Interview 1538 – Kit Knightly on Off-Guardian’s Corona Coverage

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Interviews | 57 comments

Kit Knightly of joins us to discuss the site’s ongoing coverage of the corona crisis. From experts questioning the panic to death figure over-estimates to pushback against the new normal, today we highlight the work of those who are speaking truth to power on the defining event of our age . . . and point out those who are cheering on the out-of-control police state.

Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download the mp4


12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic

8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

Covid19 Death Figures “A Substantial Over-Estimate

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted

50 Headlines: Welcome to the “new normal”

Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations

U.S. uses location data to track movements during coronavirus: report

South Korea is watching quarantined citizens with a smartphone app

Off-Guardian debates forced removal of infected with Moon of Alabama and Mark Sleboda

Swiss Propaganda Research site


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Kit Knightly.
    He communicates well. Real. He is a real guy.
    Ha!…and his bartender joke was a spot-on analogy.

    Public Perception Management – PPM
    I appreciate James throwing out that term.
    The words describe a lot.

    I keep going back to China. Not as a “blame” issue, but as part of a W.H.O. coordinated potential game-plan to implement a public mind-set.
    And it is not a stretch to consider that major corporations would be involved and benefit from facilitating this game plan.
    People forgot what happened back in January/February…when at that time, China was demonized for what the World is doing now.

    Mkey said it well:
    “China set some very important precedents, indeed.
    Precedents for many a world regime to follow as a blueprint.
    To consider any of these events as a series of coincidences would be foolish.”

    More on “Precedent”…

    • The world inFLUence of China is now unquestionable.
      We have entered a new paradigm.
      Now when China sneezes the world catches a virus.

      China was the first to implement a countrywide quarantine, the world followed in lock step.
      China was the first to implement technocracy measures to track its citizens, the world has already started to follow.
      China was the first to implement technocracy measures to limit its citizens movements both inside and outside the country, the world is destined to follow.

      First they laughed at the restrictive measures imposed in China.
      Then they ate crow and imposed them themselves.

    • My dear Texan friend, the tenacity with which you weave the web of reference is only matched by determination of the propagandist scum weaving the web of deception. I tip my hat to you, sir.

      Fawlty, at least the Chinese got a chance to get used to the regime. We got a very bumpy crash course, instead.

  2. Good interview! That joke told by Knightly, so spot on!! It’s exactly how I picture the elites, sitting back and smirking as greater humanity’s stupidity goes on parade combined with dutiful hero worship and stupid dance performances which must surely increase their contempt and eagerness to enslave us.

    James, the link which is supposed to link to the twitter exchange with the authoritarian MoA actually goes to another article at Off-G.

  3. I really enjoyed this interview, James, thank you!

    Thoughtful, well-spoken and informative. Always good to discover a new independent news source.

    Can I say how endearing it was to hear Mr. Knightly not only ask permission to utter a curse word, but that the curse word was “piss” ? Love it.

  4. When faced with the fact that the novel coronavirus-related deaths are projected to be dramatically lower than previously projected, at around 60,000, New Jersey governor uses the excuse that we all predicted would be used. That is that without the lockdown measures and extreme restrictions, the infection and death numbers wouldn’t be this low. Here is a queued section of Tucker Carlson’s interview with New Jersey governor, Phil Murphy, using this exact excuse:

    NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights in exclusive Tucker interview FOX News – April 15, 2020

    • The road to hell IS paved with good intentions, I agree. But I don’t sense the good intentions with Governor Murphy here. He made several comments about the “blessed souls we’ve lost” or something like that. It seemed very ungenuine and like something someone who is out of touch with their emotions would say. It really reminded me of the characteristics of a psychopath, sociopath, or a megalomaniac.

      • There are no good intentions with people on such positions. Imagine the trial of fire he had to go through to get where he is. I wouldn’t thrust him any more than any of his uttering.

        • Thank you for your interest in our leadership roles. Please submit your resume, references, and at minimum three photos of yourself with naked children. If selected for a debate, you will be asked to review a short script. Due to high volume, only candidates selected for positions will be contacted.

  5. On the question: why do people suddenly support the totalitarian “lockdown”?

    It is because of the technocracy.

    The technocratic totalitarian system has silently infiltrated
    and taken over most of the education and media.
    And has been completely brainwashed us into believing “experts”
    and “scientists” without critical thinking.

    The technocracy has nothing to do with real science, and is
    always pushing a totalitarian political system.
    It is all about pretending to be scientific.

    Some are easy:
    This goes for 9/11, federal reserve, vaccine safety,
    climate change, etc.

    People who see the measures, really understand that this is going
    too far. Most people do not want a totalitarian system.
    But they compromise for the idea of health.

    Health is more difficult, because our physics based science
    can not understand the non-physical factors in health.
    Simple things like love, or feeling well and happy,
    and especially consciousness are an alien concept for science.

    The technocratic movement has taught us to be opposed to such
    non-physical ideas. And to be afraid of alternative ideas
    on health.
    We are taught to always trust our doctors, and take our
    poisonous medicine.
    For people that are stuck here, it helps that experts in this
    field are also stating that the measures are not necessary.

    But generally..
    To overcome the fear of this virus, people have to overcome
    two layers of the technocratic brainwashing,
    before they can see that the virus is actually
    not that dangerous at all.

    • Medical corporate coup on the world

      Del Bigtree in the Ripple Effect
      Has a great answer..

      At 45:00 Del describes how covid is a takeover of the medical
      industry of all governments in the world.
      They have 2x as much money as the oil industry.

      The doctors are not allowed to do critical thinking, otherwise
      they will lose their license.
      The science journals are just propaganda for the corporations.

      Connects with
      Rockefeller Medicine

      Rockefeller medicine goes one step further and takes over the world.

    • I was thinking along a similar line of thought, but perhaps a little more paranoid. Maybe someone can refine the key elements a bit better.

      In this remote-work age, we can’t forget the implications of deepfake technology. It’s possible that people are being taken down, gag-ordered and replaced with deep fakes and US ARMY chat trolls. I’d be surprised if any legal precedents remained in the path of such actions.

      It’s also possible that we have been given a number of heroes to cheer along with us until the event was to take place, gaining credibility along the way. A bunch of Snowdens who act the part, but feed us nothing new, waiting for the excuse to go Total State Machine on their reader’s asses. Normally such organisation is beyond the realm of probability, but maybe not this time.

      I no longer trust people who dodge the “why are you only on [FAANG Platform]?” question.

  6. The pissing-bet example was a very good one.

    But it goes a lot further.

    In vaccines, rapes, environmental pollution, murders, corruption,
    and many other criminal acts,
    a lot of people are payed off with money.
    They always have to sign contracts to stay silent.
    They just take the money, because they don’t
    expect to get anything else out of it.

    I think these are more like contracts with the devil.

  7. Just wanted to share an anecdote that relates to the seemingly legitimate comments from people with this insane snitch/witch-burner mentality.

    I don’t know how many of you spend time on the conspiracy subreddit.
    For those who don’t, it’s a forum of sorts on initially dedicated to truth/conspiracy research but now dominated by anti-conspiracy-research bots, brigaders & shills/astroturfers.
    Conspiracy/truth researchers now have a minority presence there.

    Well, on at least three different occasions over the past couple of weeks, those bots, brigaders & shills/astroturfers all disappeared at the same time for many hours (10+ hours) then returned at the same time.
    Every single one of them gone, at the same time.
    While they were gone, legitimate conspiracy/truth researchers were suddenly able to post just about anything they wanted without anyone trying to bury their posts or downvote, insult, belittle, gaslight & politically polarize them.

    Many of the front page posts (of the conspiracy subreddit) quickly went from being the usual detraction, distraction, division and establishment-narrative-pushing posts to being posts from legitimate critically-thinking conspiracy/truth researchers.
    It was comparatively a ghost town but a ghost town composed of legitimate conspiracy/truth researchers.


    In order for all of those bots, brigaders & shills/astroturfers to be gone at exactly the same time, they’d have to all be coming from one source (maybe a couple of closely married sources).
    That one source was able to produce a very convincing illusion of conspiracy/truth researchers being a vastly outnumbered, and greatly hated, segment of the population.

    My point?

    From now on, every time you’re observing online activity and feeling vastly outnumbered by seemingly insane people desperate to support official narratives and surrender their freedoms, give very strong consideration to the very real possibility that they largely aren’t even real people. All of those downvotes you receive (or upvotes you don’t receive) could absolutely be controlled by vote bots.

    No doubt there are some insane pack followers in the world who do beg for their freedoms to be taken away, but, for all we know, they are the minority. With such strong control of both television and Internet, TPTB can make that minority look like a majority.

    This could very well be an Emperor’s New Cloths situation in which most of the people you encounter in the workplace, in the stores and on the streets are just as worried that you’re a freedom-hating snitch as you are worried that they’re a freedom-hating snitch.

  8. Dr Fauci’s Mar. 26 written statement that this event is really equal to or not much more of a concern than the seasonal flu is the tell that the disease portion of this event is the cover for much more important agenda advancement. No one seems to want to speak to this. Is this a third rail Sandy Hook Hoax topic no one dares touch? A former senior FEMA administrator, expertise in planning, has publicly stated that she believes the CV ‘outbreak’ is the start signal for the beginning of the fast track rollout of Sustainable Development/Technocracy. Re education centers to come with the easily re educated saved the rest to be euthanized. Looking at what is taking place in the real world it is very difficult to argue with the warning. Bailouts, the end of markets, hydro energy production decimated with rationing for essential services mostly the likely post event situation, the rapid collapse of other sectors to be taken up post event by the ‘sustainable’ only. Bloomberg is busy with this oversight at the UN now, and legislative law long passed being pulled out of a top hat as if by magic now eviscerating the civil liberties of the people. This as many of them cheer this situation on as the final securing of their Hive minds is carried out through the propaganda industries. Jame’s ‘Letter to the Future’ is prescient while almost all alt media is transfixed on the feint while the dagger is plunged deeply to mortally wound the old market systems of whatever capitalistic stripe.
    Caveat emptor on CV 19, the diversion for Technocracy’s introduction.

  9. I was has having similar thoughts on the situation, it’s like the boy who cried wolf. That is how I’m trying to open a conversation with normsters, to highlight the lack of trust at least.

    • Don’t be so cynical. Next you’ll be telling us the banks are about to wipe out our savings and rush in a new system for our benefit, which is nothing at all like the dying Fiat system. Conspiracy theorists, the lot of you.

  10. Where did we all learn such obediance and submission? The elite have always provided more than one “compelling” reason for what they do, and schools are no exception. We are convinced that our children will never learn anything unless they submit to the tyranny of schools – in spite of the fact that by the time they start school they have demonstrated an amazing ability to learn for themselves.
    Schools that leave children free to continue to learn for themselves are ignored or abused.
    Professor Antony Sutton said that he read the entire teachers college manual and nowhere did it mention helping children as individuals.
    It was all about submission and obedience.
    It is not surprising that after years of this we are unable and unwilling to think for ourselves and can be led to wherever the elite want us. So we continue to believe what they tell us and obey without question.

    • “We are all responsible for our state of consciousness and it’s absolutely critical to what happens to us.”

      Yes and no, well considering your commentary no is more appropriate.

      How can one be responsible for unconscious part of psyche? Unconscious and limbic system exist, we don’t have complete control over them. If they are in bad shape because of bad influence, bad experiences from other people or society, how can one be deemed responsible?
      Even one might had “perfect” childhood but being highly agreeable person for example, might result in being conformist and as such would most probably refrain from looking into topics we are dealing with here at CR.

      I don’t want to deny personal responsibility, just want to put it into proper context.

      • Interesting logic from the dark ones, kind of circular deception for all, makes no sense to me, it’s just totally wrong.

        Consent is so abused word.

        In my opinion, the only consent acceptable as Consent is an actively expressed will/volition.
        Anything else is manipulation and/or/exor acquiescence.

        • Informing-karma-consent “conundrum” is just an excuse for them, so they can easier look to themselves in the mirror. Eugenics has similar function. As far as I understand, karma doesn’t function like: I’ll deceive myself and my karma will be deceived.
          People’s denial comes mostly from inability to acknowledge to themselves that the world is not like they’ve been thought, indoctrinated and that to many major things on the world are outright evil and nasty.
          Cognitive dissonance, shortly.

  11. I just found out from my downstairs neighbor that school will not re-open on May 4 as planned in our town. School’s will not reopen this year.

    I am heartsick thinking that the endgame really will be a long stretch “until we can get a vaccine”.

    OK, am I crazy? I am not a medical professional but I just don’t believe that people who are NOT SICK can spread a deadly virus.

    If I have a cold I will stay home. I will not sneeze on you so that you MIGHT catch the cold (and that will have to do with your own immune system) I will not visit your grandmother in the nursing home and sneeze on her.

    But I’m not sick!! Do I have the corona virus? Probably!! So does everyone else. But I don’t have the viral load enough to make me sick. Or make YOU sick!

    This is insane!

    I had a rather heated discussion last night with a family member. “People are dying in ICU. My friend is a nurse. People under 80 are dying. 40 year old people are dying.They’re putting them in trucks…”

    I just can’t argue that. I try. “Well, there are many scientists, virologists, epidemiologists who think differently…” It’s useless. It is ingrained in people. My sister is highly educated but I am no match for NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, NPR and all the rest.

    I am just absolutely amazed that people are going along with this. And NONE OF THEM have a clue about The Fed, The US Treasury, ID2020, Event201, Biometric vaccines, corrupt foundations, corrupt governments, the cabal…

    You know, I think there was an existential void that people wanted to fill. I think the world has become such a s-show that people deep down wanted something to come together over. Once upon a time it was Woodstock. Now it’s Covid 19.

    Someone mentioned golf and country clubs. They’re on the Essential list, aren’t they? That’s just par for the course.

  12. CBS: “The Swine Flu Fraud of ’76” Covers U.S. Gov’t Vax Campaign and Lawsuits by Vaccine-Injured Americans

    I watched the above video today. I don’t know if CBS had it out for the CDC but Mike Wallace sure made these guys nervous.

    This is a good watch. You wish a mainstreamer would tackle Fauci the same way.

  13. It doesn’t surprise me at all that there are many in the so called alt media cheering the draconian plans.

    After all, how many secret moon bases do you really need to build with all those missing trillions from the budget? a lot of that money is going to go towards paying off journalist.

    Once it starts quacking like a duck, I’ll switch on the oven!

  14. I want to recommend the Swiss Propaganda Site that is linked in the above show notes.

    I have been reading this for the past few weeks.

    Today I watched their latest interview with Dr. John Ioannides. He’s been on a few sites during this crisis. He’s the most diplomatic Doctor. Even the interviewer kidded him.

    WHY don’t they have these interviews on mainstream????? I mean this guy is so thoughtful and intelligent. He’s not trying to push his opinion or an agenda.

    He really IS all about the science. The most dye-hard mask wearers could not find fault with him.

    And he really speaks to the detrimental societal effects that this lockdown is causing. I appreciated that he addressed that several times.

    It’s a good watch.

  15. How a Blood Test Can Save the Global Economy
    Tempering the Impact of COVID-19
    April 9, 2020

    Now that we’ve turned the lights off on the economy, how do we flip the switch and turn it back on? How do we shift from stay-at-home and lockdown to getting back to work without spreading the virus again?

    One strategy is to identify the people who are non-contagious so they can safely get back to work and engage in social activity. Testing people for SAR-CoV19 (the virus that causes COVID-19) to see if they have the virus has been difficult, as there is a limited supply of testing kits, the results are not immediate, and testing needs to be done by a healthcare professional.

  16. Bill Gates’ Vaccine Crime Record: 496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More

    I found this link:
    Oral polio vaccine causing paralysis in kids: Study

    It would be nice to have some more evidence to back this up.

    example of vaccine injury

    We see the result, but sadly not a lot of evidence.
    Maybe it is covered up as soon complications arise.

    Can we flood the internet with these movies to show how bad it is?

    Corona is not caused by 5G
    At least in France, because there is no 5G there, while they
    have outbreaks.

    Air pollution may be ‘key contributor’ to Covid-19 deaths – study

    5G is completely safe (funny)

    Or maybe not

    Prof. Martin Pall – Cellular Effects of Wi-fi and 5G via VGCC
    EM radiation interferes with the Voltage gated calcium channels,
    disturbing the sensitive biological functions.

    And here is some research from the CIA:
    WARNING: CIA site
    Effects of non-ionizing radiation
    The effects of superhigh-frequency EM radiation on Electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes
    These show how calcium and sodium ions are forced through membranes by the electrical fields, and cause damage.

    These experiments show that non-ionizing radiation can cause severe damage to biological tissue, and explain why:
    ions are forced through the membranes, damaging the membranes.
    In most literature and most safety-standards, only the heat
    aspect of non-ionizing radiation is considered.
    In the above studies you can see that it is clearly not
    the heat, but the EM fields that cause the damage.

  17. “I will assume that most rational people can admit that there is an up tic in the number of people being admitted to, and the number of deaths coming out, of many Hospitals around the world. Thus, the issue seems to be; how many are really COVID19, and how many are from something else?”

    Your assumption is not valid. US hospitals are empty with virtually all surgeries cancelled. That alone will reduce deaths coming out of hospitals. Also, many people are not going to the hospital who may have in normal times bc they are afraid of the faux virus. Again, they are saved from iatrogenesis. Medicine/hospitals kill upwards of 200,000 people in the US every year from correctly prescribed drugs and procedures. We aren’t even counting the mistakes.

    Further, you and nobody knows how contagious the faux virus is because the data are baloney and no one has purified the virus, and verified that it causes any disease by applying Koch’s postulates.

    Your final question is a joke, right? Are you that asleep? While the world is distracted by this pandemic theater, the banks have been bailed out with taxpayer money yet again, Europe is in financial collapse with the EU trying to overthrow Germany and the Netherlands, the stock market is collapsing, oil is at $14 a barrel which is threatening to set the middle east on fire and the left in the US is waging their 3rd coup attempt on Trump. All of that would have happened without pandemic theater, and in fact began before you knew anything about coronavirus (not that you know anything now).

    Some believe the people behind this world wide disaster are the lying global warming warriors who want to reduce the world’s population dramatically, and if businesses remain closed much longer, they will get their wish.

    But don’t worry, keep watching the pandemic theater.

  18. I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this either in this comment section or others of James’s offerings. But recently I watched the film ‘Network’ (1976) and there is a scene where Peter Finch’s character goes on TV and asks people to shout out from their windows, ‘I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore,’ and sure enough tens of thousands of viewers do exactly that. This scene was so eerie because it was so reminiscent of the tens of thousands of people clapping their support for nurses and doctors from their windows. Predictive programming anyone?
    The film is a powerful critique of the power and influence of the media which is probably even more influential today than it was 44 years ago.

    Oh, and going back to predictive programming, has anyone mentioned the dollar Vigilante’s video linking the London 2012 Olypics opening ceremony NHS segment to this plandemic?

    • This was a good read, lizzie. Thanks. He seems to be echoing most of the doctors, scientists, epidemiologists and virologists on independent and alternative news.

  19. Gates Foundation, World Health Organization and Wuhan Institute of Virology have all been hacked
    ..thousands of emails, passwords, and documents have been leaked online.

    A lot of information dumped at 4chan (so could be false/limited hangout).

    A quote seems to indicate a deliberate release of the virus via
    dry ice near an air vent at the fish market.

    • Good post Zixy Zeven 67,

      I bet we will see a trendline of rising incidents of hacking across the world.

      In fact, we may see an upward trend of a vast array of unorthodox behaviors across the world.
      For example:
      With many small businesses going bankrupt, theft and break-ins might escalate.
      It is not uncommon for a bankrupt small business just to abandon its assets on the property.
      Attached to the above…Activity in online selling sites where you can sell your stuff will probably increase.

    • I’ll go out on a limb and call bullshit on this hack job. The whole “patient 0” thingy is so contrived it’s ridiculous. Almost lke they are lining up milestones for book and movie deals.

      “This is the market stall where it all started, where the world stopped to be what it was”

      Books, DVDs, postcards, shirts and shorts; keychains for some and plain chains for others.

        • Derrick Broze makes some excellent points at the QUEUE above, about a balanced perspective on this entire world scenario.

          Personally, I think that much of the alternative media is being led down a sensationalist storyline.
          They are being gamed.
          Don’t ya think that the planners of this Plandemic-Economy-Crash knew what to expect in the alternative media… …that everyone and their dog would go on rants about what the Authoritarians are doing and what is “behind their curtain”.

          As far as WHAT IS NOT BEING REPORTED…
          To me, one of the most real & validated important stories,
          extremely relevant to the well being of everyone (health-wise and “fear wise” and “Authoritarian lockdown wise”)…
          is the FACT that there are very viable solutions for people who get sick.

          One example of many:
          (We all know that the Medical Mafia Complex thwarts any scientific studies on non-profitable open source decentralized health practices.)
          In ITALY – Current NEWS even with “officialdom” –
          ~~ Miraculous success with first study of 36 COVID-19 Patients with Ozone Therapy
          ~~ New larger Ozone Therapy study involving several hundred patients has been started.

          Like the lead Doctor Amato De Monte points out:
          ~~ With Ozone Blood Therapy, there are no adverse side effects. Never. – It is completely safe.
          ~~ It is extremely simple and very inexpensive.
          ~~ It is non-patentable.
          ~~ It has been shown to improve many, many health conditions, along with a person’s general well being.
          ~~ Veterinarians and Dentists also utilize it with incredible results.
          ~~ …and much more.

          From this SUB_THREAD which leads to other SUB-THREADS

          • Why “Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy” is
            The IDEAL TREATMENT for COVID-19 !!

            – Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy –
            Explained, Summarized and Demonstrated in 4 minutes

            April 11, 2020
            Dr. Clifford Fetters, MD of “Health and Wellness of Carmel, LLC” Indiana
            Treating COVID-19 with IV Ozone therapy
            (4 minutes)

  20. MoA published a response to Corbett’s interview with Knightly:

    “A second wave will then come during the winter. It will be worse as it will start everywhere at the same time and will come on top of the yearly flu season. We will then likely again need some harsh control measure like temporary lock-downs and case quarantains.

    “Now back to the Off-Guardian and Corbett critique. My view on the epidemic was always based on science. You can follow how it developed through the list of posts attached to this one. As I watched how China defeated its outbreak I had hoped that other governments would take similar measures. With globally concerted action we could have completely erased this disease!

    “But one slips into a pandemic with the governments one has, not with the ones one wishes for.

    “Will our ‘elites’ use the crisis to further enrich themselves. Sure. Will they abuse some of the control measures? That is practically guaranteed. And it does not change a damned thing with regards to the pandemic.

    “It is now too late to defeat it by eradicating its source. Social distancing measures like lock-downs are needed to keep the epidemic under control and to not overload our health care systems. Should the next outbreak wave be worse than the current one we will need even harsher measures than we currently have. I will support those because I know that they will save lives.

    “If that makes me an ‘authoritarian’ in the view of some then let it be so.”

  21. Does anyone here know if anyone is trying to sue the US government for this violation of constitutional rights? Does anyone have a legal background or know the steps it would take to initiate a lawsuit?

  22. None of this tracking stuff, there aren’t any Police checkpoints, I can ride the Rail Trail, nobody is turning in their neighbors, there isn’t any enforcement of masks, or any of what you talked about. Gainesville is a City in a Park just like Philadelphia where I was born and raised. I live a mile north of the football Stadium and have a fair amount of privacy in my back yard so I don’t always have any clothes on so I get as much sun as I want. Sun and fresh air are preventive of COVID-19, TB and other illnesses. so that alone argues against Lock down in your house/apartment.

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