Interview 1515 – James Corbett on Reprogramming Your Fear Response

by | Feb 22, 2020 | Interviews | 15 comments

James sits down with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media in Acapulco, Mexico, to discuss the fear programming that keeps so many of us in line, and how we can turn that fear into positive energy. We also the important differences between the centrally planned cashless society and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrency solutions.



  1. Bravo gentlemen. Wonderful conversation. Build communities now before chaos ensues. Love the “Wizard of Oz” analogy as that is exactly when I picture any “head of state” rambling their propaganda; a big bloated head filled with fire & smoke and an old, shrivelled man behind the curtain.

    No matter what always go down fighting.

  2. In the US (and elsewhere) we have the credit score that lets more or less important people decide if we’re worthy a loan, a rental property etc.

    How do you build a community in a city where most people don’t feel at home as they are renters.
    Online is fine, but how would you support each other if the big brother/s turn off the internet?

    • I’ve been thinking about such things myself for awhile now.

      My current philosophy is to find those crafts you’re good at and instead of trying to monetize your creations, make something to share with other creators you meet. Also, in my opinion you should just offer you craft or service free with no expectation of return. It’s up to you still to interact with quality people who know how to appreciate you.

      Personally, I think of the basics. Most people can’t make their own clothes, grow or cook food, build things or take care of their own health so I think of anarchic ways to get better at attending to these needs. Which are basically food, shelter, well being. I think a lot of self sacrifice will be needed.

      We need to learn the ways of the ‘old days’ too, it’s not a coincidence that it turned all supermarkets and big box shops. It was to make us dependent.

      More to the point on fear response, we mustn’t even consider the law, banks, police, or any other mindslaves. We should just create and share freely.

      I should emphasize, one should also be willing to accept any consequences of their actions. I say, we are all kings and queens, where you stand is your realm but not everyone thinks this way. If you do, you must accept that you have invaders in your realm, you are being attacked and have been since birth. You have to act appropriately.

      Here’s some media, hopefully it’s inspiring.

      Sedition Subversion and Sabotage Field Manual

      Tony Santoro’s Guide to Illegal Tree-Planting


      Also, I periodically go back and mine #goodnewsnextweek and Mr. Corbett’s, Solutions or from the liberty community at large for ideas to enhance my expression. So far I have way more ideas than I have energy or time for.

      It’s not the lack of ideas, it’s the effort of breaking out of our current consciousness that determines how we behave.

      • The field manual is a blast. Seems time investment worthy.

        “intellectual property is a State based haven of the weak, the stupid, and those lacking confidence in their own ability”

        “propaganda is information used specifically to change the way people think or to move the conversation in a specific direction”

      • I noticed that people (here at least) are having a hard time, taking free help like my volunteering to take care for a neighbor’s cats for a few days – somehow it makes them feel better to pay than just receive a neighborly free ‘hand out’. Many folk just aren’t used to being helped out for free any more. But, fortunately, there are others.

        In general though, I find it hard to build a community in an area where people just live to ‘crash’ (and this shows in how they treat the neighborhood: litter, graffiti, vandalism, theft,…). Most have lost their ability to make eye contact, recognize, or let alone smile or greet when you try to be ‘normal’.

        Anyway. Many good points made and links given – thank you!

        • I can sympathize. It seems like most people where I live are extremely apathetic, untrusting and willfully ignorant; pretty much isolated amongst eachother. Interactions are surface level at best and always riddled with anxiety.

          I have about four people I share with. Only one of them shares my anarchic sentiments. Personally, I’m used to having a small group of friends or just going it alone.

          In the past years I’ve really had to ‘get over’ the fact that many people aren’t going to change and that I would probably have to do a lot of things on my own with no recognition. It has taught me a lot about discipline, pride and self-determination.

          I am on quite the individualist streak now. I’ve resigned to make myself the wildest a person can get while staying amongst the domesticated. If everyone wants to be depressed mindslaves then I will let them, for me, I want a bit of excitement.

          I don’t let all this drama bother me anymore. I am pretty much a character in a story; in this chapter, there is mayhem, strife, despair. I ask myself, what role do I wish for my character in this kind of setting?

          • Sounds like you are doing your life great. Stephen Buhner talks about being barbarian as the only way to save us. And a lot. of deals with following the ‘golden threads’ that run through each of our individual lives.
            You two sound like birds of a feather.
            (He authored Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth

  3. Here is a comment which I had posted on the “Open Thread” regarding this discussion.

    Josh and James discussed
    Bitcoin – Decentralized Currency

    By the way, James Corbett does still take Bitcoin, although it is not listed on the website.
    Just email him, and he will give you details on where to send it.

    I am disappointed about the current hype on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
    A few years back, it looked like a great tool to decentralize exchange between people.
    Now, almost all the hype is about speculation on price increases, and buying and selling like a commodity or currency.
    Personally, I have no problem with speculating.
    But the soul of Bitcoin was its decentralization aspect.

    2019 TAX Year – U.S. Tax Code changes
    The IRS added a new question to the Schedule 1 form about your dealings with cryptocurrency.
    It asks:
    “At any time during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?”

    (Follow the link within the article below for more details.)

    • You’re absolutely right. The Bitcoin atmosphere now largely has the feel of Wall Street, complete with ethics-devoid day trading a-holes at every turn, perfectly happy with the KYC requirements being adopted by the cryptocurrency exchanges; perfectly happy to submit scans of their driver’s license and close-up selfies of themselves holding two forms of valid government identification; perfectly happy to laugh at those who refuse to do so.

      Supposedly, it is ‘Bitcoin Cash’ that now mostly carries the original soul of Bitcoin, and if you spend some time with its advocates you will see that there is definitely some truth to that.

      IMO, none of this came about organically.
      It has been an effort to hijack the Bitcoin movement; to give give the impression that things like anonymity & decentralization are disposable elements that were never really very important.

      PS: I saw that tax code change as well. It provided a good chuckle while I was doing my taxes.

      • Good points.
        Funny about the tax thing.

        Decades ago, there was a box to check and line to fill out on the Tax Form labeled “Kickbacks”.
        One year I wrote down about $240.

        At the time, I was a bellman at a Hotel.
        A topless club gave me stacks of cards which gave the holder free entry into the club (no door fee).
        I would write my name on the back.
        So…I would give these cards to male guests at the Hotel.
        The guests would present the card to the Club.
        Once a month, the club would cut me a check (kickback) at $5 per card.

  4. I can’t really make a relevant comment so I’ll just say I love the Corbett Report, but Winnipeg CFL Team colors closer to home for me than Calgary. (Amazing to me anyway Dallas is closer to Toronto than Winnipeg.)

  5. YouTube has this notice:
    This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten.

    Interview 1515 – James Corbett on Reprogramming Your Fear Response

    Quoting the linked post:
    by World Alternative Media · Published May 9, 2020 · Updated May 8, 2020

    Josh Sigurdson talks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the utilization of fear by the state in order to bring the populace to heel.

    It appears this method of fear very well could be turning around on the state as we see signs of fracturing in the fabric of the global order. Could the empire be about to fall like we saw in ancient Rome?

    James also talks about the very clear and important differences between the centrally planned cashless society and the rise of decentralized properly fundamentally useful cryptocurrencies and blockchain infrastructure technology. Far too often people conflate one of the solutions with the problem and it perpetuates the problem.

    —(There may be other sources for the video. If you know another source, please post it here.)

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