Interview 1485 – 9/11 Whistleblowers on The Whistleblower Newsroom

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Interviews | 24 comments

James joins Kristina Borjesson and Celia Farber of The Whistleblower Newsroom to discuss 9/11 Whistleblowers. Using whistleblowers and a laser beam focus on the forensic evidence, this conversation exposes just how preposterous the official 9/11 narrative really is.

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Whistleblower Newsroom

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

9/11 Whistleblowers

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

9/11 War Games


  1. Loved the interview James. The interviewers were a little chaotic but sweet yet I understood the question about an overarching or overall theory about whom is at fault or involved.

    Cheney and Rumsfeld (and all those who were on the Project for A New American Century document) are certainly prime suspects.

    However, I do see invisible threads going back to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the NeoCon establishment.

    The overall goal is certainly the Technocratic Surveillance Grid that is a significant part of the NWO…but I understand the cartoonish nature of some “cabals” that are responsible.

    It certainly points to the whole idea of a One World Government that is centrally controlled.

    Whether that is Corporate Fascistic, Socialistic, or Technocratic in nature I guess remains to be seen.

    Good work as always.

  2. One question that was raised is one that I’ve always had. Who was flying the planes when they went off and were swapped out in radar dead zones? Was it the legitimate pilots who were in some way forced to? I’m trying to remember the exact detail, but wasn’t some kind of transponder switched off in all the planes, that a legit pilot would never do normally? What actually happened in those cockpits? My guess is that the planes were commandeered by operatives after incapacitating or in some way neutralizing the flight crews. Unless the real crews were cooperating because they were scared to death or given ‘offers they couldn’t refuse’. I suppose we’ll never know, I’ve just always wondered.

    • My response won’t answer your question, but part of the puzzle begins with what is physically possible. The September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor documentary goes into depth on the aspect of the planes and their capabilities. If what the interviewed air traffic controllers said was true, then you have planes that are going to unusually high altitudes, and then dropping into the lower altitudes at a nose dive without losing control of the aircraft. Then, flying in low altitudes at very high speeds prior to impact. Speeds that, according to airplane manufactures cannot be achieved without the planes falling apart due to the increased resistance of the lower atmosphere. This was all supposedly done by inexperienced pilots that managed to maintain perfect control of these large aircraft and accurately slam them into small targets.

      With all this evidence taken into consideration, I think there is a very strong possibility that these were not your standard commercial jets, but were probably drones (remote controlled missiles) dressed up as commercial jets. I cannot see how else these aircraft could be controlled in the manner they were A) without breaking apart, and B) without losing control and crashing prior to reaching the targets.

      Other information corroborates this in my opinion. A huge record of eyewitness testimony, dust samples, heat levels, etc. at the WTC indicate that timed explosives were extensively rigged in these buildings to bring them down. If this is true, then how could the conspirators behind the scenes leave their entire plot in the hands of these amateur hijackers who could have easily missed their targets. Then you have 3 buildings rigged with explosives and no believable justification for how they would be destroyed. So many things had to go right in a certain order on September 11th, and I think that it was all tightly managed and controlled in a way that limited errors.

      Below I have linked to the documentary, queued up to the time where these things are delved into.

      • scpat-

        Thanks for responding.
        I am aware of all the issues and testimony that you have brought up. The only conclusion I can come to is that military drones hit the towers. I think we agree on that.

        I was just wondering(futilely, I know) what happened in the cockpits. Who was in control when the planes deviated for the swap out.

        • I was wondering the same thing and haven’t heard discussion of much research on this particular aspect, so I started digging this morning.

          Some potential clues come from Shoestring 9/11 research. New Evidence Reveals Half of Pilots Were Only Assigned to 9/11 Flights at the Last Minute

          The article reports last minute switches of pilots, crew, and passengers. The last minute nature of the switches of the pilots was an anomaly according to one pilot who was switched out on September 10th.

          It seems possible that the new pilots and crews could have had been intentionally replaced in a coordinated effort, forced or not, which would have made a transition from jet to drone smoother. As far as how they could have actually done it. I seem to remember Operation Northwoods discussing a switch from jet to drone, so the military has perfected this by now.

          • scpat-

            Cool. Thanks for that info. Hadn’t heard about it. I will check out that link. You seem to have remembered Operation Northwoods quite correctly. They have had that little trick in their toolbox for decades.

  3. Funny ha ha or funny funny how the communication blips occur at the apex of the story. It disrupted the narrative just enough to cause a loss of continuity. Or Im i just a tin foil hat conspiracy nutter?.

    However, It was Handled with poise by all involved.

  4. cstrousse1-

    Hello. I appreciate your take on events but I think we have come to some different conclusions. But that’s cool.
    As far as pilots possibly being blackmailed, that occurred to me, and I brought that up. Whether, if that’s the case, they were the scheduled pilots or substitutions, who knows.

    Speculation can be fun in some cases, about some things, but my query about events in the cockpits and how they came about is not a matter of idle amusement, rather genuine curiosity.


  5. Arby, it’s been a few hours since I listened to this interview, so I don’t recall James’s mention of OBL being buried at sea. I’m not doubting that he did, but I’m sure he was either being facetious or he was telling us that this is the official version of OBL’s demise. Or both!

    If you’d like to see what James has said about OBL in the past, you’re welcome to click here and find out:

  6. Online Mainstream Newspaper Ads with Corbett Report video links

    I happened across these older posts this morning.
    I want to mention that sometimes it is not very costly to place an ad in an online newspaper or publication. Prices are often negotiable.

    A few years back, our North Texas 9/11 Group had a small animated, flashy gif ad “The Official 9/11 Story in 5 minutes – Click Here!”.
    It linked to Corbett’s 5 minute video.
    The YouTube video count did go up a decent amount during that season.
    The ads ran for a good period of time in over 14 local publications.


    You don’t need James’ or anyone’s permission to run an online ad.
    In fact, you could link to any of Corbett’s videos. It does not need to be limited to the 9/11 video.

  7. Crack me up!

    Just prior to 9:05mins into it, I think it’s Kristina who asks James about the various whistle-blowers, and James rattles off two names, when Kristina chimes in “Sibel Edmunds” (we hear “yeah’ in the background, presumably from Kristina’s partner Celia) and James hesitates, nearly chokes Lol, but totally ignores that prompt.

    Oh, man, did I find that humorous, indeed.

    Sibel Edmunds, the most gagged lady in America! Under the all seeing eye of FBI Director Mueller, Sibel manages to leak and disseminate confidential files and information to the outside world, holds court on the discombobulated intelligence agencies whom allowed 911 to happen, er, let the official narrative to happen, that is; suffers absolutely no criminal wrong-doing, and lives happily ever after as a soccer mom in a quiet, peaceful suburban setting in Oregon with her hubby, who’s no doubt one of her lucky, former handlers at GQ. A smitten handler.

    No, I wouldn’t suspect James would like to discuss the matter of Sibel to any degree, with most anyone….

    We’re still waiting to find out James’ reexamination of his body of work which he did in collaboration with Sibel.

    It’s been over a year. Is the subject entirely mute? Why?

    Does anybody know?

  8. The uplink modulated code software enabling a ground based transmission to seize control of Boeing jet has been fully operational since 1984 or earlier. Mainstream Media made a big flap about needing to create a ground based ability to commandeer jets in 2001 and announced it was all set in 2006 which is odd since at least for Boeing, it waa already done.

    All flour’hijacked’ flights were Boeing 757 or 767 jets.

    And don’t let’s forget the flight controllers radar videos. 3 or 4 other aircraft converge on the hijacked flights like escorts; transponders go out; then we see loop-shaped traces and the escorts peel off and disappear. Any of the escorts could in fact be the one which turned back toward NY or DC.

    I have attempted to place voice calls on every flight I’ve taken since 2001. Finding: from takeoff to landing, GSM or CDMA, never ever got one call to connect. Its exceedingly unlikely that any of those calls from passengers were real. And that was the only hard evidence the Bush Administration ever came up with to support their crazy coincidence theory.

    QUESTION: has anyone ever seen an images in which the American or United airlines markings were visible on the incoming planes? I’ve looked and looked and I’ve never been able to confirm whether those markings were there or not.

    • Nope. Every image/video that I’ve seen of the plane coming into the south tower looked dark or gray with no markings. All looked extremely ominous. The Naudet Brothers’ video shows a plane a second or so before impact of the north tower, but the distance of the shot is too far to see it clearly. After impact the camera zoomed in – ah, a little too late to make out any markings….

      By the way, very interesting what you’re saying about “uplink modulated code”. It’s the first I’ve heard of this technology to remotely control airplanes going back to 1984. Do you have any references pertaining to this that you can share?

    • B00ND0GGLE says:
      “I have attempted to place voice calls on every flight I’ve taken since 2001. Finding: from takeoff to landing, GSM or CDMA, never ever got one call to connect. Its exceedingly unlikely that any of those calls from passengers were real.”

      First off, not being able to make calls 20,000+ feet up in the air does not prove the ‘passenger’ calls were not real.
      The most likely scenario is that the passengers were not aboard the remote-controlled aircraft that struck the towers.

      The aircraft that the passengers were aboard most likely landed somewhere safely.
      The cell phone calls would have been made from the ground, where the phones are fully capable of transmitting from.

      “And that was the only hard evidence the Bush Administration ever came up with to support their crazy coincidence theory.”

      The Bush Admin. had plenty of other ‘hard evidence’ to ‘support’ their crazy conspiracy story. The hijacker’s passport that fell to the ground blocks from the WTC. The hijackers’ red bandanas found in the dirt surrounding the Flt. 93 crash in Shanksville. Atta’s briefcase with all its ‘incriminating evidence’, etc. etc.

      “QUESTION: has anyone ever seen an images in which the American or United airlines markings were visible on the incoming planes? I’ve looked and looked and I’ve never been able to confirm whether those markings were there or not.”

      We don’t have images of these markings on the incoming planes.
      But what we do have is equally important.
      We have witnesses who have spotted at least one jet that allegedly crashed on 9/11.
      The plane’s tail number was photographed several years after 9/11, before the aircraft was finally decommissioned.

      • Fawlty Towers,

        To be fair, BOONDOGGLE did mention attempting to place calls – “from takeoff to landing” . In other words, the attempts weren’t limited to a 20,000 foot altitude.

        But, what’s this about when you make the following claim:

        “The aircraft that the passengers were aboard most likely landed somewhere safely.”


        Says who?

        This is exactly the problem with “conspiracy theory”, and why such “gatekeepers” such as Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky may have said what they said when they said – paraphrasing (Zinn)- that endless speculation is a waste of good energy, a distraction. Or Chomsky’s “What does it matter?

        In that very narrow sense, of wasted energy, time and exasperation, I can almost agree. Yet, though it may be an unfortunate consequence, the getting at the truth, and not accepting the lie, is still paramount. The bogus case of Zinn’s pessimistic argument (non-argument) – that since it’s unlikely we’ll ever find the truth about 9/11 – comparing it to the inconclusiveness of the Kennedy assassination 50 years out – it’s better we concentrate our energy on finding out what the United States is doing wrong that is promoting an increase in terrorism around the world, etc., etc., is obviously a fallacy in reasoning….. When I heard him say that, I literally felt embarrassed for him, as this doesn’t sound like anything close to an argument that a supposedly smart, intellectual individual would make. Quite the contrary. That is, if you don’t attempt first to get to the bottom of what could possibly be a massive false flag attack, then all attempts to evaluate whatever reasons one might find for so-called terrorism is potentially illusory, at best. Zinn should have known that, and so should Noam Chomsky…. Actually, this obvious blunder makes me feel something else has to be going on. Like arms being twisted. I don’t know, it’s just very bizarre. Or, maybe the business of gatekeeping is just really simple, stupid, and that’s all it needs to be kept, and still be as effective as it needs to be.


        • candlelight:
          “Yet, though it may be an unfortunate consequence, the getting at the truth, and not accepting the lie, is still paramount. The bogus case of Zinn’s pessimistic argument (non-argument) – that since it’s unlikely we’ll ever find the truth about 9/11 – comparing it to the inconclusiveness of the Kennedy assassination …
          Or, maybe the business of gatekeeping is just really simple, stupid, and that’s all it needs to be kept, and still be as effective as it needs to be.”

          I completely agree with your sentiments about Zinn. He is completely misguided. However you haven’t hit the nail on the head with him. I will do it now.

          His position is simple, he states that we shouldn’t be investigating 9/11. Who did 9/11 etc. That it is futile that it will never prove anything or lead us anywhere.
          He states that instead, we should be investigating ‘In what way has American foreign policy enflamed and antagonized people all over the world to the point of creating terrorists?’

          What he is saying is that O.B.L. and 19 muslim hijackers planned and carried out 9/11. These were the terrorists.
          And rather than having an investigation to actually prove that they were the guilty parties, we should be investigating American foreign policy, because that’s what creates terrorists!!!

        • candlelight:
          “But, what’s this about when you make the following claim:

          “The aircraft that the passengers were aboard most likely landed somewhere safely.”


          Says who?

          This is exactly the problem with “conspiracy theory”, and why such “gatekeepers” such as Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky may have said what they said when they said – paraphrasing (Zinn)- that endless speculation is a waste of good energy, a distraction. Or Chomsky’s “What does it matter?

          In that very narrow sense, of wasted energy, time and exasperation, I can almost agree… ”

          candlelight, we all arrive at our current position on 9/11 from a myriad of different starting points, twists and turns, revelations, false starts, rabbit holes, enlightenment, research, indoctrination, debates, and blood sweat and tears.

          Every serious 9/11 researcher has their own style of investigating the events that occured on, leading up to and after Sept. 11, 2001..

          James Corbett’s style is to investigate all of the circumstantial evidence. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that would convince most open-minded people able to reason, that the official government story about 9/11 cannot be true.
          As powerful as all of this evidence is, I prefer not to hang my hat on it.

          My brain is wired to prefer hard, physical evidence. and in almost all court cases, it is the hard physical evidence that will trump the circumstantial evidence.

          So this is what I concentrated almost all of my research time on.
          The best place to start and end 9/11 research is with the WTC towers.
          It is easy to prove, far beyond any reasonable doubt, that all three WTC towers were demolished by explosives.
          Any physicist in the world, who hasn’t been bought or paid for by the deep state or its affiliates, will laugh at any explanation attempting to say the towers fell down on their own, without the aid of explosives. They know it isn’t physically possible.

        • But you don’t have to be a physicist to understand why it’s not possible.

          This is the starting point for 9/11 studies. The towers were demolished. Then you must ask yourself who could possibly have demolished them? Most people would agree that OBL and the alleged 19 hijackers couldn’t have done it.
          There had to have been another conspiracy going on with other people.

          Then you can start studying the flights and the passengers.
          You learn that no hard evidence was ever produced showing that the 19 hijackers boarded the planes.
          You learn that the cell phone calls that were claimed to have been made during the flights couldn’t have been made. The FBI admitted to this years after 9/11.

          So then you try to come up with an explanation for how the calls could have been made.
          You examine the flight patterns of the four ‘hijacked’ aircraft. You notice very strange maneuvers being made at strategic locations.
          Planes losing their radar transmissions at these strategic locations.

          You examine the videos (all 30+ videos) of the aircraft heading for the WTC towers.
          You notice that none of them showed any markings that were typical for American Airlines or United Airlines aircraft.
          You notice a bulge on the belly of the aircraft that crashed into the WTC South Tower.
          You notice flashes of light on the buildings WTC1/WTC2 a split second before the jets crash into them.

          When you examine all of this physical evidence it is reasonable to come to the conclusion that there were no passengers on the planes that struck the towers.

          But candlelight I must emphasize, the theories as to what happened to the passengers, how the calls were made, are not important in the big picture. And none of that can be proven at this stage.
          What can be proven, and I repeat, what I hang my hat on, is that the towers can not have collapsed, as is the official story.

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