Interview 1472 – Kashmir in Crisis with Mohamad Junaid

by | Aug 21, 2019 | Interviews | 23 comments

The Indian government has created a crisis by stripping the state of Jammu and Kashmir of its former semi-autonomy and splitting it into two territories. What are the roots of this crisis and what can we expect to develop in this volatile region? Joining us to dissect the past, present and future of Kashmir is Kashmiri scholar Mohamad Junaid of the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

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Crisis in Kashmir: What Does It Mean?


Mohamad Junaid on Twitter


    • I saw a previous post and watched some of a video.
      Unfortunately, there are a lot of assumptions and insinuations with no reference sources for the fact checking.

      • So, you mean, like Mr. Junaid’s entire “Disobedient Bodies” article that is “referrenced” by Mr. Corbett?
        (“no referrence sources for fact checking” indicated anywhere I could find)
        I’m curious as to the “standard” for what is or is not of value.

  1. Thank you for this interesting interview James. Have been curious and confused about what is going on in that region.. As usual, the more you learn, the more complicated it gets..

    • Ditto here.

      I am disappointed in the so-called “Liberal Community”, as they have not loudly raised their voice in alarm. Junaid rightly points out the Liberal attitude shift during this era, which again, demonstrates how perceptions, attitudes and information are being denigrated by “The Powers That Should Not Be”.

      ONE MILLION SOLDIERS in such a small region!
      It is hard to wrap one’s head around that.

      • Homey ; don’t you see the English partition in India and Palestine outcomes as very similar. The Pakistani and Israeli Palestinian and Indian reality comes from a common denominator. I might point out the English lose of the Colonies may be a complex part of these conflicts. The exit strategy in two places and the retaking for the third has been done as you say , denigrated by one, however complex “TPTSB “.
        If TPTSB could be extracated from this existence would peace break out after so many atrocities by the manipulated parties?
        Complex beyond belief as it is I see a common evil entity at the center of all these previous Anglo-establishment colonies and creations.
        James has stirred the pot,or kicked the hornets nest, by reading the ThemTube comments. I made the observation that the Indians are a great deal more civil than the Zionists in their comments of ire and condemnation of our Canadian expat comentator in Japan. James is showing a little grit here and I compliment that completely.

        • ‘Homey ; don’t you see the English partition in India and Palestine outcomes as very similar…..’

          It wasn’t EXACTLY a partition since “INDIA” was not a thing prior to the British occupation, it was a sub continent covered by little kingdoms and ethnic groups and in no way a unified entity.
          The British did play sides off vs each other, but people act as if india was ever in any way a real nation state before the brits showed up…. to be honest, the muslims genocided tons of hindus long before the brits got there…. and both sides will do the same as soon as they are able.
          Honestly, the partition was probably the best outcome they could hope for prior to going back to killing each other like before the empire stopped them from doing so (quite as much) as they had before.

          ‘..The Pakistani and Israeli Palestinian and Indian reality comes from a common denominator….’
          Only in that the force to allow jewish immigration to Palestine was the british empire… the indians ethnic groups have been killing each other since before the muhguls

  2. What are the commonalities here with the Milner-Round Tables of the First World War.
    1. Demonizing enemy
    2. Arms and Armies suppliers
    3. Future financing of big projects
    4. Transfer of territory
    5. Religions
    6. Secret deals outside national interests
    7. Eugenics
    8. Financial burden shifted to population.
    9. Propaganda gone wild
    10. Ethnic exploitation
    11. Anglo-American Establishment involvement or non-envolvement
    or delayed envolvement
    12. I give…kill the idea not the group dejour who process the
    idea. Do that and India will be as peaceful as before
    Montbatton came on the scene. Maybe its an illusion trick that
    needs killing, and no one could remember how the trick was
    preformed after its demise.

    • The word ‘kafir’ or ‘Kuffir’ means ‘infidel’, to muslims, and was taken up for some reason by the culturally Dutch Protestant Afrikaners who settled in South Africa in the 16-1700’s as a name for blacks moving into the area from the north as both racial groups genocided and dispossessed the indigenous people such as hottentots.
      Muslims still use it, but its not a racial thing for them.

  3. ‘..Colonialist Britain really made perfectly sure they left an impossible geo-political/human disaster upon physically exiting India in “47..’
    India was never a unified nation state… it waslots of little kingdoms and tribes and ethnic groups made to live under the union jack and kept relatively peaceful by force- kinda like Yugoslavia under Tito.

    ‘.. and in view of the (engineered?) religious antagonism that resulted in the creation of Pakistan…’
    You cant blame the brits for ethnic hate and genocides that preceded them by centuries though they DID play sides off vs each other to keep a dominant position. The hindus can be very violent, i know a guy whos dad was disappointed his son refused to come home, become a pastor and get regularly beaten with rods by hindus for preaching Christianity… but the muslims are just as violent, possibly more so thanks to outside interests.
    The sad truth is that you can have an multi racial state without force, but you CANT really have a multi CULTURAL state without force because people- especial poor people- do not like living with each other.
    The imposition of a state on people that naturally do not like each other and do not WANT to live with each other is the problem… you can blame the British for that.

  4. On nukes… weapons are only really useful if one side alone possesses them… mugging people who may have a gun or knife and can strike back at you neither fun nor a way to earn a living.
    The nation states as muggers… now THERE is an analogy to remember.

  5. alexandre-

    Hey there Mr. FastFingers. (Nice guitar playing). Your last paragraph made my brain cell rattle again.

    First off, “Ze Big Bang” sounds like you’re channeling Pepe Le Pew. “I am ze locksmith of love” is my favorite.

    Anyway, I suggest that you should fear nuclear dangers. You are correct that it is used primarily as a fear factor. From what I understand, the bombing of Japan in ‘45 was to send a message to Russia and everyone else- “Don’t even think about fucking with us.”
    But the danger lies in the inherent retardation of humans. Deployment of nuclear weapons would most likely happen by accident. This has come close to happening more than once. It will eventually happen, I think. The human trash that calls the shots does not necessarily understand the ramifications of their actions. They are preoccupied with their assumed superiority and consider themselves immune personally. They are not brilliant people, just self absorbed, and accustomed to luxury, immunity, and privilege. After all, they live at a level where money is not even a thing. Or accountability. They seem to forget that social superiority and wealth are entirely relative.

  6. MBP: thank you for bringing the paintings of Ernst to our view.
    They are breath taking beautiful and so under appreciated.
    How can anyone not be a sucker for orientalist painting at this level of talent. Delecroi got nothing on this crowd.

    • With that thought, which I assume is all yours, you have said it all , very beautifully said MBP.

      Those paintings are so expressive of this small world we all share. We need more of what you said.

  7. Olaf, sorry but I know from court child psychological testimony that is subjective and not reliable. However the Miller Institute papers on the nuclear proliferation could also be bogus. The speakers all could have been carrying on theater for appropriations from congress for defense contractors. If we could see their emotional state as they gave their lectures then in their time ,you might wonder about the truths, but from this now present time some of the future truths where disclosed to the audience then. You may be right, all things around the military and Washington should be viewed with a healthy scepticism. An as we know the CFA has a history of publishing and editing for the right effect and audience.

  8. Olaf, this a very compelling testimonial by Galen Windsor. I would say he has divulged the magicians secrets of the illusion that came into being after 1942. Who designed it, the illusion? Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Rothschid, the British, Truman, Nazis’ of “paper clip”?. This , what he speaks of, is so pervasive today. It reaches into every American home through every government agency . Probably Canadian homes too. NASA, HUD, EPA has similar demeanors too. This explains a lot but offers up more questions than solutions. You must have a collection of such gems. Please share more. This is Corbett material. Let us pick it apart.

  9. August 30, 2019 – NEWS Bloomberg
    Modi Creates Bank Behemoths to Spur India’s Slowing Economy
    (without paywall…)

    India announced its most sweeping bank overhaul in decades, minutes before data showed economic growth in Asia’s No. 3 economy slumped to a six-year low.

    Four new lenders that result from a series of state-bank mergers will hold business worth 55.8 trillion rupees ($781 billion), or about 56% of the Indian banking industry…

    …Prime Minister Narendra Modi is counting on larger and healthier banks to spur fresh credit and revive economic growth that came in far lower than economists expected.
    A slump in domestic demand and the world’s worst bad-loan ratio had been restricting scope for a revival in investment…

    … no one lost their job when the government helped facilitate a merger of Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank with Bank of Baroda last year, creating the third-largest bank by loans in the country.

    India will now have 12 state-run banks instead of 27…

    …‘Bigger Issue’

    “Just increasing the size of balance sheets and combining operations of banks will only reduce the number of state-owned lenders but asset quality stress is unlikely to be taken care of,” said Avinash Gorakshakar, head of research at Joindre Capital Services Ltd. in Mumbai. “The bigger issue still remains as how risk profiling would improve banks’ bad-loan ratio ahead.”

    After returning to power with a stronger mandate, Modi has been grappling with an economy still hurting from the fallout of his cash ban in 2016
    and the botched rollout of a nationwide sales tax.

    A bad-loan clean up in the banking sector has contained credit to companies and a crisis among shadow lenders is denying consumers loans to buy goods like cars and refrigerators.
    Meanwhile unemployment is at a 45-year high as companies refrain from new investments….

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