Communicating This Info to Others – #SolutionsWatch

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Solutions Watch | 53 comments

Many people know all about the problems we are facing, but they have difficulty communicating those ideas to others. Are you one of those people? If so, this conversation is for you. Today, James talks to Benny Wills about Parrhesia, his course for helping others to learn how to unlock their voice and communicate their ideas boldly and effectively. (Hurry, the next season of Parrhesia starts in the next two weeks.)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett #065

How to Present Info for Visual Learners – #SolutionsWatch

Benny Wills on The Corbett Report

Parrhesia course

How to STOP Being the Conspiracy Guy (or Girl) in Less Than an Hour


  1. Great pointers gentlemen. Thank you.
    Humility is absolutely key in communicating the ‘truth’ message. Presenting new ‘truth’ as an idea, a possibility, rather than ‘fact’ allows room for consideration and discussion instead of debate, like you said.
    For example, I have a friend who intuitively knows our world is amiss, but has a hard time believing that the control and destruction of humanity is the end goal. Each time we get together, I say, “Did you see this article or video about subject X? No? check it out, it blew my mind, I would love to hear your take on it”. So we look at it together and talk about what it might mean and how it connects with current events. (Importantly, she is willing to look, while not everyone is). Usually, she has an ‘ah-ha moment’ and we connect some dots, and occasionally, we see things differently. But the important thing is we are communicating and talking about subjects with meaning and depth.
    Starting a conversation with, “The WEF (insert acronym) and their cronies are trying to control and cull humanity!” is never effective. Nor is “You’ve been brainwashed by corporate media and the government is lying to you. Why can’t you see that?”
    You must spark some curiosity (being curious yourself) with a bit of evidence and be a guide on the path to discovery.
    Nobody goes from sheep to sovereign all at once. Like most things in life, it happens a step at a time. Be patient in guiding those willing to listen, and be a patient listener.
    And remember, some individuals will never accept reality, its scary and disorienting to go down these rabbit holes before self-empowerment and enlightenment finally overcome fear. For some, ignorance is bliss and they would rather just go along to get along. Because as we all know, once you’ve taken that pill, there is no going back.

  2. I agree with much of what you wrote. While I haven’t gone so far as to ask people to leave me alone unless they consider the things I am trying to communicate seriously. I have been very blunt in telling people that unless they are willing to read/watch what I am using to try to get a point across then they are being closed minded and that I don’t really have any desire to continue serious conversation. And since there isn’t likely another person alive who despises superficialities and banal small talk as much as I do, that usually spells a cooling off of the relationship.
    Sometimes it is just very difficult to cut people from one’s life. A next door neighbor of mine for example is a loud, opinionated, lefty who I have never had a conversation with about anything important without him walking away angrily. Within a few weeks he will begin greeting me again and I respond accordingly. But I have learned that he is simply not capable of considering any concept that goes against his conditioning. So unless he comes to me and asks, I will never again try to get through to him.
    I also have a very difficult time restraining my passion. Which is constantly being interpreted as anger by those who don’t know me well. It is hard not to be passionate about the things that you feel are of crucial importance. Its hard not to be frustrated by the tendency that seems prevalent in most gatherings to avoid certain subjects. Hell, the subjects that most people want to avoid are the ones I want most to broach!

    My wife of 40 years is a odd case. While she agrees with me about most everything I would want her to agree with. When she is with family or friends she would not ever willing try to share. Her three sisters, every brother in law, her mom and all her/(our) friends have taken the jab. And without exception think she married a nutcase. Nevertheless, on the rare occasions when I am invited and are willing to socialize with them I am reassured that though they think I am wrong about everything. They still care about me very much and wish we could get together more often. They just can’t seem to grasp the concept that by disregarding my thoughts and ideas to such a degree that they won’t even take the time to check out the evidence that I provide that they are disrespecting me. And while I won’t cut them from my life. The end result is remarkably similar

    • Steve,
      I enjoyed reading those paragraphs.
      I really understand this statement: “And since there isn’t likely another person alive who despises superficialities and banal small talk as much as I do, that usually spells a cooling off of the relationship.”

      I, too, prefer talking about ideas and facts of substance.
      Those people who tend to always be focused on shallow things are just not the type I like to hang with.

  3. agreed. the running hoards are loosed upon the land. i joked about witch burnings a year ago. i no longer do. it has become an actual, palpable, living fear zone. where the cult cowers in terror and anger as you walk by. and the minority quakes in anticipation of mandatory upgrades. fucking ugly. i think benny is great. i think his ideas are great. the overton window has closed here. doctors cant talk to each other. science is something you say.
    garden doing great tho…..


  4. My Mantra of Now

    “All the life,
    of its form, classification or reputation,
    will respond to
    genuine interest,
    courtesy and
    good manners.”
    [A Kinship With All Life” J. Allen Boone, 1954]

  5. Benny’s transition from conversation into the poem was smooth; at first I wasn’t sure when the poem began. His poem hit my emotions somewhere, I think it was because good relationships are especially necessary right now. We need to feel the humanity of others more than ever, and the bridge symbolizes that experience well.

  6. I was hoping he was going to say the solution is to tie people up to a chair in the basement and slap them in the face with a cold fish until they get it.

    Not saying that would be particularly effective but it would be extremely satisfying!

  7. I’m sorry you are going through that. One of the issues with the “jab” is that it’s not the only one, it’s just the beginning of accepting modifications and experimental treatments. Have you looked into the “boosters” that they want to roll out. If people comply with this one “jab” will they comply with the next and the next and the next. What about long term side effects?

    I would try one last time to provide evidence that they aren’t safe. We don’t know it is really a GMO. I think the evidence indicates it’s not safe and things will never be “normal” again. Perhaps your family can hear that.

    I don’t think I could be in a relationship with someone who was supporting this and I think you are probably more enlightened that myself in that respect maintaining the ability to show compassion to what I consider to be collaborators. It’s similar to how people went along with the Nazis, turned on their neighbors. It’s ugly, the dark side of humanity, cowardice.

    I can be civil with people who are making this choice, but I cannot love them anymore and have distanced myself from those I used to love. In a way I see them as the enemy now. But then again, I have not directly confronted the agenda setters. So perhaps I am just as big of a coward as the people who are going along with this.

    • It is so depressing and seems so overwhelming and I understand those feelings a lot. They might not know how to stop it or believe it’s impossible and think it will be easier if they go along.

      I have found that sometimes listening to people and acknowledging their feelings is a good way to elicit trust and a willingness to consider my own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps if you explained how their responses made you feel they may be willing to change.

  8. I think the biggest problem is that people aren’t really interested in truth.
    Searching for truth requires a lot of time and work.
    So, if truth isn’t useful for them they won’t search for it.
    Plus, it’s so comfortable to be conformist.

    • Ayyub,
      Nice comment.
      Your statement hit a button with me.

      I’ve found that many folks do not have a strong curiosity nor interest in matters of substance.

      In my opinion, “curiosity or being interested” can be a barometer of one’s “aliveness”.
      Rocks are not interested in anything.

  9. I wish that I could do more than just to tell you that I relate and empathize completely with your situation. But I really do.
    In 1980, my new wife was a conventional California blond chick with a father who worked for public television and grew up in the same house in the suburbs. I was a high school dropout with long hair that grew up in foster care and on boats with an alcoholic father.
    Funny thing love.
    Anyway, she hasn’t really changed much about her convictions. I don’t even know that she has them. She isn’t one to voluntarily engage in conversations deeper than what would be acceptable in a business environment. I haven’t really changed that much either. Still crazy after all these years.
    But on the 18th of this month we will have been together 40 years and I am glad of that.
    She became a “mate”. In both the matrimonial and the nautical way of thinking. She was willing, after initial reluctance to live on a boat. Then to sell it eight years later after almost giving up on the marriage, buying a smaller one and sail it away from our lives in California. She stuck with me through everything that I chose to do from raising all kinds of different animals to starting the business. She isn’t subservient except that she realized that there can only be one captain. Whether at sea aboard a boat and eventually even in the marriage itself. That’s not to say that it has ever been easy or even that it isn’t still challenging. But the hierarchy is long established and it is important.
    I guess I’m just trying to encourage you to give up without a fight. I’m glad I didn’t and so is Jen. And even though I am sure that still thinks that I’m a bit crazy. I know that she will never take the jab. She trusts me. And at this stage of life its not good for a person to be alone especially as the world seems to be self destructing around us.

    “ My 10′ x 5′ ft garden plot is a joke and just reminds me how little you can do on your own with little land .”
    Please don’t give up on that either! Can you put in Grow Towers or something?

  10. Frank,
    I feel ya. Especially since you are in Toronto.
    I can’t say much more ‘cuz you already know, including:
    This is a Heading
    This is a paragraph

  11. It’s been a tough year for sure, likewise I’m not going to try and persuade friends, just give them some information and if they choose to ignore it, I’m not going to bury the dead, just push them to the side of the path and let the wildlife nibble away at them.

  12. My #1 video so far. Most viewers already have somewhat unlocked minds, of which did not unlock themselves in a vacuum of their own thoughts. Seeds are often sown from humble figures we respect. My brother barraged me with reality-shattering red pills for years, mostly ineffective (he can be quite the intellectual-masochistic). As the younger brother, I also felt a teacher-student dichotomy, so my ego repelled the information. The ego barrier goes both ways.

    I did later develop a close relationship with some new friends I used to jam with. One planted the ‘century of enslavement’ seed, which germinated into a complete reality recalibration period for me. I was open to shattering the fabric of my reality, as it was communicated effectively from a person I respect. Although I didn’t buy the climate stuff at first, I was at least receptive to entertain such a conversation. Possibly as conversations were natural in progression. The same information was repelled when my brother sporadically forced it upon me.

    I also really liked the emphasis on how most people hearts are in the right place. We have more empathy when we understand that their good nature is just being manipulated. Keeping our heads open and limiting division goes both ways too. I understand the convenience of saying ‘normie’ or ‘NPC’ to describe those spellbound/hypnotised. But having empathy for these people is so crucial, especially when conversations get political. Just curiously and calmly question why they think such things, even the most obviously programmed baloney. Just say you haven’t heard it, get them to explain. Creating a dialogue driven towards internal rationalisation is sort of the only way to rip off emotional blankets that cloud judgement.

    Unlocking a mind ultimately comes from within. Not everyone has the privilege of being handed a key in a receptive manner, which furthers a desire to unlock more truths. Many of us wouldn’t return to this site if an initial link wasn’t recommended by someone we respect. Perhaps we’d still be in normie-land, continuously false-flag freaking the fuck out. I know many conventionally intelligent people who unfortunately trust authority too much…Perhaps they would be here too, given their social circumstance was different. I honestly think most of us are just lucky. Stay humble.

  13. There were small anti lockdown protests in the middle of 2019 in many places but the election was a distraction. In many “red” states they didn’t have much restrictions at all and there were the distractions of the riots and election.

    A lot of the “vaccine “ mandates is de facto happening in the private sector. In cities that are mostly progressive areas have adopted the narrative and are going along with everything.

    I don’t understand it though. They seem happy to go along with it. It’s bizarre because it has been life altering for me and I have never been so depressed in my lifetime.

  14. Your comment resonates with my experience exactly. Over the years I have tried time and time again to inform my 3 sisters about vaccines etc and have been politely ignored. As a last straw one sister told me not to talk of such things again. Long story short, I have accused them of being Covid cult members after it was suggested I would love to be able to report (to someone in their imagination) that I had converted them. I have said that I want no further contact until they wake up. To be honest, I feel they have very little regard for my opinion and I actually want nothing more to do with them if they cannot consider anything other than the propaganda. There is too much at stake for humanity to pretend everything is fine.

  15. thanks for the link to website, never heard of it before. I am very interested in the occult symbolism of these false flag events. Listening to the podcast episode now, thanks!

  16. This evening my favorite conclusion is that…

    the enormity and grave import of “our message”, that message that the best of us in our best of moments hopes to communicate to people who fundamentally trust authority, a message we seek to communicate not for our own gratification but in a genuine effort to make someone see the colossal inconsistency between what we’re told by authorities (that exploding kerosene can pulverize 110 stories of steel beams and girders that proceed to collapse with impeccable verticality into a confined space without damaging surrounding property or more recently that there is total innocuity, nay, the utter moral imperative of testing brand new mRNA tech with unprecedented urgency, on every man, woman, child, baby and foetus possible for a disease that kills almost exclusively old and otherwise seriously afflicted people; and simple common sense.

    The profoundly dark implications that necessarily emerge when we ask people to entertain the incongruity of such mainstream propositions with elementary logic and reason

    are such that we are effectively asking people to consider a fundamental shift in their very identity, their personality, the givens, the defacto assumptions and perception apparatus that constitute the bedrock for measuring reality, truth and the nature of the universe itself.

    It’s unrealistic to just casually convince someone to diametrically change their fundamental personality, their identity, who they are as reflected back at them by nothing less than their own vision of the reality within which their self image is sculpted.

    Indeed, it’s especially unrealistic to demand such a psychological paradigm shift when it implies looking the most terrifying beast they could ever imagine square in the eyes and admitting its existence.

    There is the further complication that… most people will not admit the possibility of the beast’s existence

    because they don’t want to imagine that they themselves might have tendencies towards similar self-serving cynicism.

    I’m not saying we’re all capable of the horrors we’ve seen enacted by TPTSB

    but admitting the existence of such darkness involves reassessing how we might have inadvertently assisted such ignominy

    and thus brings on a reappraisal of the virginal rightousness of our own behavior and persona.

    Too understandably tiring, painful, humiliating, difficult for most harried and otherwise busy people just trying to eek out a reasonably pleasant existence.

    • Very astute points about how shattering this realization can be. It’s very much like the Matrix, when Neo finds out he was living in a pod hooked into a VR Matrix. Not everyone has the psychological capacity to adjust to the situation at hand and prefer to live in a fantasy.

      You mention identity and that’s really important because it’s been used in the cultural marxism phenomenon (post-modernism) crap that’s being taught in most universities in the US. Everyone takes a class outside their major and you’ll get a very passionate argument for identity politics and the official narrative about injustice (there’s some truth, but also some lies) and this is very appealing, youth identify with it. But look at how the cultural marxists are going along with all of the Biden/build back better/WEF stuff. I’m getting away from the point.

      What I mean is that identity and values are shaped early on and any disruption to that will cause some psychological trauma. There are people who can’t admit that they have been wrong their whole life or others that know that if they look at the information would require engaging in the world differently and they aren’t ready to do so.

      Nevertheless, no one said that living life was without pain and suffering. We are at a crossroads and people who go along and support this stuff are going to suffer a worse fate than having to adjust their psyche. So, while I agree with you completely and have empathy for people in this situation, part of me says too bad, they have to suck it up and deal.

      When I was a student in college, we didn’t have safe spaces. Aside from some of the post-modernism indoctrination stuff I learned, I also took some really good classes and there were a lot of people who had opinions much different than my own. So, I think I was able to deal with being wrong and learn things that oppose how I might identify in the moment.

      • So, while I agree with you completely and have empathy for people in this situation, part of me says too bad, they have to suck it up and deal.

        I’m not saying they shouldn’t “suck it up and deal”, I’m just saying they can’t.

        In my book, it’s not possible.

        It’s just not something that can be starkly presented to you that you can just suck up and deal with.

        The realization has to come from them.

        Thus, it must be presented in a pretty crafty, seemingly accidental if not off-hand way that makes it possible for the person to one day go back and autonomously reconsider things when they’re ready…

        If you want someone to really consider this stuff, as indicated in the video, the seed of doubt must be planted in a way that is utterly detached from any personal “I-told-you-so” ego gratification or anger. Otherwise its just a self-affirming exercise or rant. Believe me, I learned this the really hard way.

        Because anything at all oppositional or “owned” will make the message utterly inadmissable by the person’s own ego, emotions, the whole shebang and worse even, as a sort of innoculation effect, will only serve to strengthen pre-existing ideas to the contrary making any eventual epiphany all the more unlikely.

        I thought that Wills’ idea of playing on a person’s sense of victimhood was pretty clever and possibly effective.

        • I didn’t think that there may be people that just can’t see it at all not just resistant to change (I have been in that place). But to not be able to see it or look at it at all isn’t something I considered. I guess those psychological coping mechanisms can be very rigid. Like when you get a back spasm and can’t move. Or like a psychotic person who hears voices. Those mechanisms are probably like that.

          Comedy is another way like how some of JCs videos are funny.

          You’re right in your conclusions. Some people just can’t hear the information so we have to be creative in the delivery.

          • So rereading our above exchange in the light of refreshingly sunny and caffeinated morning

            I see that you made a couple of interesting points that I was too wiped to recognize late last night:

            namely that some people just aren’t psychologically equipped to deal with the fairly demonstrable reality of deliberate mass murder by “governments” for secret agendas,


            your excellent point about the “identity politics” phenomenon that seems, from where I’m sitting, to be a concerted effort to amplify people’s tendency to think solely with their “emotions” and “how they feel” about various topics, devoid of any actual analysis of facts which would require effort.

            Of course, all of today’s emphasis on emotions-based identity politics keeps people more divided than ever but also makes it impossible to speak to reason which is indispensable when attempting to apprehend the material meticulously explained on this website which I essentially summarized in my comments above as being the colossal discrepency between “the official version” and basic common sense when viewing (evidently engineered) crises such as 9/11 and Covid.

            Anyhow, to illustrate where I’m coming from (a personally gratifying exercise) I could very generally contrast two types of “audiences” that I’ve encountered these past 13 years since I took the time to better understand 9/11 and consequently reinterpret all of human history:

            The first very broad profile was my university students, whose general political tendencies leaned mostly from the “extreme left-wing” to the moderate “right” (a left-leaning university in general though one of its claims to fame was, once upon a time, having a teacher named “Robert Faurisson”, today remembered solely for being a notoriously convicted holocaust denier who wrote criminally dangerous blasphemy. But as a general population these kids were more inclined to consider “conspiracy theories”. I suppose this is because post-adolescent kids are inherently still more “anti-establishment” than so-called adults. Also, I was the authority figure in that scenario so this mostly played in my favor.

            And the second broad group of people I attempted to communicate my earth-shattering “findings” to was my closest friends, family and also business students who were almost completely hermetic to anything that even vaguely resembled “conspiracy theory” and were merciless towards anyone attempting to seriously communicate such uncouthly disruptive ideas.

            This latter group with a penchant for e-cigarettes is patently incapable of seeing anything even mildly odd about the way the buildings fell on 9/11 or in the absolute necessity of vaccinating the entire planet as speedily as possible using an entirely new and untested technology.

            And the crazy thing, the obvious cognitive dissonence herein, is that these people may be (but mostly aren’t) inexplicably reluctant to rush to a clinic to be vaccinated themselves but will in no way go so far as to question the incongruity of this purported necessity as explained by the “authorities” and mass media.

            • bleak,
              nosoapradio isn’t discussing Zionism nor Christianity.
              She is discussing sets of people, and communicating to them.

              If anyone has first-hand experience of face-to-face communication (in different languages “to boot”), it would be nosoapradio.
              She has been exposed to countless numbers of people in her diverse classrooms & life interactions, people of all age levels and backgrounds.

              Her comments on these boards go back years, well before my time here.

              Anyway, Bleak, I think that it is best to look at the intent of the entire dialogue by nosoapradio, which is a discussion about communicating. She is not discussing religion nor even the holocaust.

            • Well, bleak, I really must thank you!

              Your terse reply was most gratifying in various ways.

              First, the reductionist and rather agressive tone that did not appear to solicit any sort of genuine exchange or understanding nevertheless offered a prime example of the type of remarks generated by emotions-based identity politics.

              Secondly, it underscored how devastatingly vital the rigorous use of punctuation is.

              Thirdly, it triggered a most unexpected and heart-warming display of confidence from three other distinguished Corbetteers that has lit up my somewhat solitary Saturday evening with a convivial glow.

              And last but not least, it has offered a fabulous pretext for revisiting what was once almost a tradition of posting Saturday night tunes!


              So thanks bleak!


            • C’mon, Bleak. You stepped in it bigtime. HRS could dig up the links to various threads where manbearpig/nosoapradio has portrayed the very opposite of your “christian zionist” accusation. In fact, I was the zionist who was enlightened by her! Just stop. You’re making a fool of yourself.

          • Thanks HRS, but in terms of how to deal with certain psychological profiles, I presented nothing new, just reiterated what was in the video above. Like most of us here I’d imagine, I’ve been wondering why most people can’t hear “conspiracy theory” for 13 years and finally came up with the tentative explanation outlined above. Combined with the formidable power of peer pressure and the necessity to belong socially (and keep your job) which has also always been a favorite hypothesis as well. (hence my moniker)…

            Now, time for Hamsterwheeling and dealing with a couple of unsuspecting so-called “student”s! (the muted echoey growl of evil chuckling rumbles in the distance…)

    • Alchemist,

      Someone by the name of Alexandre who used to post on these boards not so long ago sent me links and info about Jung which gave substance and structure to various nebulous proto-ideas I had floating around in my mind…That phrase you posted seems vitally important:

      When we, as individuals, improve, so does society as a whole; so does the world.

      Seems like it might be our only hope now…

      I’ll confess you lost me with the Freudian slip, though? 8-0 Damn! I love Freudian slips! (when they’re not mine, of course!) Could be the rhum punch… heatwave here in southern Spain…


      Sorry I got your link only in time for the Sunday night music fest! Where’d you dig this one up?? Love it! Keep flaunting that eclectic musical culture you got there!

      Back at least a year or so ago, a certain GeneralBottleWasher left a Saturday night song; a Led Zep I’d never heard before (which wasn’t difficult; before that I only knew Stairway to Heaven). It’s called “What is and What Should Never Be”. The title could be a reference to the vaccine! … and a gazillion other things in this weird world, I suppose…
      Anyhow, in thanks to you and in his honor, should he still haunt these Corbett woods:

      • Well thanks for taking the time to clarify…
        …does evoke the phallic nature of the syringe injecting some powerful substance… fertilizing the transhuman while annihilating the human…
        Never seen either of the Petersons speak but from what you mention, it seems they may have a Freudian Father/Daughter act playing out on the internet…
        if the internet is some sort of reflection of the collective subconscious, it would be interesting to know what the engineered moral of the story might be…
        and how is this whole global rape of humanity in the form of forced vaccination playing on Freud’s notion of penis envy…? reminiscent of the cigarette hardsold by Bernays to the woman in everyone as a “Torch of Freedom”…?
        Anyhow, it’s all in the family

        • it would be interesting to know what the engineered moral of the story might be

          duh. take the vax. what else would it be? silly me.

          using cleavage, pouty lips, a pot of honey and repetition to hardsell the untested tech to so-called “skeptics”.

          Well, I guess daddy knows best after all…


        • I enjoy listening to Jordan Peterson’s lectures and interviews. So sue me.
          When I first heard his daughter introducing one of his podcasts I thought it spoke of nepotism but that didn’t bother me. I don’t listen to that part. I don’t hold it against anyone for giving their children a helping hand.
          When I heard that both father and daughter were eating a diet consisting of nothing but meat, I realized that even really smart people think and do really silly things from time to time based on the advice of other silly people. Not an uncommon phenomenon.

          Someone’s status, reputation or level of fame is not a very good basis to judge whether or not they have things to say that are worth listening to.
          Nor are their missteps reasons to dismiss everything they say.
          Their deliberate and repeated lies and disingenuousness is.

          I don’t listen to Dr. Peterson’s daughter so I don’t really care about what she thinks. I don’t hold what she thinks against her father.

          I don’t remember ever having the thought that Jordan Peterson was being disingenuous or deceitful. Even when I disagree with him. So I will probably stay subscribed to his podcasts and continue to use discernment in evaluating his content. As I do with everyone.

          Just my two cents.

    • Interesting that you should make that distinction. Seems that if Jung recognized the Shadow as being the unconscious and encouraged people to strive to make it conscious, that might reasonably imply that this would constitute an effort or “work” to be done. Thus, I don’t see exactly your point about “shadow work” not being his own exact words which they probably aren’t.

      And what does that mean for you that he was a gnostic and Hermeticist? Are you a Gnostic and/or Hermeticist, bleak?

      • I hope this answers your question.

        I believe it does. Thanks for taking the time.

        It all greatly contrasts with my current vision of how a human being can see and cultivate the “Pearl” you referenced, this capacity being much more readily available and developed without the need for occult scripture, though perhaps this latter can also help.

        musical illiteracy is like a virus; it knows no boundaries like age, race, or religion…
        …I fall prey to certain “deceptions” (like music which is a distraction)

        So, is all music a distraction and an expression of illiteracy or just Led Zep?

        Music has helped me through many a difficult challenge in life, and was even the central element of my children’s education.

        I’m pretty sure a universe, a life without the universal language of music would be…


        • Bleak says “live music is pretty much dead”..
          I don’t know about that. I don’t get out much these days but if I lived in Dallas I would definitely make an exception and maybe even break a few government rules to go see this guy perform.

          “ Five Times August is the music created by Dallas based singer/songwriter/guitarist Bradley James Skistimas”

          There is no famous person or group that I would go out of my way for just as I won’t ever go to a major league bb game.
          But I might catch a minor league game someday. Still love the game.

          The way we partake of the things we find enjoyable in life is definitely changing. But just like when the bars were closed. People brought back the speakeasy.
          We just have to keep adapting and never give up.

          But check that guy out if you have never heard him. Powerful truth music that is pleasurable to listen to.

      • Jung was a gnostic. Codex I of the Nag Hammadi scriptures was even named after him ie “The Jung Codex.” He wrote gnostic fiction called Seven Sermons To The Dead. I haven’t read yet. Debating whether to get single volume or supersized version.

        Well, this is intriguing indeed!

  17. Dear Zzzapp,
    My 2 cents. Data doesn’t work as well as personal stories or humour (I work in the data department at a large hospital).
    We got our letters from admin giving us the link for appointment times ect. for the jab… presented like an order. I deleted mine. I spoke to 3 co-workers in the department. I told them about my experience with Moderna. Two of my 3 boys have a rare genetic disorder that involves only one gene. Moderna was (is still?) working on it for a number of years. They described it as a “genetic” solution. Yep mRNA, I think they even used the same pictures for their campaign since the technology is the same. Since it was mRNA, you would need to take a new formulation via injection every couple of years. Cost projection $250,000 per injection. US dollars, we live in Canada. That price, believe it or not, is cheaper than the drugs that they are on now. This was in 2018. To my knowledge they were never able to develop anything that worked for their illness. Anyway, my point is that it wasn’t a “vaccination” then and it isn’t one now. My sister’s next-door neighbor got her shot and is now paralyzed in all 4 limbs. She can’t walk or eat herself. She sees a neurologist 6 hours away and the first question he asked her was “did you get the vaccine?” I ask other folks if they know of anybody that died of COVID and the answer is usually no. I also share our hospital stats: MDs 34% no jab, other hospital workers 33% no jab, research arm 42% no jab. These stats have not changed in months despite the number of “letters” and appointments they keep setting up for us. What I can’t figure out is the number of people that get calls from their family MDs. Do they get paid for this? I can barely get an appointment, yet my MD sent me two emails. Same with a lot of other folks.
    Your children: Jon Stewart was on Steven Colbert. Sorry a youtube link, and it is pretty funny and gets the message across better than any peer reviewed stuff.
    My middle child is still a student in his victory lab and I remind him that he is in the resistance. Would this work for your children? Like Lord of the Rings… some of that stuff? My youngest just finished high school and the propaganda from the school has been relentless. I was actually glad when there was a lock down so that they couldn’t get their hands on him. He wants to go to school out of town in the fall, but here I can keep an eye on him.
    Last point: I wasn’t getting along with my oldest son, so for my own sanity I saw a psychologist for about 6 sessions. It made a world of difference with setting some boundaries for behaviour. I hope things work out.

  18. ” …and YES, peculiar hypnotism is one of them! 9ll was undoubtedly an unparalleled exercise in mass hypnosis. The masterfully-controlled disappearance of those dual towers… ”

    It was certainly unparalleled in 2001.

    However in my estimation Covid-19 has far surpassed it in this respect, whether you are talking about ‘mericans or the world populace.

  19. I had a student who was a radiologist who after looking at mammograms year in and year out finally decided to go back to school. She decided to study genetics and after conducting clinical research into the effect of mammograms on DNA, came to the conclusion that when each breast is x-rayed TWICE: the first shot weakens the DNA and the second creates the cancer (it’s been years so I’m a little hazy on the details). She recommended doing only a single shot of each breast at a time and the others two weeks later. Medical heresy. At first she was invited internationally to speak about her findings but very quickly she was ostracized from the so-called “medical community”. My first class with her was the day BIBA magazine featured an interview with her. After only a few short weeks I never heard from her again. (hopefully not a reflection on my teaching skills but…) But her story marked me.
    Every year, in the mail, I receive an invitation designed to terrify me into getting a free mammogram. (along with free coupons for coloscopical exams and of course a flu shot) which all end up unceremoniously in the trash. I confess I’m sort of waiting for poetic justice to be rendered in the form of some massive and particularly virulent breast cancer metastasizing to my anus and then my lungs one of these days so, as you say, the “real radiation can begin”. I’m very impressionable.

    • I was actually going to get one, but was kind of hesitant. I have an aunt who died of breast cancer. She never got mammograms.

      Ultrasounds are much better, but usually doctors won’t do one before trying a mammogram. It’s ridiculous.

  20. Reuters top USA story today from yesterday on communicating this info to others:

    July 16, 2021
    1:49 AM CEST
    Last Updated 10 hours ago
    United States
    White House slams Facebook as conduit for COVID-19 misinformation

    WASHINGTON, July 15 (Reuters) – Facebook is not doing enough to stop the spread of false claims about COVID-19 and vaccines, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Thursday, part of a new administration pushback on misinformation in the United States…

  21. I totally understand your painful situation. It is much easier to stay “cool” when having discourse with friends and family, or other associates…but when it is a spouse, or adult child….and they are even considering getting the jab …or worse yet…poisoning your grandchildren…. it is so hard to hold back. My daughter’s tolerance for conversation on anything COVID related is just plain zero. I have had to stick to that or risk losing the ability to even see my grand children. All I can do is show love and hope now because I know she has heard the information.

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