Interview 1402 – Richard Grove on the Rothschilds and WWI

by | Dec 3, 2018 | Interviews | 15 comments

Richard Grove of joins The Corbett Report to discuss his research into the Rothschild dynasty and how it intersects with the story of WWI.

Watch this video on BitChute / YouTube or Download the mp4


  1. Where else can you get so much reality? Two young men who are shinning lights of hope. I really like Richard Groves moniker. Know your history so it won’t repeat itself. We have to learn from this so it sticks and gains traction so we don’t get fooled again.
    The concept of the mosaic keeps coming up. Pull any one piece out and the picture remains relatively unchanged. Pull and alter enough pieces out and the picture becomes distorted. The groups that do this, without detection, perfected the craft. It is an art, not often spoken of. To their credit , exposing this craft is what Grove and Corbett have given so much of their life to. I include the future too. A bill will come due.
    I had the pleasure to have a mentor who also excelled at this art of deception. He worked in advancing camouflage in the marines WW2 and applied it from propeganda to battleships and everything in between. To his credit he passed the knowledge of it along to unsuspecting young minds at university without raising the ere of the board of directors. Hope Grove and Corbett can do the same. Please support them.

    • Drouetda, interesting point of view. Could you elaborate . It would be interesting to know how Rhodes is perceived by South Africans in general. The vernacular history is surprisingly different from the secular history.

  2. Brock West; you too! The dripping blood onto the parchment morphing into the mosaic of the story was brillent. Did you created that affect? Are you the author? It is visually brillent.

    • Sadly no. I do not posses the skills needed to create something like that just yet I’m afraid. Also this was an extremely time sensitive project so any amount time that can we could save was critical to getting Part 1 released by the Nov. 11 deadline. That particular segment you mentioned was a pre-purchased template that I used and then added in the appropriate clips & made some changes to the motion in After Effects.

      Hopefully in the near future I’ll will possess the abilities & more importantly the time to fully create something as visually effective as that fully on my own accord, but thanks for the feedback 🙂

  3. Watching this was icing on the cake.
    It was a great review for me. Plus it had some cool tidbits.

    I have tremendous admiration for Richard Grove.
    I’d call him Professor Grove…but the way the University system is, it might be an insult.

  4. I might like this interview better than the docu. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s less clinical with the banter of two knowledgeable people.

    Anyway, I hope James, you might save and use this for later, when I assume you get to a docu on World War 2…

    == The Detroit Riots ==

    When I say that most people think of the classic 1967 Detroit Riot and people in Windsor Ontario could watch across the river as the tanks rolled in. But history is so quick to forget.

    White American men were enlisted, dispatched, and traumatically thinned out in World War II while on the home front women and Black folks stepped into the factory vacuums. In 1943 was the first Detroit Riot of mostly Black folks against the factory corporations and their poor treatment and exploitation.

    Good news! Since last I checked years ago, the Wikipedia corporate propaganda article has been expanded: Who knew there were so many?

  5. Was this normal for people at that time? Was he aware of his early passing? Curious.

    It appears that 41 yr. reference may have been a mistake.
    He lived to be 49 years of age. (1853-1902).

    When Rhodes was born mid-19th century, the life expectancy in the U.K. was just 40 years.

    So for him to be writing/re-writing his wills in his early 30’s – 40’s was nothing out of the ordinary for that time.

    • the life expectancy in the U.K. was just 40 year

      I remember reading that their method of calculating the average life expectancy was absurd (eg, including, among other things, the high mortality rate of infants and toddlers thereby greatly skewing the average) and the life expectancy of a man who didn’t have a hazardous profession was actually not much lower than ours is now.

  6. Richard Groves is so deep man!
    The next time you are falling a bit behind in your schedule, relax!
    So you’ll be a few minutes late for the meeting, no big deal.

    So just what do you suppose they mean when they say
    “Never forget…” each year when Remembrance Day rolls around?

    Never forget what, exactly?

    Oh I know we are supposed to remember those who died in the line of duty during the wars. But to what end?

    Should we be proud?
    Should we be embarrassed?
    Should we be outraged? If so, why?
    Should we be smarter? In what way?
    Should we remember our vows never to let it happen again?
    Should we remember to be patriotic and enlist our children for the next war that’s just around the corner?

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