Interview 1100 – Dissecting the Trudeau Hype with Dan Dicks

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Interviews | 4 comments

Canadians enthusiastically lined up on Monday to vote in yet another term of Bilderberg crony oligarchical globalist government. Joining us in the election hangover to dissect the propaganda and unmask the Trudeau deception is Dan Dicks of

Justin Trudeau: Canada’s “Hope and Change” Deception

The Trudeau Deception

The Democracy Deception

The Terrorists Behind Canada’s “Anti-Terror” Law

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Are Finished: Here’s What You Need to Know

Why No One Should Become President

And the winner of the Canadian election is…


  1. Nothing will change here in Canada, the same people in control, just new figure head. Canadian’s are passively dumb to world events & who controls what, it’s amazing we can even register 1 acceptable grade on an IQ test. Nothing amazes me more in my 52 years on this planet then how dumb, what appear to be intelligent people really are! No one seems to care about who’s really running this world, why things really are they way they are, and most importantly what little each person would have to do to run these clowns “out of town”. I would suspect if 5% of the population stormed Ottawa, Washington, London etc etc, an incredible amount would change and the impact on society would be so great the person that leads this would make “Jesus pale comparison”. (Sorry I’m not a religious person at all but it’s a statement people can get the point from). But I do continue every day to educate people willing to “lend an ear to for even a minute”, I find the younger generation a lot more “aware” then the older people.

  2. I would very much like to meet you, Dan & crew (James Evan, Brock West, Sibel Edmonds (and sorry guys she wins top honors for just being the female & the prettiest female I’ve seen in a lot of years!! but keep “working hard guys & don’t be discouraged by that”)) and certainly lend a hand to cause how ever I may help.

  3. Thanks for the comment, TheNovaScotian. Always good to have another Canuck aboard. I, too, am always on the lookout for good Canadian alt media sources. I recommend Press For Truth obviously, and you may be interested in their continuing coverage of the COMER suit against the Bank of Canada:

    Maybe some of the other Canadians here can recommend some other good Canadian alt media sources.

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