It’s often said that we’re playing checkers while the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are playing chess.
I disagree. I think the average delusional statist is reading comic books while the oligarchs who rule over them are writing scholarly treatises detailing their plans to take over the world.
So, let me speak today in a way Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom will be able to understand:
Take that, libtards!
Cry harder, wokesters!
Pound sand, deep staters!
That’s right, in case you haven’t heard, there’s a NEW game in town! Out with the old guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs and in with the glorious NEW guard of . . .
. . . hold on, let me check my notes . . .
. . . in with the NEW guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs!
Wait, what?! I was assured by the MAGA-cheering, Q Anonsense 2.0-pushing, hopium-swilling voters out there that since Americans VOTED HARDER!™®© in the recent (s)election sideshow circus, all our problems would be solved and the world would be holding hands and singing kumbaya and dancing on the graves of the Democrats. Or something like that.
But instead we get Big Tech oligarchs mainlining our data direct from the government trough, BlackRock cutting deals to expand its power and influence even further and a whole new breed of military-industrial critters making billions off of new AI-powered tools of warfare.
What’s going on here? Let’s find out.
James, great work today, very ambitious.
I’ve said here before that for me there are just too many players, names, events, initials, etc. to remember or keep abreast on. It really is pretty basic isn’t it though?
Lots of bad guys and gals pushing agendas of dominance and control and not much in the way of solutions to stop it all while hanging on the web and writing “stern letters and comments” that fly away to some land of “nice try boys.”
Let’s go back to the days this song was used as a bumper on your old radio show….
“ESG is dead. Love live ESG”
Me thinks that should be:
“ESG is dead. Long live ESG”
Is that kind of like what Microsoft will be doing come May 5, 2025 with Skype?
Terminating decades old Skype service and rebranding it with Microsoft Teams.
“Skype is dead. Long live Skype.”
A pig in lipstick is still a …
Right you are. Thanks for the catch. Corrected.
Love the humour James. The only way to deal with this depressing s-show and the lack of awareness by the majority is by ridiculing the hell out of it and you do it in great style. Two tiny points: 1) With the lack of action in Gaza and Ukraine the peacemaker is helping the US death corps by bombing Yemen with more “HELL” being promised; no point in having all those weapons if they don’t get used on a regular basis. 2) – I found a typo: link to Financial Times article reads: ESG is dead. Love live ESG – I quite like that alternative but I think it should read ESG is dead. Long live ESG.
Right you are. Thanks for the catch. Corrected.
You simmer all the ingredients into a delicious and nutritious stew that clears the mind and strengthens the body for whatever comes next. At first I could only take a few teaspoons, now I want to scrape the bowl for every last drop.
Your work is much appreciated.
Well said!
And you actually just made me even more excited to make my pre-colonial Gaelic “Irish” stew tomorrow for my anti-St.Patricks day celebration! 🙂
I tried to chuck a few bucks at Derek Eyeden, but his payment processor isn’t working. I found it strange there were no donations on gogetfunding, maybe they are getting the ghosting treatment.
At any rate, that’s one fine track.
Kartelian creations are also rather good, even though the style is not exactly my cup of tea. But still good.
Hi Mkey,
This is Derek Eyden here 🙂 Thank you so much for checking out the music and attempting to contribute.
Could you possibly let me know which platform wasn’t working? I’ve just made a donation to myself on gogetfunding and bought the single on Bandcamp and they both worked?
The song and video were only released this past Friday, the 14th of March, so I’m still trying to attract listeners and potential contributors. Not my strongest talent hahaha
Thanks, again.
Hello, I was referring to the gogetfunding campaign for recording the next video. I tried both paypal and the credit card option (which is again processed through paypal) and I was getting an error when logging into paypal. Maybe something temporary, I’ll give it another go tomorrow.
One of the best essays I’ve ever read. Funny, cutting, factual. I will keep it on speed dial, or whatever is the digital equivalent, for those who thought–just this once–the comic book ending was true. Hilarious and heartbreaking.
Hilarious and heartbreaking indeed..
Well, you may wonder why the response is not so strong. I see it like a echo in a canyon. Comes back about 25% as strong as it went out.
The subject is not a self promoting or uplifting as a hot air balloon . If only you could do something to juice it up. What? Besides all those tricks of the language magic and structure you do to carry it this far. Wait a minute, you ponder ? Let me suggest something that happened to me. Maybe it will help ?
I was reading Reportage: The Strange Life of Maurice Strong. It was messing with my thinking. I was envisioning these globalist types and how they don’t ask, just take ; and our forefathers and the people being forced to disregard the turncoat, treachery of their representatives. When standing armies git board or the globalist managing them turn them loose on the homeland to enforce their totalitarian will on freedom loving people. When do the people form militias?. When are they compelled to organize a response? Well, it should be before the horse has left the barn. Well before. I’m no shouldier and was never trained in the art of war, which puts me in 95 % of the populace. The sheeple. Where are these thoughts coming from? I’m thinking of becoming a wolf , as to counter taking it in the sheep where the sun don’t shine.
Then , the going on into the darkness of the next chapter. The one that aligned with this most recent editorial. Reportage; The Real Meaning of “Independence”
The dark days of freedom loving people, Louis Riel, Wat Tyler, and of course Spartacus. Emotional stuff, I was needing some Help! Emotionally, unlike you James our childhood programing was JFK, Peace Corps, Red Cross , fair trade, clean water, sportsmanship and anti- Nazi , anti- Commie, Northern anti- slavery patriotism, USA apple pie behaviour. Presidents Birthdays, and diving under your desk and covering your head drills.
And along comes Spartacus. The dark clouds are gethering. Then out of the blue like a bolt of lighting come the soundtrack . Thomas Tallis’; Themes. It washed over the words on the page, over the confusing emotional barbwire your essay was laying out. The smoke of that battlefield confusion began to clear. I felt the pain of Spartacus, the betrail of Wat Riel and the anguish of Louis Riel. The music fell into synchronicity with the visual image portrayed on the page. The fear, talked about by that lawyer from Laredo investigating JFKs assassination went away.
Sound track ! And it could be just our training, our forming. Add a soundtrack , somehow, and we all will be Helped through this feeling down feeling. It could be that simple. Obviously it is; why would you have included it in the footnotes? Why would it have had such an effect on me?
You are a sly one Mr. Cor`Bett.
Jacob Hornberger was the Lawyer from Laredo, Tx.
Correction above.
P.S. Wat Tyler , not Wat Riel.
On the singularity having happened
“…. AI is now coding AI, and sooner or later we will no longer know where human-generated code stops and AI-generated code begins. ….”
Code is already virtually incomprehensible in the sense that LOTS of software s basically stitched together blocks that the person slapping those parts does not actually understand.
That is why Operating systems and software are NOT ANY FASTER then they were in win 98 days even though they are running in machines that are almost supercomputers compared to your old beige box.
I can run two or three win 98 virtual machines on my laptop….and they all run faster then win 10 did on the bare metal. They actually run faster then Linux does on bare metal….. and anyone who is olde will see that they can’t do much (most people don’t do ANYTHING) that their beige box didn’t in 2000, 2010 at the latest.
The issue with incomprehensible code slapped together by AI is the same if AI is artificial intelligence or An Indian…its inefficient and can fail unpredictabley
“…….Given the natural advantage that GPUs have over our clunky brains, we can safely surmise that, over time, the proportion of AI-generated code will asymptotically reach for everything, while the ratio of human-generated code slides into exponential decay. This has probably already started…..”
GPUs don’t have an advantage over our brains except for a very few things.
The AI hype bubble is IMO a the next .com bubble. Something will be left but most of it does not appear to be even as useful as was.
AI will mostly replace people who do BS jobs and the REAL threat is that it makes people as stupid as it is.
The REAL singularity is dumbed down people being turned into robots who drive their cars into the ocean because the GPS told them to
What do think about the whole quantum computing thing? Do you think this is hype too?
With the warning that I am NOT an expert in this stuff I’d say it’s probably very over hyped.
As far as I can see it’s not super useful at this point in time… as I understand it they are super expensive and not very much better IN PRACTICE then regular computers.
We are running up against diminishing returns in tech, and a less capable workforce (An Indian is cheepest but generally will slap stuff together and not care about how it actually works. They also will lie to please their bosses) so I think we’ll see a retrograde motion in tech very soon.
I think the AI bubble is just another push to make it look like the next BIG THING is just a ways down the road, when I think we’re hitting a downslope TBH. Without endless money google and their ilk will have to cut off a lot of their non profitable services which is MOST aid whatbthey do…..Even with all the fat cutting at twitter I really doubt it makes much / any money. I would bet money that YouTube and sites like it will no longer be free in a decade.
You should probably listen to Ed Zitron’s podcast for more on the “Rot economy” even though he is a nasty hipster.
I’ve heard similar things from people who thinks quantum computing is hyped and the material science part is a limiting factor. But this stuff is way outside of my domain of knowledge. I never took computer programming in college (probably should have) back in the day. But that stuff is way outdated now anyway since I was in college decades ago, so my knowledge of computers and technology is sadly lacking.
Pretty sure life saving medical training is more important 🙂 so don’t be too sad.
I should probably stop being lazy to learn stuff I find tedious. It might be like knowing how to change a tire (people should know how to do this), that I would hate to have to do, but if I needed to could do it.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge here.
“I saw what you did there!” Had to be the one… That being said, when are you planning on restocking items in your shop? I’ve had my eye on one of those Corbett Report stickers for some time now!
I was wondering about where the meme picture of Batman slapping Robin came from- and this page says it comes from a series where Batman is tricked into thinking Superman killed his dad and dedicated his life to taking down the wrong enemy
Fantastic stuff James.
Gonna be quoting this one for quite some time to come I am sure.
Thanks for all the hard work.
I saw what you did there!
you see! there’s more than just one….