Interview 1372 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Interviews | 22 comments

Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: US Treasury Quietly Allows ‘Dark Money’ Groups to Keep Donors Secret

U.S. Treasury Moves to Protect Identities of ‘Dark Money’ Political Donors

Story #2: Japan, US Renew Nuke Pact Amid Japan Plutonium Stock Concern

Japan-US Nuclear Deal Renewed

Joseph Trento on the Secret US-Japanese Plutonium Program

It’s Almost Like Japan *Wants* to Create Godzilla

With North Korea Thaw, Japan Downgrades Missile Alert Level

Story #3: The Pentagon Wants to Bring Mind-Controlled Tech To Troops

Welcome to Your Driverless Future!

DARPA Exposed

The Brain Chip Cometh

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Get Smart, Dump That Dumb Phone + Flint Filters & Real News

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  1. Really good episode, James. I was a little surprised that King James didn’t mention the diplomatic cases of sonic warfare that had happened earlier. In his show, doctors think that the training these people went under before they went there (think spooks, not diplomats), and not the sonic weapons. Some sort of cognitive enhancement training that has this small “side effect” (I hate that phrase as there is NO SUCH THING AS ONE. It either causes something or it doesn’t.) of brain damage and death. And as for driver-less cars, Makes me want to just buy a bunch of helium balloons, a bb gun, and a lawn chair and travel the world redneck style! JimBob who now understands how Japan was the biggest buyer of US arms for some twenty years.

  2. James (with reference to Japan):
    “I mean obviously being the only nation to ever suffer nuclear bombings…”

    Nuclear bombings of a massive scale yes, but not the only nation to ever suffer nuclear bombings.

  3. I’d say we don’t know much, if anything at all. I’m going to act as if your questioning wasn’t rhetorical.

    Did they go to the moon?
    Based on evidence available, it stands to reason a manned two way voyage to the moon is technologically impossible. It was impossible in the 60es, it’s still impossible today. Of course, that was probably a very well televised event and many people fell under the spell of what they were seeing on the TV screens. Of course, most of that generation won’t notice that the way space is pictured has changed drastically with imaging technology available in the entertainment industry.

    By the same token, having 9-11 as one of the single largest televised event was detrimental to its effect.

    Do atomic weapons exist?
    I often wonder about that myself. It wouldn’t surprise me either way.

    Is fluoride good for your health?
    Probably, if applied to the teeth properly and from a compound not derived from toxic waste.

    Are vaccinations harmful to ones health?
    I’d bet some aren’t, but there are so many topics mashed together in this issue I fail to make much sense out of it. Only proper studies can answer this question and those are not exactly forthcoming.

    Is killing the life in the soil the way to grow food?
    No, but it’s a good way to kill competition.

    • Do atomic weapons exist? I’ve never even questioned it. And I still don’t. I haven’t seen any reason to doubt them.

      Is fluoride good for your health? Not in the slightest. It’s a neurotoxin, which makes it rather unfriendly to the old brain.

      Are vaccinations harmful to one’s health? From the form of the vaccines today (toxins of all sorts), the timing (given before the children have developed the immune system it is supposed to be stimulating), to the delivery method (bypasses every immune system barrier by using needles. Oral, or even a swabbing on the skin (the homeopathic method but that would be an inoculation), there is no aspect of this procedure that makes any sense whatsoever. And these three factors alone make it medial murder on the genocidal scale.
      Killing the life in the soils? Only life can give life. Science has become the art of synthesizing life, rather than understanding it. Arrogant little gods these science priests be. JimBob who wishes science would use some of those reasoning skills they keep claiming they have on tap 24/7. A dash of ethics would give it a nice taste as well.

      • Gosh! So even our thinking has to be processed like our food. If only I could think for myself; then I’d be sure to think of something! JimBob who thinks if people did do that, then government would turn into nothingness.

        • Ah, but I am starting to have hope they will realize they have to think for themselves. All of this hooplah surrounding the Russian Collusion is having some really positive effects. 1- While the people are going nuts, a lot of them have reason for this; they’re looking at government. And a lot of people are upset. 2- People are starting to rail against the intelligence agencies. The only sources I really see supporting them are the MSM elements; most of the independent media are against them. I don’t know if this holds true for everyone else here,or if it is just my nefarious algorithm at play. This is a start. 3- If nothing is done to satiate this blood-lust then the US won’t be a pretty place to live in. At least from the statist point of view. 4- The more people start to look at government, the happier I get because it invariably leads to people understanding that government is immoral and that a civilized people don’t need no stinkin’ badges. JimBob who is a very civilized redneck and he don’t need no stinkin’ badge to tell him what for.

  4. If human beings did not maintain the creation they make then all returns to nature eventually. The artificial world of man is a lie. Only nature holds the truth.

    I don’t know if you are attempting to be profound with this statement, but I disagree.
    Just because something disappears (a creation of man) does not mean it’s a lie (it didn’t exist).

    Let’s say man goes back to his primitive means of recording history, using chisel and stone. He records today all the major events that have supposedly taken place over the past thousand years.

    These recordings in stone are not natural however they are lasting.
    Now do they hold the truth?

    Yes and no. The part about JFK, no. The part about 9/11, no. etc.

    However, for all of mans creations there are adverse consequences.

    I certainly wouldn’t say for ‘all’. But then, I suppose someone could come up with a reason why a pencil sharpener has adverse consequences.

    • As mentioned in the comment truth is a discovery you have to make, not a belief in what you read or are told.

      In principle it sounds great, but in practice, not so much.
      We don’t all have the luxury of being Sherlock Holmes who can get to the crime scene before the blood has dried.

      What do you do when you can’t collect evidence (truth) first hand?

      How do you discover it then, if not by reading or being told?

      • Discovery is by doing and being able to do it repeatedly.

        Sounds a lot like the ‘scientific method’ but from your posts you seem to be leaning more towards religion than science. 🙂

  5. This slides well into the topic of DARPA mind control…


    The Minds of Men | Official Trailer | Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes

    After more than 3 years of production – including over 10,000 miles on various road trips to historic MK Ultra sites, and countless hours of research, writing and debate – our feature documentary ‘The Minds of Men’ is finally complete.
    And we are so very excited to share our film journey with you all.

    An investigative documentary in 4 parts that took us across the country, into Canada, and into the annals of the library and its forgotten volumes, “The Minds of Men” dissects the official, whitewashed story of MK Ultra – the CIA’s secretive program of experimentation – and connects it with the neuroscience of the Cold War era.
    It is an epic and in-depth journey into the past that will change the way you think about the future, and which you will not forget. It is the ultimate exposé of a period which the CIA and powers-that-be wished to bury forever.

    From isolation and brainwashing techniques, to cybernetics and the “Science of Government”, to the use of electrodes for psychosurgery (and beyond), this covert science was never just about ‘creating the Manchurian candidate’ in a spy-vs-spy game but rather about reprogramming society at large and creating the ‘new man’ through computerized, scientific manipulation.

    You may think you’ve heard this story before, but we promise, you have not.

    • Have you noticed how the link says 800, but the article title says 400+? That’s what I call fine reporting.

      The Israeli military, which facilitated the group’s passage from the border area outside the Golan Heights into Israel, called the transfer of the group “an exceptional humanitarian effort.”

      White is black, up is down…

      White Helmets have been the target of attacks and, due to their high profile

      Maybe they ought to stop wearing white helmets.

  6. Huge Japan’s stockpile of plutonium is NOT weapons grade! I have to DEBUNK this story (without any particular satisfaction).

    Most of Japan’s plutonium is produced by reprocessing (in Europe or Russia) spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power stations. Nuclear fuel in power stations is “burned” at high burnup therefore it contains too much plutonium-240 which is prone to spontaneous fission. Such a plutonium has very limited usefulness for bombs.

    “Weapons-grade plutonium is defined as being predominantly Pu-239, typically about 93% Pu-239.”

    As far as I know Japan doesn’t even have reprocessing facility, Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant is still under construction, Tokai plant is closed.

    Probably they have (had) an operating reactor that is capable for fast exchange of fuel rods (low burnup) and they can produce plutonium-239, they certainly had reprocessing plant. They were able to produce weapons-grade plutonium.
    But this is completely different story, apart from huge stockpile of plutonium.

    Most probably Japan stockpiled plutonium for failed breeder reactor technology and for using for MOX fuel which can be fed to existing reactors.

    MOX fuel is considered a good way of disposing weapons-grade plutonium.

    For the end, a sentence from Joseph Trento’s article that is maybe a mistake or it shows lack of understanding:

    “Savannah River built and tested centrifuges, which after further testing at the Argonne National Laboratory, were shipped to Japan for use in the Recycle Energy Test Facility (RETF), a deceptively named plant for separating weapons-grade plutonium from spent fuel.”

    For separating plutonium chemical method PUREX is used!
    Probably you wouldn’t use isotope separation with centrifuges and produce as byproduct Pu-240 that is prone to spontaneous fission.

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