Interview 1226 – Financial Survival: The Day After the (s)Election

by | Nov 10, 2016 | Interviews | 3 comments

The touchscreen voting machines have spoken: Donald J. Trump is now Lord Emperor of the American Empire. So what now? Join James and Alfred Adask for their weekly conversation on Financial Survival where they discuss the aftermath of the (s)election circus and where the world is heading now.

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Notes on Nationalism


  1. Alfred Adask was referring to a doctored up video where Soros said Trump will win the popular vote but Hillary will win the electoral college vote and become POTUS. Essentially it seemed like Soros was saying he (Soros) was partaking in something nefarious. The doctored up part was that someone did an audio splice to make Soros day “Trump” instead of “Clinton” when talking about winning the popular vote. In truth he said Clinton would win both the popular and electoral vote.

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