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Marcelo writes in with a common question: A link on your site is broken. Where can I find the information it contained? James responds with two simple ways to find broken links online.
The Wayback Machine
Bookmark this 7 minute clip and Thread… “How to Find Broken Links Online” – The Corbett Report (Open Source Intelligence News)
Wayback Machine is a wonderful tool, one I use all the time. It’s also important to know how to save a page to Wayback: just below the scrolling horizon of archived pages, to the right is a heading that says “Save Page Now” with a window for pasting anything anyone sees worth saving. We should all be doing that, since the only reason we’re able to actually read a since broken link is due to the foresight of others who recognized something worth saving. That being said, however, I do wonder about the backers behind Internet Archive since the timing of their fund drives always correspond to Wikipedia’s. Is there another alternative, besides individuals saving webpages to their hard drives, which are about as useful as a ream of rare, brittle pages aging within a trunk in an attic somewhere?
Searching comment sections
mkey offers some information about searching comment sections.
(I found the comment link via duckduckgo with this script “searching lost links” )
As you read down the thread, it gives some examples.
Discovering ‘lost’ videos.
Under Corbett’s 5/19/2019 article Reminder: Neocons ADMIT They Will Lie Us Into War, he has some recommended links, including the “Just For Fun” section.
In the “Just For Fun” are links…
The Lost Andy Kaufman Collection Explanation is a very interesting read.
It describes how someone tracked down ‘lost’ videos.
And Andy Kaufman is a riot.
I wish someone had the skill set to track this down…
9/11 – The ‘lost’ 2004 episode of ‘History’s Business’ on the History Channel – Larry Silverstein says: “Building 7 was a controlled demolition” (per Tony Szamboti)
I once contacted one of the hosts of the show who had later moved to North Texas. He said that he did not have any copies.
Fascinating pdf.
Thanks karl.
If you want to grab a website and store it locally with the page links automatically altered to point to the files IN YOUR PC rather then online you can mirror a whole website with httrack (windows or linux or Mac)
You can also use wget but httrack is so easy even a fool like me can use it…it wil make an index page that links to the various locally stored sites and navigates just like it was online. You can set how many layers off site you want to go if you want external to the site files..
You should be mindful of not overloading your favorite sites bandwidth with it. Plenty of help info on the web about it to
Interesting. Thanks.
Mark Passio is a pretty interesting dude, and he has great wisdom. Peaceful Anrchy FTW! Markets Not Capitalism, Let The Free Market Eat The Rich, & Free MArket Anti-Capitalism is the way to go! May the Greedy Filthy Rich Rothschild & Rockefellar Capitalist Bastards Sleep with the Fishes!
Also, I got interviewed last week, & here’s my very first Online Live Video Interview. has been known to take sites down., in Iceland, also has an online archive, and i’ve found things there that has deleted. doesn’t have as big a selection, though, and I think it’s newer.
When I download articles, I make sure both archives (.org and .is) have it, as well.
What I would like to see is an article, or some *current* links about how to downloac videos. I’ve been noticing over the past year or so that it is becoming more and more difficult to download videos. It doesnt’ even have to be a free service. I’ve paid for two different programs that promised to be able to download videos, and neither one worked. rip-off.
There are websites that claim if you paste in the URL, they will download it. It usually works once or twice, and then stops. I can’t figure out if it’s some kind of scam. If so, what kind?
But anyway, when I go into a search engine for sites that talk about downloading videos, most of htem are very old, and don’t work any more.
Most of them seem to rely upon the website’s APIs, which change frequently.
One approach if all else fails and you are still able to play the video in your browser but not download the file is to install some screen recording software and record the video and sound in real time from the screen. There are a few open source and free options out there.
It’s not ideal as it will take 3 hours to record a 3 hour video regardless of how fast your Internet connection is. You will also loose quality as the video has to be re-encoded from an already lossy image. but for documentation purposes it is better than nothing.