Can You Keep A Secret?

by | May 6, 2020 | Videos | 17 comments

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Do you want the super secret password for all Corbett Report content, no matter what controlled platforms may or may not try to censor it? It’s You have been told.


  1. Ye I heard you Mr. Corbett and bookmarked your site will be and I will include the effort to at least spend the total sum of 2 minutes a day checking your website before I will click Netflix and Youtube.

    Off course as usual this en devour will get me to read complete articles, listen to podcasts and video’s and since I became a paid subscriber for a whole year with a single paypal donation, I’m assured that subscribers only content will also be available on that day !-)

    So CNTRL-D will be typed right after this message goes into the records that are safely kept on your servers….

  2. James should register “” ( in Namecoin.. or some other distributed name resolution service.

    I personally would love if there was a Tor node for his webpage.. 🙂

  3. James is correct. He is close to the edge with YouTube.

    Look at the title of his last work in the series…
    “How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health”
    God forbid!…James used the ‘H’ word.

    “Health Information on YouTube” FROM YOUTUBE
    …We make sure that health info about COVID-19 on YouTube comes from authoritative websites including government agencies, health ministries, and centers for disease control. These sources currently include the World Health Organization and the National Health Service in the United Kingdom.

    We’ll continue to expand our health information panels to more health organizations and health topics…

    …If you see problems with the health info on YouTube, please send us feedback….
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
    Never mind the Pharma paid trolls and sheeple snitches…we know they exist.

    We at Corbett Report all know that there is big money and big power at play here. Those guys are not going to tolerate something which jeopardizes their agenda.

  4. I just had an idea and wonder if anyone employs this strategy.

    If I had a video that I wanted to release to the public on Youtube or another MS platform that I knew was contentious and would surely be taken down in short order, I would release two copies of it.

    The first would be named with a clear title depicting exactly what the video was about. For example: “Bill Gates is controlling the entire Covid-19 plandemic”.

    The second copy (whose contents would be exactly the same as the first) would have an innocuous title such as: “Yummy Chocolate Fudge Brownies”
    and of course its own url address.

    Probably a really obtuse title would be better, as people looking for Fudge Brownie recipes might rat on the video!
    Maybe something like: “Gadget for multiple constructs”

    I would give both copies (titles and links) to sites such as the Corbett Report and would encourage everyone to pass them along to as many other people as possible.

    This way, when either Youtube’s bot algorithms or human censors tried to find the video they would only come up with the first and not the second.

  5. From where I stand this morning, almost a year and a half later, Judy Mikovits is the person who makes the most sense to me, in accordance with my initial enthusiastic reaction, before a long sabbatical of doubt, my impressions tempered by folks I respect with differing perspectives, then and today. Dr. Mikovits confirms the explanations of others who’ve consistently made a lot of sense to me including Alexandra Henrion-Caude. Of course many questions remain in my mind, such as did she isolate or have time to isolate the HIV virus or not, I’ll have to check, but on the whole she seems to be the most coherent, the most sincere, the most nuanced and as I am unable to grasp the complexities of retroviruses and how they may or may not insinuate themselves into my genome whereby I may or may not pass them on to my offspring etc. and comprehend the possible implications of cross-species infections and virus shedding (a rather terrifying concept) and all the rest,

    I find comfort and clarity in the trust I’m allowing myself to have for this woman and her analysis that fits in nicely with the puzzle picture that’s been falling into place over the last 18 months.

    I’ll also take this opportunity to repeat that I regret that I had misjudged the Bakersfield doctors, though I do not regret having expressed my erroneous opinion, as that is part of the whole individual and collective learning process. Furthermore I was honest at the time I made my mistaken comments as I’d pointedly stipulated that I hadn’t watched most of their presentation; I felt it was important that I insist on that fact, knowing that we all influence each other’s opinions here.

    Anyhow, that was my pre-Thanksgiving Sunday morning Covid confessional for what it’s worth.

    Guess I’ll meet up with myself again in 18 months for another update…

    Gotta love this site.

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