Interview 1367 – Fault Lines on NGOs and the Deep State

by | Jun 18, 2018 | Interviews | 21 comments

James Corbett appears on Radio Fault Lines to discuss his work on NGOs and deep state operations.

Episode 338 – NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

U.S., Relenting, Releases Funding for Syrian ‘White Helmets’

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

US agency infiltrated Cuban hip-hop scene to spark youth unrest

US secretly created ‘Cuban Twitter’ to stir unrest and undermine government



  1. To summarize a comment I left on Episode 338…

    When U.S. was mettling in Nicaragua in the 80s they used “Aid” organizations as well.

    State Department unit called Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office (NHAO), created in 1985, was used to oversee the delivery of $27 million in “humanitarian” aid Congress agreed to give the Contras. Top aid of Oliver North, Robert Duemling, was assigned to NHAO and used as a liaison to drug dealers that the CIA didn’t want to be seen with.

  2. I quit the Veterans For Peace NGO when the Masonic leadership was bought-out to become controlled opposition. At the same time, anti-war demonstrations in DC were were systematically ignored by WAPO and Fake News. We were sprayed with tear gas but not one media camera recorded it.

  3. The question was asked in the beginning of the video, why we’re not seeing an anti-war movement, or organizations as such, on a massive scale.

    The foremost answer is very simple: There isn’t a military draft…. If there was, it would be an entirely different ball of wax. At least I would hope.

    The recent “March For Our Lives” anti-gun violence movement is a case in point. It was massively organized, countrywide, and rapidly developed – the massive rally in DC and others around the country occurred 5 1/2 weeks after the Parkland shooting. And before anyone starts to point their finger at the likes of a George Soros having influenced this phenomenal movement, there’s no way. It developed too rapidly, and too universally. Money didn’t buy this movement. Students getting gunned down was the spark that ignited this movement; and students’, teachers’ and a host of others’ widespread disgust, fear and sense of vulnerability fueled the energy behind it.

    And in exactly the same way, fear and vulnerability would fuel an anti-war movement on the same scale if there were to be a military draft; only such a movement would not simply peter-out after time, but instead, it would grow, so long as such a draft remained.

    Other reasons for a dearth of anti-war protests, let alone an actual movement, is years of propaganda focused on creating first the illusionary need for a virtuous nation to protect its citizens from acts of terrorism (we can thank the neocons for their masterly devised cons) and secondly, the clever utilization of a fallacious meme, deployed for some time now, wherein the lexicon of our gracious masters describe imperial military aggression as humanitarianism – in a world full of lies, a new parlor trick. And here it is that money helps from the George Soroses of the world, willing to throw their money at the investment, such is the good cause of Western hegemony.

    As far as a military draft being implemented, don’t expect it any time soon. With ever increasing technological efficiency in detection, weaponry, robotics, AI, etc., etc., they won’t need one.

    • Candlelight,

      Good points. I would say though that even with technology advancing, one reason the U.S. may not have had a draft for a while is because it hasn’t fought another nation that had a large amount of ground troops and a military. If the U.S. went to war with Iran, North Korea, Russia, or China, it would increase the likelihood of a draft in my opinion.

      • scpat
        I read that much of the anti Vietnam movement died off when people were no longer drafted. A desire not to go may have had a great deal to do with why protest then was so much greater then now. Not an expert on the matter so I could be wrong.
        I think today the anti-war movement has little popular traction because most people DONT HAVE TO GO FIGHT. Few people care if someone else has to go fight. Sadly few people care about ‘some other’ people getting killed ‘somewhere else’ as long as they dont need to smell the smell or see the mess.
        Most people only care when something affect them or their family and they understand that its doing so

        • Duck

          You’re quite correct. First off, it was a relief. Before the war ended, they ended the draft. But, when they ended the draft, it was as if the war, itself, had ended. And the incentive to continue to protest was more or less nullified.

          The anti-war movement essentially came to an end, as well.

          Even the music changed. Gone was the anti-war sentiment. Within a few short years the sixties’ and early seventies’ protest songs morphed into Disco. And, at that point, as far as I was concerned, the anti-establishment movement, of which the anti-war movement was part and parcel of, had died.

          • candlelight says:
            …Even the music changed. Gone was the anti-war sentiment. Within a few short years the sixties’ and early seventies’ protest songs morphed into Disco. And, at that point, as far as I was concerned, the anti-establishment movement, of which the anti-war movement was part and parcel of, had died.

            So right. I well remember.

            • far as I was concerned, the anti-establishment movement, of which the anti-war movement was part and parcel of, had died…”
              Hey , You guys should read “Weird scenes from Laurel Canyon” by mcgowen. He’s dead now but theres plenty of Audio up on YT of him talking about the book (and his other…somewhat weirder ideas)
              I honestly dont know enough to say if he was right or accurate but he was really interesting on the whole counter culture thing being made up to discredit anti-war folks as being gross weirdo hippy drug freaks that america would reject. Kinda like how 9/11 truthers are popularly thought of as being ranting alex jones types.

              • Well, thank you very much, Duck, for opening up a rather large rabbit hole that was heretofore completely unknown to me. I never heard of Laurel Canyon, or David McGowan, who I see is sometimes thought of as the very first 9/11 sceptic having voiced his reservations about it the very next day…. Interesting!

                I think I may have to jump down this new rabbit hole out of curiosity.

                Plus, you say he’s dead? Yup. He died of a very rare form of lung cancer.

                But, check out what McGowan, himself, had to say about it in this biographical link in the paragraph on Cancer:


                Also, your interesting take on Alex Jones. I’ve followed him for years, yet I’ve always found his crazy antics and rantings as oddly inexplicable. I am a 9/11 truther so his carrying on the way he does at times does nothing to dissuade my thoughts on that subject; but, I hadn’t thought about the effect his mad antics might have on someone who is looking in from the outside, who may dismiss everything he has to say as lunacy, thus helping to pin a label of crazy conspiracy theorist on like minded others.

                That’s a good observation.

      • scpat

        Possibly. I see your point. But, the rhetoric on the table these days doesn’t shy away any longer about using nuclear weapons in the capacity of a first strike against the bigger players you mentioned. It’s both rather ballsy and reckless, yet, there’s probably something to it. I’m sure it’s a strategy the Pentagon more than simply contemplates. I’m sure it works on contingency planning.

        The moral of this story: The bigger the weaponry, the less need for boots on the ground, and thus less need for a draft.

        I do not believe a military draft is an option the United States can afford.

    • Candlelight
      “… . Students getting gunned down was the spark that ignited this movement; and students’, teachers’ and a host of others’ widespread disgust, fear and sense of vulnerability fueled the energy behind it….”
      An example of how you can get people to agitate for things that do them zero good or even harm them
      Money DIRECTS a lot of these movements in that it pays for the media coverage (newspaper adds in this case to get people to come protest)
      The people behind these kinds of movements are their money to Channel the anger and fear (in this case a media exaggerated fear since you have more chance of death by appendix then death by mass shooting and more deaths are caused by cheeseburger then lead…) people feel into goals that the people paying desire.
      Its kinda like doing a head throw… someone running AT YOU can be steered with almost zero strength by you taking hold of their head and walking gently in a half circle and letting go.
      The faster they run the harder they hit and you use almost nothing of your own strength to do it. The energy comes from them.
      The angrier or more frightened people are the easier to direct they are the harder they are made to “run” into whatever movement they are directed into.
      9/11 made people “run reallllly fast” and it took very little steering to hit people into the war on terror.

      • Duck

        Yes, I’m sure you’re quite right that there are moneyed interests looking to fund and steer “March for Our lives” types of movements and do so. Although, in this particular case it would seem that it may have already marched off into the sunset, so whatever steering or funding there was didn’t do too well. Reason being, I haven’t heard anything about “March for Our Lives” for a while, even though I can remember one or more of these kids insisting at the time that they weren’t going to let go of this issue and were not going to simply fade away….Famous last words.

        At any rate, I should have explained myself better. What I was trying to say was that this movement had ignited with the force of combustion, so much so that even George Soros wouldn’t have been able to throw his money fast enough to keep up with it; which is to say that all those junior and senior high schoolers, teachers, concerned parents at school districts around the country weren’t waiting for that $10,000 check from a George Soros type to begin mobilizing mass protests. Especially so, when in this day and age social media takes the place of expensive advertising, and is particularly effective among kids of this age group. [Of course, this leads us into the question of who can, will, and does steer social media???]

        The other thing you mentioned, about looking at the problem rationally in terms of the extreme low probability of personally experiencing such an event is decidedly Spock on. But, to be fair to the emotionally based individual, it’s not the probability, but rather the concept of it being a possibility that is troublesome, wherein they feel that in a more perfect world the possibility of some kid running around with an assault rifle killing people en masse shouldn’t exist at all, or that such a deadly potential at the very least shouldn’t exist quite so easily. Though, to tell you the truth, I don’t quite know what their specific demands actually were, or if any of their demands were ever met in terms of tightening gun regulations. Though I do believe the Florida governor increased the age of gun ownership to 21 years of age, from 18.

        • Candlelight
          @,,,Though, to tell you the truth, I don’t quite know what their specific demands actually were,…” Neither did THEY…I have a relative who went to one and was so happy and proud but DIDNT KNOW what they actually wanted DONE.
          However the players canpoint to the mass in the streets and say that there is popular demand for something that may or may not have ANY effect on the actual prob but is wanted by the players.
          I believe the CIA payed for crowds to protest before they over threw the Iranian government (I HEAR the crowd included a hired dancing bear because… well…reasons…)
          “… country weren’t waiting for that $10,000 check from a George Soros type to begin mobilizing …”
          I saw a church utterly changed in its outlook and practices, led around by the nose by maybe 4 people that were in the right positions… if you body slam a door it wont move but only a tiny bit of twisting ON THE HANDLE pressure you can make the door open.
          Likewise you dont need many paid people just a few who have the gift of being able to mke others listen…plenty of useful idiots will fall in line after that.
          95% of people will go along with whatever the other 5% tell them is a good idea… like
          The danger of popular movements TO the power structure is why they spend so much time trying to direct such movements. They also use them like any other tool I think

  4. Voa
    . TEll more people, (too many folks INCLUDING ME live in an echo chamber these days and plenty of people think they are the ONLY person worried)
    . Make ourselves better so we’re not as dependent (Not many fat/poor/defenseless people will REALLY want to live without big government healthcare/benefits/police)
    . Make good families and friendships (without that NOTHING anyone does will fix the probs we have now)
    .Vote and protest and dont let the people in power think that your apathetic

    Anyone else have ideas?

    • I agree Duck.

      I place a lot of emphasis on activism and trying to better conditions. And activism can include “setting an example”.
      The more we do as individuals, in any mode of influence, and as appropriate to the situation, the better for all of us.

    • Just today, an opportunity arose…
      I was waiting in the long line at the grocery store checkout.
      On the magazine rack was one entitled: “The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.” with his photo on the cover.

      I smiled at the lady behind me. I bobbed my finger at the magazine and said: “You know, I recently found out something about Martin Luther King that I did not know. In 1999, it was proven in Federal Civil Court that the government conspired to assassinate Martin Luther King. …transcripts of the trial on the King Family website… snipers were set up… Hoover was involved… William F Pepper was the attorney for the King Family… There is a great interview with him on The Corbett Report….”

      She responded, “Interesting. I never heard of that, but I am not surprised the government was involved. It’s sad, really. I am going to check it out. I will get out my iPad when I get home.”

      Of course, I repeated the keywords: The Corbett Report and Pepper and MLK several times.
      And, of course, all the folks around us overheard the conversation, because I am not soft spoken.

      • Goes to show me that simply reading what someone has to say does not by itself give a person much insight into the personality traits of the writer – certainly not in any totality…. And here I’ve always taken you for a very soft spoken individual. Imagine that? 🙂


  5. Here is something on the flipside of NGO influence.
    Some good news.
    A demonstration of how ordinary people can influence things.
    And a glimpse at the number of folks who are aware.

    The following result is because a cook and a truck driver got together and pushed it through all the channels and red tape.

    It is now official…
    The Texas Republican Party supports the banning of water fluoridation in Texas.

    Sunday, June 17th 2018, the Texas Republican Party voted and decided on its platform for the next 2 years at the convention in San Antonio.

    Plank #245 – Fluoride in Water Supply: The Republican Party of Texas supports banning the fluoridation of the Texas water supply.

    It was almost a 5 to 1 “in favor” of the resolution vote.
    Yays were 5231
    Nays were 1160

    • Ban Fluoride Additives In The Texas Public Water Supplies.
      A resolution to recognize that the current fluoridation of public drinking water supplies is dangerous, harmful, careless, and unethical. And that the addition of fluoridation is expensive, ineffective and should be banned in the Great State of Texas.

      WHEREAS, fluoride is medically not to be ingested. Toothpaste gives warning to not ingest, and if ingested, to call poison control.

      WHEREAS, the fluoride used to fluoridate the public drinking supply comes from the waste of the phosphorus industry. It is a hazard class 8 corrosive and secondary class 6 poison.

      WHEREAS, this waste product that is added to the municipal water supply as the fluoride additive is called fluorolsicilic acid which is not a pharmaceutical grade fluoride.

      WHEREAS, the added fluoride does not treat the water in any form or fashion.

      WHEREAS, fluoride is not an essential nutrient and is not a required component for human growth and development.

      WHEREAS, 97% of Western European Countries do not add a drop of fluoride to their water supply.

      WHEREAS, fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay than non-fluoridated countries.

      WHEREAS, fluoridation is a violation of the individual’s right to informed consent to medication.

      WHEREAS, fluoride is a endocrine disruptor and can affect many parts of the body like the: bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and blood sugar levels.

      WHEREAS, fluoride is recognized as 1 of 12 industrial chemicals known to cause developmental neurotoxicity in human beings.

      WHEREAS, the CDC says that 40% of American teenagers show visible signs of fluoride over-exposure.

      WHEREAS, fluoridation: A “one dose fits all” level is unacceptable.

      WHEREAS, the public drinking water should not be a delivery system for any medication.

      THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party of Texas supports banning the fluoridation of the Texas water supply.

  6. NGO organizations played a critical role in the immigration invasion of Europe. People opposed to NGO action are banned, jailed, censored, and put on trial. NFO action is supported by nations and opposition is punished. NGO action is an extension of corporate and gov. beliefs. NO anti war activity because their is no corporate pay off. Anti NFO action is censored by Corporate Media, like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Patreon and others. Political reaction is anti NGO as in the expulsion of Soro’s related organizations. Who is opposed to Antifa? Fascism is the enemy, but not marxist who are the ones pushing anit liberal positions.

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