In Memoriam Stan Monteith

by | Sep 30, 2014 | Articles | 2 comments

Dr. Stan Monteith (1929-2014)

Dr. Stan Monteith (1929-2014)

by James Corbett
September 30, 2014

Yesterday morning, September 29, 2014, Dr. Stan Monteith, the host of the long-running radio show, “Radio Liberty,” passed away from natural causes. He was 85 years old.

“Doctor Stan,” or “Grandpa Liberty” as he was known to his devoted listeners, was a passionate and tireless advocate for truth whose energy and enthusiasm for exposing what he termed the “Brotherhood of Darkness” led him to continue with a grueling five-hour-per-day radio broadcast schedule right up until the time of his final hospitalization and passing. A retired orthopedic surgeon, Doctor Stan was also an author, researcher, filmmaker, veteran broadcaster and tireless opponent of the forces of globalization.

Like Bob Chapman who passed away before him, Doctor Stan was part of a generation of pioneers who laid the groundwork for the modern alt media movement. Writing, lecturing and warning the public about the dangers of the hidden elite who puppeteer the events that make up our political reality before most of the current generation of alt media personalities (myself included) were even born, many of the issues that he helped to bring to the fore through his original research and reporting still impact events taking place in America and around the world. From his research on medical matters, including the AIDS epidemic and the issue of water fluoridation, to his analysis of the geopolitical machinations leading to the creation of a one-world governmental system, to his groundbreaking interviews with seminal witnesses to history like Norm Dodd, to his popularization of the research of Carroll Quigley and the secret round table groups that run the U.S. government, to his revelation of the manipulations behind our current economic reality, Doctor Stan blazed a trail that many continue to follow whether they are aware of his influence or not.

My personal experience with Doctor Stan, like my personal experience with Bob Chapman, was sadly limited to our weekly conversations on his “Radio Liberty” broadcast. But like my relationship with Bob, in that time I came to see Doctor Stan as more than a distant voice; he was a mentor, a kind soul, and someone I am proud to have considered a friend. In my professional experience, he was often better informed on the latest employment stats or retail sales data or other news of the day than myself, the guest he was having on to discuss these issues, but was always gracious with his knowledge and humble in his manner with myself and the callers. In my personal experience, I felt connected to Doctor Stan and his family through my weekly chats with his wife and producer, and am grateful for the opportunity to have met such a genuinely kind-hearted, generous and insightful man, if only telephonically.

The hole left by Stan Monteith’s absence will be felt acutely by his listeners, readers, and supporters, but we can all be comforted by the legacy of truth-telling that he leaves behind, a legacy that will continue to influence and guide younger researchers for many years to come.

On behalf of myself and everyone at the International Forecaster, our sincere condolences go out to Doctor Stan’s family in this trying time.

Happy trails, Grandpa Liberty. You may be gone, but you will not be forgotten.

For more information on Doctor Stan’s life and career, please listen to this essential interview recorded shortly before his passing by Julian Charles of


  1. Thanks for this tribute to Dr. Stan. I ventured over to Radio Liberty about a year ago, after being intrigued by one of the interviews you had with him. I became a regular listener to his recorded radio program and learned quite a bit through the wide variety of guests he had on. I will truly miss listening to the man who brings “the news behind the news, and the story behind the story”. We have lost a true hero.

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