by | Jul 2, 2019 | Videos | 25 comments

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When I am king, ect. will be first against the wall! But king of what? Appointed by whom? And how would that effect you, anyway? THAT’S the question.


  1. Quite right! There should be severe penalties for grammar offenses, especially the use of “then” for “than” (ie, I prefer chocolate more then vanilla.); off with their heads!!

    • Like, it ends up effecting the quality of MY OWN precision in oral and written expression which I’m loosing!!

      Another French lose canon.
      Off with her head!

    • Maybe your right – labor camps will do.

    • Like, right?! Communicated so good, to.

      • Too you, deer comrade! As much as Fawlty Tower’s response tickled and tempted my lust for blood, my heart was softened by your cleverness.

  2. I am worried about my grammar, with well-written sentences like the one above.
    My primary years consisted of 4 different schools a year every year until I left school after barely 120 days into my first year of high school. I am an amateur on the subject, I must confess to having never come across this spelling you mention “ect”.

  3. Here are the other candidates:

    Camacho 2020
    I kill everyone

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords 2020
    The traditional basis for a system of government

    Lebowski 2020
    Aggression will not stand, man

    CTHULHU 2020
    Don’t settle for the LESSER of two evils.
    Vote for the GREATEST.
    Lives don’t matter

    Rick Astley
    He will never..

    But can we trust that they keep their promises?

    • Vice presidential candidate Oddball-

      “Do you know what’s in that bank, Sweetheart?”

    • Uncertain candidate for 2020:
      Giant Meteor
      2016 Promises:
      Wipe out all student loans
      Eliminate all mortgage debt
      Remove credit card debt
      Reduce all tax burdens to zero
      ..within the first 5 minutes

  4. I had a philosophy professor who on the first day of class said “…and if anyone uses an apostrophe for a plural, I will fail your paper!”
    No one mistook that for a joke.

  5. Definitely.
    Occasionally I’ll see a clip of one of those inane late night shows where the guest celebrity is sporting the “I VOTED” sticker like a proud child who’s mom put his retarded crayon drawing on the refrigerator. Baffling. At least Sasha Baron Cohen satirized it one time by showing up with the sticker on his suit, then peeled it open to reveal about 50 more stickers.

    • I meant whose mom, not who’s mom. Don’t send the swat team.

  6. “I am the master of my fate,
    The captain of my soul.”……..etcetera or is that et cetera?

  7. it is absolutely criminal… ECT ~ electroconvulsive therapy, frequently used by CIA MKULTRA doctors, etc. they totally deserve to be jailed!

  8. Love ya King James!
    Everything you do and say is so rich!
    I’d vote for you if I could.
    Not sure for what though. 🙂

    I’m recommending all you ‘Mericans
    spoil your ballots and vote for Corbett 2020!

  9. O Great King or Mr. President–

    May you reign forever! C-O-R-B-E-T-T! Corbett! Corbett! Corbett! Bow, scape.

    While you’re at it on the ect. front would totally like send the CIA to whack anybody who uses the words THAN and THEN wrong?

    Than, you will be saving the children, the elderly and the disadvantaged more then, you-know, that other king.

  10. He,he ECT just plain looks wrong. The only thing I remember from my college English class was the prof being irate about people using the word “impact”
    as a verb. All these years later, it still bugs me when I hear it.

  11. Had a good Chuckle with my morning tea. Great speech, thank you James

  12. Around the 3:50 mark,
    I really got a chuckle when Corbett gives the sidenote: “…And I would like to say for my household, but my wife might have something to say about that….

    That is right.
    It is found in the unwritten “Book of Marriage Rules”, Chapter 24.
    Every married guy should read it.
    Most married guys, if not all, have never read it. And thus, they learn about the chapters through experience as the years progress.
    If I had only read it beforehand, it would have saved me from a lot of confusion.

  13. Compulsory voting from where I come from. We should be given stickers that say “I Voted because your lovely government was going to throw me in a cage like an animal if I didn’t!”

  14. ect ect ect… and that’s the beauty of what James is saying. As much as it annoys him, he is not going to physically try to restrain me from the ignorance of typing ect. Corbett 2020!!

  15. ECT, I love that video!
    Corbett 2020: Go James Go!

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