Filing FOIAs – #SolutionsWatch

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 5 comments

You’ve heard of FOIA, but how do you actually make use of it? What’s involved in filing a FOIA? Who can do it? What kind of documents can be FOIAd? What documents have been uncovered with this method and what remains to be revealed? And what does FOIA stand for, anyway? Joining us to answer these questions today is Philumina Johanni, staff attorney at

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Judicial Watch

Jesse Trentadue on The Corbett Report

FOIA trial offers rare look into how FBI searches records, responds to requests

The FOIA Lady Pleads the Fifth

Transparency 101: Judicial Watch FOIA Handbook

The Secrets of the JFK Assassination Archive

State Sample FOI Request Letters (also see the main page for other relevant and user-friendly information)

FOIA wiki (user-friendly resource with loads of information on the exemptions for federal FOIA requests)

The FOIA Project (website that has been tracking federal FOIA cases and their status and litigation documents since 1992, categorized by administrative agency)


  1. ***** 5 STARS ***** — Filing FOIAs – #SolutionsWatch

    Fantastic overview of a tool which we all can use!
    It underscores that we are not impotent against the monster.

  2. Why not interviewing Christine Massey?
    She got a lot of experience with FOIA’s in Canada and got also knowledge of it in other countries.

    • Studio27,
      Gosh!…I know…sometimes they rake you over the coals with costs on a Public Records Request.

      Thanks for the link. It clarifies things.
      The goal is to compare statistics for county employee work attendance before and after the coronavirus pandemic.
      Looking at leave numbers in the years before and after provide a proper comparison. By including several years before 2020 we can establish a previous “norm” to then contrast the post pandemic years to. But any leave numbers have to be in the context of the county staff’s normal schedule expected to be worked.

      As an aside, folks down in Texas have been sharing this news to the west of you – Hillsboro, OR.
      Hillsboro Fluoridation Put On Ballot With City Council Approval Waiving Initiative Process – What Do You Think?

  3. So Judicial Watch was the organization responsible for the “Clinton Emails” being published which was one of the largest controlled opposition moves that I’ve seen, whereas the John Podesta emails and “Pizza Gate” outraged many would be righteous people to see certain circumstantial evidences of pedophilia and Satanic occult rituals which could never bring a certain conviction in any court of law, but did only shine a light upon the Blue Team colluding in those abominable deeds, as well as other conspiracies, which persons were recruited into Camp Trump and QANON, while Google assisted in ridding the internet of the atrocities that indicted The Donald and many of the Red Team actors and cohorts.

    This is quite revelatory, but not surprising at all. I wonder if James can get an interview with a spokesperson from BlackRock, Black Lives Matter, The Staffor Group or other controlled NGOs.

    It’s good to ask questions, find answers, connect dots and form conclusions based upon facts and evidences.

    Who was it that said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves?”

    Oh yeah, Vladimir Lenin 😉

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