Interview 1373 – Financial Survival and Societal Collapse

by | Jul 21, 2018 | Interviews | 17 comments

James joins Melody Cedarstrom for his bi-monthly appearance on Financial Survival. This time they talk about the polarization of society, the internet filter bubble, the Helsinki conference, NATO, the deployment of US special forces around the globe and much, much more.

Fourth Turning

The Coming American-Russian Alliance Against China

Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Russia dumped US Treasurys ahead of Trump summit

Afghanistan: Ten Years of War

Special Ops: 133 Countries Down, 17 to Go?

Green Beret dies in non-combat incident while serving in Papua New Guinea

Israeli air raid at Gaza City beach kills at least 4 children


  1. Great interview, James! In fact, it inspired my memory of the China Gate conspiracy that I posted under conspiracy facts. I’m not sure this is a bubble thing though. Not the Russia hysteria anyway. It’s like a full press by the media to demonize the summit. The division we have as a country, is of course fueled by the media, but this Russia thing is something that is just absolutely insane. JimBob who knows about insane since he is not operating within societal norms his own damn self. And that’s pretty much the old definition of insanity before Big Pharma got involved.

    • The Fourth Turning? Steve Bannons’s favorite crack theory?

      “The problems with the predictive schematic history of the sort laid out in The Fourth Turning start with their determinism. One giveaway are the charts, tables, diagrams and bulleted lists that litter the book, which find a way to fit every consequential figure and event into neat patterns. If history unfolds as inevitably as this, then the study of human decision-making in the past—or even in the present—becomes all but irrelevant. This determinism, moreover, introduces all kinds of contradictions for the theory: The Fourth Turning holds out many American presidents as paradigmatic and consequential figures of their eras, for example, but according to its own logic it shouldn’t really matter whether the nation elected Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, Ronald Reagan or Walter Mondale in 1984, or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump last year, because history was headed in a certain direction regardless.”

      Junk history is what it is. Deterministic garbage.

  2. thanks MBP, I didn’t even know about the diamond rush in Alaska. Of course, no amount of money could coax my tropic loving butt into THAT frozen hell. Side note: Anyplace where it snows regularly is a frozen hell in my opinion. However, I think the Polish government assassination had more to do with central bank issues than the traditional issues that Russia and Poland have with each other. Mainly, that Poland is in the way of Russia’s western expansion goals. I could be wrong, as I haven’t looked at that mass murder in years, but didn’t Poland wind up changing their banking system after that? JimBob who has never seen the point of paying so much money for a rock when it don’t do anything else besides sit on a finger.

  3. The Fourth Turning? Steve Bannons’s favorite crack theory?

    “The problems with the predictive schematic history of the sort laid out in The Fourth Turning start with their determinism. One giveaway are the charts, tables, diagrams and bulleted lists that litter the book, which find a way to fit every consequential figure and event into neat patterns. If history unfolds as inevitably as this, then the study of human decision-making in the past—or even in the present—becomes all but irrelevant. This determinism, moreover, introduces all kinds of contradictions for the theory: The Fourth Turning holds out many American presidents as paradigmatic and consequential figures of their eras, for example, but according to its own logic it shouldn’t really matter whether the nation elected Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, Ronald Reagan or Walter Mondale in 1984, or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump last year, because history was headed in a certain direction regardless.”

    Junk history is what it is. Deterministic garbage.

    • Wow, we actually pretty much agree on those predictable chart theories. Chartists were always hilarious to me in the stock market. It’s so easy to see the various elements actually driving a stock price and very few have anything to do with chart patterns. But I digress. Anyway, they may not be accurate to the degree they are touted; that doesn’t make them complete junk. There are many reasons these patterns happen, and I don’t pretend to know any of them. But whatever legitimacy a pattern has is completely obliterated by events which are cataclysmic (thank Thor for spellcheck!) in nature will negate that pattern. These don’t have to be negative events, technological advances are really the ones I’m thinking of here. Not just computers, but events like the wide-spread adoption of public sanitation measures and the like. If no such cataclysmic event takes place, then the pattern may work; but what are the odds of that anymore? Or ever? JimBob who only liked the terminology for “technical stock analysis” (fancy speak for saying the past is the future) so that he could use it when closing a deal on the phone.

    • Just to brag for a moment. Terence McKenna used to propound his own version of this quite heartily, called the Timewave Theory. He would prattle on and on about “how weird” and “full of coincidence” the future was going to get and liked to prepare people to blame strange events on “the time wave.” He liked to involve the I Ching in his explanation.
      I called bullshit early but kept listening to the podcast for my own curiosity’s sake. Years later the host is mindlessly publishing digitized cassettes and accidentally lets out a late 80’s conversation at Esalen Institute (Huxley’s old pals.) TM, Ralph Abraham and Rupert Sheldrake compared the suitability of different charts and graphs of history for convincing people not to trust their imaginations or wits.
      It was his timewave s*** which directly led to the whole 2012 thing. “The scintillating eschaton at the end of time” was all he ever talked about, 2012 this and that. Deterministic garbage is exactly what they are going for.

      “…we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” Karl Rove

  4. There is no amount of gate- kept here to explain the delusional bubble this crowd lives in . The arctic circle was 31 degrees celcius and for you doped smoked fools that’s around 89- 90 degrees f. That no diamond in your sky and i will ask James how many died in Quebec or may be closer to home, Japan ,from the heat wave? That’s this week. Lets talk Iran and the number of people died from the weather drought put in place by you know who. The big i. In the sky. Bubble filter in the Levent? What an esoteric world we live in . Lets talk west Texas, howabout Siberia? How much burn in hectares? Sweden? Gee where does all the methane go? Roll a big fat on or un and go down to the red tide beach. Breath deep. Maybe you will bust that filter bubble. Talk about hubris in the bubbles! Methane is like glass green house in air. Diamonds in the sky what will happen down below? Oh yeah cold Alaska. Accona freeze at 31°c. What is the threat, the real threat, if the Biosphere fails. Who wins then?. The diamond dealers? No. The big i. Wake up.Proles talk what could happen? Just normal weather here move on.

    • You are right generalbottlewasher. I bet it is toasty in Tulsa. It has been hot.
      Texas… 110F yesterday working 9 hours straight, no lunch, in the sun loading stuff. But the humidity was lower (about 40 percent).
      VoiceOfArabi was telling me it is much hotter over there with humidity around 75%.

      I am amazed that Oklahoma did the medical marijuana thing.
      Earthquakes, fracking, casinos all over. and now, another state revenue source.

  5. Universal basic income is not a bad idea in itself…it is allowing governments to be the be the distributors of such an income that is the bad idea.

    Universal basic income does not need to be socialist either, so long as the income is derived from what rightfully belongs to everyone anyway.

    For example, the resources beneath the earth are owned by everyone on planet and have been stolen from the people by the criminal elite.

    • If those minerals below the earth are available to everyone (a difference from belonging as who says we own anything anyway), then it seems to me the person who put forth the effort into extracting those minerals deserves their “evil profits” in order to reward them for the risks they took (and not everybody else on the planet) in order to bring others a material that will significantly enhance their lives. Cast iron being a pretty nifty example. JimBob who thinks that communism is just the most retarded economic model ever invented.

      • Yes, the miners are entitled to a reward for the risks they take, but it does not mean they are entitled to full value of the goods they mine.

        Just like a courier who goes to the effort of delivering a parcel is entitled to be paid for the efforts, but it does not mean they own the contents of the parcel.

        • The courier only carried the parcel. The miner dug the mine, bought the equipment (often inventing it), set up the entire logistical chain, did the marketing, and so forth. You are comparing an employee with an employer. That is like comparing apples and oranges. Also, the miner took the risk of failure and loss, while the mailman might simply get fired. I see you really don’t understand basic economics. JimBob who ain’t no econ major, but he knows about risk and reward and he wouldn’t work his ass off for someone who just wanted free stuff without work. Which is exactly what you are asking for; you just don’t know it.

        • For sake of clarity, I’ll replace “courier” with “courier company”. In fact, I’ll replace it with “TNT”

          “Yes, the miners are entitled to a reward for the risks they take, but it does not mean they are entitled to full value of the goods they mine.

          Just like TNT who goes to the effort of delivering a parcel and is entitled to be paid for the companies efforts, but it does not mean they own the contents of the parcel.”

          Every day the company TNT, takes risks. It set up set up the entire logistical chain, did the marketing, and so forth. But it still does not own my parcel.

          • Well then, Mr. determiner of who is entitled; just what percentage do YOU deem is correct? After all, if you’re just sitting on your butt and doing nothing to help, are you entitled to any of the results of that person’s labor? I have to tell you, your argument makes no sense whatsoever from an economic point of view. In short, you’re just saying lazy ass nobodies can feast off of other peoples labors. Congratulations, we already have that; it’s called The Welfare State. By the way, it doesn’t work. Proven time and time again. But some people never learn. Luckily, you are too lazy to do anything about it. By the way, it is obvious you’ve never run your own business. At least you didn’t succeed at it. If you knew anything of business, you would know that what you are saying is absolutely ignorant of reality. JimBob who always finds stupid amusing. And yes, arguing for what has already proven itself to be a failure is pretty damn stupid. let the karma hit freefall speed now!

  6. MBP, while I’m not very knowledgeable about that incident, other than a few articles and some videos, that sounds like a pretty good assessment of it based upon my scant knowledge. However, I don’t think these so-called elites are laughing right now. Regardless of how it is occurring, and there are numerous psy-ops going on at the moment (the MSM being my favorite as they are just freaking out so hilariously), but people are looking now. This means that more and more people will find places like this site and others. In other words, all of this RussiaGate BS might actually be the catalyst for that mythical “Great Awakening”, or as I like to call it; That time when people just pulled their heads out of their asses. JimBob: Redneck Philospher

  7. James, as I have said before several times, there as absolutely zero, actually less than zero chance that the anglozionist empire can or will pry Russia away from China, or Iran. It ain’t gonna happen. As I have probably said in the past, to understand this watch Episode I of the Star Wars Prequels. It worked once in the ’70s, but never again.

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