it was not the congressional hearings having people declare that human (covert United States military assets and corporate contractors) have managed to take down craft that were being operated by “non-human intelligences” and then recover “non-human biological entities” and recover the craft for study that convinced them that those events have taken place, but rather it would have been the existence of hundreds (if not thousands) of data points, independently corroborated testimony from people in all branches of the military, scientific community and aviation sector being available (to those with eyes to see) having accumulated over decades of separate instances.

            The fact that congress is having high ranking military and intelligence people state the facts, with a serious face (and then tilt them with a fear-based spin) is what deserves our attention.

            I do lose sleep over the incidents I described above for these were encounters where groups of humans in essence spoke for all of mankind through their cowardly choices (and that does not sit well with me at all). I have enough independently cooperated data points I have come across on my path to come to the conclusion that humans have in fact engaged in that malicious and premediated pirate type behavior not, once, not twice, but dozens to hundreds of times now over the past 7 decades.

            The fact that these civilizations that are visiting here have not retaliated tells us a lot about them, but I feel that laughing it off, downplaying the importance and significance of said events or clinging to denial (in the face of overwhelming evidence) is irresponsible and irreverent. God did not only gift human beings with free will, he gifted beings on countless worlds that opportunity to either better themselves (or stagnate in self interest and ego).

            I feel that considering we live in a time where the only organized response we (humanity) has given to the visitors has been of a military nature (often involving pilots being ordered to shoot at the visitors and in some cases those pilots following those incredibly stupid and short sighted orders) this topic has moved beyond a ‘distraction’ or a research hobby and into the realm of demanding our immediate collective participation and action.

            The words “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” are some of the words that I know you are familiar with. Those are words which I believe to be a genuine message from the Creator of all things (and words to live by if we wish to use our free will to better ourselves as conscious beings). Thus, I take how we are treating our cosmic neighbors very seriously, as I want to do all that I can to respect and align my actions with the will of Creator.


          • (continued from above..)

            I will present a somewhat inadequate analogy in an attempt to highlight the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in now.

            The situation we find ourselves in now is somewhat similar to if we were residents living among some pre-industrial tribes living on an isolated jungle island way off the grid and when some relatively technologically adept visitors arrived in speed boats and helicopters to study/greet us some of our fellow tribes men/women decided to start shooting at them with bows and arrows, throwing rocks and thinking up sneaky ways to take down/dismantle their craft, kill the occupants and attempt to steal their technology (which in some rare instances, they did in fact manage to do). If we were to just sit back in that situation and not even attempt to stop or call out our idiotic fellow tribes men/woman for initiating unprovoked violence and piracy against the peaceful visitors to our communities we would be choosing an irresponsible path and it would be completely reasonable to expect the visitors to eventually respond in kind (or, at the very least, defend themselves) despite their apparently huge amounts of patience and compassion as the visitors have not done so yet.

            We are essentially in that exact situation, except for the analogy of the pre-industrial tribe technology compared to the industrialized society with conventional internal combustion engines, flying machines and projectile/explosive weapons is actually far from being a realistic comparison since when it comes to the interstellar visitors that are here now visiting Earth, some of those cultures are thousands to millions of years ahead of us technology wise.

            Given that the military industrial complex (and its political puppets) pushing for the militarization of space with initiatives like a “space force” the need for a citizen driven diplomatic effort and coherent satyagraha type resistance to the weaponization of space is more dire than ever. I feel that bringing this discussion to the table and taking decisive action to ensure our fellow humans are not shooting at peaceful visitors (and attempt to pillage their technology) is of paramount importance.

            We have a lot of work to do here on planet Earth with healing and regeneration of ecosystems.. but that does not decrease the importance of using the tools of social permaculture to engage with our neighbors as to ensure an amiable and stable dynamic as we move forward (especially considering that certain elements within our society have already effectively spoken for all of humanity through their unprovoked violence that was and continues to be directed at the visitors.).


          • (..continued from above)

            The civilizations that are here are apparently at a level of development socially where ‘an eye for an eye’ is no longer part of their governing decision making processes. How long until that patience, tolerance and compassion runs out? Or if defending themselves directly is never going to be on the table, how long until they have to take drastic measures to prevent us from harming others that are less advanced (in the broader community that we are a part of, and have yet to even acknowledge exists openly)?

            I am under no impression that all beings from other star systems and/or dimensions are benevolent, and while the larger majority of advanced cultures that are here now (which appear to operate as some sort of coherent group) seem to be the type of beings that refuse to respond in kind to the unprovoked violence of humans, how long until one of our pilots or orbital weapons platforms happens to aim at the ship of a slightly less advanced culture (that is still centuries ahead of us respectively, but has a lot less patience, tolerance and understanding then the others we have interacted with thus far)?

            These are some of the reasons why I see this topic as more than just being a fascinating topic to contemplate as we seek to expand our understanding of our place in the universe. I feel that this aspect of our reality demands direct participation and action at this point in time from more of a practical imperative standpoint of making our collective intentions known and choosing to define our selves as a good neighbor (rather than a world full of violent, selfish, unstable, murderous bands of thieves and pirates) which is how some of the visitors would be fully justified in perceiving us as given the actions of our military assets and rogue corporate operations to date.

            • Gavin,I know that you take this subject seriously and I hope that you will forgive me for being somewhat irreverent last night. I was just in one of those moods.?

              Here’s the thing. And I know that you already are aware of it. But I truly don’t share your conviction. I believe that the ufo phenomenon is a massive deception. Either of demonic or earthly origin.

              Perhaps surprisingly, I don’t discount the possibility that other created intelligences exist. As a matter of fact I’m certain that they do.
              Angels, demons and perhaps others are spoken of in the Bible. And I have no difficulty accepting that the Creator could have, and perhaps likely did create other races of physical beings throughout His universe.
              All I have to do is look around at the myriad life forms that I share this planet with to be able to appreciate God’s imagination.

              However, there is nothing in the Word of God that indicates to me that there is a possibility that any race from another planet would or could ever visit this one.
              Not to mention the practical and scientific limitations that would preclude that occurrence.

              “some of those cultures are thousands to millions of years ahead of us technology wise.“

              Lastly, as I’ve brought up previously. If there were races of beings that were thousands or millions of years ahead of us technologically and were able to overcome the challenges of space travel to actually get here. Then it is impossible for me to accept the idea that they would be, #1, threatened or even surprised by mankind’s aggressive nature or it’s technology. #2 that they wouldn’t be capable of revealing themselves to the masses of folks that couldn’t threaten them. #3 that if their purpose was simply to observe us, they wouldn’t be able to do so without placing themselves in dangerous situations.

              I could probably come up with other reasons why I don’t think that the phenomenon is how you describe it but since we are coming at the issue from such different foundational ideologies, it is not likely that we will ever see eye to eye on the subject no matter how many objections I raise.

              I do understand that you are deeply interested and perhaps concerned about how you perceive the situation. And I truly respect you for that. You have a kind and loving heart and are genuinely concerned for all living beings.
              My position however is that whatever happens, even if I’m totally wrong and we are destroyed by justifiably pissed off aliens. Or if our own moronic misleaders cause a war that destroys our planet. Or the sun fires off a kill shot and the poles reverse sending the planet into an ice age.
              I still remain absolutely confident that God has everything under control and that I am already assured that I will live eternally with Him in perfect fellowship.
              I just wish and fervently pray that all His sentient beings on this planet shared that assurance for themselves.

              • @Steve

                You make another good point regarding the fact I stated that some of the civilizations that are visiting here are thousands to millions of years ahead of us (and your implication that the likelihood of us relatively primitive humans being able to take down being one of their craft is low).

                The reason I said “cultures are thousands to millions of years ahead of us technology wise” was based on my speculation and observation of the technologies they employ. Some of these civilization appear to have built ships that are the size of small moons (these vessels have been recorded on multiple occasions making extreme maneuvers within our solar system). Some of the other visitors are able to use sound and harmonic resonance to change the configuration of matter, to make a seemingly solid object able to pass through another and/or to change the molecular density and energetic frequency of an object to the extent where it literally shifts out of this physical dimension (usually becoming illuminated with a very vibrant white or blue light and then appearing to collapse in on itself). I have witnessed these phenomenon personally on multiple occasions.

                Perhaps they are not that much more advanced than us based on the number of years their species has been developing technology, and perhaps they just used their years more wisely? Perhaps those first couple craft that our military managed to take down and then study and reverse engineer were not of those more advanced cultures, but rather belonged to a species that was only a little bit ahead of us (relatively speaking)? Or perhaps the first instance in which humans got their hands on an ET craft for their back-engineering and weaponization projects was just due to a freak accident (and not due to humans using any kind of weaponized tech to intentionally take it down) and they were merely callous scavengers (and not premeditated murderers and pirates) in that particular instance?

                All I know is that humans do not possess technology that originated from interstellar visitors, and it was not given freely. That technology has allowed for leaps and bounds our ability to generate energy, direct that energy, propel objects through space and destroy objects at great distances (without the need for projectiles to be involved). I have had that much confirmed to me by multiple sources (confirmed with documents, photographic evidence my own intuition and some personal experiences). Those sources were independent of one another and the individuals involved were unaware of each other.


              • (continued from above..)

                You mentioned how we are coming at this from “different foundational ideologies” and that is true. I do not advocate for “belief” when it comes to physical aspects of our universe and those we share it with, I advocate for those who are willing to take the steps to educate themselves, have an open mind and to question and be skeptical of the ego comforting stories they have been told about what humans beings are and our place in this universe.

                I have found that religious Dogmas have a way of becoming the go to excuse to avoid anything that threatens self-important delusions that make one feel uncomfortable by calling the source of that discomforting aspect of our reality a “demon” or “heretic” or “blasphemer”. History is full of examples when those who had become complacent in ego flattering ideas of human supremacy attacking and attempting to demonize/dismiss any new evidence coming to light that threatened their comforting ego flattering beliefs.

                If you had to describe my “ideology” I suppose you could describe it as doing my very best to remain open hearted and open minded, asking God for guidance at every turn and asking God to provide me with understanding that can serve to enrich my eternal spirit and the collective I am a part of. Sometimes the answer to that prayer is not comfortable (as was the case when I was confronted by the existence of our cosmic neighbors) but when I dig deep to find the strength to let go of my comforting ignorance and/or delusions (in essence a psychological baby blanket that is comforting but no longer serving my growth and advancement as a being) and I choose to move outside my previous comfort zone, the rewards are significant and beyond words.

                When I ask God to guide me I am moved in a direction that recognizes that all sentient beings are deserving of our respect (and that includes the ancient trees of the Boreal Forest, the Whales in James Bay, the winged, finned, four legged and scaled ones too) and it most certainly includes our elders and younger siblings from other worlds, for we are all part of Creation and imbued with the conscious spark of Creator through his love.


              • (continued from above..)

                I wonder how many other worlds in this Galaxy alone are similarly (relatively) socially and spiritually primitive (in aggregate as a species) to humans and have their own religious texts that some are interpreting to describe all intelligent beings from outside their own planet as “demons”.

                I imagine there are a few, not many, as that kind of hubristic species based exceptionalism is antithetical to life and stands starkly in the face of the most deep truth that connects all beings, but still, this is a big Galaxy full of countless inhabited worlds, so I imagine there are a few.

                I imagine there are conversations going on on those worlds very reminiscent to this one, with fervent isolationists and exceptionalists preaching how the off world beings are all Demonic! And how those so called SETI human transmissions that were received came strait from the Devil! 🙂

                Sorry I could not help myself, but seriously what would you say if you found yourself face to face with a (well meaning) extraterrestrial being that has been told a story by his respective religious texts and his preacher that humans are demons?

              • Correction:

                All I know is that humans do ??? possess technology that originated from interstellar visitors, and it was not given freely. *

            • I would hope that an advanced technological culture or rather people or beings capable of space travel would be able to understand that there are some traits that aren’t collectively shared. Perhaps there are some independent travelers outside of a government situation on their own planet who were curious and decided to explore on their own.

              Ideas I’ve pondered though they are not my own is the idea that we humans are not from the earth but were from a culture that visited earth and had advanced technology and shared it with the locals and helped them learn. This is why there are ancient art work that seem to depict beings from the starts coming to earth.

              Before the last ice age is kind of a mystery to us as far as I know. There could be artifacts under the ocean floor.

              Though I can certainly be wrong, I suspect that they would appear very similar to us because if we are the highest form of intelligent life on earth, it follows that on a planet similar to ours, intelligent life would be very similar to human beings.

              Alternative biochemistry? Maybe but a living being needs to be able to breathe air to survive on our planet unless they stay inside a ship or send a drone of some type. This is certainly possible.

              But if there are brave explorers on our planet and curiosity that we have about other potential life outside of earth, it’s logical that other life would have similar curiosity and like to take risks. After all, living life is about taking risks right?

              I think that some of our technological advancements may have been due to finding stuff and reverse engineering and if an unlucky alien did crash during an adventure could have been interrogated by military interests.

              The part that would be very challenging for a being that wants to live a long life span and also travel through space is avoiding hard radiation.

              There has been some back and forth regarding the moon landing but one thing that was never really explained is how to avoid the damage from ionizing radiation. Aliens must have the technology and also technology that allows them to travel vast distances.

              It’s very interesting stuff. People really love the unknown and mystery. At least I do.

              • If there were some independent alien travelers exploring earth, I’d sure love to have a face to face conversation some time though.

                If I had the opportunity to travel in space safely, I would love to do it.

              • “It’s about what we do, not what we believe is what I believe.”

                You have every right to believe that and you are by no means alone in believing it.
                But I believe what the Bible teaches. That is that nothing that I can ever do is sufficient to atone for my sin. And that God knowing that, sent His Son to become the only sinless human that ever existed to become the only sacrifice that is sufficient to atone for the sins of the entire world.
                God did this because He loves us so much and isn’t willing that any of us would be condemned to hell without a way to avoid it.

                You have free will and you can judge God based on your human emotions and experiences if that is what you want to do. Nobody can or will stop you. Not me and not God.
                Personally, I don’t feel qualified in the least to do so. I’m not going to impose my standards on the Creator.

                He doesn’t force anyone to love Him. But He desperately desires all of His created intelligences to love Him. And in loving Him, to obey Him. And to choose life.
                That is what I choose to do to the best of my ability.

                Everyone is free to choose whatever path they think is right for them.

              • CU.h.j

                “…The idea that a deity or loving force would hold a grudge and “force” someone to accept a belief or else to me is absurd…..”

                I kinda think that a loving parent would totally try to force their kid to believe that drinking bleach, doing drugs or stabbing people are NOT good. 🙂

                Most of the things God tells people not to do are generally things that end badly for the person doing them.

                “….If god is a cosmic intelligence or the creator of all things and a force of love, what we believe is irrelevant…..”

                The thing is that while God IS ‘a force of love’ its wrong to assume that this is Gods ONLY trait.

                I might love my kids…..but would I let an adult kid LIVE IN MY HOUSE if they shoot up drugs and act immorally?


                “….. That is pure ego, a human trait not something a divine being would hold…..”

                How many divine beings have you conversed with to know this ? 🙂
                Or are you shaping an image of God in your mind based on what you WANT God to be like?

                My Dog does not get to tell me how to behave and my dog and I are FAR more on a power and IQ level then me and God.

              • cu.h.j.
                “What you mention is Pascal’s wager essentially and I believe that a creator wise enough to spark into being all that is is not some egotistical entity that wants servants that don’t think for themselves.”

                Thanks for educating me! I didn’t know that it had a name. I’ve heard versions of it many times but didn’t know that it originated with Pascal. Though I doubt that he was the first to contemplate it.
                I’m reading now about the actual proposition that Pascal made and how it has been discussed by others. Its very interesting.
                I’m sure that I will have further thoughts about it that I will share later.

              • Duck,

                Is jealousy a productive or wise emotion? If I was jealous of my neighbor, is it right that I hold him hostage and torture him because I am jealous?

                How about a disgruntled boyfriend or girlfriend who tortures them out of jealousy or because they don’t believe something or are subservient? Is that right?

                Use your own mind to consider it and your own heart.

                Jealousy and wanting an obedient servile relationship is not how I view a loving relationship.

                Jealousy and wanting to control others is an egotistical action. It is logical therefore that if someone will punish me with torture for an eternity because I don’t believe what they want me to believe is not someone or a force that loves me, but an egotistical maniac.

                My beliefs are shaped by the mind that was created, born from my parents and life experiences and I know that jealousy and torture are wrong, especially for beliefs, especially if they are good people.

                Love and jealousy and torture really don’t go together. What we have is two opposite ideas.

                What is required by the Christian god is obedience and supplanting of ones own will essentially. People can not always control their beliefs and if they are independent thinkers may come to different conclusions about the unknown.

                I cannot supplant my own will and what makes me me with another’s beliefs. I could never do this and I don’t think I ever could and this trait has been with me since I was a little kid. I would be a liar about myself if I claimed to believe something I didn’t and I don’t lie about important things.

                Anyway, thanks for sharing your views and how you interpret this.

              • cu.h.j

                Jealousy…. hmn.
                That depends on what kind of jealousy and how you interpret the way its used in the context of God.

                From the standpoint of UNION with God… if your husband was hanging out with another woman, putting her opinions over your own and spending his attention on HER rather then you your Marriage would suffer- dont you think so?

                I’ve known swingers, and after a year or so they tend to NOT act or think like a couple anymore. You could say that they have weakened the union between them.

                God wants union WITH us (Often described in the OT in terms of marriage with Israel being compared to an unfaithful wife)

                Do you disagree that in (THAT context) running after ‘other gods’ (and doing ‘detestable practices’ like putting their kids in the fire for those other gods) is a GOOD reason to be upset?

                “….What is required by the Christian god is obedience and supplanting of ones own will essentially…..”

                More of a union WITH Gods will. If you and your husband do not, at least in general terms, agree on where to live, how to behave, how to spend the money, ect then will you stay married long?

                “… independent thinkers may come to different conclusions about the unknown…..”

                However- I would argue that God is NOT UNKNOWN. If you do NOT think the Bible is true then really why are you worrying about what the God in it thinks? Its like arguing Marvel vs DC.

                I used to think that way, but having studied many things now believe that the Bible IS true. I was not born into it or raised in it or even educated in it in a social way.

              • @lisab

                You made a lot of pertinent, insightful and valid points here but I will specify one point in particular and confirm definitively that Duck does indeed like to refute and to instigate others.

                I decided a while back that attention, friction and retorts are what adds more fuel to that insatiable fire (interactions that amount to a type of ‘troll bon fire’ if you will, which some like to warm themselves around) so now I refrain from throwing gasoline onto that garbage fire (as it can get very noxious sometimes). That is simply what works best for me and I would not suggest I know what is best for others in similar situations.

                I appreciate you shining a light onto the nature of such behavior and I imagine you sense the futility of attempting to have an amicable and respectful discussion with such an individual so I admire your willingness to speak the truth and ask relevant questions in these circumstances (despite how exhausting it can be).

                Thank you for being you and sharing your perspective with us (on this topic and many others).

              • I think part of the problem is communicating via writing because it negates the emotional connection between communicators. The non verbal cues that soften or change the tone of the discussion. There are pro’s and cons to this type of communication but sometimes points are missed and/or not understood.

                I think most of the posters here are probably genuine and not bad people. Perhaps opinionated and a few other things but not deliberately trying to make people feel badly out of some need to insight animosity.

                At least this is my opinion about the issue and I hope that even if ideas are different from one’s own, good things come out of debate and sharing of diverse ideas.

                Sometimes people won’t agree with one another but it doesn’t mean we aren’t on the same side, i.e. want to prevent the totalitarian psychopaths from their evil goals. One of them being division.

                I do appreciate your sharing Lisab and I find these topics refreshing and interesting rather than the cold hard facts of how the psychopathic elitists are destroying humanity.

                Some of this stuff, the darkness at the end of the rabbit hole makes me sad and depressed to be honest.

            • “what would you say if you found yourself face to face with a (well meaning) extraterrestrial being that has been told a story by his respective religious texts and his preacher that humans are demons?”

              In the case of a certain percentage of humans, I would have no choice but to agree with him/her/it.

              • Bottom line, this is how I look at it Gavin.
                If you’re right about all this. If I’m delusional and the God that has revealed Himself to me doesn’t exist and instead there exists your god and space traveling aliens and disembodied spirits speaking through channelers. Then I’m not going to be any worse off.
                Unless of course your god and the aliens are prone to holding grudges. ?

                But if I’m right about all this and God does exist and the Bible is His inspired Word. Then I will have made the right choice. Because rejection of God and His Word carries some very serious consequences.
                I’m not willing to risk my eternal life and the peace that I have in this one. Even if I were not entirely convinced of what I believe. It would be way too much of a risk. I’m not going to gamble with my eternal life by rejecting God and His gift of salvation.

                I’d rather play the odds. The payoff is way better if I’m right and the cost is non existent if I’m wrong.

                But I do admire your faith I suppose. Because you’re risking more than I think you realize on being right.

              • The idea that a deity or loving force would hold a grudge and “force” someone to accept a belief or else to me is absurd.

                If god is a cosmic intelligence or the creator of all things and a force of love, what we believe is irrelevant. That is pure ego, a human trait not something a divine being would hold.

                This is the primary reason why the Christian god is not compelling for me. A jealous god, a spiteful god, and a being that casts people into eternal hell an suffering for holding different beliefs sounds precisely like a dictator.

                I think that whatever good came from that text has been manipulated by men for an agenda. This is my opinion.

                What you mention is Pascal’s wager essentially and I believe that a creator wise enough to spark into being all that is is not some egotistical entity that wants servants that don’t think for themselves.

                If people don’t believe in the Christian god or aliens so what. It’s about what we do, not what we believe is what I believe. Actions matter and that’s how we learn and grow.

              • @cu.h.j

                Well said.

                Thank you for sharing your perspective and insights into these matters.

                I agree 100% with your comment that starts with.

                “The idea that a deity or loving force would hold a grudge and “force” someone to accept a belief or else to me is absurd.”

        • Seriously though, when those poor dead aliens are reincarnated, do they have to live here with the humans who shot them out of the sky or do they get to be “born again” on their home planet?
          Hmmm, the possible implications are “out of this world “. ?

          • ?
            “Be not deceived, God is not mocked”

            But its open season on gullible humans.

            “Congressional presentations of space alien “whistleblowers,” and insanity over weather balloons is pure state-encouraged entertainment, with an added benefit of increasing budget share for the Pentagon’s Space Command. Entertainment first of all, aimed at diverting of our attention, and exhausting our remaining capacity to think. I mean no offense to the actual aliens, bless their hearts.”


          • “The study, ”C.I.A.’s Role in the Study of U.F.O.’s. 1947-90,” was written by Gerald K. Haines and appears in Studies of Intelligence, a secret Central Intelligence Agency journal. Five years ago, the agency began releasing unclassified versions of the journal yearly.

            Fast forward to today. If the CIA is back to their old tricks, then Thursday’s congressional UFO circus would suddenly make perfect sense. They knew they needed something significant to divert the storyline away from Hunter, so they called in the big guns: whistleblowers and little green men. The question for Americans now is: Do you trust the CIA to never lie to you again, or do you believe that just like in the past, the CIA uses their propaganda and manipulation techniques on both foreigners and the American people to distract them while they do their dirty work?”


          • LisaB

            “….Duck assumes that God is a parent to us and would behave in the same manner as a human parent might act towards their own child(ren)….”

            I would argue thats makes more sense then listening to a Space Ghost that talks by possessing a medium.

            “…Duck likes to argue….”


            “….Duck likes to show others how much it knows….”

            When the student is ready the teacher will appear?? 😉

            One should ALWAYS first ask what the student is READY FOR….. lol

            “…Duck thinks it knows a lot….”

            Not really, just enough to see that Space Ghost is just a re-run of Spiritism and Theosophy Ascended MAster/Council of Nine, Lucis Trust BS

            “…Duck likes to refute and to instigate others…..”

            Is that not a way to learn? By Refuting error?

            “….Duck may be trying to tell us, or to warn us to “watch out” because of what it is being thrown at us by Duck. Duck throws itself at others, so “Heads up!”….”

            Maybe… but you sound kinda like a guy who is super angry when folks tell other folks to watch out for the creeper with candies.

            “Whoever you are Duck,….. Just, behave better…..”

            Are You my Mother? LOLOL,

            “…..If you are trying to strengthen your argument, you’ve already revealed your weakness…..”

            That SOUNDS profound, but do you see that statement makes no actual sense ?

          • LisaB

            “…You are behaving like a child who seeks attention…..
            Just try to keep yourself in check…..”

            LoL, I must say that is a good example of someone trying social shaming which is a very feminine control mechanism.

            Personally I just advise people to read “Siren Call of the Hungry Ghost” before they take up with the teachings of a disembodied space ghost….especially since such space brothers have been preaching the same pro NWO message since the days of Theosophy

            #LucisTrust / #WorldGoodwill
            #The Secret Life of Houdini (Kalush)
            #ThirdAdam by (Spencer Smith)


          • LisaB

            ALL I suggest is that people treat Disembodied Spce ghost possession mediums with skepticism…. and read “Siren Call of the Hungry Ghost” for an overview of the dangers

            You on the other hand are NOT bringing any arguments for WHY anyone should trust what you say.

            Have you ever done NLP training BTW? I never studied it much but….

            “…….You behave as though you are an inexperienced youth who has gathered all this information and then feel the need to spout it off onto others…..”

            HERE we have an example of the next stage of social shaming being attempted. Watch the next step

            “…That is adolescent behavior………”

            Notice line break- to give emphasis.

            “….Many teenagers go through that process with their parents…..”

            The ANCHORING of this idea with the role of Parent taken by the user, in the hope of accruing deference to authority from subject anchored into Child role.

            “…..Your overall context and the frames of reference you put out there are very small boxes with categorized bits of information. It’s like you have some pieces of the puzzle categorized and all separated into different boxes. You pull out a box here and there, you put those pieces together to form part of the picture, but you surmise from there what the bigger picture reveals without having the rest of the pieces to the puzzle, or the bigger picture….”

            Notice that the object of discussion (A disembodied space ghost possessing a medium and giving the NWO Space brothers normal spiel) is NOT BROUGHT UP, instead the TOOLS of reason are attacked.

            “….If you find yourself continuously running into walls, try opening the door to look for more pieces to the puzzle……”

            Use of imagery of anxiety and uncertainty in hope of sympathetic response in subject.

            “….Find the missing pieces (wherever they may be)…
            Then you’ll be one step closer to putting it all together….”

            Positive conclusion with hope of dissipation for that anxiety, by compliance

          • LisaB

            “…he link I have provided repeatedly offers some of those answers, and then some more answers to questions that may arise on their journey…. But you don’t get to decide what is pertinent to others…..”

            I Agree….thats why I post that people should read SIREN CALL OF THE HUNGRY GHOST (by Fisher) before they decide if they want to listen to the opinions a disembodied space ghost that communicates thru a possessed human.

            If people can read that book and are still stupid enough to poke into the words of the NWO Space Brothers its their own call.

            You YOURSELF warn
            “…The spirit world is nothing to fool around with so I have learned to proceed cautiously….”

            So why would you dislike the work of a guy who ALSO believed in spirits and reincarnation and then found a horrifying reality to the spirit world when he tried to prove it with investigative methods????

            More caution can only help those your trying to reach surly?

            • I love the book Siddhartha too by Herman Hesse. It was one of my favorite books, such and easy read and very much encapsulates the essence of some precious nuggets of wisdom from the East.

          • @lisab

            Thank you for taking the time to read my short story and for sharing your candid, generous and thoughtful comments.

            I appreciate your taking the time to share your perspectives on the limitations of science and the potential of the “heart-mind” to pierce through the self imposed limitations of such ways of seeing and knowing the world around us in a very elucidatory fashion.

            I wrote that short story a few years ago so my view of science has unfolded and changed a bit since then.

            Perhaps some day (beyond this time when our society is dominated by megalomaniacal plutocrats) humans will shed the self imposed limitations of their mechanistic, reductionist and deterministic scientific processes and begin to incorporate the use of ways of measuring and perceiving that allow for using the heart as an organ of perception and the spirit as the compass in guiding how they seek knowledge and what it is applied to accomplish.

            I will relay your kind words to my wife and I am interested in discussing this topic and others with you more in the future as time allows.

    • @lisab

      I appreciate you taking the time to comment and share your thoughts.

      I hope they (human covert operations attempting to appear to be ET in origin via the use of advanced technologies) do not target civilians but unfortunately a friend of mine that used to work for one of the corporate contractors (S.A.I.C.) which has been working on the back-engineering (and weaponization) of recovered ET tech told me that such a plan was fully put together at the time of his working at one of their key facilities. He described their capabilities as being such that with the retinal scans of two key personnel at their facility (provided in conjunction with another individual that was providing them funding) they had automated systems on stand by to initiate with the press of a button.

      I agree “they” are losing their grip and I feel that is one of the reasons they pushed this congressional hearing forward now in the way in which they did, as they know that they cannot control the actions of the many civilizations that are here now (despite their cowardly and viscous attempts to lash out at the visitors, which fail most of the time) and so the only thing they can hope to control and manipulate in this context is the narrative (and the perspectives of the masses of humans on this world that are still plugged into their mass media propaganda apparatus).

      I do sense that there were some well meaning people in that congressional meeting (even some that felt open hearted) but I suspect that the way in which the racketeering operation that manages the ET issue will use very convincing data, images and stories to manipulate those in government, will result in very few remaining open hearted and interested in amicable diplomacy with our cosmic neighbors.

      Perhaps despite overwhelming odds some in that governmental structure will rely on their intuition and heart’s wisdom and not be swayed by the lies and manipulations, but I find this unlikely given how much they have bought into that system (eg. the unassailability of the statements of government sanctioned “scientists” and military “experts” etc).

      • @lisab

        Your astute observations and intuitive insights into these matters are appreciated. These types of comments are very uncommon (with regards to the depth and precision of your knowledge and ability to see beyond the veil of the programming of mass media, religion and mainstream “Science TM”) in my experience.

        “Perhaps more importantly will be the civilian people or the masses of the world’s population who will rely on their intuition and heart’s wisdom and not be swayed by the lies and manipulations”

        Indeed, and I am glad you pointed that out. That is why I publish information, hints and invitations for people to choose to educate themselves on this topic online (and now in my recently published book). I aim to help the masses to look within themselves to tap into their own innate ability to perceive what is true and what is not. I do not want to tell them what to think or believe, I want them to perceive the truth for themselves, directly, without the need for middlemen. I aim to assist in the raising tide of the “CONSCIENCE within us.. ..growing louder”.

        I attempted to write a sort of short story that was aimed towards the above described goals here :

        “What’s next to afflict humanity on a global scale?
        Starvation and aliens?”

        Starvation is for sure, at least for those who depend on large scale monoculture agricultural food production systems, as those systems are annihilating the soil and washing out those precious living soils into the sea (as the Roman empire did, albeit on a much faster timeline). This is another one of the reasons I wrote my book (to help those who are willing and motivated to create “islands of diversity and abundance” so that they can weather the storm ahead and emerge on the otherside ready to plant the seeds for something beautiful to grow in the place of our current civilization on Earth.

        “A fake alien invasion is a global 9/11. Will humanity bow to the world’s military in this scenario?”

        I hope not, but many near me in my day to day life appear to be susceptible to the propaganda of the oligarchs, so I am not confident in their ability to resist lies and manipulations.


      • (continued from above..)

        “The funny thing is, most if not all alien contact uses telepathy as their communication. The masses will be aware of the aliens intentions just by tuning into to their presence. But will the masses also be tuned into, “Now…This” by the wizards of MSM?”

        Indeed. Though many humans (if not most humans) have forgotten about that innate gift for communicating (and perceiving) via energy (without words) and so they are essentially like disabled, atrophied and/or ‘handicapped’ children when it comes to knowing, perceiving and communicating in that way.

        Are you familiar with the technology that individuals such as Catherine Austin Fitts refer to as “Entrainment Technologies”?

        Beyond simple “entrainment tech”, I have been informed (and have direct experience that can confirm) that technology exists (within the grasp of malicious human interests) that has the capability of directly transmitting what one might describe as “electronically/electromagnetically modulated hallucinations” directly into the conscious awareness of weak minds (from great distances). If such technology was used in conjunction with a false flag op with electrogravetic craft, I feel many confused humans would fall in line.

        “And of any fake invasion occurs on a large scale, then I think the real ones won’t be having any of that being done in their name!”

        I have often wondered about that possibility, and to me, on an intuitive level, it feels to be something that is realistically “on the table” as a counter-measure (being seriously considered by the advanced races of beings currently observing and watching over us now) for preventing the Earth from being thrown into mass destruction by a bunch of unruly and egotistical beings with relatively advanced technology (again). Perhaps they would step in, Or, perhaps they have laws that would prevent that (depending on the scale of the human initiated psyop)? only time will tell…

        Either way, thank you for the perspicacious and thought provoking comment.

  9. What do you think my friends, is this ‘invasion of the mystery “drones” ‘ part of a preamble for a false flag of some kind?

    People like Steven Greer certainly seem to think so. I uploaded this news clip of him talking about the recent events which i will link below:

    Interestingly, I was watching a video Greer was livestreaming earlier today (December, 21st, 2024) with updates about the black ops dealing with specific sites they are launching these “drones” (actually electrogravitic craft being operated by rogue US military personnel) from as well as exotic propulsion and DEW weapons and the stream got cut right in the middle of a sentence when he was about to name some specific facilities.

    He was updating about some intel on an active op where (supposedly) law enforcement will be sent to specific USAP sites to incarcerate rogue military people using the exotic tech for racketeering (and psychological warfare) operations and it disappeared (and said “this video has been removed”). The live video also disappeared simultaneously from his rumble page and official website.

    It was pretty spooky and did not seem like a random glitch considering the videos disappeared from multiple platforms at the same moment.

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