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Today James welcomes back Derrick Broze of for a wide-ranging conversation on the pros and cons of cryptocurrency and its potential to fund independent journalism. We also go in-depth into Derrick’s new (free) Holistic Self-Assessment and the importance of better understanding and improving ourselves before we change the world.
Donating $800 for Human Trafficking Survivors via Steemit
“Hashgraph” – ?Announcement? Tuesday evening 3/13/2018
Website –
Website states: The Future of Decentralized Technology
Anarchist Mike Maloney explains…
At this point, as far as I can tell: Hashgraph sucks.
Other Corbett members had warned me.
I was hoping that the Hashgraph guys might release something “open source” and “decentralized”.
Is this like a new era “Microsoft” corporation?
Readers and guest might wish to look at Ecuador, the first country in the world to actually adopt digital currency, bitcoin excluded.
The idea was to have the Central Bank of Ecuador run the scheme, but the Consulta or referendum handed the whole toy to the private banks.
Many believe Ecuador will be the first country to phase out dollars (with the help of the US, for Ecuador is dollarized), just like Modi is trying to do with India’s money, in favor of digital currency.
We know that if this happens, we will be devaluated at least 30% as the vehicle will be one to steal
Jay here with the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). Let us know if you’d like an interview to discuss the TSCA fluoride case in detail.
Thanks for the offer. Email sent.
We can shape the conversation.
…We help to shape the course of these types of events. If your reaction to a story like this is to is just to shrug and go “Oh, the courts are rigged and nothing is going to happen.” Then, yea, nothing will happen.
But if people bring attention to this. And make this an issue. And put this in front of people’s face.
And make this the BIG ISSUE EVERYONE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT ALL THE TIME instead of school shootings or whatever…
…We can shape the conversation. – James Corbett
YES! Let’s USE cryptos, and while I am about it I want to mention my favorite at present FLASH Is designed for the enormous numbers of people such as the Indians and Africans who have no banking facilities or any hope of having a bank. It is super fast and super to use, costing only a penny to transit funds! It also seems to be insome wasy like Monero – so I suppose that means it is very private.
Once Indians and Africans start to get into cryptos this is likely to be a favorite along with Ethereum I guess?
Thank you both for this important discussion; posted far and wide and again and again.
I just love you James Corbett.
Fluoride’s Toxicity
I would like to mention that many people, including Fluoride Activists, often underestimate the potential toxicity of Fluoride. I, too, once downplayed its potential toxicity.
However, the more one studies the issue and the research, the more a person understands how insidious this toxic substance is. It can be a slow poison which wrecks the body’s health system in any number of ways.
I encourage people to visit F.A.N.
Fluoride Action Network also known as FluorideAlert.Org
There is a plethora of information on that website including some wonderful videos.
Type “Fluoride” into The Corbett Report‘s “Search Bar” and one will see many past episodes where Fluoride is discussed.
So True.
Even the word “Fluoride” is deceptive when used the way it is. Fluoride being an ion, means that it is going to form compounds with other elements to create a whole different range of completely different chemicals all labeled as “Fluoride” each one having different effects.
I do think as part of the dumbing down process people have been conditioned into thinking in terms of ORs rather that ANDs.
In other words, a truth has to be either a OR b, but never a AND b!
Once you get people to think like that it is really easy to fool them. You only need to convince them that something is “a” and they will never even think about the “b” case.
I guess this applies to crypto too.
Back in late February 2017, James Corbett gave away free to any Corbetteer requesting it, 0.01 Bitcoin (which at the moment I am now typing is worth around $81.)
At the time of the give-away, it was worth close to $10 or $11.
The give-away occurred during this episode Who Coined the Term “Useless Eaters”? – Questions For Corbett
If you read the comment section, a lot of folks participated in that opportunity.
Here is the YouTube video queued to where James talks about Bitcoin. Around the 21 minute mark is the “give-away”.
Like Corbett repeatedly points out, just start by trying a small amount of cryptocurrency. Something that you can afford to lose.
I keep my wallet at my exchange(s). However, my ex-wife who is almost 70, bought a nano flash drive wallet, but she put a lot of dough into crypto. I am poor, plus I am a risk taker, but I don’t have much to lose with my crypto.
The original intent of Bitcoin and many cryptocurrencies was to have a decentralized method of exchange by using a token. With all the hype last December in the rapid rise in value of Bitcoin, it’s original purpose as an “exchange medium” got polluted by speculation.
Some companies take Bitcoin (e.g. ). When many companies start taking “decentralized” crypto, then we will probably see a revival of the original purpose.
Unfortunately, the government is often trying to regulate or monitor some of these “exchanges”, such as Coinbase. The IRS is now watching for speculators on Coinbase. And also, unfortunately, corporations are trying to hijack the decentralized token game.
Who cares if we are picked off and never remembered? Live free as you want and who cares about the rest. JimBob from fluorida
No problem. Not sure if I got the whole gist of your comment, but I do (or did, I’ve been out of the sport for a bit, but am coming back soon) fly a wingsuit.
As far as people getting killed for knowing too much, that’s just life. At least as far as I’m concerned. People focus too much on death. What does it matter? You WILL die. The important question to ask is Will you ever actually live? At least to me, it is.
Personally, I don’t worry about dying. Not just because I’ll be turning 58 this June either. How the heck did I make it this long? I’m not smart enough to think about it at the same time as I’m living. I always did suck at that multi-tasking thing. In fact, if all goes even close to plan, I will be placing myself in just such a position that you talk of fairly soon. I’m looking at next month, to be exact. Early May at the latest. Not for any nefarious secrets (which I don’t have anyway), but as part of a business plan. Yeah, I ain’t normal. Take care, JimBob
I was responding to that scenario. How is death by murder any different from any other way we die? And as I wrote above, I am putting myself in just such a position shortly. If we spend our time worrying about what might happen, we will never get anywhere.
By the way, loved the story on your old acquaintance speaking of corruption corrupting any system. I recently came to the same conclusion after reading “Atlas Shrugged” (one of those books I never got around to reading; though I made up for it by reading Anthem and Fountainhead immediately afterwards). One of the few (and minor) disagreements I had with her ending was they were forming a new republic. It seemed to me that going back to what had already failed wasn’t very rational. I then started thinking along the lines of intent, and I only came down more firmly on the side of being my own master.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, my internet has been down for a few days. Cheers, Jim from fluorida
Historic personal anecdote. So cool! Thanks John.