Globalist Summits: Open Thread

by | Jun 12, 2018 | Articles | 69 comments

I’m sure you’ve all read the latest about the Korean summit, and I’m sure you saw the fireworks at the G7. Heck, maybe you even gleaned something from Bilderberg this year or actually looked into the Shanghai Cooperation Summit. If so, then great! You’ve come to the right place.

Unfortunately I’m attending to some family commitments today so I’m unable to post my own research and information about these summits at the moment, but let’s use this comment space as an open thread for Corbett Report members to post any links/updates/information they have about the globalist conference season and any specific details that have emerged so far.


  1. Trump, Kim Jong Un meet in Singapore: What happened at the historic summit?

    If you can stomach this drivel, it may be worth something. What I got from it is that Hannity is apparently a Trump supporter. Also, I gout a chuckle out of it when Hannity went on to continue his banter and said “the average salary for a family in North Korea” and one of the goons in the studio says, kind of softly, “2000 dollars.” I think he immediately regretted it, lol. Nobody called him out for it, of course. Pathetic.

    • I just read the article. The sending of the bodies back is a big deal. Peace is coming there. That’ll make us safer and wealthier. That’ll make Russia and China feel better. Personally, I think Trump is working towards removing the US from so many entanglements. I think we’ll be out of the Middle East (as much as we can be, but we do have our proxy Israel there) and Iran will be sending their oil to China, which means they won’t have to defend Syria. I’m guessing China is giving Syria to the Russian pipeline deal in exchange. But there is a lot going on. There is definitely a shifting in the power structure. JimBob who thinks things are going on just dandy as far as he’s concerned.

      • It is unlikely that Trump is working to remove any entanglements other then ones that the US is no longer able to sustain.
        N Korea is not really a major security issue…none at all to the actual US itself.
        Korea as a peninsula is (as I understand it) a good port for attacking Japan but how relevant that wold be in a war with China in the age of rockets I cant say and thats more long term ‘domino theory’ with China rolling down towards Japan.
        Its unlikely that we ill leave the mid east willingly WHILE ABLE TO SUSTAIN A POSITION THERE since Trump and the legislature are still very much in the pockets of the Israeli lobby which would be unhappy were Israels many enemies not limited and weakened by US power.

      • If Trump pulls out it’s going to do so only because it fits the bigger picture, which may include an eastward shift in policy and the game of “who’s who” in geopolitics.

        • Mkey
          Trump is very much about Israel. If he were to pull back from the Middle East it would prob be because some other interest bloc had forced him into it.
          I could be wrong but I dont think his posturing in the east is anything like as serious or weighty as recognizing Jerusalem as a capital city

  2. Just gotta say that I feel so much better knowing Gaslight is here to protect us with “applesauce” for brains from contemplating anything apart from his sanctioned thought priorities.

    Come now, Ashley, drink his kool-aid and get with the program.

      • Others have tried. Repeatedly. I’m going to say it as plainly as possible in hopes it gets through: your tone is so thoroughly acerbic and condescending, you couldn’t give away cool, pure water in hell. You even sign off your mean-spirited comments with “peace”. But given all that, not a single one has called on James to censor you, nor would I. But at the same time, I despise bullies, and how you talked down to Ashley makes me sick. Doesn’t matter how much “truth” you claim to know, how much you’ve got figured out, how smart you are, you’ve lost most of the people here due to your twisted method. If I were Alan Watt or any other of your sources, I’d pay you to never speak on my behalf because your delivery actually repels.

      • Pearl,

        “….not a single one has called on James to censor you, …”

        I did.
        Btw, he is the third (forth) troll I’ve pinned and he stays away from me.

        Troll shit-holes like him should be banned.
        At the same time I’m aware this is my emotional response and banning is not a solution. Another virtual instantiation of the same person will appear, 1$ is not a barrier (for government). Unfortunately trolls are part of internet.

        This troll instance is quite annoying and aggressive. They changed tactics. We have fights between trolls also.

        Unfortunately, they have some success. Many people reduced their contributions, some valuable contributors appear very rarely.

        You need a good stomach to stay in this swamp.

      • Hey there mik. See, that’s the thing. My naiveté doubted the existence of trolls; I gave them no thought beyond my children’s worn out copy of “Billy Goats Gruff”. But now I see and am daily amazed by this presumptuous a**hole.

        This troll instance is quite annoying and aggressive. They changed tactics. We have fights between trolls also.

        Unfortunately, they have some success. Many people reduced their contributions, some valuable contributors appear very rarely.

        I believe you’re right. So Corbett Report actually does has a real, live aggressive troll stomping and shitting about with no other purpose but to intimidate and discourage anyone with an independent thought!

        Your insight and interaction is much appreciated, mik. Thanks.

      • mik, not all trolls are government sponsored. There is an amazing variety of ignorance and stupidity on the internet. Governments don’t need to have a very large on-line presence to encourage a troll fest. There are a considerable number of people who are more than happy to muddle up a conversation for no other reason than they are pathetic creatures. JimBob who don’t think much of such critters.

  3. One thing we can count on is that they will let us know. We may not know the depth of the plan but the experts of theirs will be on News Programs promoting and selling their agenda in short order.

    One very good place to go if you want to know what the elitists want you to think is BBC’s Beyond 100 Days. Every expert or guest is a member of one think tank or globalist institute telling you how to think on every topic.

    Make sure to pinch yourself if you find you are agreeing with anything they say, however.

    • It is for those of us who choose to know what they wish to do and keep up with developments without depending on others to tell us what is said.
      Just something for those of us who can’t withdraw from the world and live our lives without interference from governments or others need to know.

      Part of that old Know your enemy and your self thing.

      If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
      – Sun Tzu

    • bas, why can’t we do both? We can keep up with events here, and we can also show our lives to the world as well. Not saying I’ve done this, just saying all of us can. JimBob who ain’t afraid to throw on an extra slopping of taters on his plate.

  4. Surprisingly good political cartoon from a Mainstream Newspaper today (Which I can’t link to because the online version it is behind a paywall and copyright etc)

    Trump to Secret Service Man: “Guard This Historic Signed Denuclearisation Pledge By North Korea with you life” (Hands agent piece of paper)

    Secret Service Man to Trump: “I’ll put it with the rest Mr President…”

    …about what I think of it too!

  5. I think what James ask for was “to post any links/updates/information they have about the globalist conference season and any specific details that have emerged so far” as opposed to the 4 year old’s having a fight in the sandbox!

    • Shanbos, I missed your comment earlier. Your point is taken. However, the very thing James was hoping for was likely frustrated when the first person, one who rarely comments if ever, ventured forth with her take on things and was promptly castigated by prince charming. His beating her was for her own good, you see, for there’s no time to waste, desperate times and all. Your sandbox analogy isn’t far off, but I believe we’re witnessing a more serious and stifling, life-sucking threat who reminds me of another classic imp:

      Tonight’s story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. This, as you may recognize, is a map of the United States, and there’s a little town there called Peaksville. On a given morning not too long ago, the rest of the world disappeared and Peaksville was left all alone. Its inhabitants were never sure whether the world was destroyed and only Peaksville left untouched or whether the village had somehow been taken away. They were, on the other hand, sure of one thing: the cause. A monster had arrived in the village. Just by using his mind, he took away the automobiles, the electricity, the machines—because they displeased him—and he moved an entire community back into the dark ages—just by using his mind. Now I’d like to introduce you to some of the people in Peaksville, Ohio. This is Mr. Fremont. It’s in his farmhouse that the monster resides. This is Mrs. Fremont. And this is Aunt Amy, who probably had more control over the monster in the beginning than almost anyone. But one day she forgot. She began to sing aloud. Now, the monster doesn’t like singing, so his mind snapped at her, turned her into the smiling, vacant thing you’re looking at now. She sings no more. And you’ll note that the people in Peaksville, Ohio have to smile. They have to think happy thoughts and say happy things because, once displeased, the monster can wish them into a cornfield or change them into a grotesque, walking horror. This particular monster can read minds, you see. He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something, didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster. This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont. He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you’d better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.’s_a_Good_Life_(The_Twilight_Zone)

    • Gaslight
      “….Journalistic pursuit of such “information” is a pavlovian fools game….”
      while its true that information that is never acted upon is useless its equally true that not having the correct information makes any action you might take useless.

      • Gaslight
        If a dude gets you in a choke hold you had better know what to do because IF YOU DO THE WRONG THING you will hurt yourself worse then if he was just trying to choke you out.
        Please note that out of every four Klansman one is prob working for the Government and he’ll be the guy calling for violence (a field the people running things have a huge advantage)
        Also just runnng around and pretending that the government is ‘Jared The Goblin King’ and “has no power over me” is also going to end badly.
        If people dont like the way things are (I think most actualy think they do like it) then they can use a ton of tools to change things… they can stop funding the system with their purchases, they can vote and take political action, they can ‘build community’ and strong family and make real world friends and they can make themselves the kind of people that dont NEED the government – which is,after all, just a reflection of the people it rules over.
        Roman Emperor Tiberius said in that horrible (and all true….) Caligula movie “in my youth I was a General but in my old age have become a swine-heard”
        If you have seen enough that what do you think you should do?

  6. Wouldn’t it be great if this gaggle of would be world rulers would lead a cooperative effort to contain the massive radiation being dumped into the Pacific ocean from Fukushima. No they just want another war which will undoubtedly destroy more reactors and poison the whole planet. War is unthinkable as Putin said “please stop thinking about it.”

    • The world rulers wont do anything that is not in their own interests… if they dont do whats in OUR interest thats often a reflection of how weak and unimportant we have allowed ourselves to become.
      Back in cave man days the psycopaths WE needed to do the dumb dangerous stuff also needed US in order to survive. Modern psycopaths often no longer need their ‘tribe’ and thus dont need to do anything for its benefit.

      • hi duck,

        you said: “Modern psycopaths often no longer need their ‘tribe’ and thus dont need to do anything for its benefit.”

        i do not believe that. i think the essence of psychopatic succes is exactly what they do for the benefit of their tribe, but in a psychological sense.

        my little theory says that many people with a moral conscience, which psychopaths lack of course, are very much afraid for the accompanying responsibility for the logically required moral actions. this may be caused perhaps by a lack of self-esteem or whatever psychological term would be appropriate.

        this condition may be connected to stanley milham’s f-scale score or any measurement that talks about authoritarian tendencies.

        in order to escape responsibility stress, this whole agonizing responsibility complex may be handed over in one single throw to someone else, someone who’s waiting for you to beg him to do just that, a psychopath of course, who is not even able to appreciate the gift.

        the deal made does not only establish a symbiotic relationship between a psychopath and an essentially moral man, who becomes the psychopaths clone, it even causes the possibility of a whole hierarchy of evil by daisychaining others to the clone and so on and give evil a channel to spread over a wide territory.

        a whole tribe send their moral sense up the hierarchy until it dissipates through the chimney, the psychopath on top.
        somehow a whole tribe morphes into a kind of super psychopath.

        you may wonder if the psychopath himself would be aware of the source of his power. he may just consider his tribe members ‘stupid’ and himself ‘superior’.

        well, i must stop here, it’s just a little theory and there is a lot more to say about it. i would love reactions.

        • you would hardly believe it, reading the currently 113 comments here, but according to the title, this place is about globalism and i at least will try to stay on this topic.

          i suggest calling the study and understanding of globalism globalology. it theorizes about globalism.

          globalism is about exercising global power globally in such a way, that the globalists main objective remains invisible or covered up by propaganda. at present, it concerns fast and considerable global population reduction, ultimately leading to long term comprehensive and total population control.

          of course, realizing such an ambitious project and at the same time hide it from the public eye requires enormous power in many dimensions. however, the eye may take some distance and after some serious processing, the inner eye may see different patterns than the physical projections on the retina would suggest.
          this is what makes globalology possible and turns each and every individual into a potential globalologist.
          this is fortunate, because globalism is worse than the plague.

          and, of course, globalology requires an abundant supply of very diverse information, something macchiavelli could not even dream of. his work is of classic beauty, but outdated. these days, true power is not with the prince, it is in the hands of the unaware people, even global power. but alas, macchiavelli died 400 years ago and cannot update prince to people. the tragedy is that their ignorance appears almost willful. they are caught in a pyramid of globalist pseudopower, that they refuse to recognise as virtual. this of course is the same tribal pyramid i presented in my comment above. some may call it corporation, even democracy.

          the transfer of responsibility in an upward daisychain corrupts the pyramidal minds by disrupting their moral sense. in theory, this spell could be broken by saying the right words, but the effect must come from the inside, because that is where the problem is. there is no alternative, one must be a bit brave to do the right things. without explicit rational thinking, there is no way out. your impulses, controlled by long forgotten frustrations or even traumata, will just take over, the moment you perceive the same old pattern again.

          another corrupting force working in tandem follows the line of psychological dependency. it feels pleasant, as a reward. it reinforces the existing pathological link and may lead to a new dependency, as pathological as the first one. i am talking of course about money.

          with the financial advantages come sweeties like the pseudo feeling of self-realization and knowing to be a bit better than other people. other people in their turn will confirm this to you, perhaps even by marrying you. money is an objective measure and being better than others is just the essence of it all.

          of course, in some cases, financial profit by itself may be reason to join the pyramid, particularly for psychopaths and individualists. for the pyramid, they are not the most reliable members and may be easily thrown out.

          so the individual tribesman exhibits an interesting mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, both pointing to the same goal: don’t move, stay where you are.
          this way, fear and greed keep the pyramid cemented together.

          [SNIP – comments are limited to 500 words. -JC]

        • “ad says” part 2/3

          of course, you could say that this is not corruption, it is organization, we could not do without it. we need some kind of dynamic to keep the right man on the right place, otherwise society will collapse!

          to this i would say, that my own moral sense says, that pyramids are for mummies and that living people do not deserve to be locked up in an antique stone building, virtual though it may be.
          furthermore, we need to be as good as we are, we do not need to be better than someone else.

          with fear replaced by freedom, the liberated stones could all comfortably lie crisscross on the grass, each doing their own thing, instantly connected by current technology to any other stone if needed. they could do whatever they feel necessary in order to develop themselves and their peers and care for their loved ones, without fear and without greed.

          organization may become dynamic, it comes and goes depending on need and may take any temporary geometry, even that of a pyramid of volunteers. no permanent leaders are needed, someone will always take up vacant functionality that fits his interest and capacities. such are properties of free people.

          the way it is, psychopaths have hijacked the moral sense of otherwise good moral people on a large scale.
          they exploit the fear installed by educating them into low self esteem. this is the key to fascism.
          check robert burrowes for info on poisonous educational events. if you are confused about alternative education and treatment of children, try lloyd demauser. it may not stop your confusion, but it will certainly open your eyes, very widely.

          with this fear abolished, a psychopath is no longer a saviour for frightened people but just a relatively harmless person with an emotional defect and may fully enjoy his human rights.
          i know this sounds funny.
          i love situations in which no one has to suffer or die.

          to be clear: by ‘moral’ i mean the difference between good and evil, something that may not be trivial depending on circumstances and available information.

          by ‘moral’ i do not mean the latest sexual frenzy that may serve to blackmail the higher echelons of the pyramid by its top.
          somewhere up the slope you get caught between two fires. poking up aggression and disgust among the good tribesmen underneath you will then keep you in line.

        • “ad says” part 3/3

          for the tribesmen, however, such message is like manna from heaven.
          coming from the evil above though, it is false, and nothing good is to be expected from it.
          and when you consider that lots of exposed sexual deviances of the past have ultimately been absorbed in contemporary culture and even became protected by law, then what may be the next frenzy? and why?

          one thing is clear, any descending moral fiction may feed the nervous system inside the pyramid, from death sentence to homophilia to humanitarian bombings. it will direct disgust as it will direct consent, at will. as if the wind were blowing the vane of morality.

          the tribesmen in the pyramid are not amoral, they only need their moral recipes to come from outside, preferably from above, so that they may prevent themselves from thinking about questions of good and evil and from following their own best judgement. as a matter of fact, i believe the fear of conscious thinking itself, i.e. of using your rational option, is very common and may explain to a large extent the robustness of moral fear.

          oh, you wonder about the upstream nervous system. well, it just doesn’t exist. the whole psychology is about behaviorism and conditioning. don’t waste time reasoning with the proles. it’s like remote control, you just see what happens and correct if needed using standard means, like pushing buttons or have a few killed.
          isn’t that what being psychopath is all about?

          the pyramidal bloodstream however, carries money, so much money. arteries pump it up and veins disperse it downward over the capillaries. such is pyramidal life.

          summarizing, i think the present project of the globalists is executed by their victims, whose moral sense is highjacked through low self esteem induced by education.
          authetic rational introspection could set them free.
          a pyramidal structure with a psychopath at the top integrates large parts of the population into a superpsychopath.
          these superpsychopaths are the main tools of globalism.

          ok, getting tired now, maybe more tomorrow. actually, i did not get where i wanted to. but who cares, a 113 comments later there is probably not much left to say anyway, i guess.

  7. I think that whole monument destruction has gone away over here in the states. I know it never made any real progress in the deep south. Just those yankified southern states. Of course, it could be going on every day and I’ve just not heard of it. That video is worth watching again. I personally think war has been averted, but that is my personal opinion. JimBob who has lots of personal opinions and if you stick around he’ll tell you all of them.

  8. Your disposition relates to “truth” you provide in similar fashion as Icke’s reptiles side story relates to his 9/11 “truth.” You can realize one but not the other?

  9. Switzerland is set to vote on a radical ‘sovereign money’ plan: Here’s what you need to know

    Supporters of the initiative, known as the “Vollgeld” or the Sovereign Money Initiative (SMI), say approving the measure would make the financial system safer by preventing bankers from recklessly lending and putting people’s savings at risk — again.

    That’s because the change would make it much harder for commercial banks to extend credit, effectively creating cash. Instead, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) would become the monopoly provider of Swiss francs.

    However, opinion polls indicate SMI will not receive enough votes to pass. Around two-thirds of the Swiss electorate is expected to vote against the plan, which SNB Governor Thomas Jordan has described as a “dangerous cocktail.”

    The SNB is opposed to the measure, despite supporters of the campaign arguing the central bank should be allowed to re-assume its constitutional role.

    Yet, SNB chief Thomas Jordan says the Vollgeld scheme — which has not been tried elsewhere — would constitute a leap into the unknown.

    “This vote is very complex … Which means it is also very dangerous because many people do not fully grasp all of its consequences,” Jean-Charles Rochet, professor of banking at the University of Geneva, told CNBC in a phone interview.

    “In a world where experts are not listened to, it seems counterproductive to have a political vote on an economic issue,” Rochet said.

  10. It’s Showtime in North Korea by Jon Rappoport


    As I wrote some months ago, for Trump the business of America is business, period. Let’s make a deal. You may like it, you may hate it, but there it is. That’s how he’s always rolled.

    Environmental problems, pollution, earthquakes from fracking? Minor issues. Just keep building. The investors make piles of money. Tourists show up. The local backwater culture never saw anything like it? They’ll adapt. They’ll get used to it. Call it democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, socialism, who cares? There’s cash on the table.

    The new North Korea may eventually look like a hundred versions of Dubai side by side. War and sanctions are the threats; business is the solution.

    Trump has that viewpoint. Jobs will come, projects will climb upwards and sideways. Does it feel like a new era of capitalism or crazy gloss and shine? Depends on who you are. Are you nestled in the top tier of profiteers, or are you making beds and delivering meals in brand new hotels? Are you a janitor three floors below ground level making your daily rounds, or are you booking a suite thirty floors up in the air?

    Kim understands the whole game, because he has China as a model. Repressive rule from above, along with active zones of volcanic capital investment and massive production of goods.

    • Pearl, don’t you just love his posts? I just watched this video by Black Pigeon on Trump. I think it dovetails nicely with Jon’s article as to providing an understanding of who Trump really is. The best news is that, even though his goals are not necessarily the same as mine; I can work with it. Plus, the progressives are dying. Being exposed as the lunatic fringe. By the way, did you also see the body language video on Sessions? I’m betting there’s a lot of info coming out in child/adult trafficking. I’m just wondering how many of the big fishies are getting in that net. Anyway, here’s the Black Pigeon link:

      JimBob who thinks we may have to re-think this whole Trump guy. One must have an accurate knowledge of one’s opponent. We don’t; we have assumptions based upon past opponents. That’s not the same.

    • Pearl, Truthstream Media just uploaded this one on the Bilderberg Meeting. I think they’re pretty right on, but I remain more optimistic than them. At any rate, I live near huge tracts of woods which are part of a wireless blackout zone. Near the Okefenokee Swamp on the Ga/Fl line. Some 80% of the medicinal herbs you look up grow in this area. But, I don’t think their cities are going to work. While they do note this “populism” idea isn’t given much attention, I would say that people are not having a populist uprising anyway. I think people want their national cultural identities to remain in place. Nationalism is the obvious target, but I’m betting a strong anarchial presence will determine how things really roll out. Free trade zones are perfect harbors for smugglers and the like. Sorry for the rambling, but this is Friday and I’m stoned. Anyway, here’s the link:

      JimBob who thinks things are rolling out just right, even though it’s not by the rollers intent.

      P.S. Couldn’t help but add this thought that came into my mind while watching this video. The Net itself is the AI they are looking for. Our data will be used to formulate the perfect supply chain to keep us happily imprisoned until we are no longer useful. And when you watch the E-Estonia video part, do you feel an urge to join it?

  11. I know I’m probably just getting senile with my advancing years, but I find this new format very hard to follow. I swear I’m reading responses before the original comment.

    Also, is “Karma” such a good thing for this site ala Reddit?

    Lance, who thinks being a forum warrior is less use than a mole with sunglasses.

    • You and me both, Lance. I’m experiencing a sort of vertigo as well. I was also wondering, what will happen if I press one of these arrows? Will I get shocked, a tasty pellet roll out, or be cursed/smiled on by the gods above?

      • Pearl
        You dont get shocked…you get a “Thanks for voting” E-sticker. Lol
        You are right about it being hard to read the comments with them being out of order.

          • Well, I just voted you up anyway Miss Pearl! Came here this morning and all I had in my inbox was the troll flaming in it. Luckily, those individuals are just deleted when I see their name, but the whole thread being nothing but their stupid trolling? I’m gonna like this voting thing. But, since I won’t read theirs, I won’t be voting on them. I guess I’ll be stuck with mostly upvoting. JimBob who might get all Chicago on you and vote you up again if you ain’t careful.

            • Dude! This dopamine high is totally bodacious!

              Seriously though. There is one event where I’m tempted by the like button, and that’s when a conversation is pretty much done, but I feel if I don’t say something, then it might be interpreted as a snub (which I don’t want to do). I’d like to offer that acknowledgment without stringing on the dialog where the other thoughtful person likewise feels compelled to acknowledge, and so it goes on and until one of us finally drops off, and the remaining one is left wondering what he/she said to offend (I’m kidding). Other than that, nope.

    • This hasn’t been implemented well. I’m not sure what’s the end goal here, but I hope James, or someone on his behalf, is going to tweak this. There is much to be said about chronology of posts being made.

      I’m assuming all new posts are sorted according to karma while replies are sorted from newest to oldest, which is counter intuitive.

    • Gaslight,

      Look at you. You’re all upset because now we can take those hatchets and use them on you. You probably don’t realize this because you are new to commenting on this forum, but there was never a need for this type of system until you showed up. Your job here is clearly to create division, distraction, and frustration among the good members of the Corbett Report. But you will fail.

      • Lets not rile up the villagers just yet. There is absolutely no indication to the reasoning behind this change. It may have well all been a cock up during the wordpress update. Like pearl said it, “voting” has not really been a thing on this site and I’m still hoping it won’t become a thing in any near future.

        • Whether or not trolls are the reason for this, it has never been necessary until recently. It is also a feature I’m sure James could remove if he chose to. In my opinion voting is not a bad thing when it comes to a comment section. It serves the useful purpose of being able to promote productive conversations and draw attention away from irrelevant and counterproductive ones. The other option would be to leave it alone and let certain trolls wreck havoc in the comment section.

          • I rather like the upvoting. A lot of times I see a comment I like, and would like to acknowledge it, but don’t feel like commenting. Also, a lot of people are too shy to comment and this allows them input. The little trolls will just fade away as usual once they figure out nobody likes them. JimBob who does wonder why clicking on the comment section link no longer brings him straight to the comment he was linking to but to the top of the page and then he has to wade through flame wars to get to it. But no real complaints.

          • In my opinion voting is not the proper way to handle this issue. A better way would be to have an option to block a certain user (as a user preference, of course, not a site wide setting) with whose input you don’t agree all to often so you decide a better option would be not to be notified of their posts nor have them show to you. However, this also gets rather ugly when you have to decide what to do with posts which have been made in reply to “offending users'” posts.

            When you really consider it, it’s quite a blessing not too many people post in these comments sections. Also, I don’t believe in technological solutions to societal issues. In this instance, if you see someone posting stuff in a “troll” fashion, your best bet is to just ignore it. Because otherwise, a relatively minor hindrance can become a major pain in the ass for most normal posting folk… TSA anyone?

    • I had previously made a script which “fixed” the comments section, at least from my convoluted point of view, so that all posts are sorted chronologically. Now I have updated this script, some of these updates had broken it and it needed to be extended, and here’s how a part of this thread looks like with it active.

      I kind of gave this latest update a whitewash, maybe a tad to strong. Every post links to its “parent” post (if there is any) so that the post hierarchy is maintained to some extent and post width has been maximized as to make reading easier. I made this mostly because I read most of the comments made on this site and with the threaded view that can be quite difficult.

      There was a planned addition to this script which would feature a button to allow you get a threaded view for a specific post but life side tracked me, as years go by I learn to make more with less.

      Either way, if anyone’s interested I’ll share this for free of course, most major browsers have a plugin (greasemonkey, violent monkey, temper monkey and maybe some more monkeys, I’m not sure) which will allow you to install this script and use it to change the way content is displayed locally, so no harm no foul to anyone. It can easily be disabled or uninstalled at any time.


    I can’t help but be interested by the sudden appearance of the Vatican, although ‘unofficially’, at Bilderberg 2018. The same man who attended Davos last year.

    My interest is piqued by the fact that the Vatican keeps popping up as a central power player. Most recently in the testimony of Ronald Bernard at the ITNJ.

    I am not shocked by the fact that the Vatican is seen as a kingpin. It has a 1600 year history (as a minimum) and has been the ‘elite’ for all that time. Its power and wealth must be vast at this point. Moreso than the Rothschilds & Rockerfellers combined. I just find it interesting that its name *always* pops up when the very darkest of subjects are mentioned e.g. paedophilia, organ harvesting, slavery, people-trafficking etc

    • Lance
      Interesting info but I am not sure ho much MONEY the Vatican actually has vs the bankers.
      I watched a doc on the Mortara case where it was reported that the Pope in question still refused to return a Jewish boy taken in the Papal States and brought up as Catholic even after the Rothschilde bankers pressured him using the fact that the papacy as ‘up to its ears’ in debt to them as leverage. That was about 120 years ago I think so they have had time to get out of debt

  13. “….shhhh… hush now fear monger.”
    “What have you been living in a paper bag for the last 18 years?”

    Gaslight, in my experience slapping anyone is only useful in relatively extreme situations where you’re trying to shock them from an emotional fixation. In all other situations it simply distracts from what I’m trying to say – making it a poor way of communicating an idea.

    As an example:
    “Banks create money from thin air and then charge interest on it”
    “Oy, bitchface, if you knew anything and stopped being a new age, SJW, meme-generation fuckwit for a second, you’d know that banks create money from thin air and then charge interest on it”

    The former *may” elicit further enquiry from listener and *may* allow one more person to see a foundational fraud of our culture. The latter will just make them think about what a dick you are being.

    I don’t mean this as a snide way of being rude to you. I mean it quite sincerely. Your comment is being lost behind the ‘slap’. And there is a multitude of effective ways to communicate between a ‘slap’ and a ‘kiss’.

  14. VOA, I think you’re right on that, but I don’t think it will work for them. We are simply too decentralized for them to find that magic nail which they can pound into the wood. This is less a revolution, than it is a doing. People are doing those things like seed sharing, gray/black markets, sustainable agriculture, and the list is very long. They are creating community and networks. The more they do this, the more they will learn they have power. We cannot win our freedom through the tactics and strategies that only serve those that would rule us. Decentralization has been a strategy that is bringing the centralists to their knees. I’m just up for upping the ante. JimBob who always carries a couple of aces up his sleeve just in case.

    • So, we have a leader who don’t want to lead. To which group James belong?

      “….you require leadership to point people towards a common goal, even when the majority don’t really agree or are interested in this goal.”

      Are coercion or manipulation a good way to achieve goal?
      You have good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Certainly I don’t mean this literally.

      I’m not completely against leaders. Army unit needs a leader in full meaning of the word, otherwise is not an army.
      Online community doesn’t need a leader, because it is in virtual world.

      A neighborhood doesn’t need a leader, although informal leaders will probably appear, but it is not necessary to give them formal authority and we shouldn’t.

      I would certainly want to have a formal leader of a group building a house.
      What I want to say is, it all depends on circumstances.

      • I don’t think leadership is dirty. I tried to point you out that verb lead doesn’t (shouldn’t) mean the same thing in various circumstances.

        Regarding comparing leadership and technology it’s true they can be good or bad, but most important and usually forgotten, they can be good and bad at the same time.

        DNA and history…well, yes to some extent, but how to incorporate free will here? We are not just genes, we learn. We have ability to change, to adapt, it is palpable right now, unfortunately to the wrong direction.

        So, I don’t believe in interpolating future from history.

        “….(as demonstrated by all the empires that came and gone)”
        I don’t know for you but I certainly don’t want to be involved in empire business, even if an empire of ultimate good would be possible.

        I’ve seen your previous comments, you would like to have a movement.
        Why you are not applying history here? You would see that all movements in recent history had been planted, subverted, beheaded, co-opted, whatever, but at the end not successful. By all movements I mean the ones that could bring a meaningful change.

        • VOA, as far as this site being a forum by which people do not seek a leader to follow, I think that James would agree with that statement. After all, he is actively searching for solutions by which we can lead ourselves. All the problems in the world began when we started following others, rather than leading ourselves. Cooperation is great, but outside of specific tasks, I lost my interest in following others.

          VOA, I’m just going to have to disagree with you on movements. That which has no form cannot be attacked. JimBob who says “Be like Moonshine. It’s got a kick.”

        • VoiceOfArabi,

          “How do we know this site is not another venue to keep us from organizing??”

          I’m sure James’ massage is connect with people (organize?) on local level. With meaningful goals that are within reach. Change has to happened in the Real World. Any step, even the smallest, away from the System is good.

          I don’t deny people are pack animals inclined towards being lead. That is how we are wired, but we also have prefrontal cortex that is able to rewire us. With prefrontal cortex we achieved our “supremacy” on the world.

          A lot of the need to be lead is also indoctrination, could say learned helplessness. Look at media, at how we are thought about history. They emphasize leaders beyond their real merits. Indoctrination.

          How much is the need vs. indoctrination in the desire to be lead?

          Human nature is not an obstacle towards a better world. How it is manifested depends on circumstances. It certainly is abused by “The Man”.

          ““The Man” wants you to avoid organizing in political manner…”

          Me too. I want to have as little as possible with their system.
          Just came to my mind: maybe you are not into anarchism.

        • VOA, I saw the form of that spring when they were gunned down in Bahrain. That is the danger of a movement. It is a large group that can be targeted. That which is formless cannot be targeted. JimBob who also notes that in the US, those peace marches had guns on the side-lines. Thugs love pacifists.

        • Hola VOA! If you look to yourself for leadership, you don’t have to vet your leaders. I’m basing my thoughts on an earlier podcast in which some dead white guy was being discussed. It went something along the lines of when people realize they don’t need the state, it will just fall apart. By being your own leader; by inspiring others that an individual can have an effect; you are committing a revolutionary act. Just as the earlier example given in which the writer said he raised up his hand about the scented garbage bags. He then discovered that it bothered a lot of others, but they just hadn’t spoken up. And the bags are gone. How many of our oppression are there because we just don’t say anything? Showing people that speaking up gets results will change things nicely. We don’t need no movement, no revolution, no blood. Just people recognizing their own individual power. The state will just fall away when that happens. JimBob who don’t think it needs to fall off everyone, just a certain amount.

        • Hola VOA! I’ve enjoyed this as well. I just saw this other video, from a channel I’ve never seen before. It’s about our FBI and the IG report and all that. But it’s very good. It asks the right questions. And it’s but one site. And the web is but one venue. And it can’t be beat. Anyway, here’s this link. I found it very interesting:

          JimBob who ain’t vouching for anything in it, but he likes the guy’s attitude and that he’s just one guy out of many.

    • I find this a fascinating subject.

      A pyramid is a very strong structure. The ones in Central America have withstood centuries of earthquakes.

      Is a pyramid hierarchy of power unnatural for humans? Is it just a construct stemming from the wishes of the people at the top? Do the few who care at the top work towards this hierarchy whilst the majority of the people at the bottom (the 80%) are guided along because they just don’t care? Is this hierarchy a result of the univeral law “As above, so below”?

      • Hello VOA! I really liked your definition of leader. You are so right, it is the mark of a true leader. So many of our definitions have changed; and that makes a tremendous difference. For example; to amass great wealth is neither good nor bad. But it is what you valued that caused the creation of that money that can be deemed good or bad. Did you amass it because you created something which society valued so much they threw their money at you in order to have what you created? If yes; then it is good. Or did you make that money because making the money was the goal? That is the path to hell. JimBob who knows you’d better where some thick soles if you wanna go skipping down that road.

      • VOA
        I saw an explanation one time for that… the idea was that back in the day the leaders/alpha/silverback/whatever job was to take care of danger and in return he got 1st choice on food and breeding partners. sounded plausible
        Thru ancient greece to WW1 and even 2 the folks leading were expected to fight in war- rich people could buy better weapons and WANTED to gain kudos with fighting.
        I guess (??) it was the vietnam war (??) when rich people started excusing themselves while sending the (now conscripted-a pretty new idea) poor. The people they traditionally tried to KEEP AWAY asmuch as possible from weapons
        Iraq 2 was run by people who had mainly avoided combat… People dont mind being ruled by bad people (if they are effective) but they hate being ruled by stupid cowardly greedy people.

        • Hola VOA, if you don’t mind me butting in, I’d like to offer an opinion on when that shift may have started in earnest. In business, there is that little book called “Think and Grow Rich”. It’s actually a very good book; but it has a few problems and traps. In it however, Mr. Hill proposes that people NOT start at the bottom, but as high as is possible for them. While this makes sense in terms of faster rise in power, it also means the leader doesn’t understand the lower positions. In other words, people who didn’t really know the business, began running the business. This book was, and remains, very influential in many circles. This is why it’s so important to train your own employees and to promote from within. If you are an employer, that is. JimBob who ain’t no employer because then he’d have to do all that payroll, fica, and other crap.

      • Voa
        Hi… Your right Comments system is messed up right now.
        As to “Cult of personality” maybe its like parents… kids are programed t trust their parents because kids who DIDNT used to drink the bad water or eat the berries their folks said were bad.
        Hmans NEED to trust that the person telling them whats what is smart and knows what to do. No onw wants to follow a person who shows that they have no idea what to do.
        Thats the reason some women go for men who are utter dooshbags or even psychopaths because such people exude the aura of self confidence we WANT in a leader.
        Mr Corbett clearly NEVER set himself up as a ‘cult leader’ and if people idolize him its just their own human nature.
        my 2nd post this thread (i think)

    • Wow. Read this whole thread before I sat down to write. Pretty amazing stuff. You’re right that I didn’t partake in the social experiment; I’m not even sure what it means that I heard laurel in the “official” thing. I don’t really see it as a waste of time though. I actually do a lot of mental exercises like this. I will try and do silly things to help spark a creative urge. So, I would not say it is useless. I’ve just got a bit on my plate at the moment.
      I disagree with having us all form together though. That creates a target and a choke point. Imagine a thousand saboteurs; none having any real knowledge of what the other is doing. That is the power of decentralization. We are on the verge of having the ability to create our own society. All the tools are out there. I’m sticking with all of us doing one act of defiance a day. Nothing much. Something that helps someone else. Something that builds community. For that is what anarchy really is. At least to me. I say sticking, but I just came up with it. JimBob who ain’t afraid to stretch the truth when it suits him.

    • Voice of Arabi
      o, us.. humans.. by design and evolution seems to gravitate towards communities (or groups or tribes), which always develops leadership naturally….”
      We are currently in an unusual state socially in the west… the idea of the individual has grown out of all proportion because we are now insulated from the instant death or suffering humans used to suffer when expelled from the group. This would be a good thing (yay more freedom…) but it has become bad because its tinged with the narcissism that has been killing western culture since at least the 50’s or 60’s (prob way further back)
      The idea that facts and reality are bendable to simple human will is a mental illness you see at its worst in far-left politics but its really everywhere – even creeping into the sciences.
      The inability of people to form MUCH real resistance to the bad things ‘they all know about’ is because the mechanism of people bonding with friends family and neighbours IN THE REAL WORLD is broken.
      One person will never be able to beat a group of people… beating a bunch of warriors who were unable to coordinate their greater numbers is how the romans won an empire. #
      Thats why globalism has done so well taking over the world so far.. look how bad it had to get for regular people before they had to pretend to care and offer populist candidates

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