Interview 1231 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Interviews | 19 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: FBI Gains Expanded Hacking Powers As “Rule 41” Kicks In
With Rule 41, Little-Known Committee Proposes to Grant New Hacking Powers to the Government
Compromise Reached On Massive U.S. Defense Bill, AKA The NDAA 2017
Search: NDAA
Fingerprints Will Be Mandatory When Buying SIM Cards In Thailand In 2017

Story #2: Forget Paris – France Drops Carbon Tax Plan
Planned-opolis, city of the future
Weather Is Not Climate!

Story #3:  Juncker Begs EU Leaders: No More Referendums, They’ll All Vote ‘Leave’
MPs Launch New Attempt To Interrogate Tony bLIAr Over Iraq
FT Admits NWO Gatekeepers Heading for “Marie Antoinette Moment”

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines: Castro Is Dead! Long Live Castro!
#PizzaGate Panel Scheduled For ‘Daily Show’?
ND Gov Orders Evacuation of #NoDAPL Camp Ahead Of Army CoE’s Dec 5th Threat


  1. Yep. In fact, these surveillance state criminals directed with the #pizzagate elites set-up sites like Propornot to monitor traffic and capture IP addresses then correlate those with red flagged sites deemed “bad” and there ya’ go. The fascist state buggy-man has come to get you. It has begun. They are in an all out push to suppress the public voice and it’s real. Believe it.

    • All they can do is push. What could be accomplished by this? At best these are scare tactics, who the hell is going to “hack” a few billion devices? Preposterous.

      If you had 10.000 “hackers” working 8 hours per day, every day, hacking around 3 billion devices with a “hack” taking 10 minutes on average, each of them would need 17+ years of labor get through all of the devices that are out there today. What to do with all that data? How to process all of those “criminals”?

      Have no doubt, if you had 10% of people dissenting, any state apparatus in the world would collapse trying to quell those 10%.

      • Well, tracking isn’t hacking (or gaining access to the mark’s system) is it? I of course agree that these queries we make toward the outer world can be easily stored and processed for future use. But conflating “tracking” and “acting based on data collected” holds no merit.

        I may search for how to make a pipe bomb and have lord knows how much private info stored, but there’s quite a few steps between having that entry written on a hard drive somewhere and having someone knock on my door, while being aware I may have built that bomb in the first place.

        No government can handle 10% dissenters. Not enough police, not enough court clerks, not enough jail space. Can’t be done. Even if you wanted to extra judicially assassinate the 10% one can only imagine you’d run into extreme difficulties.

        • OK, if that’s the case, you are right, but still I wouldn’t call that hacking.

          All in all, there’s too many security related programs out there, along with various hardware solutions, for something like that to be so easily attainable on a large scale.

          I don’t think it’s about legislation, but about the people legalizing their unlawful behavior. The law is just a red haring.

  2. A few decades back Enron was about to introduce carbon credits, which basically converts to a carbon tax. They had a lot of influence and were set in the pole position to make a lot of profits on this scam.

    Any entity strong enough can lobby any of these compromised governments, as we have seen happen so many times, which doesn’t make the government people collaborators. Just as I wouldn’t call your typical soldier a murderer, just because he got his mind destroyed by the insane military doctrine. Compartmentalization can go a long way.

    When talking about government plots, I’m not sure which government are you referring. The power and influence have been condensed a lot over these past decades, but one can still not expect for such a diverse bunch of entities to act in unison. As I see it, strong entities can lobby to introduce something that’s wholly in their interest while a bunch of other entities can be coopted, bought off, sidetracked or brought under. There’s a wide array of interest vectors and the general direction will be to the benefit of the majority of these influences.

    I find the global weather scam to be a scam due to (in no particular order)

    a) rebranding; changing names of corporations, movements etc. reeks of foul play. Why change the name of something that’s going well, you wouldn’t do that, would you. You rebrand when you need to distance yourself from a less favorable past and keep your fingers crossed nobody will notice the switch. As a side note, but in line with point no. 1, do you remember the khorasan group?

    b) taxes do not fix stuff. They never had, they never will, they were always used for transferring the wealth. From the plebs to the ruling class, of course. If something gets spilled over in form of social programs, it serves only the purpose of extending the status quo.

    c) if governments wanted to do some good for a change, 0.6°C rise in fudged global temperatures would be ranked (sorted according to descending priority) at about 1000th spot on the todo list. There are so many plainly evident issues going on RIGHT NOW that carbon taxes (even if they were set to do some good in the long run) should be way, way off the radar

    The best scams are usually laid out evidently in plain site. Global weather thing is one of such scams.

    I do agree on the issue of believing some votes and not believing the others. Sometimes these outcomes are well aligned with our wishes, so we may be more accepting toward them. All of us are subjective beings, in the end.

    Going back to Trump/Hillary thing to form this example, I had some desire to see Hillary lose (the whole bitch from hell thing) so to that effect I would have been more inclined into believing they rigged the election for her, had she won. But she ran against another wretch of a human being so who the hell knows?

    In the case of EU, I want to see it destroyed, so I’d be naturally more accepting of an exit vote, set to doubt it a bit less for rigging since that’s the outcome I desire.

    I’ll always be more vary of voting machines than using actual paper, though.

    However, by the same litmus tests, something was off with both of those elections. They only thing boggling my mind is why would anyone fix a “for” brexit vote? Or was it maybe the case of not fixing it enough? Because there’s no doubt in my mind that, had push come to shove, the ruling class wouldn’t allow the plebs to make any decisions. They worked hard to form this monstrosity and they are to be blamed for vote stealing at least.

    • I don’t hold much regard for the left/right dichotomy, in my eyes that’s completely false. It’s like having person A beat you senseless after which you run to person B, which is just going to beat you some more. After some time passes, you may forget of the beating person A issued or maybe it starts to fade a bit in comparison so you may consider running back to A to escape B. That would be completely useless, the answer to the posed question of “to whom do I run?” is neither A nor B.

      I don’t think the “center” or whichever other side is the solution, either. This whole system needs to go, we tried it, it isn’t working. The right isn’t going to fix anything, neither will the left. They’ll just keep passing the ball along, screaming and pointing at the party which holds the ball currently.

      I think that antique stuff like sortition would fair a lot better than this end to end catastrophe. This is even worse that your standard dictatorship because when you’re living under a dictator you are at least aware of that. Well, at least to a greater extent than people are aware of the current political system.

      Your speculation sounds very plausible.

      Most states today are Jewish controlled, if not through anything else than through the central bank. All these guys need to do is cry “holocaust!” and all doors open wide. The guilt complex is an incredible thing.

  3. I can’t tell you how many times people have suggested to me “I’m not a scientist, but…..” and then ranted on like the Energizer Bunny repeating what they picked up from the self proclaimed “experts” in the media.

    I AM a scientist. I do not support they mythical 97% consensus of scientists any more than I believe that 4 out of 5 dentists promote brushing twice daily with Crest toothpaste to prevent tooth decay. I am no more impressed with the perpetual parade of colorful cartoons and sock puppetry than I am with the assertion that there are Two Scoops of Raisins in each package of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran.

    Everybody loves to be told how smart they are. Who are we to argue against 97% of scientists?

    For me, 9/11 is the first litmus test. Climate Crisis is a close second. Please tell me how taxing us for our trace exhalations of plant food is less absurd than high rise buidlings falling into their own footprints? I encourage you to revisit your assumptions…. it was no less painful for me than it will be for you.

    I’m going to recommend a book that should be mandatory reading in Canada:

    If you are interested, let me know and I’ll post links to published science that contradict the official myth.

    • You won’t “tackle the science of this, because your “feel like [you] would get in waay over [your] head very quickly.”

      You are not alone. I appreciate your honesty.

      Why would you choose to have faith in the same media that continues to sell the 9/11 myth? Please think this over carefully.

      Last November in Paris, 175 of the leaders of the world…. including Obama and our Canadian hero, Justin Trudeau…. signed us up for the Great Green Climate Austerity:

      – our kids are taught daily about Climate Crisis (my youngest son presently has a paper to write on the matter)
      – our media is filled with daily reminders
      – our leaders are promising Billions of dollars to the United Nations to fight Climate Crisis
      – 97% of “scientists” agree that something must urgently be done
      – the leaders of my province are implementing carbon sin taxes
      – Rockefeller Brothers Foundation announced their total divestment from fossil fuels back in 2014
      – Prince Charles and the Royals are leading the charge


      97% of the best scientific minds humanity has to offer, in cooperation with the United Nations, teachers, professors, media, the Royal Families, the Biggest of Big Oil, the vast majority of “educated” citizens, the political leaders of every country and Billions of dollars raised every year…… are somehow concerned their efforts may be thwarted by the handful of remaining nuckle dragging, science hating, heretical “deniers”?

      Whatever you choose to believe, get ready for your cost of living to jump next year.

      • You raise an excellent point. Very few people read today. I’ve watched lectures on the matter but I’m not sure if I’ve seen a really good documentary that summarizes the entire situation. Unlike yourself, I’ve been impressed with what Corbett has produced on the matter but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for something more accessible.

        Regarding Big Oil, please check out what Rockefellers were up to in 2014:

        Again, Cloak of Green explains a lot but it’s quite an investment in time.

        Meanwhile…consider photosynthesis:

        6CO2 + 6H2O ——> C6H12O6 + 6O2

        Does it seem strange that one of the two ingredients required to build green plants has been vilified?

        Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. Please try to convince me that it is.

        My greatest concern is that people have become so thoroughly brainwashed that they are not asking, rather, they are Demanding to pay taxes to save the planet from our trace exhalations of plant food. Taxation without representation is repugnant by itself; when the funds are directed toward an imaginary problem with no proposed measure of their effectiveness….words fail me.

        • Yea…
          Greenhouses often purchase a machine which makes CO2 in order to feed the plants (and help kill bugs). Google images shows many types of machines.

    • There appears to be a rift between the original contributors of “why in the world are they spraying” and “what in the world are they spraying” documentaries. (Dane Wiggington and G. Edward Griffin) apparently there are pending lawsuits being brought The rift is concerning an upcoming conference in Pheonix, AZ on climate change/warming models and their calculations. In that conference there are two scientists Lord Monckton and Tim Ball who both have discredited the existance or use of atmospheric aerosols. Wondering if this is content James or any of you might like to dig into.

      The Biggest Scam In United States History | G. Edward Griffin and Stefan Molyneu

      G. Edward Griffin response:

      Dane Wigington response:

      Lord Monckton explination for climate model review

      Skyderalert: aerosol spraying camera catch app and Dane Wigington interview/ lawsuit notification

  4. Dec 1, 2016 – Forbes Taking away cash from society

    …Believe it or not, some experts think we should do something much like this in the US…
    …Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff has a new book out called The Curse of Cash. He thinks we should eliminate most paper bills. His plan is to phase out $100, $50, and $20 bills, which together account for about 97% of the face value of all US dollars in circulation…
    …Rogoff isn’t aiming only at tax evaders and drug dealers. He thinks paper money is problematic no matter who holds it because cash restricts monetary policy.
    It would get in the way if the Federal Reserve ever wanted to push interest rates into the negative range, the way central banks in Japan and the Eurozone already have.
    Under a negative interest rate policy (NIRP), putting cash in the bank costs the depositor money instead of earning it. You can avoid this simply by holding paper currency… but not if the paper currency doesn’t exist because your government followed Professor Rogoff’s advice….

  5. Fluoride News
    Nov 30, 2016
    The Fluoride Action Network along with national environmental and medical health groups delivered a Citizen Petition to the EPA that calls for a nationwide ban on water fluoridation due to the neurotoxicity of fluoride.
    The EPA must take action within 90 days or face a lawsuit.
    For more information on this petition visit:­
    (2 minute YouTube)

    Dogs are against fluoridation too.­

  6. The safe assumption is they capture everything now, they’ve been capturing everything for a number of years, and they shall continue to capture everything…indefinitely.

    What Rule 41 or some other similar rule actually does is expand what they can acknowledge capturing as evidence which can be brought forth in court.

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