
Vince Perfetto on the Free State Project

Vince Perfetto, Executive Director of the Free State Project, joins us to introduce the project to congregate liberty-minded people in New Hampshire. We discuss the origins of the FSP, its goals, and what it has accomplished so far. Vince also answers James’ questions about the problems inherent in such a project and the difficulties any such geographically-located liberty community will face.

What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of this pandemic panic to one striking at the root. Join James Corbett on the streets of Japan as he strikes at the root of the pandemic problem that we are being presented with. Will you accept or reject the new governing principle of society?

Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic? – QFC #059

This week on Questions For Corbett, a Corbett Report member asks about foreknowledge of the plandemic. From Event 201 to the intelligence “failures,” CEO resignations, QE4, and bioweapon research, James explores the many lines of evidence pointing to the fact that this pandemic was planned in advance.

Corona World Order

Some are suggesting that the current crisis is the end of globalization, or that it will wipe out the New World Order altogether . . . but they are wrong. In fact, this crisis is the globalists’ dream, and what we are witnessing is the birth of a totalitarian control grid the likes of which could scarcely have been imagined before this pandemic panic kicked off. Welcome to the Corona World Order.

Derrick Broze on Building the Counter-economic Underground Railroad

Derrick Broze of joins us to discuss his escape from the US and how he is now preparing to build his own counter-economic network in Mexico. We discuss decentralization, agorism, and the importance of building freedom cells as the world faces the greatest crackdown on free humanity in our lifetime.

John Titus Exposes the Fed’s Coronavirus Lies

John Titus of Best Evidence joins us to discuss Season 2 of his “Mafiacracy Now” video series, an exploration of the crimes of the banksters and their multi-trillion dollar heist that is being perpetrated during the current crisis. Today we talk about the Fed’s lies about the coronavirus and what horrifying truths about the collapsing economy are hidden behind them.

The Corbett Report Challenge

Do you find yourself with extra time on your hands? Well your friend has an idea for you: The Corbett Report Challenge! Take the time to examine the links that your friend provides, and engage them in conversation about it. I’m willing to bet there will be something in there that’s worth talking about. Are you willing to take me up on that challenge?


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