
Episode 078 – The Obama Deception (audio)

In this special bonus edition of The Corbett Report podcast, we present the audio of Alex Jones’ new documentary, The Obama Deception, in its entirety. Please support this documentary by helping spread the video itself, this audio, or the information contained within the documentary. Also, please support Alex Jones by purchasing a copy of the DVD at Infowars.com or becoming a member of PrisonPlanet.tv where you can download a high quality version of the documentary.

Episode 077 – Canada’s Genocide

Canadians enjoy an international image based on peacekeeping and goodwill…but Canadian history harbours its own dark secrets. Join us on The Corbett Report as we talk to Kevin Annett about what the Canadian government has hidden from history and we highlight the work of native activist Splitting The Sky.

Episode 076 – Meet the Real Economists

The corporate controlled media laughed when they were told that the Fed’s funny money didn’t amount to real wealth. Now as that imaginary wealth disappears as predicted, we turn to those experts who told the Emperor he had no clothes. From cartoons to university lectures to the nexus of theatre and Wall Street, meet the real economists on this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.

Episode 075 – The New Media

A new media is rising to displace the old corporate controlled media paradigm. But what is the new media, what is it replacing, and what challenges does it face. This week we talk to radio hosts, webmasters, activists and infowarriors to find out more about the new grassroots internet-based citizen journalism phenomenon.

Episode 074 – The Inbred Elite’s Million Year Plan

As we celebrate Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday, perhaps it’s time to familiarize ourselves with what he actually wrote. From proto-eugenics through inbred family trees to the engineering of humanity, it’s time to face the million year plan of the technocrats on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

Episode 073 – The Smartening Up of Society

There is a battle raging between those who would seek to dumb us down and those who are interested in educating ourselves and others, a battle between indoctrination and independent thinking, a battle between tyranny and freedom. Pick a side and join us in the smartening up of society on this week’s Corbett Report.

Episode 072 – Truth Music

Music has charms to soothe a savage breast…or light a fire in the minds of men. It’s also a good tool for getting the truth out about the Federal Reserve, 9/11 or the other key topics of our time. Let’s explore some of the ways music can be used to spread truth in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.

Episode 071 – Mind Control

What do you get when you combine people’s natural tendency to bend to the will of authority with a charismatic leader pumped up by a phoney media-manipulated grassroots movement? Find out in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.


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