Interview 1115 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Nov 26, 2015 | Interviews | 6 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: Website Shows How Easy It Is To Track You By Your Cat Photos
Flashback: Uses Twitter to Tell When People Aren’t Home (Feb 2010)
#BrusselsLockdown Request for Social Media Blackout Prompts Flood of Cat Pics (from Docile Slaves Under Martial Law)

Story #2: Congress Passes Space Mining Act With No Growth Limits
Who Owns Space? US Asteroid-Mining Act Is Dangerous, Potentially Illegal

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek – More Than 1 In 4 Americans Believe Government Is The Enemy
PDF: Beyond Distrust – How Americans View Their Government
Most Americans Deeply Distrust Government…But Are Okay With Almost All Of Its Programs

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Russian Jet Hit Inside Syria After Alleged Incursion Into Turkey
NWNW Flashback: US Allows Ally Turkey to Bomb Only Group Effectively Fighting ISIS (Aug 2015)
Experts Say ISIS Parks Its Cash In Bitcoin Censored In France
Whistleblower Claims Drone Pilots Often High on Drugs
It’s A Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake America
Predicting Terror: Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Visit to get previous episodes in various formats to download and share. Submit articles and links by using #NewWorldNextWeek and #GoodNewsNextWeek. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the New World Next Week RSS feed or iTunes feed. Thank you.

Previous Episode: Putin to G20 – Stop Funding ISIS!


  1. I feel remiss that I haven’t read most of the mentioned articles alluded to, so it was good to hear Corbet admit it too.

    At the end, I thought Pilato could at least says something honest and heartfelt like Corbet did. But it looked like Pilato got a little chocked up and could not say anything. Sorry, but that was a good Thanksgiving show not to forget the cats, but the end was priceless.

  2. It’s difficult to take heart in statistics like “1 in 4 Americans know the government is the enemy” once you realize that 29% of Americans can’t find the Pacific Ocean on a map and a similar number believe the Bible is the literal word of God. A slightly greater proportion believes that evolution is a lie. In short, somewhere between a quarter and a third of Americans are just unbelievably dumbfuck ignorant. Hopefully *our* 1 in 4 is a *different* quarter of the population…

  3. Hi James,

    I saw a news-article dated 29 november pass by today with the following headline:
    “Wyden hails end to ‘needless’ NSA phone dragnet”.

    The first sentence of the news-article is:
    “Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., hailed the end of the National Security Agency’s phone records dragnet, which was officially shut down Sunday, as the result of the USA Freedom Act.”

    See link:

    I was wondering:
    Is this actually good news and does this actually amount to something in terms of pushing back the security-state, or is this just hollow rhetoric?

    I mean, I know the MSM spreads disinformation all the time, but an announcement like this has to mean something, right?

  4. ALL governments are based on military conquest. All governments were designed to extract booty and slaves from the conquered people. Over the millenia, the conquerors have learned to minimize the cost of extraction (governance or oversight) by learning how to manipulate their people, but the original purpose remains. The officers become the lords and aristocracy, until a new war, when they loose.

    That’s why the upper crust and the masses often have different vocabularies and accents – language tends to stick around far longer than other cultural traces, and the ruling elite are an invading culture, bringing a new language with them. Over the centuries, or millenia, that history tends to get lost, but traces are still there.

    “Democracy”, “free-market”, “capitalism”, “human rights” etc are just propaganda memes that happen to catch attention and short-circuit the brains of the the plebes at a specific time and place. Over time and in differend locations, different ideas (God, patriotism, altruism, freedom, fighting slavery, ending war, etc) will be a catch-phrase that makes it easier for the overlords to extract maximum value with minimum effort from their holdings.

    What’s going on now is that the wars are now becoming more economic than fire-power.

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