Interview 1551 – Jonathan Latham on Gene Drives and the Gates Foundation

by | Jun 9, 2020 | Interviews | 44 comments

Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News joins us to discuss his 2017 article, “Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives.” We talk about gene drives, the dangers inherent in this technology, how the UN is involved, and why the Gates Foundation and DARPA are so interested in introducing genetic modifications into various species.

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Independent Science News

Jonathan Latham on The Corbett Report

Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Are Breeding in Brazil, Despite Biotech Firm’s Assurances to the Contrary

Gene Drive Files

The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin

The Weaponization of Science


  1. Interesting interview. So will they get a mosquito that can inject a person with the male-baby only gene? I guess it’s already out there.

    Shame about the climate change comment though. I always find it disappointing when someone shows they are very clued up and can fully understand how science gets corrupted and weaponised for one agenda, eg the gene drives, but yet fully swallow the corrupted science on another, eg man-made climate change.

    Of course, another tick for the globalists with the corona shutdown, will be to corrupt the CO2 data to make it seem like its dropping and, hey presto, the temp will cool just at the time the grand solar minimum starts to show its strength.

    • The natives weren’t any better, they simply weren’t advanced enough to do as much damage. Virginia would have been a desert, due to slash and burn farming, had Europeans not shown up. Once the natives acquired steel traps, they were just as guilty of overtrapping. And almost all commercial pemmican was made by a tribe who decimated the buffalo in their area. Sorry, the Noble Savage myth is a pet peeve of mine. It muddies up the already cloudy lens of history. In college, I hated all the generational guilt I was supposed to feel about the trail of tears. Blood is what makes the land yours. The natives certainly understood this as they practiced it. History is so much richer when we reveal the flaws of our ancestors. There were very good reasons why Jackson had no respect for the trail of tears cherokees. They had already worked with Jackson to do the same to other cherokees. Treacherous behavior isn’t limited to Europeans. It’s universal.

      • The Wallace book was a collection of stories told by Wallace to his friend. He was tough, though! I loved the stories about the author. Not easy for a dandy to earn the respect of those people, but he did. Will have to put the Manson book down for next month. Most of what I read isn’t that exciting. Blood and Thunder, a biography of Kit Carson, is on par with Summer Moon, though not nearly as encompassing. They make for a great break from the more academic books I tend to read. Nietzsche is fascinating, but he never missed a chance to use 20 archaic words when one normal word would do.

      • Chaos is now in my shopping cart for next month. Already have 11. Sounds interesting. At least more so than the chief works of Machiavelli and us army war college guide to national security issues! Yeah, I’m a nerd.

        • It definitely is! Which is why I only read Nietzsche when I’m stealing eggs out of Eagle nests.

      • Jed,

        Joe Rogan did a 3 hour interview with O’Neill about this book.

        Fascinating. I highly recommend. O’Neill fell into this book, as you may know, quite by happenstance.

        You hear about the real nitty-gritty MKultra that played out back in the 60’s.

        Check online and I am sure you will find the episode. The 3 hours goes by fast. You’d love it to go on for more.

    • Hi Katie,

      To leave a general comment (not replying to someone else’s comment)…
      Scroll to the very, very bottom of the Thread (comment section).
      You will see Leave a Reply.

      That is where your comment will be placed, at the bottom of the comment thread.

      A few Tidbits…
      ~~ Keep your comment under 500 words. You can check your word count on a Word document. If you have more than 500 words, you can split up your text by replying to your first comment.

      ~~ Always describe what is contained in a link.

      ~~ Sometimes if you have more than one link in a comment, it will be “pending” before it becomes visible. You will see a note that says “moderation”. When James gets to it, he will clear it.

      ~~ Warning: If you wish to avoid corny jokes, you don’t want to read my comments.

  2. There is another way of looking at the Covid 19 release and the Wuhan Biosafety 4 Lab, and that is that it was a fairly sophisticated ‘set-up’. The French helped them build the lab, and the US and Gates funded it to study coronaviruses.
    In 2019 MSM reported that Chinese personnel had stolen coronavirus specimens from a Canadian lab. Then there were also MSM reports of the poor safety precautions at the Wuhan lab. All this before the virus spread in Wuhan. So, the stage was set.
    To me, a much more likely scenario, particularly as it is the US/NWO agendas which the ‘Pandemic’ is pushing forward (control, centralisation, RFID – or it’s partner vaccines – Mandatory or virtually Mandatory due to restrictions if you refuse – with their own built-in Smart-phone readable ID info. China, if it hasn’t got these technologies already in place, can install them without needing a pretext.
    Also, powerful people in the States, including T’rump, are talking about defaulting on US debts to China, and perhaps confiscating Chinese assets in the US. And the beauty of it is, they can blame a foreign bogey man, OBL (Sorry, Xi Jinping).
    Also, there was the near year long rolling Pandemic simulations in 2019, finishing with Event 201 on 18th October 2019 (the very same day the Wuhan World Military Games opened – surely just coincidental, like the Carlyle Group meeting on 9/11: ‘BUSH SR. MEETS WITH BIN LADEN FAMILY ON BEHALF OF CARLYLE GROUP ON 9/11’.

    • I don’t care myself about how the corona cold came about. It’s not impressive enough. It’s what the state did with it that troubles me. Though the most troubling aspect is how the obvious fraud was/is so completely bought. That so many feel, rather than think for themselves, bothers me more than anything. In reality, those who knowingly promoted this fraud are less guilty than those who never questioned it. For they are the ones enforcing the destruction of civilization. We deserve the horrors we will reap by virtue of choosing to remain ignorant.

      • I Shot Santa (aka Jim Bob)says:
        I don’t care myself about how the corona cold came about…

        … It’s what the state did with it that troubles me.

        Though the most troubling aspect is how the obvious fraud was/is so completely bought.
        That so many feel, rather than think for themselves, bothers me more than anything.

        In reality, those who knowingly promoted this fraud are less guilty than those who never questioned it.
        For they are the ones enforcing the destruction of civilization.

      • I shot Santa I agree with you about not caring about how the corona fraud came about but rather more concerned about the reaction. We may never know with certainty and one thing I really love about the presentation of material JC’s he still views things logically. Though “logic is not enough “ as JC presented that in the past it is still important to look at evidence and not get stuck in details and let that divert attention from broader implications.

        What I think can be said factually at this point is the lockdowns are much more harmful than Covid 19 which has been overblown as a health risk to the general population. And people who don’t question the false narrative deserve what they get if they know it’s bullshit or chose to ignore evidence contrary to the narrative.

        That said since me and my husband who vocally opposed it at the risk of his career we deserve to survive and thrive in a free world. We are not responsible for the ignorance and obedience of the masses and it is them who will suffer because we were prepared and informed and spoke out. That is my personal opinion.

        • It’s comforting knowing I’m not alone in my thoughts. Though we will all suffer the consequences of the ignorant to some degree. And obviously to a far greater degree than we think. I still have trouble understanding how people can be so blind to what’s going on.

          • I Shot Santa:

            I think mind control via MSM is very powerful for many people, like the “learned helplessness” experiments with dogs (torture essentially). I remember the documentary JC posted called “Human Resources” that showed just how malleable humans can be. Even fewer physical tactics like Edward Bernays used are very effective.

            Humans want to belong and avoid discomfort. They know what makes “us/them” tick and they use it against us. Some people fall for it others don’t. I don’t know exactly why that is, but it’s undeniable that the brainwashing is very effective to elicit compliance from the masses. Very disgusting and disturbing, that humans can be so similar to a lab rat.

            • I think you answered yourself. Truth is uncomfortable.

  3. I made a flyer for #ExposeBillGates day. It has QR code links to the CR docu series on Gates. I hope you guys like it.

  4. The linked June 3rd article The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin is excellent. It gives a good timeline and linked sources throughout.

    Coincidently, on 6/8/2020 Zero Hedge cites and article which contains this statement:
    Norwegian and British vaccine scientists have published unequivocal evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, is man-made.

    It is an interesting read.

    • Sorry HRS, but I’m not buying it. This whole bat thing and made-in-a-lab thing are just not supported by any real experimental data that I can see. Why do I say that? Because I’ve read several journal articles on the “coronavirus” and the experimental design used cannot elucidate a viral cause to this disease. The whole of modern virology is based on faulty science and cannot be relied upon for conclusions such as bat sourced or lab made.

      This guy may be totally sincere, and his stance on the Gates criminal enterprise I fully support, but as for the science behind the rest of what he said, he’s clueless.

      Just so there’s no misunderstanding: no virus has been purified therefore no virus has been analyzed and no virus has been shown to cause this plandemic. The most likely explanation for what has happened in terms of illness is that this was simply the seasonal “flu” mislabeled as corona-scam. The reason for doing so appears to be the obvious financial disaster that was upon China, Europe and the US. Other factions joined the party to push their agendas–global warming, forced vaccination, coup d’etat against Trump, bailout of state and municipal pensions, green new deal, kill off mankind, etc. Just like Sept 11, there are many factions going along for the ride.

      • COVID virus origination…
        “I don’t know” is my actual personal take about the origins of the COVID virus.

        That was a very well written, well sourced article which Corbett links to.
        It is well worth looking at.

        Corbett Report Member and Irish singer Lizzie links to an interview with Dr. Zach Bush, MD who points out that there are millions of viruses and microbial organisms, and these are not catalogued.
        Zach makes a valid statement when he questions “How do the experts even know that this is a new virus?”.

        Frankly, I do not really care about the origin of the COVID virus. I only have a mild curiosity.

        What I AM CONCERNED ABOUT…is the manipulation of genetic material.
        Hubris to the nth power (like the Greek tragedies)
        Excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods or natural order, leading to a downfall caused by an inescapable agent.

        • The Dr. Zach Bush interview by Del Bigtree mentioned above by Lizzie.

          There is tremendous impact in the last 23 minutes of the video.
          Start around the one hour mark.

          • misfit says:
            I’ll text my snarkiness here tho’!

            ha! I’ll join ya!

        • “That was a very well written, well sourced article which Corbett links to. It is well worth looking at.”

          I disagree. If by well sourced you mean there are a lot of links, so what? The first link is to a journal article where they say they “isolated the virus” but they didn’t. This is the typical double talk from the pseudo-science of virology.

          Further, they tested seven people with flu-like symptoms, took samples from their lungs and checked for SARS with pcr and five supposedly were positive. Really? Five, count ’em, five people using a “test” that isn’t a diagnostic test and can’t id any virus, or anything else for that matter, from the cloudy soup they call “isolate”? And that’s a pandemic? FIVE PEOPLE???

          Sorry, HRS, anybody can write a few pages with a bunch of links. That does not make it well sourced. In fact, it makes it obvious the guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

          That article is a total waste of time.


      • Wylie1 and Libertydan,

        I agree with Libertydan,

        There appears to be a viral infection that is not influenza, does not come up positive for an influenza swab. I’ve seen “Covid 19” cases at my hospital and can attest to it being something that presents as infection, ie fever, and chills.

        As far as it being 5G related, I’m not so sure because of the presentation of fever and chills. Plus, my hospital performs a lab test now for “Covid 19”. It’s a small community hospital with no reason for fake tests.

        Also, weren’t there cases of “Covid 19” in areas that didn’t have 5G towers up?

        It’s important to note that correlation does not equal causation. Plus, there are some outliers of young folks who are getting sick (very small percentage) with no history of medical problems or immune deficiency.

        It’s also true to make this conclusion regarding symptoms and being positive for “Covid 19” on tests (that are unreliable).

        But I’m not sure because fever and chills indicate that the body is responding to a significant threat, not just a cold.

        Furthermore, I think it’s good to not allow differing opinions to prevent a unified response(s) to the tyranny of lockdowns and mandatory “vaccines” and “contact tracing”.

      • Then I guess that makes Judy Mikovitz and her whole entire lab completely fabricated? Whether one believes her personal story or not, she explicity states that she was involved in gain-of-function research. She worked with viruses for 40 years. She states that the bat-to-human infection hypothesis is impossible so knocks that mainstream theory out the door. But she also states that there is a technique that teaches viruses how to infect.

        I believe it. I don’t believe the hype of this made-up nightmare we are living through or the hype of the new coincidental world wide race riots, but I have no doubt there has been research in gain of function.

        And I will hold out the possibility, and likelihood, that there was something going around this winter that was different than the flu or pneumonia.

        Unfortunately, like instances of real police brutality, or real racism (against any race) it will get swept up into the sickening and what would seem obvious maelstrom of the manipulative insane hype.

        Hence, nothing will be addressed constructively.

    • MagicBullet, If you’re saying that James hasn’t said that there’s no virus, yes. James doesn’t have the background to state an informed opinion. Very admirable of him. Wondering what your point is.

      I, on the other hand, do have the background to hold an informed opinion. I read the journal article you linked. They, too, don’t isolate a virus. They take a sample from one person (?!?) to analyze. As usual, they don’t sample a healthy person as a control. There’s so little rna in the sample that they have to run the pcr for 40 cycles, essentially showing that they are starting with a low copy number sample which is problematic. That’s in addition to misusing pcr as a diagnostic test, which it is not. They do attempt to have a control by using a mock virus in the cell culture, but they don’t detail what this mock virus is so we can evaluate how that may effect their results. The 99.9% homology is based on a library of sequences of other improperly “isolated viruses,” in other words a mish mash of rna was compared to a whole library of mish mashed rnas and they found that the two mish mashes were the same. Since they didn’t properly isolate this “virus,” nor any of the other faux viruses, they have no way of knowing what these bits of rna are in their samples. It is much more likely that it’s mainly a whole lot of human rna than anything else.

      Finally, showing electron micrographs in no way identifies a virus. Anyone can take a picture, superimpose arrows and voila! call those little structures viruses. What do you proposed to do to prove it? Cut the little structures out of the pix with scissors and test them? This is ridiculous. And to top it all off, since they can’t isolate the virus, they have no material to test for it’s ability to cause disease. So they don’t. They just assume that this rna must be causing disease… because?…

      This is the sloppy nonsense that passes for science. It’s an embarrassment that anyone who calls himself a scientist would produce this kind of work. When I was a kid playing tennis, we used to say, “And the Russian line judge calls it in.” Now we should be saying, “And the Chinese scientists call it a virus.”

      Show me a paper where they have isolated a virus in quantity, purified it using a density gradient, taken electron micrographs of that purified sample to show that it is not simply cellular debris, but comprised of like structures, infected dozens if not hundreds of volunteers with this confirmed, purified sample through their respiratory systems, and some large percentage became sick. Then I’ll pay attention.

      • Even if it is a virus, it’s wimpy beyond belief. With all the gaming of the numbers, they still can’t generate a fatality rate worth considering. Big Macs kill far more people.

        • Can I have fries with that?

      • I agree with your opinion here MagicBullet about “the virus” in response to ccuthbert2001. Some people say that there is no HIV virus or that it doesn’t cause AIDS. But I have friends who have tested positive for something that has indeed lead to AIDS.

        I try not to get caught up in the idea that there is no virus and it’s all fake because I see a syndrome at work all the time and can’t ignore what I see in clinical practice.

        I think JC has made the point in the past that people can get stuck on the minutia and become divided and then stop working together.

        It’s good to stay polite because it’s important to hear other opinions. I think a diversity of opinion is important in a free society.

      • MagicBullet, the Japan study you cite uses engineered cells to run off copies of RNA. The RNA signal is amplified and detected by the same old methods. The RNA remains innocent of causing dry cough until proven guilty.

        The second article is a science-free hit piece. Against all “conspiracists” and “conspiracy theorists” – terms used in nearly every sentence, which is an earmark of an authoritarian author. Predictably, he has a perfectly calibrated u perception of everything, and smug condescending pity for the poor fools unlucky enough to fail to be smart and enlightened by reasonable mainstream idea as he. Then he exposes his startling stupidity attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman’s video, employing such devastating arguments as:

        where Dr. Kaman claimed the exosomes and the virus envelopes measure 100nm he was wrong-the virus actually measure 60 to 130nm and the exosomes measure 80 to 140nm!


        Ccuthbert was right. His tone was appropriate.

        Respectfully, your argument is wrong. Politely, your feeling butt-hurt is irrelevant. Honestly, suggesting he doesn’t reply is absurd. Who’s forcing you to read it? I suspect you fear he’ll continue winning the debate.

      • MagicBullet, this is probably the most amusing comment I’ve seen on CR, an ad hominem attack, followed by finger wagging, followed by Corbett Report policy, ending with a directive on how a total stranger on the interwebs is to behave, with junk science interspersed. You’re the one who should be polite, and just a tad less supercilious.

        If you haven’t noticed, this webpage that you have taken over is filled with all manner of crazy conspiracy theories from the former proprietor as well as many if not most of the commentators. James has flatly criticized junk science many times. It needs to be exposed. Therefore…

        “A biologically active particle does not need to be cultured for the evidence to point to it being a virus.” No kidding, that’s what was wrong with the article you linked, and all the other junk science articles supposedly showing a “coronavirus.”

        “It is a biologically active and infective (sic) particle causing cold and respiratory illness…” Give us the proof.

        Show us the evidence that the “virus” was taken from patients with symptoms, purified on a density gradient, viewed by electron microscope for homogeneity, given to several hundred volunteers and that a significant percentage of those volunteers became sick. Do the same for samples from healthy people, showing that they do not become sick. Then purify the “virus” again.

        You can’t. This work hasn’t been done. Neither has the “virus” been nucleic acid sequenced nor proteins purified and analyzed. Since they haven’t extracted and purified the protein(s), the receptor studies are pure nonsense. They are… are you ready?… computer models. Yes, that’s right. They cobble together a nucleic acid sequence from the junk out of somebody’s lungs and a whole library of junk from other peoples lungs over the years, pretend that they can predict the structure of the resulting made-up protein via COMPUTER MODELS and then look for a human receptor that the fake protein might fit.

        Hmmm, how else have they used computer models over the years. Could it be the global warming scam? Could it be the corona-scam epidemiology?

        Too bad your germ theory religion has been proven false.

    • I’m afraid I have to agree – in part. I still hold out that there was a virus stronger/different than regular flu that was going around this winter. And have read some interesting articles on the difference.

      But I do loathe the lockdown and the masque elite.

      And though I have never ever considered myself a hoaxer,from the minute it happened I called hoax on the George Floyd situation. I hate to say it because I respect the dead, but come on. After ALL the genuine trouble between police and people who’s skin color is black in the past few years- the WHOLE WORLD is right now, coincidentally, going to break the precious quarantine and march en mass against racism and police brutality????? In masks no less???? A true true kumbaya moment.

      I still held out a modicum of “well, maybe…” until I 1.) watched the video which just struck me as hinky, 2.) and more importantly, saw the photo of Nancy Pelosi et al, in masks (of course!) wearing African Kente scarves. Oh my Lord and savior.

      If the color of my skin was black that photo alone would just sicken me to the core.

      What the heck are people of color and police officers making of this entire farce?

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.

      • lovetodust:

        I know right, the Nancy Pelosi taking a knee was very weird and the foot washing rituals at some of the protests were quite bizarre. But I do think the whole “woke” movement is a thing, the “postmodernist” “neoliberal” movement is a thing on social media and college campuses here in the US anyway. I went to college prior to that time, ie, I’m not a millennial so we didn’t have a lot of that crap when I went to school.

        I know not many people on here follow the whole “left/right” paradigm stuff. I find it entertaining sometimes, so I do notice what is going on in the divide and conquer political scene.

        I think a vast majority of people, primarily in the neoliberal camp are followers, they go along with the latest trend and if there’s a BLM protest they will go to virtue signal to their followers on Instagram, primarily. This is my take anyway.

        I’m not saying racial injustice does not exist, or that it’s wrong to protest the death of Floyd. But the rioting and rituals were disturbing and bizarre.

        I think the vast majority of people are viewing this through the “right/left” lense, rather than it being a justification for the police state and a “second wave”.

        They probably expected more protesting from anti lockdown protesters and wouldn’t be able to blame a second wave on that so threw this into the mix. Who knows, but it does appear to be a farce, not sure what to make of it yet.

        I don’t mean to make light of Flyods death and think it was disgusting.

        • It also showed me how strong people can be when they come together. The many are a force to be reckoned with. Like Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat sparked a mass movement. With that said, I think this is different, unfortunately, the reason being is that I feel the outrage is somewhat misplaced to site only instances of police brutality against black individuals. Things are much more complex and deep than that, and I think transcend racial barriers.

          That is something I learned from the information here: eugenics is still alive and well and the elite do want to eliminate us and have a plan to do it. They will succeed if we don’t come together as human beings of all colors and ethnicities.

  5. Instead of absurd, I would say terrifying. Fortunately for me at age 76, I don’t have very many years left but James and his family have 30+ Years left with Life changing decisions to make. They are in deep, deep Do-Do.

  6. Jacobina-BA is about 300 miles away from the atlantic coast in the NE of Brazil thats where the GMO mosquitos were released. I told my friends who are successful in life, and they laughed at me. I told my friends of low income and they all listened, they know the controllers do not have their/our best interests in mind.
    I don’t know any one who has come down with corona-virus, but i know two who came down with Dengue, and One who came down with Chikungunya.
    I have met a few women with children suffering from microcephaly, back during the zika scare. The first thing they said was, it was expired vaccines. I have heard of women who came down with zika while pregnant and didn’t get the vaccines and their children were born healthy. There is no microcephaly going around now. At the time everyone thought microcephaly from zika would be an extinction event, now where is it? Event 201 might have been a zika beta test that took place down here a few years ago.

    • nirvana,
      Thank you so much for the update about that area of Brazil.
      There are some others from Brazil on the Corbett Report Threads.

    • There was also a Japanese company, their Monsanto, that was implicated right before zika news disappeared. Always a good clue ass to whom to investigate.

  7. Mr President we have a gene drive gap.

  8. Problem Reaction Solution , NWO need mass civil unrest in order to justify the military lockdown of the major cities. That will be complete just in time for Rona 2.O (which will probably be a deadlier strain ) . You thought the last lockdowns were bad? Childsplay! Also with this (new normal) it looks like out of necessity USA will have to settle mostly for mail in ballots. (No problems there I”m sure ) Also you can anticipate the root marxist ideology to come out to justify the rioting. After all Capitalism is the real deal when it comes to systemic racism and general oppression of all proletariats by those evil racist capitalist. (am I right ) You can also expect the Stock Market to crash at some point as well as this lend more credence to the marxists. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What I wrote above you can take to the bank 100. Now here is where I put on my evil ruler grand chess champion hat on with the following hunch . Go with me …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Now, ever since Trump got into office the media immediately started dog whistling that trump is a racist everyday all day therefore implying all the trumps supporters are racists or at the very least racist sympathizers . This most republicans and all trump supporters with the task of defending their presidents against these (to my knowledge , zero evidence based) Now what my hunch is , the deep state has always had some type of video or audio evidence of Trump saying something racist (most likely something against Black people) . This would be released right before the election and this would single-handedly destroy the republican party forever because the supporters went to bat for him since day one. Now every single one would have to hang their head in shame and silence . To the media, the left, to every person of color ; they would immediately be vindicated and the republicans and all their legitimate grievances and ideas would be thrown out with the bathwater. Now mix that in with a Stock market crash and a failure of “Capitalism” Donald J Trump will be the poster boy for everything that is wrong with Capitalism and the Republican right (RACISM ) . And there you have it . Two birds killed with one stone Ladies and Gentleman. It’s the perfect evil master plan to end Capitalism and start the ultimate boogeyman of the One World Gubment …..Racists….they could be in your family , they could be in your city , neighborhood etc etc They look like you , they sound like you , all the time those evil bastards are plotting their supremacy ! Snitch your evil Grandmaw! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Sidenote if you’ve made it this far, One more thing you can anticipate is what follows next after taking down the Confederate Monuments. That will soon follow with the founding fathers because they were evil slave owners , and once you have killed the messengers then you go after the real Gold.

    [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

  9. The DOD already dumped a bunch of yellow fever skeeters on the Fluorida/Georgia line. As I’m about 40 miles from the okeefenoke swamp, this is the most likely area. Operation Itch. This was in the 60s I believe.

  10. One question that comes to mind, in light of the proposed idea that viruses don’t really exist, at least not in the conventional understanding, is what types of things are being played with in BSL-4 labs around the world, then, if they are not truly viruses?

    Has any virus truly been isolated? The tenor of the article linked here about the probable lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 is that viruses do exist, and they are being experimented with all the time.

    Does anybody have an answer to this basic question?

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