Interview 1197 – Christoph Germann on the Turkish Coup Fallout

by | Jul 29, 2016 | Interviews | 5 comments

From the Turkish Armed Forces’s Chief of Staff hanging the plot on Gulen to the drama at Incirlik and the NBC psyops, Christoph Germann of the New Great Game blog is here to update us on all the latest news, views and reactions to this month’s failed coup attempt in Turkey.

Meet Fethullah Gulen, Deep State Plotter
Porkins Great Game: Episode #15 – Turkey Coup Special
Turkish top general ‘told to talk with Gulen’ amid coup
Is Fethullah Gülen behind Turkey’s coup? (with update)
State Department Press Briefing – July 19 (min 20)
Graham Fuller’s Gulen Puff Piece in the Huffington Post
The United States needs to tell Turkey to change course
Who is Fetullah Gulen?
Turkey’s Erdogan must reform or resign
Turkish army threatens legal action over anti-Erdoğan coup rumours
What went wrong with Turkey’s WhatsApp coup
Exclusive: all the details about the air ops and aerial battle over Turkey during the military coup to depose Erdogan
Top officers at Incirlik Air Base arrested in Turkey coup attempt
Turkey’s Coup Plotters are Members of NATO’s Rapid Deployable Corps
Turkish Government Issues an Official Request to NBC News Demanding Immediate Public Apology
At height of Turkish coup bid, rebel jets had Erdogan’s plane in their sights
Greece’s Air Force: Erdogan’s aircraft at no point harassed by rebel F-16s on Coup night
French report on FOCUS’ GCHQ story with English tweets
US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey
CIA’s clandestine meeting in Istanbul on coup night


  1. I am very impressed with Chris. (Christoph Germann of the New Great Game blog – )
    He seems to sort out relative importances towards the best evidence among all the confusion.
    Christoph…“man that cat is one cool cookie” when it comes to chaotic clarification.

    definition – “cookie” = a person. (Always used with an adjective.)

  2. Christoph Germann does his homework. How refreshing to hear careful, balanced, and hard-hitting analysis from someone who doesn’t talk out of his asshole. Thank you James & Christoph.

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