Interview 1021 – James Corbett on Reality Bytes

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Interviews | 4 comments

Today James joins Neil Foster on Reality Bytes to discuss the peer-to-peer economy and the real potential for disruption of the global economic enslavement grid.

Solutions: The Peer-to-Peer Economy

Solutions: Pirate Internet


Local Motors

Open Source Ecology

Ozarks Neighborly Exchange

Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states

Raw Milk Laws in Canada and the U.S.

Florida judge lifts ban on feeding homeless in public

Bailiffs trying to evict cancer-stricken father over mortgage dispute are forced to retreat after 500 strangers form human blockade

“Discourse on Voluntary Servitude” by Étienne de La Boétie


  1. MESH networking sure seems like a future bright spot. We will see the MESH network trend take off as individuals come up with creative viable personal benefits. There is nothing like the spark of a little personal financial incentive in order to light a fire.
    In the very early 1960’s, I was visiting distant relatives who are farmers in the far south Texas Rio Grande Valley. Local farmers had gotten together and built their own community swimming pool. They often would share farm machinery and even their hired labor pool.
    — — — Black Communities prior to Integration. – – –
    In the 70’s I had a nice long conversation with a very old African American friend. I was asking him to tell me about the segregated Black Communities prior to the mid 1950’s. He told me how wonderful his life was at that time because the Black community had its own flourishing businesses and entertainment; such as movie theatres, restaurants, retail stores, and the like. He told me how integration destroyed the community’s infrastructure and the dollars floated out to the White Man. But yet, blacks were discriminated against.
    — — — Hobo Communities – – –
    In the early 80’s, I once hired a real old-timer Hobo from the era of Hobo communities. His stories of the Hobo Camps and their comradery was fascinating…Bring a can of food to throw into the stew kettle was the entrance fee. He resented JFK who did away with the Hobo camps. His value system was a bit different. He was missing some toes because of frostbite. One night it was supposed to get about 18 degrees F. I gave him some extra money so he could get a Motel room. Instead, he opted for a bottle that night and slept in a dumpster covered by cardboard and newspaper. Mogen David 20/20 and he were good friends.

  2. I would love to see James Corbett interview David Blume. David Blume has some cool real life exposure on how communities can flourish making their own extremely viable fuel which also facilitates organic food production. And there are many other benefits, including the non-support of Big Oil or literally cleaning the air by running your car.

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