Episode 410 – The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

by | Jan 29, 2022 | Podcasts | 77 comments

You’ve been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It’s here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year. Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year. Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

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Fakest Photo or Video of the Year


The photoshopped photo from Norwegian newspaper Sunnmørsposten of a “masked” Olav Mestad, the chief medical officer of Ålesund, who was in fact maskless

Biden “driving” an electric F-150

Fake videos of the Kabul evacuation, including a video of a man allegedly hanging out on the engine of a departing plane (although massive props to the Vietnamese graphic designer who originally posted the video, including a whole series of such fakes)


Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says” a September 2021 article from Rolling Stone that manages a rare triple play: not only is all of the information presented in the story factually incorrect, and not only did they fail to retract the story when it was debunked (instead opting for the lying “update”), but even the picture they used to illustrate the article was fake news!

See “The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals” for more on this truly galling display of faux jounalism.

Fakest Politician or Health Official


AOC showing up maskless among a sea of masked servants in a “tax the rich” dress to the $35,000 a ticket Met Gala, a dress designed by a tax evader

Justin Trudeau for “anti-vaxxers are racist misogynists

Trump for calling the Warp Speed MAGA jabs his “greatest achievement” and bragging that “I’m boosted


Fauci for “attacks on me are attacks on science.”

Is this real life? Did he actually just say that? That is straight up, comic book, Palpatine-level “I am the Senate!” energy right there.

See my episode on Science Says! for a point-by-point deconstruction of this fundamentally anti-scientific idea and read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for a point-by-point takedown of Fauci’s entire career.

Fakest Fact Check of the Year


PolitiFact for their “Pants on Fire” “debunking” of the laboratory origins of SARS-COV-2 . . . which they later had to update with a note to say that since the “experts” they relied on for their “fact check” had changed their mind, they were “removing this fact-check from our database pending a more thorough review” (…we’re still waiting, Poynter!)

CTV News for No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code, which incorrectly states that the COVID vaccines are “long past the experimental stage”

IFLScience (a website with a checkered history of stealing other people’s work, for “Fact Check: Will We Be Microchipped With Vaccine Passports?”  which uses the very real story of how a Swedish company has devloped a mircrochip that can showcase your vaccine passport status to argue that it’s a “public relations nightmare for scientists and a gift to anti-vaxxers,” who are obviously still crazy even when they are demonstrably right.


ALL OF THEM! That’s right, in a bombshell story late last year Facebook admitted that ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion

Fakest Climate Change Story


The Lancet for “The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future” which was immediately picked up and regurgitated by the lying corporate media despite the fact that its central assertion that rising temperatures are leading to rising death tolls is directly contradicted by the published research demonstrating that deaths caused by non-optimum temperatures are declining by tens of thousands of people each year.

The Victoria Times-Colonist for “B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’
,” in which they fall for the transparent publicity stunt of Dr. Kyle Merritt of Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, B.C. who clinically diagnosed a patient with diabetes and heart failure with “climate change.” Not only did the Times-Colonist “reporter” not seek any alternative viewpoint to Dr. Merritt’s nonsensical non-diagnosis, it neglected to inform its readers of University of Washington meteorologist Cliff Mass’ exhaustively documented work showing that the “Great Northwest Heatwave” last summer was not climate change but merely weather (because, as we all know, Weather is not Climate!…except when it suits the narrative).

The usual gaggle of climate hypocrites who flew their private jets to the COP26 conference in Scotland to lecture the little people about how they need to reduce their carbon footprint


The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero for their scheme to get the world’s population on board with the creation of a $130 trillion investment trough to be stewarded over by the organized crime syndicate of crooks, criminals, con artists and eugenicists in international finance in the name of “saving the earth!”

For more on this supergroup of evildoers, see:

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

Welcome to the New Economy


“100% safe and effective!”

Because we HAVE to go with a single story, we’ll give this dino to … ohhh, I dunno …

Rachel Maddow for “the vaccines will get us to the end of this.”

. . . but to be fair, she wasn’t the only one spreading that fake news.

Of course, none of this was surprising to anyone who was paying attention. Viewers of The Future of Vaccines already knew the truth about these non-vaccines way back in December of 2020.

To be sure, there are any number of ancillary fake news stories that deserve to share in this award:

Like the NBC opinion piece, “The Covid vaccine is safe, whatever anti-vaxxers say. Here’s why we can trust it,” which dovetails with the Milken Institute talk on a “universal flu vaccine” that took place in October of 2019 and featured Tony Fauci and Rick Bright discussing the need for a crisis to speed up development of mRNA vaccines (2019). (More on that aspect of the scam from the Unlimited Hangout series on Moderna: Part I and Part II.)

Also, there was the fake news narrative about the  “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That propaganda fairy tale has been utterly smashed over the past year by Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond, who has amply demonstrated that the truth is the polar opposite. In fact, there is a pandemic of the injected.

Then there are the “mystery heart attack” stories, like “Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries,” which miraculously fails to even mention the word “vaccine” despite the fact that the experimental mRNA injection are scientifically proven to “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle” and “Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians,” which cites “two London physicians” claiming (without evidence) that “as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder” before bizarrely pivoting into the one and only health condition they attribute to the disorder: heart related problems . . . without ever once mentioning (you guessed it!) the scientifically-proven link between the experimental COVID injections and the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis among otherwise healthy young men. (And that’s not even mentioning the 278% increase in heart attack deaths among soccer players this past year.)

There’s also Brianne Dressen and all the other people with life-altering injuries from the injections who have been censored, suppressed and marginalized over and over this past year.

And then there’s the Noam Chomskies of the world saying that the unvaxxed will have to be segregated from society and starve to death if necessary and the Neil Youngs of the world clamouring for the suppression of information on this subject.

Truly, many many people have contributed to this, the fakest story of the year (if not the century) and the largest ongoing uncontrolled medical experiment in the history of the human species.


  1. Great stuff. Now I want a dino too.

    Here is some information that you might have missed:
    Deanna McLeod dissects the Pfizer trial
    I think that you can give this to any doctor.
    After “unblinding” the number of deaths become 20 for the injected (Placebo still 14). (Explained around 0:30)

    The adverse effects (often covid-like symptoms) are far more (3x) in the injected group than in the Placebo group.
    This begs the question if they use the same (PCR) test parameters.

    We can even question if there really was a Placebo. It looks like they were using Fauci’s strategy of spiking the placebo. Or maybe they selected a very sick group for the placebo.

    With the enormous amount of side-effects we see in the real world, this
    certainly seems possible.

    Here is my full report (posted before)

    And new info is coming out:
    10x increase in myocarditis after experimental jab, not after covid

    Extreme and weird clots found by elbalmers in experimental jab deaths

    Crimes against humanity – Trials
    Some good news?

    Before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Corona Virus “Vaccines”. Nuremberg Code, Crimes against humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression” – Global Research

    Reaching Covid-19 “Turning Point of Critical Mass”: Is Nuremberg 2 Next? London Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation – Global Research

  2. Halleluia! Keep the humor coming James, and don’t let it get bitter. Picture yourself in their grade b horror show with the nerdiest of would be actors and actresses. Nothing to take seriously there. Just their five mninutes of fame, and Mr CAmpbell Soup CAn, Andy Warhol, gave them that much ’cause he knew what it meant to be the creepiest kind of freak.
    Thanks for the Fauci clip. My new moniker for him is Dead End Fauci. Nice.
    Take a deep breath ….”come writers and poets who prophesize with your pens; and keep your eyes wide the chance won’t come again; and don’t speak too soon while the wheel’s still in spin; for there’s no telling who that it’s naming;..” Bob Dylan, Poet Laureate;
    See tonight’s X State of The Union, Jan. 28, (probably still streaming live) / seems Neil YOung released a seventeen minute song re: Kennedy assassination recently, and his discreditation may be a CIA op. Didn’t catch it closely, pretty sure he had some statement from YOung about not having done that at all.
    By the way, y’all, another fun fact: Lemmings do not commit mass suicide. That’s another …?…false flag? op? lie?
    Remember tho: A lot of what the boogie men claim, such as that their drugs are “safe and effective”…and hasn’t that been the drug dealers’ mantra forever and a day? ….Is absolutely factual from their perspective and true intentions. It is safe for them, and effective in doing what they want it to. Their lies are effective too.
    So, always be willing to follow Alice into the looking glass, so you can see the red queen standing on her head, and the white knight walking backward.
    When we don’t get caught up in all the passion, aggresion, and ignorance, it’s curious to sit back and watch it all reveal itself. Which is the dream? The dream, or the waking?
    Let’s have compoassion for the despair and desperation of the lives of the “common people” , the salt of the earth, who just want and need to belong. The herd complex is an intrinsic part of any social animal.

    WEll, I sound preachy. I listened to Pema Chodron today, always very helpful. I was a complete beast, entirely out of control yesterday. I could blame all kinds of brural and cruel realities, but the truth is I turned into one also.
    Blessd Be, y’all.

  3. 2nd week that my epoch times has had an article on the huge rise this year in non covid deaths in the 18-49 year group…. the reality gap is starting to show thanks to the work of people like Mr Corbett.

    Watching the weird fantasia vaccine syringe dance made me feel physically weird and sickly. Thanks for watching that stuff so we don’t need to

  4. Congrats James on your great 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

    Very well done.

    And congrats on your (new?) Gibson Les Paul guitar!
    I hope it brings you many years of music-making pleasure. 🙂

    I sold my original 1968 Gibson Les Paul guitar for a song many years ago and
    of course regretted it not long after.
    But my guitar collection has blossomed since then with many other winners
    so overall I’m a happy guy. 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  5. Nice clip of Rachel Maddog off of Microsoft NBC.
    I just learned from watching the latest thehigwire.com that Rachel Maddog’s show gets 2.59 million views. She needs to be taken down!
    If ever there was a Queen of false prophets, she is it, and Bill Gates pays her well for what she does.

  6. James – You and Broc outdid yourselves with the Pfizer sponsored Kbaal musical interlude. I’m still laughing at the regurgitating puppet. Incredible Fake News Awards. Excellent. Best ever. Worthy of first place in the Fake Academy Awards. I hope this garners you another thousand subscribers. At least. Pretty slick intro; sliding off to the side after your human fly imitation then rolling back into frame in your suit. You are the best. Long Live James Corbett!

    • OneKnightErrant says:
      You and Broc outdid yourselves with the Pfizer sponsored Kbaal musical interlude.

      I was astounded.
      I would like to see a “short” of that.
      The video would get a lot of mileage.

  7. Positively Formidable.

    and I realize how easily my attention has been deviated from GFANZ and other such important info with the relentless onslaught of fetid Fake news from every corner.

    Absolutely phenomenal work Mr Corbett!

    Please accept my profound thanks. What an unqualifiably rich treasure trove of information and especially Analysis.

    and as I hop back into the hamsterwheel gotta say I just love that suit and tie action!

  8. Laughin’ hard before the really good gags get gasin’. OMG.

    Just lay me out with “I dont know how you animals live like that”, whilst adjusting the tie. Oooh, James, stop now, there’s more than 50 minutes to go!

    Dear, dear, Mr. Corbett. You have re-played the old “anti-science” mantra. Why have you not just reworded it more accurately? Its called fath, or fith or maybe fait. Spelling was walways suck a problem.

    But! Being such an impatient proprietor of puss, I offer to you all a hint of a nonimation for next year’s Dino’s.

    (Forget the whole Kazakhstan thing, that’s now old news)

    For the Ukraine media beat up we have two lenses for your choice.

    Here’s an article with not much to say, but plenty of sourcing.


    Or, the more judicial amongst you may want “experts”. How about two of them, one on each side, basically agreeing with each other that the whole media beat up is not only wrong but will serve no purpose other than to enrich the weapons manufactuters? Then, you get:


    Take your pick! Choose your anti-poison! Take your own destiny, Luke.

    Lowly 2-D Chess Player

  9. James – It’s 8 hours after my last post and I’m still laughing. It occurred to me that a good anti vax image would be the WEF all seated on the stage in the background, Klaus prominently in the foreground, with slightly smaller images of Fauci on one side of Herr Schwab, Gates on the other. At the bottom of the screen is the puking puppet with the caption: You will own nothing, you will rent everything, you will do what we tell you, and you will be happy.

    No need to comment on the content of the Fake News Awards except to say you capsulized the scamdemic beautifully. Will done, Sir James. The dynamic duo strikes again. Broc’s editing skills are first class. I wonder if there will be a FNA next year. The dinosaur media is sinking fast. Perhaps no one will be around to throw Rachel a life preserver.

    • Her music was a favorite, we’d listen and sing and be risen high as kites (as teen agers, just as the albums were coming out but. when I got to college and as the music genres were evolving fast (1980), I was trundling along singing one of her riffs when my mate spun round, “Not droany mitchell”, He had thrown an awareness railroad diverging switch. something like: a different way of hearing music took over? In the coming years, the sonic breeze filling the sails began to blow jazz, up close and personal.

      decades later I do still admire the beauty she brought us, but have learned that way in and of music which helps spirit rise prefers to be live and direct. I’ll bet hearing her play, back in the day, in an intimate setting might have even brought a tear to ol’ fackchecker’s eyes.

      some few years back,. I saw her in some TV galla, gingerly helped out on stage, was it her bday? or,, she was elder, and I think may have suffered a stroke or?? the impression was that she was lots less lucid — years ago,,

      I reckon celebrities are exposed to so many high level miscreant minds that its no surprise that some get coopted.

  10. My mother used to get mad at me when I pointed out how tv propaganda programs like ‘Amanpour’ on PBS were straight up lying to her. She asked me “Why do you care what I watch?” I just helped her onto the bedside commode and then back to bed. Before the injections, she was healthy and active. Now she can no longer stand without assistance and is having difficulty breathing. Her doctors, the same ones who recommended the injections, say she’ll be dead in less than 6 months.
    Before the injections came out, I tried to warn my parents. I got them to watch JC’s 45 minute video explaining the dangers and thought I had been successful. Then they got the injections anyway, “Because the doctors said to”. Immediately after the 2nd injection, she experienced weakness in her injected arm which spread to the rest of her body. ‘ALS’ is the official diagnosis from the big pharma reps. When she has enough energy to sit up in a wheelchair, she still watches Amanpour. I no longer try to ‘educate’ anyone. People who still cling to the covid narrative are willfully ignorant, and, like my mother, are willing to die for what they chose to believe or not believe. Time to focus on solutions, and leave covidians to their karma.

    • I’m so sorry, dmay. You did your best. You’re doing your best. We’re doing our best. It’s heartbreaking to read this. As saddening & unfortunate as it is for you to experience & me to read… I really, really wish this was unique and that there weren’t so many, similar to what you’ve described here.
      I’m so sorry, dmay.

    • I’m sorry to read about you mom. You did everything you could. What the medical profession is doing, particularly physicians supporting this experimental drug despite in your face evidence that it not only doesn’t work but is hurting people is unethical and is a breach of trust.

      People think that they can trust their doctor and many doctors aren’t even doing harm on purpose, but actually believe in the injection. Nevertheless they should be more careful with what they suggest and start using their own brain to think with.

      As you say, leaving the covidians to their karma and focusing on solutions is wise. Building a community for people who support medical freedom and independent ways of living is more worthwhile at this point in my opinion. As a person who has had to learn the hard way what drugs should be avoided, most of the people who get the injections will also have to learn the hard way as well. And who knows maybe some will be able to heal from it, but that remains to be seen.

  11. I’m glad ya’ll started this topic and not me, ‘cuz my humor is warped.
    Here is a recent NEWS headline:

    Biden Administration Announces Covid Vaccine Public Incentive:
    Free Gift comes with verified injection!
    -*Restrictions apply.
    The Biden Administration in conjunction with the World Economic Forum’s affiliate ”Schwab and Son’s Cock-Rocket Emporium” is offering a FREE GIFT to all males in the U.S. who receive the jab.
    Within six months of getting the jab, males will receive the free gift of a genuine ”Mini-me Schwab Cock-Rocket”.
    Yes siree! This is the genuine deal complete with the raisin size fins and the rigid-tensile strength of a wet noodle.
    A magnifying glass will come with the package in order to verify its authenticity.
    Hurry guys! Apply for your ”Mini-me Schwab Cock-Rocket” here:
    You too can be the proud male at the gym’s shower….

    [Article continues by whomever.]

  12. James. Good work as usual. The parody you are portraying is Alberta Canada’s Health officer Deena Hinshaw (note I dropped her prefix as she has failed to uphold her oath). It’s pretty funny watching the live broadcasts of her. Note the live comments on the side when she does this. Almost everyone barfs in the comments when she does this.

  13. “1. Fauxcebo is called “nocebo” when it gives negative effects. Its now called faucibo when it gives eugenic effects.”

    Let’s authorize ‘gain of Fauci’ experiments!
    We’ll watch him squirm in a giant petri dish.
    Any backers?

  14. straight one time

    next-level journalistic martial art.

    I’ll be sharing this red pillaganda with many fence sitters, good-thankyou.

    The grounding finale, as you switched from pomp to the “lets keep this real” was a punch in the guts by a state of grace. a frequency that will far and wide ripple through the narrative.


  15. “The small fringe minority of unacceptable racists and terrorists” is EXPLODING in Canada!!! 🙂
    You already know who is winning the biggest fake news dinosaur award from 2022, right?
    Re Trudeaus reports about that “small insignificant group of rebels on trucks”….
    I wish the same would happen in Australia!
    It’s looking so beautiful, powerful and amazing! And growing out of (Trudeau’s) control! You must be excited to be a Canadian.
    Wait – you are Canadian, right?… 🙂


    • “Re Trudeaus reports about that “small insignificant group of rebels on trucks”….”

      The small group he talked about has forced him to evacuate his home with his family to seek refuge somewhere else. He is currently in hiding! Heard on the MSM news this evening.

    • I’ve been posting Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ UPDATES here…
      The Canadian STORY inspires the World ! …

      If someone has recent updates, help include them on that SUB-THREAD.

      In the stories are many videos. By clicking on the source of the video, a person can often find more information and updated videos.

      Last I heard prior to the arrival at Ottawa, was that the main convoy was over 70 kilometers long and with many side arteries coming towards it.

    • Yes James, your dear passive homeland Canada has sprung to life in the form of a massive Freedom Convoy. It’s actually been in the planning for some time. You can support the team who will be pressuring the govt to sign a M.O.U. (memorandum of understanding) this week to – end ALL mandates – at canada-unity.com. A documentary ‘Trucking for Freedom’ is in the works. James, please interview Jeremy Ragado at truckingforfreedom.com. He is a co-creator of the documentary. It’s going to be an incredible production since it will include uploaded offerings from ordinary people. Meaning it is actually Canadians own video clips. Also, Dr. Ron Paul posted a great Weekly Column ‘We are all Canadian Truckers Now’ https://mailchi.mp/ronpaulinstitute/convoy?e=39f506bee4 where he states the ‘Berlin Wall’ of tyrants has been breached, and he predicts this wave will now continue around the world.

  16. The Hinshaw reference at the beginning had me HOWLING, loudly, as I was doing my breakfast dishes. I appreciated every second of this episode including the somber moment of silence the ending inspired me to observe. Thanks to you and Brock for another epic hit. Your work is, as ever, deeply inspiring. Much love to you both.

  17. Well done James, yet again. Maybe a parental advisory would be in order, or at least “warning, heaving ahead” could have been printed somewhere on the bottom of the screen.

    I just wanted to assure everyone that we are exactly where we need to be.

  18. Excellent as always, James. Don’t let the bastards get you down. One of the ways I’m able to cope with all of this is seeing you make light of it, so don’t lose your wonderful sense of humor (or do you say “humour):)

  19. Excellent show! Keep up the amazing work and your great sense of humor!

    Humor is very important and so are focusing on solutions. I have noticed more job boards for un-jabbed in the US anyway. I also follow activist Peggy Hall in Southern California who is very solutions focused for people in the US. She is well versed in the law and is following the litigation going on in the Supreme Court in the US.

    Her website called The Healthy American is here:

    There were a few job boards for un-jabbed folks in the US, and will post those when I find them.

  20. The Dino award is especially appropriate for the Covid fake news. When I first heard about lockdowns and masks I felt like I went back in time. Honestly it feels like we are forced to waste our energy countering a narrative that should have never worked in the first place. The powers that shouldn’t be were very smart to realize that the public have completely taken early treatments, proper medical care, nutrition, and healthy living for granted. And that is an understatement considering these things responsible for the largest decrease in mortality are now being attacked as fringe theories and misinformation.

  21. God this was brilliant. I feel the seething anger alongside you. It’s so incredibly frustrating especially since there’s no way to stop it. Once the messages are ingrained in people’s minds via repeat exposure (eg the repeated mantra “safe and effective” or “the vaccine will stop the spread”) it’s hard to shatter their ego that’s trying to protect them. They no longer are open to conflicting viewpoints therefore furthering divide and the belief anyone whose not getting jabbed must be a Trump voting, QAnon misogynist. As a female who stopped being a Democrat in 2020, I take offense LOL

    Deactivating FB and turning off the news were two of the best things I did. I used my experience of being a molecular biology major in uni to think for myself after reading so many studies none of which said the things I heard coming out of people’s mouths. Watching this segment made me understand why some think the way they do if all they do is sit in front of CNN or FOX or even FB all day. What a slanted view of reality they receive (though they truly believe they’re getting fair and unbiased news). I’ve had to tell many friends to stop getting their science from the news. I’ve had to find new friends lol! The information is out there but the government is doing a fantastic job of making people terrified to think anything but what they want you to. Och I could go on.

  22. Just a quick note to say thank you very much for the time and effort you put forth to educate the public about all you cover. As a mother of an 11 year old who is slowly “growing out” of listening to my viewpoints and attempting to form her own opinions, I am grateful she has an outlet like yours to weigh in on the issues that are ultimately affecting her life – thank you!!

  23. Very entertaining Annual Fake News Awards James. Especially enjoyed the Schwab and Son’s Cock-Rocket Emporium.
    I had meant to get my nomination in this week, but delayed too long. I’m in Canada and our #1 Fake News story of the year 2021 is most definitely the ‘Mass Grave Hoax’of 215 missing murdered discarded and strangely invisible indigenous children. Not one tiny broken corpse has been unearthed, but that didn’t stop Justin Trudeau and all our government owned media from telling us how dreadful our past white supremacist colonial oppressor ancestors were, from burning down churches all last summer, tearing down statues of previous prime ministers and flying flags at half mast for half a year! We even had to cancel Canada Day because of our collective shame, and rename it the 1st annual Truth and Reconciliation Day.
    Lauren Southern and Keeane Bexte did a good documentary ‘The Mass Grave Hoax’, and Jared Taylor just did a good American Renaissance report on this disgraceful fake news fraud.

  24. So it’s New Year’s Day and I thought I’d review this particular video, a definite highlight of the past year. I was musing on the significance of ‘Schwab and Sons’ Cock-Rocket Emporium’ and wondered if it was created as a play on words which sounds like ‘Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum’? Bloody hilarious and brilliant parody, hearkening back to an older world of circus side show freaks and snake oil salesmen. Thank you so much for this episode, which I am going to continue watching presently. (P.S. My partner and I have been enjoying your mass media online course this past week, and look forward to more of that as well. I also bought a couple of books this year which you recommended, and look forward to reading those.)

  25. I just watched this as the 2023 flashback. I have often wondered how Rachel Maddow et al explained their mis-information, that the vaccine would stop transmission, after it became obvious that it did no such thing? I don’t remember seeing any apology or even acknowledgement that they were wrong. Did I miss it?
    The WEF seem very concerned with mis/dis-information but did they have anything to say about this?

    • No one admitted that claim was wrong instead more mental gymnastics were used. Now the updated fact check is that the jabs don’t stop transmission 100% but you are less likely to get sick then the unvaccinated, therefore it stops transmission a certain percentage. I and many others have covered how not only the data contradicts the idea vaccines stop transmission but how it is physically impossible for any vaccine antibodies to reach the upper respiratory air space where all the viruses you exhale out of your lungs are located.

      Of course the WEF is not interested because they along with many other governments make a distinction between wrong information and mis/dis-information. Wrong information is simply a mistake or past data. Misinformation is weaponized information designed to manipulate the person consuming it. That is why so many people won’t even look at the source material they are accusing of being misinformation. Or why social media companies still censor information they admit is true. It’s misinformation because someone can either be manipulated or misinterpret that information and commit dangerous acts. And somehow we are called crazy, paranoid conspiracy theorists.

      • I see what you mean. So saying that the jabs stopped transmission was wrong but their heart was in right place! That sort of nonsense? I think calling anyone who didn’t take the jab an anti-vaxer is mis-information because the intent is to influence and manipulate people. I have genuinely never met anyone who is completely anti-vax. Everyone I know who refused the jab had always been either pro-vax or indifferent and didn’t take the Covid jab for very sensible reasons.

        • I am one hundred percent “anti vax” to the extent that with all the available evidence there is not a single “vaccine” that has stopped the spread of any disease and that has, instead, very likely caused the epidemic of autism.

          Just like now, the new “vaccine” is very likely causing an epidemic of heart failure/enfeeblement. I’m quoting the term “vaccine” because it’s a weaponized word (once could call it a spell) that has the power to cut through reasoned thought processes and invoke a slew of emotional reactions.

          While in reality, the “vaccine” is nothing but an injection containing a suspicious cocktail of chemicals and cell debris that is administered to healthy people under emotional blackmail and duress. It’s a vile and absolutely despicable practice.

          I have taken some of these shots as a kid. Currently, there are some 9 shots on the schedule for people up to 18 years of age. In my day and age, there were a few less and I got to skip some due to a fortuitous course of events. Which lead me to being unfully vaccinated, possibly illegally so. People keeping track are quite oblivious so I’m confident they won’t notice after 20 something years 😀

          I’m just pointing this out to to be clear about what being “anti vax” means to some people.

          • Now you joggled my memory: I did in fact go in for a voluntary tetanus shot about 15 years ago. Crazy times.

            Regarding the question of existance of infectious disease: while important, this issue takes the back seat to the matter of bodily sovereignity. Regardless of any criteria, nobody ever gets to tell us what to put or not to put into our bodies.

    • And Pfizer is killing people with “the speed of science”,
      so it is ok, because science.
      And yes we are talking about murder.

      The science that we can see in the black lines of the contracts.
      And the released information that they wanted to hide for 75 years,
      that showed that it had negative effectiveness and was causing much harm.

      Even based on the already available data, Peter Doshi (editor British Medical Journal) discovered that the maximum relative efficacy was 17% instead of 90%,
      but the real efficacy (for all people in the trials) was at maximum 1%.

      Pfizer’s trial candidates that had severe harm due to the injections
      were totally ignored and censored. They were treated in a disgusting way.
      There were also child victims.

      A few Pfizer’s trial nurses were speaking out on the bad protocols that were
      taking place. Like skipping tests for “vaccinated” patients and
      mixing different groups.
      They were fired when they wanted to improve the situation.
      It was all fraud by design.
      There were even patients invented to pretend that there was a successful
      trial in Brazil (or was it Argentina?).
      The trials were complete fake science, and the results too.

      The same is probably true for all other of these injections that
      were all going “the speed of science”.
      Or correctly worded: “the speed of corruption”

  26. This January 2023 FLASHBACK The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! was well worth the rewatch for me personally. Big-time.

    It is so easy to overlook the past, the insidiousness of it all.

    We should feel rage for what happened and against those who did it.
    It is not an inappropriate emotion.

    • To be honest, dr. Fauxxi makes James’ job easy. He provides plenty material and riles James up, it’s like taking candy from kids.

      The flashback was thoroughly enjoyable, yes.

    • @HRS

      Well said, re-visiting great material like this helps us to break out of the desensitization of the ‘incrementally heating frog in a pot of water syndrome’ that often results from living through this totalitarian tip toe we find ourselves in the midst of.

      I agree that feeling outrage and being appalled at these things covered in the episode above is appropriate and I am grateful to James for putting these issues in that honest context, to call it like it is and not pretend that these liar’s behavior is ok in any way shape or form.

  27. I’m looking for theories on the Covid vaccine. Why would the losers in charge poison or sicken their obedient subjects that will get as many boosters as they are told? Logic would seem that they would want to rid the world of the rebels first.

    I can speak fluent narcissism but I find it impossible to sink to the level of evil to understand what is going on with the experimental shots.

    • @Kelly

      Have you seen this? https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation

      Perhaps their intended goals in pushing the toxic genetic slurry injections were (and are) multi-pronged and they intended on stacking several functions?

      While the injection operation has certainly been extremely profitable for the billionaires I do not think that is the main purpose of the fraud, but rather just seen as a ‘side bonus’ to those behind pushing the injections.

      These are some of the potential motivations that come to mind when I theorize about what may motivate the “losers in charge” at the present time:

      Testing out psychological warfare capabilities to see how many people they could get to submit to brainwashing techniques and using the vaccine passport system to trojan horse their Digital ID (CBDC/social credit) control grid, using the mandated ubiquitous digital vaccine identification systems as a wedge in the door, to take one step closer to their visions of technocratic corporate tyranny?

      Testing out bio-tech, the genetic manipulation and brain machine interface on unsuspecting humans perhaps? Beta testing some new tech on people they see as lab rats while at the same time continuing their eugenics operation and killing millions (leaving hundreds of millions more maimed with chronic degenerative health conditions (creating a multitude of life long customers that their predatory/parasitic pharmaceutical medical industrial complex can extract money from until they also succumb to the poison and genetic contamination/manipulations)?

      All of the above? Maybe just one of the above?

      Clearly, the various injections (currently being fraudulently marketed as “vaccines”) are not intended to protect those who take it. The injections are part of a broader globalist agenda (relating to eugenics, transhumanism and totalitarianism) and their functions are likely multiple.

      I don’t think they (“losers in charge”) need or want as many “obedient subjects” as you might think they do. Large scale automation, learning machines and diversified robotics systems will be able to do what most ‘obedient human subjects’ are doing for the oligarchs now.

      Your supposition regarding how you feel that a depopulation agenda would only target the “rebels” excludes the possibility that the globalists may want to kill off those less capable of critical thinking (those possessing less cognitive potential) and it excludes the possibility that the globalists may have other means at their disposal that they are confident will be capable of pacifying, subjugating, culling and stifling dissent among the surviving “rebels” for implementing a new type of (technocratic totalitarian and transhumanist) slavery system post injection driven depopulation.

      I am not saying I know what is going on in the minds of the psychopathic minds of the oligarchs pushing the global injection operation but those are my thoughts thus far.

    • These people are playing the long, generational game. They will kill some and just enfeeble the many. Those who do die directly are probably just the collateral damage i.e. not the intended outcome.

      Just look at the aggregate state of health around you. People believe things that have nothing to do with reality, it’s mass mental disease. Stuff like “just give me that pill, I don’t want to take charge of my health”. People might fear the virus but what really gets their panties in a twist is personal responsibility.

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