Interview 1438 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Apr 11, 2019 | Interviews | 11 comments

Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Rand Paul to Pompeo – You Do Not Have “Permission” For War With Iran

Netanyahu Says Trump Named Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a Terrorist Group At His Request

Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a Foreign Terrorist Group

Exit Poll: Netanyahu Losing Israel Election

“Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!”

NWNW Flashback: Trump Makes Israel Great Again (Dec. 7, 2017)

Q Anon, Edge of Wonder Claim Trump Made 5G Safe?

Story #2: We’re All Being Judged By A Secret ‘Trustworthiness’ Score, This Time By Sift

Corbett Report: “Social Credit”

It Begins: Canadian Gov Rolls Out Points To Reward Good Citizens

These Chinese Sanitation Workers Have to Wear Location-Tracking Bracelets Now

Story #3: Florida Will Generously Allow Homeowners to Garden in Their Own Yards

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  1. NEWS April 10, 2019 – Bloomberg
    Amazon Workers Are Listening to What You Tell Alexa
    A global team reviews audio clips in an effort to help the voice-activated assistant respond to commands.

    There is an embedded video interview with one of the authors of the article.
    The article details some of the experiences that these “people listeners” have.
    Also, the article lightly covers some of the other listening devices, such as Apple’s Siri along with its behind-the-scene human ears.

    I’d hate that job. It sounds grueling.

    • Yes and I believe he was holding on to a book by Gore Vidal as he was CARRIED out of the embassy to the policetruck. Maybe a message. From Wikipedia about Vidal: As a political commentator and essayist, Vidal’s principal subject was the history of the United States and its society, especially how the militaristic foreign policy reduced the country to a decadent empire.

  2. I have been researching geoengineering for and not been able to make sense of it but now I´ve found an argument that makes sense. It is about creating windways to carry water to places that are doing fracking and industrial agriculture in SAA and for fracking sites in other parts of the world too. The war in Yemen is supposed to be about controlling the wheather so that climate control can make the rain reach fracking and industrial agriculture plants in SAA. This is then of course about the petrodollar as well. This guy makes a very good argument.
    His website is also very interesting. A lot about nuclear fracking and maybe the geoengineering issue finally can be understood?

    • Johan.b; interesting links, down right disturbing. I watched from a high clear vantage point this morning as 2 tankers sprayed the sky above here in N.E. Oklahoma . After viewing your links i am as confused as every Why and not so much as to Who. Its obvious the who are above the law on all fronts. My real amazement is people here on whole don’t care to see or care to know why they don’t see, moreless wonder why its going on. And it is going on. Today was a great day for Plane Spotting, 12 persistent trials at various angles ahead of and out of the moisture on 2 horizens. The chemtrails approximately 15-20 miles in length. 2 tankers laying down fresh chemtrails while At the same time, 2 airlines or freighter jets crossing with vapor contrail behind, no more that 2000ft in length behind the planes, the contrail then disappearing. The 2 tankers stood out like sore thumbs as their tailpipe spewing went for miles and miles across the sky ahead of the moisture . Rain scheduled Saturday A.M.

  3. Good one guys! I do appreciate your unbiased independent journalism that just states how the game is being played out… within the global political spectrum…without coming from the Right or Left. I find a lot of IJ still taking sides…. which seems to be playing into “their” game. Do you find yourselves doing that on occasion? LOL ….
    When the voting with our values becomes the norm…..we’ll find our commonalities. Cheers from Macron land!

  4. NEWS – Fake Food

    Jeffrey Smith recently sent out this article…
    Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat the Impossible Burger
    This genetically engineered meat substitute, available through a number of restaurants, is highly controversial and may be causing health issues. A number of people have already reported digestive distress after eating the burger. This is not surprising to us given its ingredients, including a combination of untested genetically engineered proteins…(and then Jeffrey goes on to give details about the GMO qualities).

    A Corbett Report Member has been mentioning these “fake foods” for awhile. Here is her YouTube Channel “Please Stop The Ride”

    I had bookmarked a couple “financial” articles not long ago. It takes money to push fake foods with fake messages of ‘healthy’…

    March 20 Plant protein startups vie to tap China’s hungry market
    HONG KONG (Reuters) – Start-ups specialising in alternative protein, from eggless eggs to pea-stuffed burgers and cell-grown fish products, are piling into the Chinese territory of Hong Kong to tap the mainland’s booming multi-billion dollar food market…
    …companies such as Impossible Foods, JUST and Beyond Meat are luring affluent Asian consumers with products they say are more sustainable and environmentally friendly…
    …Backed by some of the world’s top billionaires including Hong Kong businessman Li Ka-shing, philanthropist Bill Gates and actor Leonardo DiCaprio, plant protein firms are expanding into China….

    January 15, 2019
    Beyond Meat is going public: 5 things to know about the plant-based meat maker

  5. NEWS (kind of…more like a ‘Reality TV show’)
    April 12, 2019

    Trump tweets stuff about 9/11 and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)

    I don’t follow Trump’s Twitter, nor the ‘Left-Right drama news’, but the topic of 9/11 sucked me in.

    Twitter – hate war social media. Corbett was right.

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