Interview 1528 – James Corbett on the Pandemic of Social Control

by | Mar 26, 2020 | Interviews | 57 comments

via We are living in unprecedented times. The powers that ought not to be are trashing the global economy and they are doing it in ways that some of us could have never have imagined, so the question isn’t “has the government overreacted” because we know they clearly have! The question now is “can we come back from this”? In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the pre planned repose to Covid-19, how governments all over the world are using this to gain a tighter grip of control and most importantly what you can do to protect yourself and your family moving forward in these vary trying and uncertain times.


Medical Martial Law 2020

Bill Gates proposes digital certificates as proof of vaccination


  1. The Economics

    James Corbett says:
    “…The economic effects …
    The worst part about this…
    …a few years from now, when we are in the depths of economic despair… (“maybe we over-reacted”)…
    …it will be too late…
    it already is too late.”


    I really look forward to Corbett’s next work regarding the economics of all this.

    Economically, things are going to get much worse.
    And drag with us for a long, long time.

    A lot of folks will not have the careers which they have now.
    Baby Boomers…well, it is a sad song.

    If (or when) ‘officialized’ inflation hits…then, I don’t know what the hell will happen.
    Economically, the near-term future years do not look pretty. The rest of the decade might be a long grind.

    • We shall not forget that economy was pretty much zombie before medical fascism. MSM presstitutes will never say this.

      That was just final punch.
      And some on the “left” might be happy to describe this as euthanasia.

      Perfect storm in front of us.

  2. “Boom Bust”
    March 25, 2020 – Wednesday
    An overview of the Coronavirus spread, government reactions, and markets / economy

  3. This is only the beginning!

    There most likely is going to be another event and if I had to take a guess it will be April 19 – May 1st.

    It is a big ritual time for these shitheads where they like to conduct public sacrifice.

    See waco – okc bombing, columbine and so forth…

    I hope I am wrong but from what I am seeing so far, it looks to me that they are going all in – this is going to be the unfolding of agenda 21 – what the US has been doing in the middle east is coming to american soil.

    Get your heads straight and get ready – have no fear – listen to your hearts and instincts – refuse the forced vaccinations and the microchip at all cost. And never bow to tyrants…

    Welcome to the Brave New World:

    but Surely in the end of this Babylon will Fall

    So it is time to Get on Out:

  4. I’ve been a subscriber for many years now. I know James did a turnaround on Bitcoin some time ago, and I called him out on it.

    I feel that Bitcoin is a hedge at this time, and that we should all chuck a little at it, in order to see ourselves forward.

    It may be the case that Bitcoin is somehow wiped out in all of this, but it seems to me that the Bitcoin Network, with its time proven resilience, and its knack of coming back from endless obituaries, will prevail.

    I have no idea what is coming to us down this road, but i feel that with a max cap of 21 million, Bitcoin may just be something that separates the ‘have BTC’ from the ‘have no BTC’ in times to come.

    I urge my fellow subscribers to at least get a piece of it. The USD is on its way out.

    I also recommend The Keiser Report, on RT

    I hope I haven’t upset anyone. Physical Gold looks good too.

    Hotfoot x


      I don’t think that James did a turn-around on Bitcoin.
      He still accepts Bitcoin.
      I know. I asked him.
      I hate bothering Mr. Corbett with emails, but I did once in very late 2019…it was about Bitcoin.
      If someone wants to donate to The Corbett Report with cryptocurrency, just contact James.

      I personally bought more Bitcoin just over 3 months ago.

      Decentralized independent currency was Bitcoin’s luster.
      Now-a-days, it has an image more along the lines of a speculation.
      Not that I mind gambling – I gamble.
      But, personally I am disappointed with the mindset of the masses that Bitcoin is more of a speculative device, than a means towards independence in exchange without authoritarian oversight.
      Heck…this 2019 tax year there is a question by the IRS on the tax form about my purchase of Bitcoin.

      Back in late February 2017, James Corbett GAVE AWAY FREE to any Corbett Report Member requesting it, 0.01 Bitcoin.
      At one time after that, 0.01 Bitcoin was worth $109.00.

      Like you, I sure love Gold, Silver, Crypto and other alternative or hard assets.
      With May coming, the price of Bitcoin could spike.

      And like you, I like to invest in myself, my family and friends and potential new friends. What wonderful investments!

        • Everyone makes mistakes. I feel James made one with this piece. I’m still a huge TCR fan.

        • Honestly, Hotfoot, James doesn’t actually poo-poo Bitcoin as a decentralized currency in that piece.
          He talks about seemingly contradictory concepts which aren’t.

          Read the transcript.

          Sometimes, I think folks just look at the title but not the content, then walk away with their own concept of what the presentation is about.

          Corbett primarily is clarifying terms in The Bitcoin Psyop.

          • He talks about seemingly contradictory concepts which aren’t decentralised currencies?


            Wish I’d never asked.

            I beg you not to reply to this. I give in.

            • Excuse me for disregarding your request
              I truely admire this post of yours Hotfoot. May the ability you displayed and proven to still be existing spread as swift like the panic over a five capitalletter hyphen two number word

              *waving a hangloose handsign at my screen

  5. Harold, poetry .

    That’s a cheery ol’ rhythm o’ the times.

  6. Decadent like the late Roman Empire, the West is committing suicide through its irrational response to Covid-19

    ‘A large number of Westerners are happy to accept the suicidal shutting down of their economies to try to halt a virus that predominantly causes old and sick people to die just a few weeks or months before they would have anyway. Just as they enthusiastically endorse proclamations such as that there are 46 sexes, not two; that the flatulence of a cow must be reduced to save a polar bear; ‘

  7. Because Merikans enjoy prison showers.

  8. This whole thing is really freaking me out. I work in the medical field and can’t really say what I think because the propaganda is so entrenched. This flu season was light in my area, we are getting presumptive Covid-19 patients but many of them are not that sick and our hospital census is down. I have not seen any young healthy people die at the hospital I have worked in from Covid-19, as far as I can tell, most people survive, unless they have multiple comorbidities or are elderly.

    I have seen young people get sicker with the flu. I’m not saying the virus has not caused substantial medical issues in certain places, like Italy and China, that are heavily polluted. But I think this response is very weird and scary. I’ve always kinda sat on the sidelines because I’m afraid of speaking out. I’m not brave and am afraid to lose my job or have the government find a way to get me. I guess I’m a coward. I wish I could be brave like some of you, especially James Corbett.

    I just don’t know what I can do to stop this insanity. People are panicked, they are afraid to get to close to anyone, they are afraid they will die. Even doctors admit most people have mild symptoms but the media keeps pumping this fear porn. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can hardly sleep at night and I don’t know what to do. I live in the US and would move to another country if I could. I don’t know what to do without potentially losing my job or “freedom” what’s left of it anyway.

    • Where do you live, cu.h.j?

      Is TCR being spammed?

      • I live in the US. No huge influx of Covid patients in my local area. There have been some, we do send out a test to a lab. Not sure it’s very accurate. I work as a nurse to make money, which is decent. I’m not heavily indoctrinated, think with my own brain, take what’s good and leave the rest. I’m not totally against western medicine, don’t get flu shots myself, but have had to get other vaccines. I don’t like the idea of forced vaccinations. I’m not a spammer, whatever that means.

        • cu.h.j
          I’m glad you are here, my friend.
          ha!! I may ask for free medical advice someday.

          As to the spammer comment by Hotfoot, that is not appropriate Corbett Report Member Etiquette.

          Do me a favor…
          If appropriate for your profession, and if you run across anecdotal Coronavirus cases or scenarios, I would really like to hear your stories.
          A lot of us here would love to hear about them.

          Just make a comment on whatever current episode or article Corbett has at the time.

          • Most of the possible Covid-19 present with a cough, fever, sore throat and is negative for influenza (type a and b). Gastrointestinal symptoms are now included as symptoms, along with fever, and if the flu swab is negative it’s a presumptive Covid-19 and we do a send out swab test (nasal and throat). It takes 48 hours to come back.

            Some people develop pneumonia, viral and potentially bacterial along with it, most have been discharged, a few that require admission have shortness of breath, low oxygen saturation and varying degrees of respiratory distress depending on comorbidities like asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Most of these people are over 50 because that’s when people start getting sick with various diseases.

            We have had 2 cases of hospital admission that tested positive for Covid-19, and I believe one is still there and one was discharged. Both had significant health problems, both had obesity, diabetes and lung disease. The first person may have been a smoker. A few days ago we had an elderly patient, in his 90s come in with low oxygen saturation who went to ICU and was intubated with mechanical ventilation we also did CPR and other heroic measures (but his oxygen saturation did not improve as it should even on the ventilator), his results aren’t back yet. I think he will probably die in ICU.

            You’ve got to understand though that he is 93 with health problems at the end of his life. I have seen flu cause this too and in young people with lung disease or poor health. The new Covid-19 triage process and isolation process and protective equipment are slowing down our department so we cannot handle the high volume, so the stay at home order has helped in the hospital but our census is still low and sick people are avoiding coming in. This is a mistake in my opinion, some people won’t be able to afford medicines.

            Other hospitals report being overwhelmed, but flu can also cause high volumes of very sick people and the government has never closed the economy before and stripped citizens of constitutional rights before.

            I don’t know why some young people get sick from this disease, but the majority don’t, even by the bad statistics presented by mainstream sources. What the medical “consensus” is afraid of is ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) that requires mechanical ventilation and extended ICU stays. They say they are worried about lack of ventilators and anecdotally Italy has limited use for people who have the best chance of survival.

            But in my opinion, that is no reason for a totalitarian and draconian governmental response. More people will die because life this way is miserable and people won’t have access to the medical treatment they need because of the prioritization of Covid-19. This is my opinion.

            • ANECDOTE – Coronavirus Front Lines

    • cu.h.j,
      You are fine. Keep being who you are.

      I have a 52 year old step-daughter that is an RN nurse.
      She does her thing at work and gets paid well.
      She doesn’t “stir the pot” at work with her concepts.

      However, she does go often to get alternative health treatments at another facility.
      EXAMPLES: (Intravenous) IV Blood Therapies of Glutathione, Vit C., Ozone, Myers’ Cocktail, etc. along with other alternative modalities.
      She and her Mother, and sometimes friends, sit and visit during the treatments.

      The Ozone is a real winner against Viruses and Respiratory Illnesses, including COVID-19.

  9. Yes Qno . I found it strange they changed writing style in the conclusion .
    ” instead of printing 47% ,a number ! (47%) false positives of people associated with the sickened patient they say “nearly halve, or even more…” like it won’t change all the other numbers .
    Must have been a decision to soften the exposure of the lying crappy damn near worthless tests. Eh! Polite and proper.

  10. @15:14 – James: Do you think this will be the last pandemic panic? Or do you think this will be every single year for the rest of your life?

    Answer: yes, every single year for the rest of your life.

    Fauci Warns Coronavirus Could Become Seasonal Affliction

  11. I was checked by police yesterday for my social distancing by stealth… in Australia…. since when does a blonde cop with a scandi accent come into a store (in uniform and with her partner) and ask if she can sign up for D&D?

  12. In Los Angeles California USA. The fear mongering AM radio stations today talked about how the police are not going to respond to calls of people not social distancing. People have called the police on restaurants that are allowing people to dine in, Los Angeles City Police Department representative stated if an officer see a restaurant allowing people to dine in the officer will ask them to stop and if the restaurant doesn’t comply the officers will report the incident to the city attorney. Police stated that people should notify the L.A. County health department of the health violations to report businesses not complying with emergency measures

    The radio reported that people where calling the police because of people holding hands in public. LAPD representative stated that they will not respond to calls of people holding hands in public.

    • I’m laughing.
      These “Patriotic Citizens” acting like tattle-tales.
      That’s how Communist China was born.

      The infractions are silly.
      I happy as hell that some of the sit-down restaurants opened.
      Power to that owner.
      I bet the cops hope the Donut Shops stay open.

      • The restaurant and doughnut shops are open you, are not supposes to eat in them. I saw two cops in parking lot of the doughnut shop. One got something from the chicken place across the shopping, the other brought her own lunch. It looks like they where going to eat on the hood of their cruiser.

        I work for the City of Los Angeles. We have little electric carts that we drive around our work site in. As of today, we where told only one person per cart know to social distant from each other. I wonder if they will do this for our police department?

  13. I talked with a friend living in Taos New Mexico USA who said many people came down with a new flu/pneumonia back in January. My friend said he had it. He said he felt it slightly for a week and then the next week it worked him over good until he got over it.

    On Feb 18 2020 a friend of mine 90 years old got pneumonia in which he had to be hospitalized at cedar sini in Los Angeles CA. His partner who is 88 also came down with it a few days later. Both recovered in a week and are now fine.

    • Flu in January or late December

      In January and/or late December, I had a touch of it. A “dry cough” and feeling a bit off.
      ALL of my co-workers also had it.

      On January 8, 2020, James Corbett had an OPEN THREAD.
      He writes:
      …Unfortunately I’m sick in bed today with the tail end of a flu bug and unable to produce an analysis of these events right now. I am, however, starting this open thread for Corbett Report members to post links, information and analysis of these events….

      “Flu? Me too.” – comment from that Open Thread

    • I suppose it’s like this all over the world, or if it’s not, it will be soon. There really is no escape from the madness.

  14. Re-solutions, I remember James’s videos on that. But it’s easy to forget the details. I have vague memories of past comments threads, where people discussed the types of computer and software setups they were using, to avoid spying and “back doors”. But I forget which comments threads – if only I’d copied them!

    So… it would be great if there was a forum on the Corbettreport website. I’d volunteer to help out, maybe to be a Moderator (as I don’t have tech skills). Then we could have threads on subjects like agorism, solutions (eg, where to buy things using cryptocurrency etc).

    If that’s not possible, can anyone recommend a good forum for independent thought that’s not dominated by nuts and trolls?

    • Minnie UK

      Here is an idea…

      Any “solution related” comment or Corbett solution which strikes you, log onto a WORD document with the comment link and a short description.

      From time to time, you could post your notes as a comment.
      Everyone would love it!

      Anyway, that was just an idea.
      You might have a better idea.

      The Corbett Report comment section is what we make it.
      He has often made that statement.

      • Thanks HomeRemedySupply. I might do that now that I’m under house arrest, with more time on my hands.

  15. Re-emergency legislation…

    A well-meaning friend of mine was outraged on social media a few months ago, because a government anti-terrorism booklet had included groups like CND and Greenpeace as potential threats to society.

    I pointed out that this was the result of a “counter terrorism” strategy known as “Prevent” that had been legislated into existence back in 2003, when “emergency measures” were being brought in to fight the “terrorist threat”.

    That “emergency legislation” is still on the statute books today, and is now being used to control any groups that the government doesn’t really like.

    IPPs (indeterminate sentences for public protection) were brought in at the same time, ostensibly to keep terrorists and serial rapists behind bars, but instead literally thousands of people have been jailed for years, often for petty crimes, despite having originally been given sentences of one or two years.

    Many of them are still in jail, even though the legislation was scrapped in 2012. (

    The government was recently talking about bringing this legislation back, following the London Bridge stabbing last November. The father of the man who died in the attack made a passionate plea, published on the front page of the Guardian, for his son’s death not to be used to “perpetuate an agenda of hate”. It may have stopped the government in its tracks – temporarily. (

  16. I’m a web developer / designer and I would love to work on an open source project concerning the solutions for making local communities, I’m thinking of a facebook-like for each community, with systems for exchanges of services and things to help each others… do you know if there is something already existing or if it’s better to start from scratch? I will look again the previous videos of James to search for ideas…

  17. Aaron and Melissa Dykes from Truth Stream Media recently released another report:

    We’re Living in 12 Monkeys

    It is worth watching, they have been on top of the unfolding technocracy for some time now. This video outlines what is planned for the social conditioning in regards to this psy-op pandemic for the next year or more.

  18. It’s very discouraging here. This manufactured crisis is revealing that everyone has been conditioned to look to the government for solutions. Most people I come across do not question any of the government’s actions, or the unwarranted nature of the their demands. This appears to be a coordinated scam perpetrated by the western nations. Most people, one way or another, appear to have fallen for this grand “Major League” deception.

  19. Spain, yesterday: (it is only in Spanish)

    The only thing that I want to highlight, although there are other “pearls”, from this text is this paragraph:

    The President justified the extension of the state of alarm for another 15 days “because isolation is essential to face the virus”, but recalled that the decision to “lock ourselves in our house cannot be imposed but approved by citizens through of their representatives in Congress. This is established by the Constitution.”

    Oh… of course… no impositions but you have to pay fines or even being jailed if you don’t justify why are you out of home. Lucky of us, we have “representatives” in the Congress which know what is important for citizens. Well, for what I see people don’t even know what is good for them.

  20. n4x5 says:
    “…The recommendations given in the last few minutes are a start, but it looks like we’ll need a great deal more in order to have any hope of preserving anything resembling a normal life in the future. I sincerely applaud James’s solutions advice, but recognize that building community is quite difficult, and a small community isn’t going to be completely self-sufficient; inputs are needed from the outside world — tools, spare parts, fuel, and so on — and that outside world usually won’t possess such agoristic views, especially in times like these. I think we also need to remember that we’re in semi-uncharted territory here, and what we envision as working may or may not actually succeed in practice in some cases. Rigid adherence to plans or ideals might not always be advisable.”

    Dan Dicks asked James what is the solution to this crisis?

    James answered: solution, just go to my website and type in solution in the search bar!

    Well here’s a question for James.

    You’ve got your agorist anarchist community all set up. Thousands of like-minded people working together towards their goal.
    Everything seems to be working fine. Then this COVID-19 pandemic strikes.
    Your community tries to hold an outdoor BBQ, or dance or tennis tournament etc.

    The shamers get wind of it and call the cops who come down and arrest everyone for violating the state/provincial quarantine law, specifically the section dealing with ‘self isolation’.
    You are all quarantined and held indefinitely.

    What would your next solution be?

  21. Here’s a website a friend of mine was looking at that is in German but can be translated. A few scientists are stating that this has been overblown and restrictions will cause more health problems and quality of life issues. Most medical professionals though that I have observed (except for me) are petrified of this virus or they are petrified to say anything else. I don’t know what to do.

  22. I uploaded this last night. It’s less than 4 minutes.

    Coronavirus Detection Drones

    From the source video:
    Draganfly Inc. (CSE:DFLY) (OTCMKTS:DFLYF) CEO Cameron Chell tells Proactive the drone manufacturer is partnering with Vital Intelligence Inc., a healthcare data services company in conjunction with the University of South Australia to combat the coronavirus.

    Chell says 10-year old Draganfly will use its specialized drones to determine if a patient has a fever, measure heart rate, blood pressure, by using a camera.

    • Oh that Poppy…

      I only ever watched two episodes of Black Mirror and that sounds just horrible!

      I am sorry to say that I have a family member who thinks all of the nightmare world I’ve been trying to show, drones included, is “cool!”.
      The mind control is strong with that one.

      • And he eats their “food” and drinks their drinks, he takes their harmaceuticals, and watches their “entertainment”. So many layers to get through. It frustrates me. And then I make myself think of Fahrenheit 451, and how Faber told Montag to pity them.

  23. First line: Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Temporary… sure…

  24. I’m sorry folks but it is over.
    The Powers have seen that the fearful public van easily be neutralized by announcing a new pathogen threat.
    They do have real, weaponized pathogens at their disposal.
    The next pandemic will be soon, it will be worse, it will result in tighter social controls and the emergency will never end. Resistance won’t be possible because we cannot assemble. Online organizing can easily be detected and participants will be targeted. You must be tested if you want food. But it’s not really a test for the pathogen. They can scan your iris your retina your fingerprints surreptitiously and uh oh looks like you have to go into quarantine.
    I don’t see any conceivable escape from this one.

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