Interview 1405 – Gerry Docherty on the Hidden History of WWI

by | Dec 12, 2018 | Interviews | 8 comments

Gerry Docherty, co-author with Jim MacGregor of Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, joins us for an in-depth discussion about the real origins of WWI. In this wide-ranging discussion, Docherty reveals the machinations of the Secret Elite that ensnared Europe, and, ultimately, the world, in war. We also talk about the teaching of history and who controls the historical narrative on key global events.

Watch this video on BitChute / BitTube / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4

Hidden History blog and website

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI


  1. Immediate takeaway: Gerry Docherty is an incredibly wise man; this interview is an incredible gem. I read “Hidden History” after James mentioned it a year or so ago. It wove a coherently truthful story out of all the disparate, murky inklings I had had concerning the facts and players behind WWI. Whether you encounter this information in book or video format, each medium has inherent limitations on how and to whom it may communicate. James’ documentary brilliantly expands the audience for this subject by giving us a succinct overview and visceral inside view (credit: Brock West’s superb video editing) of what went on behind the curtains of this watershed event.

    • fire,
      You communicate very well.
      If James’s documentary was offered on Amazon by a publisher, your review would be tops.

      …Whether you encounter this information in book or video format, each medium has inherent limitations on how and to whom it may communicate. James’ documentary brilliantly expands the audience for this subject by giving us a succinct overview and visceral inside view (credit: Brock West’s superb video editing) of what went on behind the curtains of this watershed event.

  2. Take away… buy and read Hidden history and Prolonging the agony.
    They will revolutionize your understanding of ww1 and thus everything thats happened this century.
    Best of all their so well writian that its easy to absorb the information

  3. I very much enjoued this interview however the way Mr. Docherty describes the way Serbia must have had something to do with funding of conspirators and money exchanging hands , Russians financing everything makes me sad . As a historian Mr. Docherty should have some documents , something more than his feeling about those matters to make such claims . I find it quite disrespectful towards Serbia and Serbs . Serbia has lost 1.247.435 of people during WW1 which is ~28% of it’s population . Serbia lost ~62% of it’s male population age 18-55 and never recovered. No other nation lost that much of it’s population .

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