Interview 1251 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Feb 3, 2017 | Interviews | 17 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Speculation Grows Assad “Suffered A Stroke” As Syria Slams Trump’s “Safe Zone” Proposal

Obama Killed 16-Year-Old American In Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

Who’s Trying to ‘Kill’ Syrian President Bashar Assad?

Story #2: Austrian Hotel’s Keycards Repeatedly Hacked, Forced To Pay Bitcoin Ransom

Update: Bitcoin Hotel Hack Victim Speaks Out

Flashback: The Hacker Who Cracked Four Million Hotel Rooms (Nov. 28, 2012)

NBA 2K Game Wins Right to Store Your Biometrics ??

NYC Plans New Facial Recognition Cameras At Bridges, Tunnels (& Here’s How To Dodge Them)

Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy For The FBI To Spy On Journalists

Reporters’ Spy Saga Gives Glimpse of UK Surveillance Culture

Story #3: Introducing Pig-Human Embryos For “Lab Grown Organs”

PDF: “Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells”

When They Took Away Your Incandescent Lightbulbs, They Didn’t Tell You The Alternatives Would Ruin Your Eyes

#GoodNewsNextWeek: And The Hits Just Keep On Comin’


  1. ralph, I have listened to some of George Webb and looked through his slides and his cited references.

    He does have many references or topics which have well been covered by Corbett or Newsbud or others.

    However, for me personally, my own preference, I find his videos too dispersing and broad. If he wrote up a well written, thoroughly detailed script which enforces ideas and builds towards logical revelations all backed by specific references, it would be more appealing to me. (i.e. wearing a more journalistic hat.)

    Example: LYBIA should include a detailed account of whistleblowers JoAnne and James Moriarty which would be at least an entire George Webb episode.

  2. I think we are correct to be automatically suspicious of any story related to cyberterrosim and cybercrime.

    In the Hotel case, surely after the second ransom attack any reasonable manager would hire an IT person to install an automatic backup system, making the paying of a ransom to recover your data unnecessary.

    Also, it is not hard to physically isolate the security system network from the other network, the old 19th century door locks are not particularly secure when someone copies or looses a key.

    Some ideas here on how to keep networks separate going back to the 1960s.

  3. The only way to fix this is to take this whole surveillance system and turn it against them. IMPOVERISH, IMPRISON, SURVEIL. I.I.S. (pronouced ice). All politicians and gov employees should be IIS’ed. No more kick backs, revolving doors and high paying jobs after leaving gov, inside stock tips etc. Soon as you enter the gov you give up all income for life, are forced to live on a special impoverished colony, and are surveiled 24/7 for life. That would fix this whole problem.

    All we need is a public interface with the surveillance grid. How would such an interface be made? How can we more toward this goal?

  4. I watched about a dozen videos yesterday, his style is original, I’ll give him that. Nice amalgamate of the old school (I can only assume) detective and “new” technologies.

    At any rate, he’s quite a bit all over the place but he’s giving the viewer enough time for the information to sink in. He doesn’t look suicidal, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d accidentally blow his head off while shaving.

    • I have to caution anyone watching Webb’s channel, direct quote of his
      I am a Zionist, so I admit I protect Israel in the story. Israel supports the ISIS Oil rat line (75% of Israeli gas is from the pipeline I believe). But I don’t believe they are involved in the sex trafficking, etc. My big focus is to get all the emails, not to shame Israel. The emails are the key to the investigation IMO.

      This doesn’t change facts, but this guy is extremely biased. After he stated for a few times that UAE did 9/11 I had to go nosy up a bit and this pretty much killed his analysis for me.

      Among other things that nagged me quite a bit was that he’s very easy on Obama and kind of pushes the hype about all of them changes Trump’s going to introduce.

      Viewer caution advised.

        • I understand this stance may appear radical or inappropriate to some, but things should not be read into too much nor taken wildly out of context. There are some things people don’t expect to hear from their news sources and that’s just how the cookie crumbles. In this regard, I very much appreciate James because he hasn’t managed to disappoint me, yet.

          I’ll name some examples of people I used to follow and the reasons as to why the following was interrupted (either gradually or after a simple cutoff)

          – Micheal Rivero. I very much appreciate this gentleman for his commentary and original content, like “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” article/video. At the time it boggled my mind. He made excellent stuff, but he bit hook, line and sinker on the Trump MAGA thing. It wasn’t that much disappointment I felt, but it became apparent it was time to move on.

          – Young Turks. I followed these guys for a decent long while, until I found Uygur lead a heated debate FOR a preemptive strike on Russia, with the nucular option and all that. That was sometime before the Ukraine fiasco, around the time several red lines have been drawn around Syria, I think. Drawn by Obama I might add, the same person Webb apparently holds in high regard.
          Suffice to say I didn’t watch one minute of their content after that explosive brain diarrhea of an opinion. Was that “fair” of me to do, I do not know, but for me it was necessary.

          The very reason sites like this one exist is so that people can escape from the single mindedness of the everyday life. I also very much appreciate James for his apparent zero censorship approach. I would like to see a full fledged forum feature on this site, though, which could lead to more fruitful discussions. Things are rather easy to be missed with “threads” organized this way. With a standard board affair it would be easy for members to have some content of theirs hosted and maintained on this site as well and with each article having it’s own thread etc.

      • TLDR:

        Are you at all familiar with the concept of “fruits from a poisonous tree”?

        Full version:

        I do not feel the need to summarize data spun and reiterated over dozens of videos. The mere fact I didn’t summarize it (especially for issuing this viewer caution) stands as a testament to the fact I don’t have several weeks at hand to go over his videos, document everything, recap, root out the bias and summarize it for purposes of making a single comment here. If that leaves you disgusted, the issue is with you, friend.

        To further support my stance, I’ll restate my first sentence after the quote above:
        “This doesn’t change facts, but this guy is extremely biased.”
        You may have missed it the fist time around.

        I do not need to “acknowledge” jack shit, friend. Nor will I stand in awe of a person towing the official narrative line, restating several times how UEA did 9/11. His personal security is an issue of his own, just as anyone elses’. I’m not his bodyguard, his mother nor his friend. I obviously do not wish any harm to this man, but I won’t be beholden to him, either; even if were the embodiment of universal truth.

        I’ll end the first part of this reply by referencing some of the condescending projections you’re making there. Which I haven’t taken to heart, but I’d like to caution you against them as, well, you may come of as a condescending person.

        “Caution won cut it, I’m afraid. Neither will indifference.”
        Where have I called for indifference? I have advised caution against a biased source of information. That’s all. You may try making that into much more, but there’s nothing there behind your construct. If you are disappointed over lack of interest for what Webb is doing, you’ll have to grind that axe elsewhere.

        “Viewer caution? How about viewer interest, discernment and discussion of facts that should concern us all?”
        Yes, that’s why I was cautioning viewers because non facts were being layed out, along many, possibly biased, facts.

        “You qualify GW as an admitted Jew and Zionist? Ok, but deal with the facts that openly admitted Jew makes, eh?”
        He qualified himself as a Zionist. Nowhere did he (in this quote, at least) state that he’s a Jew, but a Zionist. I have nothing against Jews, couldn’t say as much about Zionists. My issue with Webb is not whether or not he’s a Jew, obviously.
        I’m not qualifying him as anything but an obviously biased person. The fact he’s admitting his bias, is not in any way making him less biased. Try not to read into stuff that isn’t there, eh?

      • For the second part of my answer:

        Zionism plays such a magnificent central role in this matter that it is impossible, I’ll repeat, IMPOSSIBLE to divulge deep into this issue without dedicating time and effort to dissect the Zionist background of this most crucial matter of our time.

        Hillary Clinton alone does not cut it. I don’t need Webb to tell me she’s a deranged bitch from hell, she’s potentially the most psychopathic, most powerful, best connected woman; woman with the highest body count score that has ever lived on this planet. Building a case against her in my opinion won’t cut it either, good luck finding a court which will be prepared to put her to trial. This is not to say this investigation is pointless, of course, I obviously welcome any action which may raise awareness. Or at least a massive stampede involving pitchforks and torches.

        Two giant mega lies in the past 70 years which have brought untold misery upon the peoples of this planet, in which Zionists have played central, pivotal roles and George Webb has the audacity to state he must “protect Israel in the story”? Does this incredible admission exonerate him from this bias? I think not. Hillary herself has admitted a lot of shit that she participated in, in my eyes those admissions don’t exonerate her, either (for those who may read to much into things, I’m not equating Webb and Hillary on any plane of existence.)

        Did UAE do 9/11? Obviously not. Queen bitch has taken a lot of advantage of that situation, but did she pull it on her own? Would it behoove any rational investigator to check their facts (of which George is apparently very fond, unless they go against his Zionist bias) before making such atrocious claims and furthering the narrative?

        George Webb is a biased investigator whom may be risking his life (even though, I personally don’t think he is if not for any other reason but due to a perceptibly small audience) by exposing facts which, due to his bias, may become skewed. So yes, I personally advise viewer caution which goes beyond the standard “viewer caution” because the presenter in this case is 100% beyond any doubt biased and possibly prepared to bend the truth and lye to cover his bias.

        • Pretty much like you, I have nothing new to add to this exchange.

          My time will not be wasted on your projections and baseless accusations. Feel free to continue waving the flag. Regards.

  5. Bio-metric key entry? Like the evolution of the Dollar is the history of counterfeiting, the bitcoin hackers will simply learn how to steal finger prints, facial recognition details and/or eye scans. Future uses? Identity theft would be easier as the world populations are pushed further into bio-metric identity technology.

    Things are getting creepier with the Chimera research. What to call it?


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