Is The Anarchist Cookbook a Psyop? – Questions For Corbett #024

by | Aug 25, 2015 | Questions For Corbett | 10 comments

In this month’s edition of Questions For Corbett, James tackles your queries on everything from the Candian constiution to EMP protection, negative interest rates and the history of the Anarchist Cookbook. He also asks for your input on the Iranian oil bourse and the legalization of weed.

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I wrote the Anarchist Cookbook in 1969. Now I see its premise as flawed

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  1. About mj legalization, there are probably several reasons for it, but one i would completely rule out is that the powers that shouldn’t be just can’t keep it illegal against the will of the people any longer.

    James’s relief valve is a good one. But i think the primary one is state revenue. The states are facing a pension disaster with interest rates being held at zero. TPTB prob don’t want to downsize–give back hard won gains? no way–so they need to drum up more revenue to save all those jobs and welfare cheats’ pension, oops, i mean gov’t workers’ pensions.

    making mj legal also pulled the rug out from under the mexican gangs. maybe they were getting uppity.

    Don’t expect to see harder drugs legalized. Can’t see that they’d sacrifice the cia/money center banks’ funding.

  2. Of course “The Anarchist Cookbook” is the product of an intelligence operation – starting with the elaboration of it. That is my very very (x100 times) strong conviction (if you want to call it that).

    Whoever wrote it had to be a very knowledgeable person or group. And, considerable knowledge is usually associated with intelligence and responsibility (or absence of irrationality) – which doesn’t fit with writing such a book, with the intention that is officially reported.

    The common misconception and confusion between Anarchism and Nihilism is something that the establishment is constantly promoting, through its mass media of various types. And this book fits very well into that dirty trick.

    Don’t expect this type of intelligence operations to ever be revealed – since that, distorting the actions and goals of their enemies, is a trick that the powers-that-be want to continue to use (and, therefore, will never want to reveal).

    And, don’t take the Guardian article serious. 95% of the work of intelligence agencies is to lie, in order to cover up their dirty tricks and criminal activities.

    If you have any doubts that this book was written to ridicule and misrepresent anarchists, take a look at the movie version – where all the people who fight the “New World Order” (sic) are ridiculed.

    And, concerning the common confusion between Anarchism and Nihilism,

    To other anarchists, like myself, who want to avoid the misconception between Anarchism and Nihilism, when describing yourselves to other ignorant persons… Use the term that describes your particular variant. Since that, “anarchist” is immediately associated with the word “anarchy” – which only means “absence of a ruler” (and nothing else). And, therefore, when one describes him/herself as an “anarchist”, one is only saying that s/he rejects the idea of being ruled – and, not necessarily that s/he is in favour of an alternative form of organization and order. While, on the other hand, when one describes him/herself as, for example, a “libertarian socialist” (like I do), one is clearly (and, without the possibility of being misunderstood) describing already the form of organization that s/he is in favour of – and, therefore, cannot be confused with a simple nihilist.

  3. Hi James, and everyone else,

    I thought Id share this here to hopefully get some community perspective,

    Has anyone seen the footage of Apollo 11 astronauts staging photographs of the earth from a distance with light and window trickery?

    Ill post a clip -

    Or the video evidence of wires being used on the moon? –

    Or maybe the strange occurances during the Apollo 1 missions –

    There is much more to say on this topic, but id like to know what you all think – may help to even out my current bias 🙂


  4. QFC :

    James, what do you think about the Zeitgeist Movie Series, the Zeitgeist Movement, Peter Joseph and Jacques Fresco?

    If you already gave your opinion of this subject, can you lead me towards it?

    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  5. I’d caution people about depending on a microwave ovens as a Faraday cage to protect against EMPs.

    An EMP is broadband (occurs across a range of different frequencies at the same time) where a microwave oven operates on only one frequency (2.4Ghz).

    In order to keep the manufacturing costs down and still make the oven safe to use the manufacturer can design the oven to only shield against 2.4Ghz.

    Unless you test the specific oven you have, you will not know if is effective against EMPs.

    It’s easy to prove that something is not a good Faraday cage – Just place a battery operated radio (like a cordless phone) inside the cage and test if will still receive. If it can still receive, then the cage is not working very well!

    It’s much harder to prove the positive – that the cage will work well against EMPs unless you have good test equipment.

  6. James,

    Speaking of history of interesting American cultural developments…… How about the “Peace Corps” a government agency founded in the 1960s that hasn’t worked itself out of job but been assimilated into in Defense / International Development Industrial Complex.

    Founded around “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” January 20, 1961 JFK challenged every American to contribute in some way to the public good.

    I did it after 911 because it seemed like a good alternative to going into the military.

    So where is it today, why does it still exist, who is it really serving? Any one interested in an Open Source Investigation on this one?

  7. #QFC
    Hi James
    Are you familiar with Mark Passio’s work from I find that his approach complements yours in serendipitous ways, coming as he does from a background in the occult, the mystery traditions and actual satanism (he was a priest within the satanic church before reforming and following natural, moral law).

    I particularly recommend his podcast series – albeit very long – and his videos on, inter alia, the occult aspects of 9/11, his demystifying the occult presentation series, his presentation called ‘the matrix trilogy decoded’ and others. It is also through his work that I was first exposed to the concept of not only mass mind control (the word government itself meaning mind control, etymologically from the Latin words for to govern and mind) but also trauma based mind control as in Project Monarch and MK Ultra which oversaw the ritualised abuse of children from the cradle onwards – also the Bohemian Grove scandal outside San Francisco.

    If you are not familiar I strongly recommend you check him out as I have learnt no end of useful and illuminating (no pun intended) information in his company.

    Take care

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