
Episode 203 – Philosophy of Freedom: Natural Law

What is “the rule of law”? On what basis do we institute laws and why should we obey them? Are laws for the protection of unalienable rights, and if so, how do we derive our knowledge of those rights? Are governments necessary for the enforcement of the laws? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of natural law.

Episode 202 – How to Overthrow a Dictator

From Romania to Egypt, even our recent history is replete with examples of how the people can stand up en masse and take down a dictator…but what if overthrowing the dictator is the easy part? This week on The Corbett Report we ask the question behind the question of how to overthrow a dictator: How to overthrow the power structure that underlies the dictatorship.

Episode 201 – Education 201

As we move into the next era of The Corbett Report, it’s time to raise the bar. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve further into the pedagogy of the oppressed…and how to liberate ourselves through self-education.

Episode 199 – 35 Reasons to Question 9/11

Those who believe that they have been told the truth about 9/11 often believe so because of their ignorance of of the official story. The establishment and the media love to portray the government’s version of 9/11 as a coherent, monolithic and universally accepted body of documented facts, but nothing could be further from the truth. The information that contradicts the official story is sometimes contradictory and often convoluted, but we will never arrive at the truth and achieve justice for the victims of 9/11 if we don’t begin the process of asking the tough questions about the official story…and demanding answers.

In this special documentary edition of The Corbett Report, we present 35 points of dispute with the “official” version of 9/11 for your consideration. If you find this information useful, please pass it on to others. Below is a list of documentation sourcing all of the clips in today’s episode. This is a starting point for investigation, not an ending point.

Episode 198 – Further Down the 9/11 Money Trail

The SEC has destroyed the insider trading investigation records. The discrepancies in the WTC gold vault holdings have never been addressed. The 9/11 “paymaster” was memory holed as quickly as he was constructed. Join us this week as we delve into some of the financial smoking guns of 9/11.

Episode 197 – 9/11/11

The tenth anniversary of 9/11 gives us an opportunity to redouble our efforts to spread awareness of 9/11 truth. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we talk to Kevin Ryan, Michel Chossudovsky and Brian Smyth about some of the events taking place in the run-up to the anniversary and how listeners can get involved.


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