How Do We Counter Military Worship? – Questions For Corbett #022

by | May 27, 2015 | Questions For Corbett | 39 comments

In this edition of the Questions For Corbett podcast, James answers your questions on how to snap people out of the military matrix, the Japanese zaibatsu, Israel and geopolitics, Mao’s Great Famine and more. Also, James asks viewers their thoughts on Cuba-US relations, personal care products and staying positive amongst the negative news.

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

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Criticism Of Israel Not Allowed In Canada

More state power, not free speech, the likeliest we-are-Charlie result

Mao’s Great Famine documentary

Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years’

Quote from “Mao’s Great Famine” About Mao’s 1959 Statement

The Real Jack Dallas


Germans Unhappy with Alternative Swine Flu Vaccine for Politicians


  1. Remember all the reports and media coverage in Obama’s first term about how Michelle started her own White House vegetable garden? That was a few years BEFORE I knew what a GMO was. HUM…Coincidence?
    James, I thought that you forgot all about me and my question, but here I am internationally known for asking it! Ha, HA! And thank you for your tips of dealing with all the truths and damned lies as they come unraveled. The latest has to be the movie “Hellsorm” which RY Dawson has had to post twice on his channel and website. It is also posted elsewhere, but it is being called a “Must See”.
    Normally,I treat the whole thing as a “who dunnit” game. But, I have times that I “just can’t take anymore of the ugly truth”, and will read or watch some complete fiction or a documentary about Archeology. (BTW, “Daredevil” was well done)
    Speaking of Daredevil, my cousin told me that I am “CRAZY” if I thought that I would be able to get in touch with Banksy! So if anybody knows Banksy or knows somebody who may know him, I am NOT trying to get in touch with him, just delivering a message that James would like to interview him. I would not be surprised to learn that Banksy watches Corbett. Just one is Verbal and the other Visual. I admire BOTH guys and believe that it would be an awesome interview.

  2. Neither Raul Castro or Putin are so stupid, so it doesn’t matter WHY after all these year, the U.S. has decided to bury the hatchet. The only result is that we can now get Rum and Cigars.

    • Yes lincolnlea, I am just saying that there is more to this sudden “olive branch” than meets the eye. There is something very suspicious and worrisome about it all. I have been thinking about it and what you are saying could well be and what I am thinking as well. Could this just be to control the public narrative?

    • Is it possible that relations were always good underneath and that Castro worked for the US, the US helped win the revolution and this was always part of the plan?

      Dr. Stanley Monteith mentioned something to that effect here. This is a very interesting speech of his by the way:
      And found this here:
      This article mentions how many times they tried to kill Castro for example. Was it really that impossible or were they not really trying?

    • Marie, that could also well be the truth!
      Like it was with Bin Laden! They made it sound like he was in some cave with a candle and a rug, sooo sneaky and elusive.
      They could not find him because they were not looking!
      Then they were stupid enough to show the Bin Laden complex with 12 feet concrete walls set in the center of a shanty town high on a hill. Headlines read: “Bin Laden Complex went largely unnoticed by neighbors”.
      Of course they left out the part that they reported that Bin Laden had died in Dec. of 2001 of kidney failure.

    • Thanks for that link, Octium. I actually hadn’t seen those photos before. And looking at the food/beverages was a nice distraction from having to look at David’s wrinkly old demon face! You are correct, of course, all of the hors d’oeuvres and food/drink seemed home made except for the beer and water. Must be nice to have a team of private chefs at your beck and call, I suppose.

    • Thanks for the tip. I really wish that were true, but unfortunately the more you look into it the more you see the government is just issuing a non-denial denial. My favourite passage from the article:

      Speaking before the Israeli Knesset in January, Prime Minister Stephen Harper called anti-Zionism “the new face of anti-semitism,” specifically singling out campus groups within Canada.

      Ottawa also signed a deal with Israel to develop “a coordinated, public diplomacy initiative both bilaterally and in international and multilateral fora to oppose boycotts of Israel, its institutions, and its people within three to six months.”

      It was tough talk from Blaney that prompted the CBC to ask what the minister meant when he told a United Nations meeting on anti-semitism, held following the attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris, that Canada would take a “zero tolerance” approach to the BDS movement.

      A spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety responded by giving CBC a list of the sections of Canada’s Criminal Code which deal with hate crimes.

      Still, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and we’ll see if/when they start charging people with hate crimes. I imagine it’ll take another false flag to get the Canadian public on board.

      • Oh I remember that disgusting trip he took last year in January over there calling out any criticism “new antisemitism” (that thing even has a wikipedia article now….infinite facepalms). Which even included members of the US listed Terrorist Organization the JIDF…I can’t believe sometimes that Harper before politics was a computer programmer…it shows he has a brain and understands logic, the fact he’s trapped into this “we want to self-fulfill the Revelations book!” evangelical christian thing he’s part of (and puts a big hush-hush about too) is really bizarre.

        Canada might make another 180 again though…Harper’s popularity is downwards and yeah left/right is BS 90% of the time, but man your native province of Alberta kind of surprised me here by breaking the 43 year rule of the provincial “Conservatives”.

        If I can just see things change in a way that the Canadian flag will not be on one side of the belligerents in the wikipedian Syrian Civil War article, I’ll be glad, notice the total lack of other US lackeys (the lack of Israel being a different thing…).

        The other parties (libs, ndp) have proclaimed the generic support for Israel that countries like Portugal will proclaim, but my silly me is hoping that once Harper is out in October (a very real possibility, although he might get stuck in a thin minority government, again where at least nothing they want to pass into law will, at least it’s what happened when the Liberals/BQ shared the opposition. There might be a resurgence of the BQ, as even if they went from 50 seats to 4 seats, with 24% of votes in Quebec…it would hurt the NDP, but hey, most of Harper’s reign has been a nothing’s happening government gridlock (2006-2011), might as well wish for a government that doesn’t do anything, it’s almost as if it didn’t exist then 🙂

      • If there’s a plus to be found in all of this BS Israel A##Kissing rubbish, it seems that the ramped up fanaticism appears to be largely in response to the fact that slick PR and intimidation on the part of the pro-Israel Zionist lobby is no longer sufficient cover for diverting criticism of its war crimes, overtly racist colonial character, and its overall claims to legitimacy.

  3. Yeah,I saw Missing Links a long while ago, but I think it’s not just up to Israel, it tries and flexes its muscles but also must be realistic, it’s army reports and mossad reports usually make a lot more sense than their political class, which is confusing, yes, even Mossad doesn’t view Iran as dangerous at all. I wish I could find the link right now, but it’s been talked about since a memo came up totally contradicting Netanyahu like the next day he made one of his crazy proclamations. I’ll find it later, right now, I feel pretty ill, stomach issues ugh.

  4. Great post Eli, but I don’t think that the propaganda campaign is so good. For me, that is the very thing that got me to wake up. It just does not make sense and contradicts itself so much they are losing the narrative (which is a Hollywood term for making a movie believable and holding the interest of the viewer). Take the Hillary campaign for example, every day, she has a different excuse! And so flimsy and sloppy excuses on top of that. Seems like a little kid could think of better ‘stories’. The dog ate her emails, etc.? Then there is that “Official” laughable story of what exactly happened on 9/11. Don’t forget the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that “Sadam was hiding in Iraq”, then after million of dead and untold destruction we hear, “OOOPS! Well we made a ‘mistake'”!

    For those who do not know what he means by loosing “narrative”.
    Apparently the reason for this is that the Government keeps hiring different PR firms to produce stories for public. Imagine if a sit-com hired a new group of writers every few episodes. But each new group disregarded the previous shows; so instead of Fred being married to Ethel, the next episode has Fred married to Lucy and they suddenly have 2 girls, but no little Ricky. Then the next show has little Rickey, but he is in his 20’s but his sisters are even younger and the father, Ricky, is now a stay at home father of the girls, and Lucy owns a movie theater and Ethel is the prostitute that lives downstairs, but Lucy doesn’t know who she is. And now we don’t know if the landlord is Lucy or not, Fred is never mentioned.
    Would you just stop watching this show? This is why most are leaving MSM in droves. You do make a good point about the story changing over the years too. I saw a commercial from the mid 80’s recently, WOW!
    Sorry Eli, But I did not know what “loosing narrative” or “pirateering” meant until about 6 months ago!
    Eli, I do think that it is possible to love your country but hate the government at the same time. This is the theme of “The Sound of Music”! “Bless my homeland forever”, but “I’m proud to be an American…”, not so much.

    • Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t see the contradictions in the official narrative, mainly because they are only half-paying attention to it.

      What actually happens is that individuals/groups have their *own* narratives, and pay selective attention to their environments such that contradictory information is either forgotten or explained away, and gaps are filled in by the individual.

      This is only human. People have to navigate in a certain reality, and the brain stores information partially at least by linking it to other information. Disconfirming information or information perceived as irrelevant does not link anywhere, So it falls through the cracks.

      Even little children are good at putting square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round ones. Our brains work similarly. If a square peg finds a square hole, it sticks. If it doesn’t, it sort of bounces around until it is dumped down the chute.

      • Thank you very much for your reply cabanaobr!
        This message board can be a little cliquish/stuffy and your reply is greatly appreciated. We are all in various stages of learning and awareness. I am not ashamed of being ignorant and confused, but that makes me an outcast here, at least I am very different than the verbose “intellectuals”! James Corbett is also very tolerant of me and kind as well.
        I really like your square peg explanation. I can think of 3 or 4 examples that also play factors, one being the shame of being stupid, another is mental laziness, and another would be fear of questioning authority and the last would be the type that lets others fight their battles for them, the last being reluctant to admit that you fell for the B.S. hook, line, and sinker. But for the most part and the vast majority, “I reckon that you are blazen to be true”! (I think that is Shakespeare, Ha, HA!)
        You did not have an opinion on the second half of my question. Do you think it is possible to be patriotic and love your country but still hate your government? OR would this just be chasing or stalking an ideal? Can you love your homeland and abhor the ones running the show, as you would like a play, but hate a particular version of it that same play? In your opinion does this make sense?
        Thank you again, kind sir or madam!

  5. I wanted to thank you James for discussing my question’s topic, and I also wanted to thank Eli for being part of the conversation with me.

    This is a very important topic to be discussed for several reasons, and is why I asked the basic question “Is there an agenda behind [this]”; I felt like that would be a great introduction to the opposite side of this narrative. I think it’s important because this scenario, while being the current hot issue, is another door which can open the minds of the individuals which who decide to investigate further; and with that said, you laid out a great dialogue/resources for those interested to dive deeper.

    You pronounced my name correctly, but it sounded funny because you were trying hard not to mispronounce it, haha. And regarding torrents; I have thought about preserving your work and making an easy-access to a large sum of it via torrents. If I could give you a bit of advice, please work on creating a consistent naming format for your files (and if you want to be more meticulous, add metadata to your files if you don’t already).

  6. Two Questions for Corbett, one economic, one political:
    (1) What in the end is the rationale for endless economic growth? I read in this charming e-book, The Organic Economy, which can be found at, that countries need growing economies in order to pay back interest on debt money issued by banks in the form of loans – i.e funny money – which funny money can only be paid back by the principle money created by people’s honest labours (hence work propaganda by the system). Is this too crude a simplification? Is it also true to say that when a country’s economy stops growing it can no longer pay interest on the funny money issued by the banks and hence collapses?

    (2) I have been reading Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quigley and it seems clear that for centuries politicians (and the people) have been hoodwinked by the so-called financial expertise of banking elites and that since 1979 in the UK we have re-entered a phase of financial capitalism (as opposed to industrial and commercial) and that financial ‘deregulation’ was at the root of the 2008 crash. As a UK leftie I tend to regard this crash as confirmation of the economic bankruptcy of Thatcherism and New Labour as well as the current Conservative government – i.e. the reliance on finance and the City of London as the country’s prime economic motor – which just sucks a country’s prosperity and sees a redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. What are your views on left-wing critiques of neoliberalism? Are they right to say that neoliberalism has seen an unprecedented transfer of money from the poor to the rich and that the levels of elite corruption in the UK have increased (see book How Corrupt is Britain? by David Whyte) – because less rules to break – as a result of this right-wing ideology?

    Thanks for reading.

    • Back in the day I used to ‘doom trough’ as much as I could, which resulted in depression and the question: “Why go on?” Now I try and limit my forays to a few trusted sources, like The Corbett Report – which is why I recently joined.
      Why do I trust the Corbett Report? James seems to bridge the gap between being aware of the problem and giving options on how to move forward. Moving forward involves work. My humble advice is to find some work that you are passionate about and do it with all that you can muster. I think that is what James is all about. When you build something solid, look on it, and when you know that it is not adding to the already existing mountain of crap … then a good feeling of going on ensues.

  7. Regarding Jack Dallas’s question and your invitation in minute 48’24” for answers as to why is the US now normalizing relations with Cuba, this is a complex issue that has its parallels with what I would term as The Latin American Light “Gladio” Version, where Venezuela has been from the very begining the top crown jewel to be conquered.

    Some historical facts must be referenced here. When Fidel Castro overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in the 50’s he was already a well groomed CIA asset. During that time it was also a must to remove the Venezuelan military dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez, a man who was doing great deeds spurring mayor infrastructure investments for agriculture, transportation, industry, tourism & education by opening Venezuelan immigration to qualified labor mostly from Europe.

    Venezuela was flourishing like no other part of the world and the powers that shouldn’t be did not like that the Venezuelan currency, the Bolivar, became more preferred than the US$ as an international reserve, due to the fact that it was well backed by an immense wealth of natural.

    In January of 1958 Venezuelan military dictator Perez Jimenez was forced out of power and escaped to Spain, thanks to the covert US aid to Venezuelan “democratic” political parties where Acción Democrática, under the leadership of Rómulo Betancourt, took control over the country. Betancourt had strong ties with the international Communist Party during his exile years prior to becoming elected president of Venezuela.

    The startegy of the globalist agenda worked as Betancourt had to fight against Fidel Castro’s intrusions to invade Venezuela with guerrilla forces during the early 60’s. Those attemps failed as the Venezuelan military was a then a praetorian stronghold.

    Such was the initial stage for a most complacent rule of democratic law in Venezuela for the coming 4 decades where two political parties -equivalent to the US Elephant and Donkey charade- successfully alternated in power, sucking the juices of one of the richest countries in the entire planet. Needless to say, corruption has reigned galore in this graceful land.

    However, the polarity between both political factions was not good enough for the 21st century global strategy agenda. Thus, the coming into power of Hugo Chavez in 1999 was set forth in Venezuela, fulfilling Fidel Castro’s most cherised plan set forth in Brazil’s “Foro de Sao Paulo”, all under the covert influence of the Zionist globalists.

    One must understand that Cuba was an experiment to isolate and submit a whole population to the whims of a corrupt elite that would spread radical leftist and subversive ideologies throughout Latin America in order to create social unrest to such a degree that it would justify US regional interventions and controls with it’s big stick policies.

    That experiment was quite successful indeed, thanks to Hugo Chavez and his self appointed successor Nicolas Maduro, placing Venezuela under the control of TPTSB though the deeds of the Castro-Ruz dynasty. In a nutshell: Cuba was the bait to catch Venezuela as the mayor game. Thus, Cuba can now be “free” since Venezuela is now enslaved for the time being or “¡por ahora!” –as Chavez had famously stated back in 1992 when he failed a military attempt to overthrow president Carlos Andres Perez

  8. Thanks for the reply James, will have to look into that documentary.


    In the US, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee is supposed to have “oversight” on the Intelligence Community, this includes potentially being briefed on covert actions, at least according to the official website. My question is, do you think that any of these members wind up getting involved in Intelligence Community activities? I’ve been wondering about this ever since John McCain has recently popped up in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, and other places, meeting with key people, where we suspect intelligence operations and covert actions are taking place. Is it just a coincidence or is there something more? I can’t help but think about Fletcher Prouty’s insight on how the “Secret Team” planted people into the military and let them move up into higher areas to gain more control.

  9. EYEisBloke,

    You got it. Aaron Russo mentions this specifically here:

    I recommend watching the whole video that clip was taken from. There’s a lot to be taken away.

    Regarding your second question, I think the effort has been quite successful. I’d say we have what you might call a pseudo “one child policy” in a lot of places. It’s so difficult for people who aren’t in high paying jobs to support children that the only people who can really afford to have large families are the super wealthy. Of course I believe in equal pay for equal work and upward mobility for women in the workplace. However, I feel that there’s a cynicism, where the beauty of the relationship between mother and child (not to sound corny), particularly during nursing, is undermined either from career pressure or just the basic necessity of making ends meet. In the United States this is particularly bad. In societies, many of them poor, where there’s a tendency for families to have many children though… don’t worry! Bill Gates has “solutions”.

    I’d like to end on a more upbeat note, but perhaps what I try to come back to, and this ties into what was discussed in this edition of QFC, is the fact that just understanding some of the really discouraging and depressing topics we tend to discuss to the extent where we’re able to intelligently present this information to people is something positive and proactive. As James mentioned, even if it doesn’t take with people right away, as is often the case, a seed you might plant now may grow later on under the right conditions.

  10. EYEisBloke,

    I just took a brief look at your blog (the about section) and I have to say kudos and two thumbs up =]

    I think it’s valuable for men to be part of the discussion on subject matter generally categorized as “women’s issues”, both as listeners and contributors. I made a self-depreciating comment above, regarding the relationship between mother and child, but I think there’s a value in saying this as a man, where it comes from a place of being humble and honoring the fact that, while there shouldn’t be limitations placed on what women “can or can’t do”, not recognizing that there are fundamental differences between the sexes lacks a certain amount of respect. Sometimes this gets lost (intentionally or not) and from personal experience, for whatever reason, there seems to be something liberating about having this with female friends as a guy, specifically.

    Your name (here and for the blog) is clever too. I’ll make a point to check back at some point and take a closer look, but for now, that’s my two cents.


  11. It appears to me that the feminist movement is part of the dialectic, that is created to divide people into different camps and get them to fight with one another so that eventually a solution will be offered by the ones who got this mess started in the first place.

    I give credit to Niki Freidrich Rapaana for mentioning this on her facebook page. (She is more active on facebook than she is on her blog lately). James I do agree with you about facebook, it is creepy and it is a mental institution. But that is where the all the psych patients hang out and those are the ones whose escape we are trying to facilitate, while we the escapees are hanging out over here with you.

    Naomi Wolff (Rhodes scholar) is an influential tool in this dialectic, as was her mother.

  12. On the subject of Cuba, not related to specifically to why relations are thawing, but interesting none-the-less…

    Just saw this flash across the news feed…If you read down to the bottom it suggests that Obama could order the declassification of the documents, shaming the CIA, in order to maintain normal relations with our new friends Cuba.

    So the war inside the Intelligence Community continues, with Cuba as the proxy.

  13. Hi Gerben,

    I’ve also watched that series and thought it was pretty good as well. There are also some other instances of ancient architecture constructed with some forms of technology which I don’t think have been adequately explained either. With respect to the Egyptian pyramids, certainly the official explanations for when and how they were built are complete rubbish (at least as far as I’m concerned). “The Pyramid Code” does a good job asking some of the right questions without being either overly indulgent in speculation or geared towards “debunking” the rationale that there’s more than ample ground for not accepting the “official” explanations. I must say that I find the behavior of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities suspicious when it comes to the restrictions they’ve placed on research and now even just photography. I definitely find the topic as a whole quite fascinating and I’d be interested in whether or not this is something James has looked into as well. To the best of my knowledge I don’t recall him discussing the topic.

  14. #Question for Corbett: recently I noticed a news story about a government agency (NIST) initiating a call for technology to identify tattoos. Here where I live (Portland, Oregon) you cannot go ten feet without crossing the path of an inked human. My question James, is do you think that the ever increasing fad to get a tattoo has been orchestrated in some way to identify and target citizens, not just hardened criminals as they claim?

    thanks James!

  15. Re: “normalizing” relations with Cuba:

    There’s never just one reason for actions like this. In addition to the geopolitical reasons cited by others, it could be as well that with the 1st generation of anti-Castro refugees fading into history, it might be considered politically safe to normalize now.

    It wouldn’t be as easy for a GOP president to do this, so it was decided that just in case The Donald or Jeb becomes the next US president, they’d better act now.

    Some other thoughts:

    I never bought the fantastic stories about the CIA’s attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. Exploding cigars, poisoning his scuba suit, making his beard fall out – it all sounds a bit too Wile E. Coyote to me.

    I also note that the latest alternative JFK conspiracy theory is “Castro did it.” Other culprits have included the Mafia and LBJ.

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