Interview 1001 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Feb 13, 2015 | Interviews | 4 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Negotiators Burn Last Opportunity to Salvage the #TPP by Caving on Copyright Term Extension
EBay Trying to Sneak TPP Support in the Back Door
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Role of Congress in Trade Policy

Story #2: The Case to “Reinstate” the Bank of Canada
Comer Vs The Bank of Canada
HSBC ‘tax dodge’ revelations are just tip of iceberg, says leaker

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek – Moms Crash Monsanto Shareholder Meeting, Pass Shareowner Proxy Access Resolution
@BeauBoeye: “ahha! My letter was published! This is just the beginning. Thanks guys!”
Breyers Drops Milk Tainted With Monsanto’s RBST
Colorado May Refund Millions In Weed Taxes

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: The Inevitable War with ISIS is Finally Declared
#Ukrainians Rage Against #Military Draft
Samsung’s Smart TV Allows Spying On Its Users

Visit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the #NewWorldNextWeek RSS feed or iTunes feed. Thank you.

Previous Episode: Global Healthcare, Chinese Internet, Public Internet


  1. James Pilato,
    Please accept my paltry donation of $20.00. I am very sorry that this is no where near to what you are “worth”!!! It is just that this is all that this is all I can do now and honesty, this is a lot of money to me.
    I went to and hit donate, but since I did not see any contact button there, I am leaving this message here on Corbett’s site. Sorry James, but I sent you BOTH 20!
    I look forward to “New World Next Week” and it would not be possible without you.
    Here is hoping that somebody else will match my donation!

  2. I love this segment of the report as it always contains such an interesting grab bag of topics.

    As a member of COMER we certainly realize that returning the Bank of Canada to it’s intended purpose of lending to all three levels of governance (muni,prov, fed) with basically interest free and debt free money is not the end of monetary and economic reform in Canada. This idea of running the economy on debt free money is the end goal but the beginning starts with this law suit. And it’s not just twenty billion but more like sixty billion dollars and up from all govt. levels paid out in interest to bankers before a nickel is spent by any level of govt. on any Canadian priorities. Here’s a twelve year old girl, Victoria Grant, to explain what the situation is in Canada, and generally speaking in every nation on this planet.

    • It’s really heartening to see someone so young, get it. The Fox News Right if it existed in Canada would declare this to be using children for political aims, when really it’s just raising your child to only care about the truth. Anyway, they are naturally good at that, and were ostracized until not too long ago, because truth comes out the mouth of children. I remember the humiliating times spent sitting in the corner while my dad was playing poker with his cousins because I said something that was true and could not understand why I was being punished.

      Happened more than once too. Punished for saying the truth is something applied in primary schools a hell lot too. And yes, I’m glad of these developments, to anyone who has seen O Canada : Our Bought And Sold Out Land, this offers a small sight of relief.

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