Episode 466 – Japan Rising

by | Oct 2, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 14 comments

The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new “replicon” self-amplifying mRNA vaccines that are about to be unleashed like a third atomic bomb upon the population of Japan. James Corbett was there to cover the proceedings, to document the speeches, to participate in a massive rally in the heart of Tokyo against this dangerous new medical intervention, and to lecture sitting members of the Japanese Diet about his bodily sovereignty.

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Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

Japan becomes the first (and so far the only) country in the world to approve a self-amplifying mRNA “vaccine”

January 2024 – Japanese Professors’ from “Vaccine Study Group” Unveils “Unprecedented” Side Effects in Press Release

April 2024 – Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’ in Japan

May 2024 – Japan’s Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Apologizes During Today’s Massive Protest Against the WHO

Aug 2024 – Japan’s Largest MSM Broadcaster, NHK, Releases Groundbreaking Feature on mRNA Vaccine Harms

International Crisis Summit


  1. This is good news! The Japanese Parliament is listening to James Corbett. You could knock me over with a feather. In America, James would be arrested just for being near the Capitol.

  2. Excellent post, James!

    I don’t know if it’s the corny name or the result of general COVID news fatigue syndrome, but this Replicon vaccine issue seems to have sprung up out of nowhere. And very soon, it’s going into the arms of the obedient sheep here in Japan and, thereafter, the global herd. This will be a cash cow for Meiji Seika Pharma and the other companies developing this new mRNA platform. They are literally amplifying the most toxic component of the COVID vaccine, the spike protein, and allowing it to be shed to others, thus killing our right to informed consent.

    We will all be awash in this toxic soup very soon IF it performs as its makers claim. Let’s not forget the abysmal failures of the original corona vaccine; it didn’t stop transmission at all, as we were promised by Fauci, Gates, Walenski and the other COVID Criminals.

    Keep shining the light, brother! Nice seeing you again in Edo (Tokyo).

    Dr. Noh

    Our persistence must match their persistence.

    • As a resident of Japan, I can confirm to you that, YES, Japanese are still wearing masks. I would put it at 40% and rising as the weather here gets cooler. You still see people driving cars alone with a mask on, and there are still plastic sheets and barricades in restaurants and supermarkets. Conformity used to be a viture here in “clean, safe” Japan. The blind obedience that was born during the COVID plandemic, I’m afraid, is the much darker side of the coin.
      Dr. Noh

      • Thank you, Dr. Noh, for your reply. Most upsetting that the Japanese are still wearing masks to such an extent.

    • Based on the slide show video you posted, I don’t think James is turning Japanese 😂

      • setatliberty, Oh, I agree with you. Hahaha. I was just fooling around.

  3. A hypotheses is a guess or idea that is suggested to be a mechanism (in the case of contagion) that is the cause of something.
    A scientific hypothesis is a testable, clear statement about what you think will happen in a science experiment that is based on your observations and prior knowledge. A hypothesis must be testable and should be written before an experiment is conducted.

    A hypotheses can only be considered a theory when there is observational evidence of the hypotheses that can be supported by replicating the mechanisms in controlled testing that can support the hypotheses. If the tests fail to disprove an hypotheses, it can then be considered a scientific “theory.” However, once a hypothesis has been disproven, scientifically speaking, it loses its status as a hypotheses and must be ruled out when controlled tests disprove it.

    One thing that convid19 did was cause a lot of people to search the scientific studies and publications (or lack thereof) which support virology in its foundational understanding.

    It’s a somewhat divisive topic, even here, because people are stubbornly positioned to believe the virus model, because of the anecdotal evidence; i.e. we see what may appear to be sicknesses or disease being transmitted from one person to another. And this is the narrative that we’ve been taught as though it has been empirically proven, and anyone that questions this, no matter how well sourced they present the truth, is considered out of touch with “reality.” Also, some people do consider the very idea that viruses are non-existant to be an insult to their intelligence, as many people that are well educated in diverse fields of study, don’t want to consider that they might be deceived in something that’s so foundational in life. Pride is never a good thing. One thing that I’ve learned is that people that are deceived do not know that they are deceived BECAUSE they are deceived.

    This is a rabbit hole of research that is absolutely important for anyone that loves the truth, to venture down, because it pulls back the curtain on the charade and liberates people from the snares of deception that the “germ theory” binds us in.

    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Vladimir Lennin.

    The “spike protein” rendering is a controlled opposition narrative which keeps people believing that viruses have been isolated, studied and proven to cause infection or disease. I’m glad to have learned that there haven’t been any studies that have demonstrably shown pathogens (which can be contracted) that cause disease, as we have been brought up to believe, since our youth.

  4. The unstoppable phage is here… yay!

  5. Thank you for bringing us this information, and a big thank you to all the speakers. I hope this is an example of how all countries can speak out against this medical tyranny.

  6. Let’s see if the never-ending struggle between those who want freedom from others and those who want freedom over others elevates, and let’s see if it’s not too late.

  7. I just had a scary thought, a theory about A reason for the roll-out of the new self-amplifying mRNA, replicon technology: It will make it MORE DIFFICULT to show a cause-and-effect relationship between “vaccines” and their adverse affects. Why?

    Because gone will be the days when side affects appear within minutes, hours, or days after receiving the product. Instead it will take weeks, or months, for adverse affects to appear. Why?

    Because the technology makes it possible to use VERY small doses of the product in the injection, because the body MAKES most of the active mRNA over time. Those small initial doses could mean few, IF ANY, initial adverse affects. The adverse affects WILL eventually appear, when the concentrations of mRNA and spike-protein increase to sufficiently high levels, but that could take weeks or months.

    I had another scary thought. Unless the technology includes something to stop the amplification process at some point, concentrations of mRNA and spike-protein will increase without limit. If that is true, EVERY recipient of this product will eventually die from it. It’s only a matter of time.

  8. Back in 2016 I started regularly watching TV on free cable from my landlord, for the first time in 50 years. youtube was amazing with LOTS of alternative sites sharing great info. Now of course it is over come with monitoring and removing anything of worth.

    One site had studies done of race specific virus weapons in Canada aimed at a specific group. The site has been long scrubbed now. Being new to the web I set up a youtube site with my music and got banned for my song: Everything You Know Is A Lie. So much for youtube freedom of speech.

    I spent well over a year starting in 2020 researching all this “COVID” lie/nonsense/scam and no matter what the “science” is trying to push, my report is full of truth and links about the who, what, why, etc. of it all:

    It has a link to a free pdf download of the info as well as the video…
    LINE IN THE SAND (essay)

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