Interview 1567 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 30, 2020 | Interviews | 57 comments

Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Boris Johnson Set to Overhaul Britain’s Treason Laws

Pompeo Lays Out New US Cold War Against China

UK ‘Russia Report’ Fear-Mongers About Meddling Yet Finds No Evidence

Story #2: Gold’s Record Price Is All About Currency Debasement

Never Before Has So Much Stimulus Been Injected In The Economy In A Single Quarter

Gold Futures Hit $2000 After US Mint Reduces Bullion Coin Supplies

Bank of England Governor Signals Central Bank Digital Currency is Coming

Story #3: Coin Shortage – COVID-19 Shutdowns Have Created Shortage of Coins

One Chick-Fil-A Franchise Is Offering Free Food For Your Coins

Seeds from China: USDA Says Don’t Plant Unsolicited Package of Seeds

Ag Warfare? People Receiving Mysterious, Unsolicited Packages Of Seeds In Mail From China

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein: Can Prosecutors Compel Him to Talk?

‘Anti-Feminist Lawyer’ Identified As Primary Suspect In Shooting At Federal Judge Esther Salas’ Home

Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm

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  1. You can’t catch a virus, they’re rewriting biology! Viruses are your bodies clean up crew. Only you can give yourself a cold or flu by eating bad, not handling stress and build up of toxins in your body.

    • Thanks for writing about this donna because I was thinking about it just yesterday.
      Even with my science background I am quite open to any new theories about diseases and their causes.

      Do you have any theories as to why our self-induced diseases such as colds/flus etc. always seems to strike painfully at our throats and noses and not some other body part such as say, our foot or leg or finger or arm?

      A theory that makes sense?

      • Thanks very much debra for going into this much detail for your reply!

        Yes it does actually serve as a possible explanation for what’s causing the symptoms we get in our throats and noses.

        Certainly an explanation I had never thought of before.

        Would that theory also work with stress as a cause?
        We know we often get colds/flu when we are stressed.
        Let’s assume our diet is great, really healthy; no acids etc.

        Why would the colds/flu target our throats/nose in that case (and not some other organ in our body)?

      • Fawlty Towers,

        Mucous – Flu like symptoms & toxins
        One mechanism which the body has to eliminate crap is by way of mucous.
        I gotta hand it to the body designer, its a pretty nifty mechanism.

        In my Environmental Science studies on toxicity, it was well noted that a person who was exposed to certain toxins often would exhibit flu like symptoms.

        It makes perfect sense to me.
        Whether it is microbial or a chemical or a food or silica dust, the mucous mechanism brigade is there to help rid the body of the crap.

        As a part of the mucous defense system, there are often other body defense elements triggered (e.g. white blood cells, inflammation, changes in circulation, temperature, whatever.)

        My personal take:
        I don’t care if Covid is a virus or a ju-ju curse or whatever.
        My emphasis is about facilitating and augmenting the body’s natural mechanisms towards better health.

        What I find odd… is the hubris of “Beyond Meat” or “Bio-Tech Engineers” or “Pharma-White-Coats” who think that they are better designers and engineers than nature.
        It is stupid-think.
        These folks grew up watching too many cartoons.
        It assaults man’s humanity and is part of the “human degradation agenda”.

        • Thanks HRS for your note.
          I can certainly see mucous being used to rid the body of various toxins. And mucous certainly is a symptom of our ‘colds/viruses’.

          But I’m not sure I understand how a sore throat would tie into
          “microbial or a chemical or a food or silica dust” invasion?

          The body has decided to send pain to a certain organ for the assault to alert us to an invader. Why choose the throat above all our other organs?
          Why not target the back of our hands with some kind of pain?
          Or our toes etc.?

          Yes the solutions Big Pharma and Big Food Industry are finding to help us live ‘healthier’ lives are downright criminal.

          • Faulty Towers

            I cannot answer you medically/scientifically about why the throat is so central but I remember hearing quite a bit when growing up that it was better to KEEP your tonsils because they were a good indication that sickness was on its way.

            I know that every year when I get that first cold it ALWAYS starts in the throat. Scratchy. Then sore. Then the post nasal drip, stuffy nose, and ends with the coughing for a week. (unless it turns into bronchitis and then it’s a month begging for antibiotics which my doctor will not give me thankfully)

            I still have my tonsils, surprisingly, because they were quite large as a child. I haven’t had strep throat in a million years. Only a sore throat when it’s cold season and I am run down.

            debra – yes, I get what you are saying about the gut. Especially about the gut and the brain. I learned about all that because I am a migraineur. There are, in fact, migraines in the stomach. The stomach plays a big part in migraine management.

            Like Home Remedy – I don’t know if Conor 19 (a person on offguardian started naming C 19 yesterday and I thought it was a riot) is a virus, a germ, an exosome or what (other than a monstrous narrative to initiate the big re-set), but I do my best to stay healthy for whatever comes along.

            When you experience a chronic situation you begin to learn a lot.

        • Qno assuming your theory is correct, shouldn’t the 100+ companies currently working on a COVID vaccine be able to
          come up with a bogus one by Jan 2021?

          I mean anything should do correct, since it wouldn’t be creating antibodies to a virus?

          It would be kind of like a placebo vaccine.

        • Qno, my brother has Sarcoidosis. He is being treated with steroids and other things since he was diagnosed a few years ago. One doctor he saw for awhile recommended diet change for leaky gut, but he has not done that. He recently passed out, striking is head on some furniture.
          Can you steer me to some info to share with him? I would appreciate….

        • Qno,
          Thanks. I think I should read the book one of his doctors early on gave him about diet (he isn’t seeing that doctor any more). Then I can encourage him to follow, because I really need to follow better eating habits, too.
          He is being given gradually lower doses of steroids. I will tell him about the Liposomal C.
          Do you know if the recipe to make Liposomal C in an ultrasonic cleaner actually works? I had helped a friend with cancer make it; her doctor had given her a recipe.

        • Thanks Qno, everything you’re saying makes sense to me.

          “This style of science is the trademark of one Dr Anthony Fauxi, and he has left many honest scientists gibbering and ruined in his wake, as well as countless numbers of people harmed by his theories.”

          I wonder if Dr. Wakefield was also ruined or partially ruined in his wake?

          “Then, the smear machine prompted a medical fitness-to-practice tribunal of Dr. Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield’s medical license was revoked in 2010. The chair of that tribunal, Dr. Surendra Kumar, was a GlaxoSmithKline shareholder. After that decision in 2010, “The Lancet” fully retracted Dr. Wakefield’s study.

          Ultimately, in 2012, a High Court overturned the reasons of unethical research and misrepresented participant enrollment that remains stated in The Lancet retraction. Unsurprisingly, “The Lancet” has not reversed its retraction.

          So today, health officials across the pond here in the U.S., including Dr. Fauci and his superior, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, continue to cite the false retraction as if it scientifically proves vaccines do not cause autism. They ignore the factual details on the excuse of “The Lancet” journal’s undeserved reputation.”

    • Dr. Pam Popper was reading some of the latest statistics about the money hospitals were collecting from the Govts Care Act for each covid patient on her site yesterday.

      So obvious.

      And YES they knew the pcr tests were not true tests of sarscov2/covid19.

      The PCR test was created by Kary Mullis. He won the Nobel Prize in (I believe 1985). He INSISTED that the PCR test was NOT DIAGNOSTIC.


      If Kary Mullis was alive today THERE WOULD BE NO PANDEMIC!

      Because Kary Mullis would not be relegated to alternative and independent media. Kary Mullis would make a splash.

      (when I say relegated to alternative and independent media I mean that in the highest regard. it’s just that MSM could in no way ignore him. He was quite a character. And he did have that Nobel.)

  2. Hey, James why not do a show on Yamashita’s gold and the story told by Sterling and Peggy Seagraves (their breathtaking book, the Gold Warriors) about the M-Fund and the Black Eagle Fund?

    The Black Eagle fund was authorized by Truman to use stolen Japanese gold to wage the Cold War from everything to hiring assassins, to actually starting banks and filling them with stolen gold.

    The Sterling’s, now deceased estimate 7 trillion in gold, many metric tons.

    The Black Eagle and M-Fund are one reason we see the consolidation of gold and the fixing of prices world wide.

    It might also account for Jeffrey Epstein’s, Roy Cohn’s and Papa Maxwell’s money. The funds are under control of the CIA, Japan and the Vatican.

    But all parties above worked with National Crime Syndicate (Meyer Lansky) in the Bahamas.

    Roosevelt passed a decree making the holding of gold by persons in the US illegal in 1934.
    The US then set the price at 35 dollars after WWII at Bretton Woods. Nixon, as you say, ‘liberated’ the gold.

    George W. Bush sent Allexander Haig to negotiate a 57 in the Philipines
    The only thing propping up the US dollar is the military.

    China owns tons and tons of gold and always has. Far more than the US, but who knows?

    The illegal gold and its sanctification and buying and selling have been going on for close to a century.

    Perhaps a story on Santa Romana, the Vatican gold, Marcos, the Black Eagle Fund and M-Fund, Yamashita, Kojima and Kodama and Edward Landsdale; not to mention the zaibatsu’s.

    But I know you are in Japan, James and this could get you killed.

  3. Wellunion,

    I read all about that gold and how it came to be found and stolen while listening to lawyer Danny Sheehan’s lectures on his romero site. It’s a fascinating story how the US came to steal the gold.

    Sheehan has done lecture series from the University of California at Santa Cruz. I have watched them several times. I was blessed to have learned about the series from a Corbett commenter years ago. Along with several of James documentaries (the oil and World War 1 docs most importantly) Sheehan’s lectures illuminated US history, in detail, from the founding father’s on.

    One of his series is about the eight major US cases he litigated – Watergate, Black Panthers, Pentagon Papers, Silkwood (amazing story), Iran Contra among others. If anyone were to ask me what to watch to learn just how the world really works in a nutshell I would direct them to James How/Why Oil, World War 1, and Sheehan’s eight major cases. Enough said.

    I THINK, and I may of course be wrong, but I think the Black Rock gold fund might have had something to do with the slush securities that were coming due on Sept 12, 2001 (negotiated by GW Bush?), that were conveniently forgiven under the 9/11 SEC Emergency Act.

  4. A bit off topic but I just watched the first of 3 interviews with Alison McDowell at, called “The 4th Industrial Revolution”

    She is very articulate and easy to listen to and understand. The videographer is Jason Bosch out of Denver.

    She touches on SO many of Corbett’s subjects. She’s a bit like Catherine Austin Fitts in that she follows the money. The money gives her the road map.

    She is a parent who got involved in her daughter’s Philadelphia school years ago helping with the financial stuff. It went from there.

    I highly recommend. She hits all the buttons particularly transhumanism, and in particular the rise of human capital data markets.

    Her knowledge about tracking and tracing PRE-SCHOOLER’S in their little classrooms is astonishing.

    I think she would be a great fit for the Corbett Report, if I may be so bold.

      • I wasn’t remembering McDowell or her website name at all, but now that she and it are mentioned, they do very much ring a bell. A Philadelphia Liberty-sized Bell!

        pearl, you’ll recall that you and I both made comments on an earlier video McDowell did. I’m going to that site right now, thanks to lovetodust and you.

        But first, I’ll mention my reason for briefly returning to the world of the living (ha!).

        If anyone would like to sign this petition from Prager U, it’s about how the new group of courageous physicians, America’s Frontline Doctors, has been censored by ALL — and I do mean ALL — the BTC and BTM (that is, the Big Tech Companies and the Big Tyranny Media):

        Wouldn’t it be amazing if all Corbett supporters were to sign it? Or how about a signature from each of his 480K YT subscribers!

        Here are a couple of backstories on the doctors (sorry if someone has already written about them in the Corbett comment sections, which I haven’t had time to read):


        Oops, I guess with three hyperlinks this’ll go into moderation, but you’ll see it soon enough.

      • Here’s for our Tulsa friend GBW, if and when he sees this thread.

        When reading the comments under the third video of the three-part McDowell interview conducted by Jason Bosch, I noticed the name “Tulsa” in this comment from lidokaiser: “Alison helped me understand the pay for success predators and those pushing ‘collective impact’ in Dallas. She is the best researcher out there on this topic.

        When you open that hyperlink to McDowell’s article (and videos), you’re immediately met with a photo of three moms holding up a big white sheet, on which they’ve handpainted the words:

        Children are not

        Then, in the first paragraph of her post, McDowell mentions (and links to) a Tulsa Star article that features GBW’s favorite billionaire pseudo-philanthropist, George Kaiser!

        (Strange that the above commenter’s name is lidoKAISER. Perhaps the black sheep in George’s family?)

        I’m going to make a point of reading McDowell’s entire post and watching the embedded videos. My hope is that I’ll understand most of the important information she’s sharing with us. If I do, it’ll be only because she articulates what is to an arcane subject so clearly and cogently.

  5. I’m not nearly as savvy as James is about economic matters,
    so my question may seem a bit naive.

    If the Fed can print dollars out of thin air to prop up the U.S. economy, what would stop them from messing with computer systems ledgers, adding a ton of money to the balance sheet, should we move to digital currency?
    Or even doing it above the board?
    “We are injecting ‘x’ amount of digital currency to prop up our economy.”

    What’s the difference?

    On another economic issue…

    First they hoarded the toilet paper. A lot of good that did!
    Now they are hoarding coins in the U.S. and $50 bills in Canada.
    What’s next?

    • That is absolutely frightening. Holy cow.

      And people will just go along. They will think this is great. Yippee I can travel safely. No unmasked germies on my plane!

      Well, there go all my travel plans unless I intend to swim across the Atlantic.

      And don’t you just LOVE that this will not only keep us safe, but will help the environment and the carbon foot print.

      OK, just for the hell of it – not that it will do any good – but can we plan a mask-less march on Washington?

      • Lovetodust I love reading your messages from this side of the Atlantic, Let me know if you go swimming, I could meet you half way in my kayak!!
        I am in the process of designing a fun Expose Billy flier.
        It gonna be titled Bill Gates’ final solution is not the only solution.
        I will give a blurb about his money having influence on our lives. Give some facts about him and links to websites also.
        I’ll be asking for help soon when it’s in better order.

        • Love it! Great craic!

          I must confess, lizzie, my ancestors are from The Old Country. (I think that’s where you hail from?)

          And no one tells it like it is better than a Daughter of Erin.

          Gates gets on my last nerve.


          • Great Craic is right. I am English though, so sorry!!! As we like to say.
            I live in Co Kilkenny now.
            I’m just after a lengthy debate with my good friend about world affairs, she is on the spectrum of understanding but also has the covid app and thinks my opinions on Bill Gates are tin foil hat stuff. She thinks I should not worry so much about things as it won’t affect my life and that my not wearing a mask won’t help the situation. I try to use logic and and by the end she agreed that the mask is a way of keeping the fear machine going. A combination of knowing the real agenda and my sense of what is right means I will never give my consent.

            • Well, there’s me assuming prior to investigation.

              I have one friend (thank God) that is absolutely on the same page as I am with this whole thing so we can vent with each other all the time.

              I have another friend, in the medical field, who does wear a mask and believes the narrative but is very open to hearing and talking about the vaccines and the corruption. But I insist with her that I am not trying to persuade her either way. I am merely pointing out info I have come across.

              Other than those two I have given up discussing with anyone. I get to emotional. Best to leave the discussions to those better suited.

              Not wearing a mask – and the miasma that that entails – is about as much as I can muster at this point.

              While trying to stay the upbeat cheery happy happy person that I normally am. (BIG LOL)

    • Oh debra.b – I just responded to lizzie.

      I think it’s the Irish in us. You don’t want to test us.

      I hear you about the covipass. Wow.

      The truly wonderful thing for me is that I am of an age and lifestyle where I don’t go to restaurants (love my own cooking), don’t go to bars (don’t drink alcohol and not looking to meet the man of my dreams), haven’t been to a movie theater in 15 years (and I saw 5 movies a weekend before that), hate malls, get nauseous at theme parks, and prefer a nice walk in a local park (and we’ve got some beauties around here)

      Truth to tell, I don’t feel so bad for the under 40’s (maybe 50’s) because I think most people won’t mind this slight inconvenience of body and soul.

      It’s like the long ridiculous waits and xrays at airports after 9/11. The security EVERYWHERE after 9/11. People just go along.

      I was thinking today that actually, many people probably wear the mask because what the heck it’s no big deal. I wish I was that easy going.

    • Ditto, debra.b — and your breath-of-fresh-air epistles as well! 🙂

      I just logged on to leave as my “mite” a five-minute video that features a man whose name I’ve never heard but will not soon (if ever) forget:

      Jeremy Elliott makes more sense than all the COVID-pushers put together. I said that wrong. They make NO sense. The way he exposes their NONsense, ever so politely and calmly, is music to my ears.

      Watch it soon, if you can, because apparently it’s being taken down by the social media censors wherever it pops up. May it keep spreading like a good weed — a dandelion whose light puffs and seeds blow ’round the world and land in every yard and lodge in every heart.

      • I saw this video when it first appeared also. Interesting. And right to the point.

        debra.b I think of you often because you have talked about your grandson and how much joy he brings.

        I have two children in my life (not family) who are so important to me. One five, one two. I usually see them every week. I just adore them. I have not seen them since the beginning of March. Their parents have taken the narrative super serious so I cannot visit with them, with or without a mask. We do facetime but it is not the same and almost makes it worse. But I respect their choice and I know they are deeply sincere in wanting to protect their children.

        Without sounding too pollyanna, this lockdown has given me a deep appreciation (which doesn’t seem like the correct word but for lack of a better…) of what some people have suffered through the ages under horrible regimes and war, and what some people suffer today in certain countries and situations. The separation from loved ones, temporarily or permanently, is, in itself, just awful.

        OK, don’t want to be a “downer” so chin up, and put on a smile – which you’ll be able to see because I don’t wear a mask!

  6. “…..increased hydrogen cyanide gas releases….”

    Cyanide sounds frightening and more, but in reality it is extremely reactive chemical, therefore won’t be present in environment for a long time, it will find something to react with.

    So, danger is limited to vicinity of source.

    • Have you folk watched any of Dr. Zach Bush’s interviews?

      Very interesting. His take on covid is that it is very much like a cyanide poisoning. Hence the lips and fingernails turning blue as reported. And the oxygen saturation problem. More of a blood disease than a respitory disease.

      • It is more blood disease than a respiratory disease.

        But WHY the heck the need of mentioning cyanide?

        Makes no sense whatsoever, it’s like comparing a huge destruction, explosion, earthquake to how many Hiroshima atomic bombs that would be, something that is frequently made.

        • If you listen to Zach Bush on Del Bigtrees interview, or a great interview with Zach Bush and josh Trent, he explains it perfectly.

          He comes at it from more of an environmental take. He talks about the toxicity in China from the largest pork farm in the world. Ugh. It is illegal to dispose of pig poo so they had to build a lake – not kidding, and that’s where they dispose of this stuff. He said it is beyond toxic – and that toxicity creates the viruses and bacteria that just take off on the wind.

          He said that he feels some of the covid patients coming into the hospital could have had the shot they administer if someone has cyanide poisoning and they very well could have recovered.

          He, of course, explains it much better than I do, and it made a lot of sense to me. He is a very smart guy and seems very passionate about what he does.

    • “Maybe it’s the other chemicals from refineries…”

      A lot of them, benzene for example, known carcinogen, also present in gasoline. It’s not highly reactive as cyanide.

  7. Yes, but it would have to be a weekend long seminar I think.

    Between the two of them they have more knowledge and thoughtful commentary than a mere interview could contain.

    • Jordan was really outnumbered.
      I loved hearing him grill Fauci and make a point.
      This U.S. Covid response has become a Republican vs Democrat issue.
      It is worse than grade school kids on a playground arguing.

      “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis”
      I had watched parts of this “Oversight Committee” on their YouTube channel the other day.
      The Democrats were stroking Dr. Fauci throughout the entire ordeal.
      I think a lot of people are getting fed up with both political parties, because it is such weird drama.

    • Wait, isn’t there an Anderson Cooper interview with Gates where they’re shaking their heads over us conspiracy theorist losers “falsely” claiming Gates wants to vaccinate the whole world?

  8. I have a “conspiracy theory” that might or might not be worthy of following up. In the Adam Curtis film ‘Hypernormalisation’, near the beginning, the New York state has to impose Austerity because the banks would no longer buy bonds. The state was vastly in debt to the banks and had no choice but to comply with the banks’ wishes. What occurred to me was that nation states are vastly in debt to the World Bank and IMF and what if those banks decided there was a reason to pull in the loans. What if the banks decide the countries are not doing enough to ensure that their countries are not going to crash because of the pandemic. What if the banks are already putting pressure behind the scenes to ensure the countries take every measure possible to curb the virus because if they don’t then the debts will be called in on the grounds that the country is not trying to support the global need to prevent collapse. Of course at any time once economies have collapsed the lenders could take control otherwise no more money will be lent. Just a thought.

  9. Can’t believe I missed this one.

    World Bank/IMF Exposed: COVID Aid Conditional On Imposing Extreme Lockdowns, Curfews

    Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the participants of the meeting how things were with the provision of foreign credit assistance to Belarus.

    “What are our partners’ requirements? It was announced that they can provide Belarus with $940 million in so-called rapid financing. How are things here?” the head of state inquired.

    At the same time, he stressed that additional conditions which do not apply to the financial part are unacceptable for the country.

    “We hear the demands, for example, to model our coronavirus response on that of Italy. I do not want to see the Italian situation to repeat in Belarus. We have our own country and our own situation,” the president said.

    According to the president, the World Bank has showed interest in Belarus’ coronavirus response practices.

    “It is ready to fund us ten times more than it offered initially as a token of commendation for our efficient fight against this virus. The World Bank has even asked the Healthcare Ministry to share the experience. Meanwhile, the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” said the president.

    At the bottom of the article some interesting links about WHO deals apparently gone wrong in Madagascar, Tanzania and Nigeria.

  10. James & James another great episode, thank you. From your comments about the dollar I think you would benefit from Eurodollar University (for example: as they explain the Feds con game. Perhaps you are familiar with the Princes of Yen, if not the book and the video are both worth your time. This real vision clip by the author gives you a recent update:
    Keep up the great work.

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