Interview 1569 – James Corbett on The Ochelli Effect

by | Aug 7, 2020 | Interviews | 3 comments

via James Corbett spoke with Chuck in the second hour about topics ranging from Eugenics and the snitch society to Black and Gray Markets. Can you wake up your friends and family? Plus Chuck asked James what he thought about the nearly 3,000-ton ammonium nitrate explosion in Beirut.


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  1. “This program focuses on the relationship between the international eugenics movement and the international euthanasia movement, as well as their seminal influence on the Nazi racial laws and extermination programs. The Third Reichâs racial laws were profoundly influenced by American eugenics philosophy and legislation. In turn, the eugenics movement in Germany gave rise to the “T-4” euthanasia program, which was the beginning of and the operational foundation of Nazi genocide. Among other issues, the broadcast discusses the seminal American influence on the “Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Ill Progeny” (the first of the Nazi racial laws) and discusses the Knauer case. The latter was the euthanizing of a deformed child (at the request of the parents). This killing opened the judicial door to official, state authorized killing in Nazi Germany. (There is a similar case working its way through the U.S. court system, as of early 1995.) (Recorded on 1/26/97.)”

    For The Record #32, Part I – Fascism, Eugenics and Euthanasia

  2. If all this has been planned then surely the vaccine is ready and waiting?
    It would make no sense to set us up for a compulsory vaccine without one being ready wouldn’t it?

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