Interview 1467 – Ripple Hat Swapcast on Silicon Censorship

by | Jul 29, 2019 | Interviews | 7 comments

James Corbett, Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect and Sam Tripoli of Tin Foil Hat Podcast team up for another roundtable swapcast. This time, they discuss online censorship, where it’s going and what it means for the web.

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4

The Secrets of Silicon Valley

Free is a Lie

Did Amazon Lose $100 Million Selling Its Most Popular Item?

Intercept Journalist Detained & Searched by U.S. Border Officials

Terms & Conditions May Apply (2013)

The Big Secret Movie (2018)

Google loses more than $70 billion in market cap after changing Youtube algorithm to censor “conspiracy theories”

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight

Sean Parker – Facebook Exploits Human Vulnerability (We Are Dopamine Addicts)


  1. Concerning YOUTUBE, I have noticed that…

    If you (meaning anybody) doesn’t have ad blocker, ads WILL APPEAR on ANYBODY’S videos, whether they have been demonetized or not. So…

    The whole point that advertisers don’t want to run ads on certain videos appears to be…

    A Lie.

    Has anyone else noticed this?

  2. Great conversation. It’s so hard to figure out the game of “the powers that should not be” but let’s not make it easy for them. They usually plan their agendas years in advance and people usually don’t feel the noose till it’s around their own neck. Going to other platforms to support channels we care about breaks the monopoly. if no one uses their platforms due to their censorship of ideas, they lose. We win.

    i agree that we need to dial back on the digital (d)evolution (toward transhumanism) and fight tooth and nail to keep our humanity. Have digital blackout hours, days or weekends without gadgets and connect to one another,and nature. That’s how we win.

    Yesterday I listened to a brilliant conversation on my hubby’s ham radio. It was alive and intelligent. Let’s make talking the new texting, and meeting and greeting over Facetime. We are not victims if we take back our power over convenience. Power requires muscle, in this case mental muscle to break the digital addiction.

  3. These unstructured swap casts with the range of topics hashed over are well worth the listen.

    Rather than think the sycophants of the pyramid cap were compromised in some kiddie sex black mail operation I’ll suggest they were all ready vetted and the dirty videos are everyone’s way of insuring their will be no turncoats should a conscience reassert itself. If you want to move up the ladder and have more influence and clearance then you do the compromise. Probably most have been so morally destroyed being in this closed society from their younger years they don’t even know what they’re doing is morally wrong, especially when no fingers are ever pointed at them. They just accept the compromise as part of a career move that satisfies the higher ups and ensures mutual silence on all aspects across the board..

  4. Manbearpig says:
    “…fortunately Mr Corbett’s quick synthetic mind is there to keep some sort of even, coherent and sensible keel to the voyage…

    I agree. I am glad that Corbett is so well grounded and balanced. He often cites specifics and is great at clarifications for viewers unfamiliar with certain aspects. (For example: I did not know who the woman was hanging out with Elon Musk until Corbett explained it.)

    As for me, now-a-days, I just do not follow all the stuff about Epstein. I have a mild interest, but sometimes I see all the hype as an alternative version of the Kardashians or some TV version of the “HouseWives of the British Royalty Tabloidville”.
    My real issue is the abuse of kids. I have a major problem with that. My blood boils when I think of pedophilia or the latest TruthStreamMedia mini-doc on child abuse “Where Does It End? New ‘Monarch’ Brain Device Approved for ADHD”.

    I like the term that James Corbett came up with…
    N&F “Nonsense and Fluff” to describe what is trending on YouTube (or at least what ThemTube says is trending.)

    I am going to copyright that term and get rich.

    When I am rich, the first thing I will buy is a new sofa for the front lawn in front of my trailer so the dog and I can sit in the mornings and I can enjoy my beer breakfast without the soggy, torn cushions ruining the moment.

  5. I’ve noticed biases on the standard YouTube warnings that they put on different news organization videos. One example I saw was on a BBC video where the warning said something like: BBC is a public broadcast company in Britain. Then I watched an RT video where the warning message was something like: RT is funded in part or whole by the Russian government.

    Two ways of saying the same thing, but much more discreet for BBC.

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