I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now, but, in case not, let me give it to you straight: Japan is dying.
Specifically, Japan’s ongoing demographic collapse is not only continuing but accelerating. It’s so bad that even the articles documenting this collapse tend to make things sound better than they really are.
Take the recent ZeroHedge article, “Demographic Doom: Japan’s Birth Rate Falls To The Lowest In 125 Years,” for example. That headline might lead you to believe that the birth rate is equal to where it was 125 years ago, but that’s not the case. When you read further, you discover that the 720,998 babies born in the country last year represent the smallest number of newborns since Japan began keeping birth statistics in 1899.
If this trend continues, Japan has already reached the point of no return. The country’s population is expected to be half its current size by the end of the century, and the Japanese race itself is forecast to go extinct when the last Japanese child is born 695 years from now. But, given that the baby bust is happening quicker than anyone predicted, even that 695-years-away estimate may be optimistic.
And here’s the even worse news. It isn’t just Japan. Birth rates are declining in country after country around the globe.
So, here’s the million-dollar question: why is this happening?
And here’s the trillion-dollar question: what can we do about it?
Let’s find out.
I had this idea today: give every new born child a decentralized blockchain wallet with 200k of the currency of the country, let’s say 200k euro as I am born in the Netherlands. There is a 6% interest (coming for a diversified portfolio) accumulating and the wallet can’t be touched for the first 18 years. After that the interest can be taken out (about 2800 euro a month) on a capital of 570k euro or can be compounded. At 28 years the person can do what they want, but if they are smart they live of the interest and keep doing what they like. The cost is very low, about 33 billion a year (165k children x 200k) but you save huge on social security, health care etc. I ran the numbers in AI and it is very doable. This could have an impact on people wanting to have more children but in itself it is not a big driver as James pointed out. But the parents and the child have less stress about the future. Will there be work with AI upcoming? The whole thing can be automated with blockchain and smart contracts. No need for another bureaucratic department. Will it happen, not very likely 🙂
How old are you?
The problem is not financial.
How many kids do you have?
Why do you want more people?
Yeah why would anybody want more people on this planet than we already have? Lol. 8 and 1/2 billion isn’t enough?! What do they want 12 billion? 15 billion? 25 billion? Are they so lacking common sense that they don’t know that this planet has limits? This article is sheer paranoia! I think people with common sense know that it’s a good thing that the population is declining. I don’t know what the upper limit is for the number of humans living on this planet at one time but I’m quite sure that we are getting very close to it. Anyway Nature has its own ways of regulating populations, and if humans won’t do it then I guarantee you nature will!
I, too, found the idea from the Netherlands, of government monetary support to make more babies to be half-baked foolishness. But I differ from you on my main objection.
When I asked, “Why do you want more people?”, it was not a sarcastic remark, just a simple question. I don’t have the answer for everybody, nor a big campaign related to it. I just wanted to know how deeply this person had thought about it. Now, if YOU had asked that question, it would have been a sarcastic insult. Apparently, you know lots more about the actual ramifications of this than me (or James, for that matter).
How many kids do you have?
Have you considered suicide?
How about murder? Would that extend to your friends and family?
Your position on this topic, and the inferred wisdom of nature aligning with it, is very popular. However, the real answers may go beyond the knee-jerk reactions we have. Are we an essential part of nature? Is there something spiritual, or inevitable, about the phases we, as humanity, as well as individually, are going through? What time frame is best for considering theses things?
Why do you call yourself Samadhi? Are you bringing heaven to us?
What the heck are you talking about?! I was agreeing with you. When I said how many more people do you want on this planet, I was talking about James and whoever else agrees with him, I wasn’t talking about you. I was giving you support as a matter of fact. That all of a sudden you attack me as if I were attacking you first. And what kind of questions are those?! Have I ever considered suicide?! Would I kill my family?! WTF?! What are you smoking?! And do you even know what Samadhi is? And do you have something against Heaven? Those are very bizarre questions! Like I said I was agreeing with you! Please lay off whatever it is you’ve been smoking! Oh yes, and what you said about nature. Of course we are part of the nature. Duh! And like I said, if we don’t regulate the population, nature definitely will. And of course there are phases or Cycles in nature including with humans! And one of those phases is that the human population will go back down again to a lower number as it was for so many millennium to a much more sane and healthy number.
Forgive me, please, for misinterpreting you. I looked at your first comment again, and now I see it was all sarcastic. I didn’t know that until your reply. I forgive myself (a little) for misunderstanding you. So, let me get this straight, everything that you wrote was the opposite of what you believe? Sarcasm from strangers can easily be misinterpreted without actual audio and visual clues.
BTW I don’t smoke anything. But I better lay off my vice of posting online, especially if I see an opportunity to be snarky.
Thanks for the apology and response. Yes, I simply meant that it seems ridiculous for people to be so scared or worried because the population of the world is going down. Thank goodness it is. It always fluctuates in Cycles like everything else. And of course I was being sarcastic about 50 billion or 100 billion people or even 15 billion people. I don’t know what the limit is but I don’t think it’s much higher then the population is already is. Maybe it’s 10 or 12 billion. But I’m glad the population is finally going down. The population of this planet has skyrocketed since I think around the year 1900 and was never anywhere close to what it is now for the last many thousands of years, if not millions of years. I still think we have some degree of room left for some more people, so I don’t believe it’s all doom and gloom, but why push it to the Limit? I would rather see less people on the planet. I think it would solve a lot of problems.
Oh yes and by the way. I cannot bring Heaven to you you have to bring it to yourself. There’s a lot of things that I cannot do for you. Such as eating and digesting your food and excreting waste. Or breathing and many other things. Why the stupid sarcastic remark about my username? I doubt you even know what the word means. You might have read something about it, which might not have been a very good or accurate explanation of the meaning of the word, but all that is is just a bunch of words. It’s like tasting something. You’re not going to know what it tastes like until you taste it. So please, keep your vicious attacks to yourself. What is your username mean? Hanky panky? You’ve been committing Hanky Panky with children? So you’re actually a pedophile? You sick fuck! You like having your username attacked? Don’t forget that’s a double-edged sword saying the stupid things that you said. Suicide? Murder? Killing my family and friends? Wow! I think you might want to get a check up from the neck up. Lol. As I said I was completely agreeing with you in that first comment of yours and giving you support on it. But thanks for taking a crap on my face! You have a nice day also, pal!
I do not see humans as a curse on this planet but as an adolescent family of beings that have yet to fully embrace and Re-member their sacred role on this world at this time of the turning of the ages.
I am compiling a nutritional and herbal information to empower those of you that seek to engage in the sacred act of inviting a soul to come into this world, care for and protect them when their body is young, guide them to unfold their true potential and nurture them to be capable of applying their unique gifts to make this world a better place.
For those that have been conditioned to view plummeting fertility rates and depopulation of humans as a good thing: Even if our global population is increasing (which if true will likely reverse dramatically soon) I would caution against internalizing the misanthropic depopulation propaganda of oligarchs who see you as an expendable/disposable peasant/tax slave.
Humans are not born as an inevitable imposition on the biosphere. Our numbers on this planet could be a blessing rather than a curse if we just had the courage dig deep and use our unique gifts to be in service of life.
Instead of internalizing the false idea that portrays humans like a plague or a cancer on the Earth, I advocate we instead use our free will (and the sentience that so many humans covetously claim is unique to our species) to instead choose to define ourselves as co-creators of beauty, abundance and diversity.
Our ancient ancestors have shown us by example that it is possible to become a positive force for impacting nature in a way that honors and nurtures life, rather than defining our selves as takers, users and consumers.
Destruction and degeneration are not inevitable. Humans are not inherently parasitic and extractive as the anti-human globalist propaganda implies.
Rather than see the fact that we have billions of humans on the Earth as a problem, see the perceived problem as a solution and opportunity in disguise.
We have billions of hands available to do sacred regenerative works on the Earth right now! What a blessing!
Yes, I want more capable beings to be creating Bio-cultural Refugia all over the planet, not less.
The path to re-defining (or rather Re-membering the original blueprint for) humanity’s sacred relationship and stewardship role with the living Earth begins with one vibrant, loving, empowered, informed, hopeful, spiritually aligned, ecologically literate and courageous growing family at a time.
I agree with almost all of what you said. Yes all of that positive stuff needs to happen and it will more and more happen as time goes on. But it’s very Starry Eyed and airy fairy to pretend that there’s no limit to how many humans this planet can support at one time. That has nothing to do with saying that humans are a curse to this world and don’t belong on this planet. Of course we are part of Nature and we can do the things that you said when Humanity has grown up to that extent. But it is ridiculous to think that there’s no limit to the number of humans that can live on this planet at one time. It’s so ridiculous it’s not even worth debating it. It’s like saying that since water is necessary for life and health, than a bucket can hold an infinite amount of water! Lol. So since it’s blatantly obvious, I won’t even waste time debating it. But yes everything else you said is very true. The solutions are all around us and within us. There are plenty of brilliant people who have explained the Solutions in books and on videos. It’s a matter of humanity learning it and implementing it. People like Buckminster Fuller and Jacques Fresco and Dr Steven Greer for instance have many of the solutions. And the Art of Living Foundation and Isha Foundation and several other organizations have the solutions from the inside out. So we have all the solutions from the inside and from the outside. It’s just a matter of humanity growing up and waking up and learning and implementing the solutions.
I think we need more “Starry Eyed” and “airy fairy” in this world full of dead eyed, smart phone addicted, reductionist and exploitation minded humans, don’t you?
In all seriousness, yes, of course there is a hard limit to the carrying capacity of the Earth. However, all of the metrics I have seen are based on the idiotic, primitive, anthropocentric, degenerative and weak minded monoculture thinking of modern industrial civilization.
If you let go of that mind virus (which tells you that in order for humans to thrive, you must dominate, compete with, extract from, destroy and commodify nature, without giving anything back) and you look at this world through the eyes of our ancestors (who saw this world as full of gifts and recognized their receiving of those gifts as coming with a moral responsibility to reciprocate) then you will come to realize that we are no where near the carrying capacity of the Earth.
Jacques Fresco advocated for technocracy. I do not share his views. The tech he highlighted and the city schematics he envisioned are cool, but at his core, based on what I have seen, the guy thought we should “trust the experts”. Look where that got us with the scamdemic.
Steven Greer may or may not mean well, but he also attempts to prop up the existing statist regime, and ostensibly work through it’s power structure to bring about change while advocating for automated robotic food cultivation in his films. I do not vibe with any of that. What he has said about the importance of everyday people taking responsibility for our future with regards to taking action to develop our consciousness and reach out to our cosmic neighbors peacefully is legit, but a lot of his other ideas are anchored in the old statist thinking.
I do not advocate humanity growing the population exponentially without restraint, but I agree with JC that the trend is actually headed for drastic population collapse, and thus, for those of us that want to take action to create parallel societies that can weather the storm ahead, protecting our bodies against toxins, optimizing fertility with nutrition and making healthy families is the name of the game.
Thanks for your response.
We actually have no idea what so ever as to how many people this planet can nurture.
So far we have followed a way of living that has been led by power seekers, fear mongers, the insecure and control freaks, all of who’s mentalities are outcomes of our much repeated historical conditioning. Were we to apply a different modus operandi, of which there must be a million or more possibilities we’d probably find we don’t need to worry about numbers, if we choose more benign methods of living. Numbers would probably be wilfully contained by each well educated family or group.
It is the control freaks etc. who worry about numbers, who fear losing control and want us to feel the same way. The problem is far more a case of the WAY we are living, our disrespectful manners towards nature and each other that we need to rectify FIRST, not our numbers.
Like teenagers willing to try much that is risky, the time comes to learn from mistakes, mature and look for wisdoms to enact that don’t hurt us or what gives us our sustenance. 😊♥️
Well said. 🙂
Food and health sovereignty are also an important place to start (as I noted in this post https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/true-wealth )
Composting is medicine for the land and medicine for the soul. It offers us a tangible way to connect with and give back to the living planet that sustains us all. It also a form of wealth that necessitates ecological literacy.
One of the interesting things about acts like composting and saving heirloom seeds from plants you grow yourself each year, is that it is an act that provides an impetus to become decreasingly selfish and greedy while becoming increasingly generous, ecologically literate and kind.
Heirloom seeds are living embryos, and their continued value necessitates involving oneself in the participatory act of co-creation through tending, nurturing, observing and valuing non-human life.
Thus, through embracing food and health sovereignty and offering educational material for others willing to do the same, we begin to shift the trend from humans living exploitatively, to humans actually becoming an asset and positive force for regeneration and increased beauty on the Earth.
Nobody said we want more people, definitely not the ones that think they know what is enough and what the limits are. We have enough of those.
I am 55, I do not have children and I don’t care if there are more or less people on this planet and it is not purely financial as I already pointed out, it just helps alleviate the stress of young couples which could be beneficial for birthrates.
So that said, I just offered an alternative solution to a problem of low birthrates in many countries. As I am myself living of interest I thought it would be a good idea to flip things around, instead of school, get a job and go with pension you let the money work for you from birth. Technically possible.
Some think we have enough people and I agree if you add the word stupid and ignorant to it.
Mathematically we are an empty planet. Just take the population density of a functional city like Monaco, 18,446/km2 (47,774.9/sq mi). Divide 8 billion by 18,446 and you end up with an area of 428,632 km2 or a functional city the size of a country like Sweden. So while 8 billion people can live in a country as big as Sweden the rest of the world would be completely empty.
I think the biggest hurdle is jealousy. People don’t want others to have anything good. People who already have children feel left out. People are afraid that children of other religions or countries would have a better life then theirs. That’s the real reason my idea while easily doable would never succeed.
“….At 28 years the person can do what they want, but if they are smart they live of the interest and keep doing what they like….”
Is that not just UBI?
People need real stuff to do in order to feel happy and useful- the Unabomber was correct when he talked about the importance of the power process (using your energy to get your stuff) and how people today are mostly forced into sarrogate pursuits because most work is BS.
But just economicly UBI just runs up prices anyway.
I totally agree. Philospher Ivan Illich lays out the case well for that in his books.
I don’t think so. I don’t know the details of how they want to make UBI sustainable, but my idea is just a one time sum that is paying interest from a diversified portfolio. You could even construct it as a loan that is paying itself back in x years. It is one of those things you can try to model and guess the types of outcomes but only if a country would try it you can make real world conclusions.
I don’t think in practice anyone would be able to just live on such an investment if everyone had one- real wealth comes from people making stuff and if people are just getting “free” money no new good or services are being created.
The thing is IF the payments could be used to just live off they would be something like (say) a minimum wage job salary (at minimum)
It would have the same effect in prices as printing the cash for a minimum wage salary and sending it to everyone – prices would go up and everyone would be as rich or poor IN RELATION to each other as before.
But prices would be nominally higher so people without the extra payment would be poorer (hence the similarity to UBI).
It could work if
A)you have a slave population of workers toiling for the citizens
B) full AI productivity means no one has to work.
I don’t think either one is going to happen tbh
I agree, but we are not talking about everyone. Just the new born children. No way we can say what the impact will be, but even after 18 years we are still talking about 1 or 2 million 18 year old who are now starting to receive there monthly payment. They could use it to study some more, they could help their parents, they could spend it in the economy that still has people producing things. After 28 years they could choose to invest in a house which also have to be build. I don’t see a sudden shift, maybe a gradual shift over many many years with enough time to adjust
I don’t see that making it so 18 year olds DONT HAVE to work is going to help things…..that’s the starter workforce.
The thing about the baby bust is that it means a shortage OF WORKING AGE people vs retired people….. free income bonds would make it worse by removing the incentives to work from the valuable Human Resource.
Also I can’t see it flying politically
“….Just the new born children…..”
Would “eventually “ be the entire population….but if your just doing a study imagine the social hatred between those born IN the study period and those that born just before or after who would be the ones forced to work to make the GOODS the “mana money” buys.
Yeah, I can see actual violence happening over that tbh. Those outside the experiment would be slaves for those born in it who would be extracting REAL goods and services in return for “magic money” just like a central bank (which people hate when they understand them)
why you think they won’t work? is that what you would do? or would you just let it compound further for the future and be picky with what kind of work you would do?
And you can adjust it to let a part go to the rest, like a 100 euro a month. Not much be enough to keep everybody happy if you sell it in the right way and that is something a government is trained to do, so no problem there.
“… why you think they won’t work? is that what you would do?….”
Sure that’s what they would do if they had enough income for free.
Who is going to work minimum wage jobs that suck if they don’t need to? Very few people.
There is a massive number of young people who literally believe work is evil and they should not have to work….. ok so maybe most dumb people are in the states but I am pretty sure stupidity spreads fast in the day of the internet.
At the end of the day it creates choice, and few will make a choice to do a low pay job when they don’t need to. This means those born outside the study group WILL Abe forced to take the crap job while those inside won’t- they will be a privilege class that everyone else hates.
Those getting “free” money will buy real goods produced by real workers- basically becoming parasites who run the price of stuff upwards unless we magically had a slave class or full automation of production.
But that is the whole idea, stop doing low paid jobs that nobody wants. They will be taken over by AI anyway. I am sure many will just buy stupid stuff or gamble it away, good for the economy. Some will use it to start their own business. What is better than a steady income? A bigger steady income!
There are indeed a large number of people who collect welfare instead of working because they get enough with less effort. They stay inside, smoke weed and play video games.
Where I now live it is hard for employers out here to find people to work because of this. And the community is mostly white as well. There is also lots of meth in the area that is another factor.
I don’t think all these people are just incapable (maybe some are?) but I think so many would rather take the easy route and get stuff for fee. And if they don’t come from families who value hard work or education, they have no good examples.
Out here, contractors are extremely hard to find and the few who I have got to do work on my property tell me no one wants to work. Contractors are expensive out here too. It costs an arm and a leg just to get anything done and the wait times are long. It kinda sucks.
I don’t know what happened to the “work ethic” People from my grandpa’s generation were much different. My grandparents started out poor and without ever finishing college managed to build a good amount of wealth from hard work. They were also intelligent people but the primary ingredient was tenacity and effort.
My point is that I think you are correct about lack of work for low skilled individuals who maybe lack ability but there is also other factors involved with people who do have ability. I’m sure there are people where I live who could get off the couch and become successful if they put in the effort.
It’s in part inertia and pure laziness and/or lack of a sense of purpose.
Perhaps this is some of what Ted Kasinski described is going on with young people.
“….But that is the whole idea, stop doing low paid jobs that nobody wants…,”
The thing is a lot of people are only suited for low skill low pay jobs. Such people would become bored and destructive, like dogs in a cage.
Hence the desire by the oligarchs to get rid of those people.
“….They will be taken over by AI anyway….”
I actually doubt that, but assuming it’s true what would be the need for low skill people to exist? We’re back to the kill off
They would just be an inefficiency in the system which would then remove them for the world.
As an example look at what it’s like in the Indian reservation…. They have plenty of free money but are hubs of crime, substance abuse and poverty.
That IMO is the whole plan for the excess people that are being left behind by the changes, followed by them being deleted from the gene pool…..not one in a hundred (maybe a thousand) can actually take the psychological effects of being useless.
Where you see only problems I see solutions. You see people only suited for low skill low pay jobs, I think that they don’t get the choice to chose. You doubt AI will take over these low paid jobs, I am sure they will. You think the Indian reservations is because they get free money, but I think that if you give all prisoners in a prison free money nothing will change. You see useless people I don’t. That’s why we can discuss this into eternity. Our overlords are trying to control everybody and because the majority has no time to think or see any other way, they will be stuck were they are.
Big weird dream, fellow Dutchie😜
I don’t like the digital aspect of it, and saying decentralized meaning that you as a parent would put in those 200k?
Then you’re a rich dude dreaming big. Most are not.
Your calculated interest will be taxed in our fiscal system “box 3”, and those taxes will only rise…as you must know here in the Netherlands/Europe they’ll try even to get your savings
Alles für die Europeischen Army (so that the Greek soldiers can suppress the Dutchies, vice versa and so on)
As you know TPTSnotB here are doing their very best to put our houses in that same “box 3”🙄 (gain on “fictional?” profits taxed)
I’m figuring that one out as we speak.
The idea is interesting though😜
The comments on your post, hmmm…
Twitter style (sorry, judgemental)
Having children SHOULD NOT be a financial matter, but…it is…unfortunately. Housing here in NL as everywhere I suppose has become a big big issue, unaffordable housing I mean. No housing.
How “great” the “emancipation” was. Yes, I’m a woman. It was all a fuckup to “liberate” women and pay double for housing. What a “freedom”.
James article was mainly about fertility. And I am very thankful that he shared his very funded analysis. Pretty shocking. But very valuable information. That’s what it’s about.
“ The common denominator is actually economic prosperity, for as it expands the birth rate has typically declined”
And yes, it’s a big script, again…very polluted…
Haha, the idea for me is not that weird, but that is probably because I don’t live the traditional life. The 200k is coming from taxpayers money. People seem to be ok with having a government, I personally do not but in the end this idea doesn’t benefit me at all. Because you can now save hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money from social security, healt care, education etc the billions that are given to new born children is just a fraction of that.
Eric Dubay added up all the populations of the world using UN population numbers of the cities in the world and adding in estimates for rural areas. He claims that it is impossible that there are more than 1.5 billion humans on the planet. I didn’t check his work from the source, but I trust his work over probable propaganda.
And let us not forget the not-talked-about Chemtrails, slowly killing all life on the planet in addition to all the other killers.
Well, he is the only one that comes to that conclusion and he also believes in a flat earth. I let AI do some calculations and it thinks that about 4.5 billion people live in urban areas, so about 3.5 billion people do not. Add all the populations of the countries and you get to 8 billion. I don’t see the point of countries faking these numbers. And even with 8 billion people we are still an empty planet as I pointed out earlier.
The problem is not an economic problem, as Mr. Corbett pointed out. It is first, and foremost, a spiritual problem. People have lost hope in the future. My son told me yesterday that young people today have been told all there lives that the world is on the verge of ending due to humans environmental pollution. Much of the younger generation truly believe we have already passed the point of no return. They have lost all hope in humanity and have no actual religious belief that there is any point of continuing the human race.
This, at least, is the problem in the formerly Christian West. I don’t know if this assessment applies in the East.
“…..People have lost hope in the future…”
That is very true but I don’t think it’s JUST
“….. that young people today have been told all there lives that the world is on the verge of ending due to humans environmental pollution….”
Because we managed to do ok righ thru the Cold War where the world getting blown up was on the table all the time…. I think it’s the later parts of what you say that hits the nail in the head- people lack religion and spend all their time chasing dopamine.
Aaah. But there was still some faith and hope in the West even as we hid under our desks at school while practicing for a nuclear exchange! Today’s youngsters don’t even have that.
Yes. I agree.
But I also think the cycle will swing around again- those who do have kids and families and thrive will replace those who chose not to
Thumbs up!
Christianity was never western, it is and always was a protection shell for their chosen people, who they have elevated from a small, irrelevant desert cult into an international crime syndacite with the protection of their golems.
At least in America, I think another factor contributing to lower birth rates is the decline in Christianity. American Christians historically believed the chief way to grow the faith was not to go out and convert people, but rather to have large families. Since there are fewer serious Christians in America today, there are fewer Americans wanting to have big families. Case in point- Americans who practice Traditional Catholicism (TLM) have a fertility rate of 3.6, far higher than the national average.
I think you have a solid point. Far less Christians and far less Christians who actually practice Christianity. Our toxic culture is having a powerful influence.
Interesting point, I think you are onto something there. I live on a street with many Mennonite families and they are bursting at the seams (like 5-7 kids per house).
I would also add that having less Christians like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8TDi3v6uS8 would be helpful in boosting birth rates as well.
The Amish seem like a safe bet, as they rejected all big pharma propaganda during the scamdemic.
However, it seems to me that, due to the proclivity of people going to group meetings in institutions built around dogmatic belief systems to follow what ever their local priest/leader person tells them is “God’s will”, that a number of communities of Christians were infiltrated by big pharma propagandists and all lined up to be jabbed full of cancer promoting, infertility increasing, heart attack causing genetic slurry injections.
The Mennonites here all said hell no to the injections though, so again, they seem like a subgroup that has strong unchanging views about big pharma (and they firmly believe in having lots and lots of kids).
Perhaps the “elites” see some populations of people as threats to them and are deliberately targeting them for destruction. Instead of procreating themselves, they want to destroy other groups of people.
I don’t know if this decline in birth rate is noted in all populations of people however. That is also peculiar.
Why are some populations targeted for destruction and others not? “They” want an obedient slave class that doesn’t question or oppose what is going on. And when the slave class has served it’s purpose and is no longer needed will be eliminated. “They” want to be “God(s)” and determine who lives and who dies and what kinds of people are allowed to live.
The brainwashing and social engineering has been a resounding success and I myself as a young woman was affected by it. It is hard to admit that, but it is true. What the social engineering does is promote a sense of dread and fear in young people to inhibit natural instincts to procreate on a subconscious level. The subconscious mind governs behavior to a large extent and these monsters have that down to a science.
I have come to realize that a life with children is much more rewarding and if by some miracle I was able to have children would be the best blessing I could ever receive.
You neglected to say it’s more rewarding for you. Not everybody wants kids in the first place. And in the second place why do you want to keep putting more humans on this planet? 8 and 1/2 billion people on this planet is not enough?! Lol. How many do you want? 15 billion? 25 billion? 50 billion? 100 billion? If you had a couple of kids that would be fine but I hope you’re not one of those people who wants 8 to 12 kids or more! Lol. You people who are so obsessed with more and more kids are going to destroy this world. You’re so worried about it collapsing from not enough humans on it that you don’t even think about the fact that it will collapse catastrophically from too many people on it!
Human reproduction cannot be compared with insect reproduction. It’s apples and oranges. Even reproduction among different races of people are different. I think Japanese and Europeans follow “slow life history strategy” so their rate of reproduction is lower than other groups/’nations” of people.
The idea portrayed in the Star Trek episode could not occur. Procreation is a natural part of the life cycle. The “elites” want the people who threaten their existence to die off. A solution to that is to procreate.
You seem to be assuming that everyone watches every episode of every single type of Star Trek show. LOL. I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about when it comes to one of the Star Trek episodes. And in the second place don’t think that humanity is so special that it has nothing at all in common with animals or the rest of nature. We are part of nature and we are subject to the laws of nature. Nature can do anything it damn well pleases and humans can be swept off this planet in the blink of an eye. So don’t think you’re so much better than the rest of nature or so different. And I don’t care about the nitpicky details of what race reproduces faster than another one or what nationality reproduces faster. That’s all changing with different Cycles also. It’s all beside the point. My simple and obvious point is blatantly obvious. This planet has a limit to how many human beings it can support at one time. I don’t know what that limit is but I think we’re getting pretty close to it. So you can talk about Japan or this country or that race or Nation, so what. None of that has anything to do with what I said. It is so non-complicated and obvious I don’t even want to debate it it’s like debating whether or not the Sun is hot or ice is cold. It’s a stupid idea to keep having too many children on this planet and overpopulate the planet. You people are talking as if the Global Empire had already reduced the population of humanity way down to some super low level like maybe half a billion. Well then you’re so called solution might make some degree of sense if that was the case. But right now we have about 8 and 1/2 billion people on this planet and the number is rising rapidly. So it’s ridiculous to be panicking now and overreacting by raising the population even more, maybe even up to 12 billion or more. Like I said how many people do you want on this planet? How many do you consider enough? 12 billion? 20 billion? 30 40 or 50 billion? 100 billion? It’s like saying that the temperature has dropped from 90° down to 88°, so we better start wearing our winter clothing and turning on the heater in our homes or we’re all going to freeze to death! Lol. It’s ridiculous! Another thing is that the more you use your ridiculous strategy of increasing the population on this planet the more alarmed the so-called Elite as you like to call them is going to be, and therefore they will double down or triple down or whatever amount on their depopulation programs, so you will just be making the situation worse. Then you will have to have more and more kids and more and more kids as they kill off more and more people and more and more people. It’s an idiotic tug of war. LMAO. Sounds like a satirical cartoon actually.
“….see some populations of people as threats to them and are deliberately targeting them for destruction. Instead of procreating themselves, they want to destroy other groups of peopl….”
I think that is correct
Dr EM Jones talked about how the WASP elite felt about the Catholics over running the US with higher birth rates and targeted them to get them to also take up contraception. They were also big funders to f the anti traditional movements (mainly using Jews as the agents to do the work) but the WASPs pretty much deleted themselves.
WASPs were betrayed by “their” elites and used just as any other parasitic group would do to them. Zero concern about “their” race. Zero honor. A complete disgrace.
I do sometimes wonder if inbreeding has affected the morality and thought processes of parasitic groups of people, i.e. “elites”
IMO there is nothing virtuous in these people, nothing beautiful or worthy of admiration. They are a bunch of sick perverts who probably worship Satan (Bohemian Grove, etc.)
I was watching AcedemicnAgent do a stream on the Selfish Gene doc and when it got to the part about a guy suiciding himself the commentators talked about how these kind of people are so desperate to be “free” of control that they have a real tendency to self destruct themselves… it’s weird but I think it’s true. THAT aid what I call satanic levels of pride.
Here is part two- part one is also worth a listen though it’s LOONG.
I watched a bit of this, skimmed through some and found George R. Price most interesting in the entire talk. He must have been brilliant, similar to Jonathan Nash. Perhaps he had a similar mental illness pop up later on. But it sounded like he was rather rigid in his thinking even before.
Sometimes brilliant people are also neurotic. I’ve noticed this in others who are exceptionally bright. But perhaps he was also disturbed by his research and wanted to prove himself wrong. It was willful as mentioned, perhaps too much pride? But I also think his mental issues and maybe his thyroid disease clouded his judgment. Severe depression can induce a delusional state of mind and people are incapable of rational judgment when in that state of mind. It’s like a narrowing of consciousness and is quite miserable.
I’ve never read “The selfish gene” but it sounds like an interesting read. I think there’s a lot of truth to genetics and evolutionary biology. However I don’t have a dark view of this phenomenon. Just because genes “want” to continue does not necessarily translate to being selfish. How can we make that determination if we don’t understand the entire picture of what’s going on? I mean a human mind is not capable of understanding the entire order of the universe. All we can see is small parts and we fill in the rest with our own biases.
Only “God” “understands” the entire process. And even if biology influences behavior doesn’t mean we lack free will.
Fun to watch.
Boomer here. My take: climate changes, populations ( of animals, plants, planets, stars, galaxies, etc) ebb and flow, humans are no more, or less, special than any other phenomenon.
Personally, as a human female, I am very grateful that I can choose not to reproduce.
Enjoy the show!
“….Personally, as a human female, I am very grateful that I can choose not to reproduc….”
As a boomer you are past the age when you can reproduce. Its not all bad wiyh the population drop off- Dr Dutton might call it a spring cleaning for human genetics.
We breeders thank those that remove themselves from the gene pool so our kids will have plenty of room.
The transition will be a little painful when the welfare state and pension funds tank but on the bright side those who choose to be in the future will have plenty of space and opportunity thanks to their sacrifice.
The eugenics crowd are not totally wrong about disgenics
Dr Dutton being a theater kid and then explaining
“…Why Most Millennials Will Die Bankrupt, Sick, Alone and Depressed…”
Sounds like a real positive kind of guy! What does all this Doom and Gloom negativity have to do with implementing real solutions and making the world a better place? People need to grow up and wake up and start implementing real solutions and stop standing around whining like cry babies about how dystopian the world is going to be in 698 years or some other ridiculous nonsense!
What would make the world a better place?
What are you talking about?! Blah blah blah. More pseudo intellectual nonsense!
I think a lot of the low reproduction rate is due to social engineering. There may be “dysgenics” contributing but I think it’s probably less than people just being brainwashed quite effectively. I can’t say I was immune to it also and I’m not a stupid person or “dysgenic”
Point being lots of attractive and healthy people don’t reproduce because they have internalized the brainwashing on a subconscious level and pressured not to have children-economic factors.
The people who have “good” genetics are being “pressured” to remove themselves from the gene pool because they threaten the inbred “elites”. If anyone is dysgenic it’s them. I mean the most powerful people are the ones running pedophile rings and pushing to normalize it. And look at some of them and how ugly they are like prince Charles. Now that IMO is dygenic.
Yes, the selfish gene is a very interesting book. Well worth a read but I think too much thinking like that is ultimately a dead end where you end up with no more meaning in life.
Yes, smart people are prone to bad social pressure (this is why Dr Dutton and others have called cities “IQ shredders” where the smartest get pulled in and then don’t breed. This is one of the reasons IQ apparently fluctuates… right now we are getting a drop in IQ because as Dr Dutton says smart people are less instinct driven and thus MORE prone to convince themselves to go along with the social programming and gain status by not having “unpopular” and “low class” ideas.
The selfish gene book should show that in its model “good” genes are just ones that reproduce…. Are cave fish better than sighted fish? Not really but they were successful. Likewise high IQ is an advantage in some situations but not all. We would all be super smart if it only worked out in one direction, VERY highbIQ people are often loopy as hell and prone to mental illness because there is a cost for every adaptation.
I feel funny as a guy who is a creationist these days talking in these terms lol, but genetics really do change over time.
I AGREE that the oligarchs are quite disgenic EXCEPT that in the situation where they have these levers of power they can still compete with normal people- like the cave fish they are not “better” but they use their advantage to win. Their system is basically to attack normals breeding and if they should happen to win they will breed a very ugly sick human race out of themselves IMO. King Sméagol is still the king if he can keep power and stop anyone better taking his place.
Ugh… just recalled that Red Dwaf epp where Rimmer clones himself and populated a planet.
The only people in the west breeding at anything like replacement are the low IQ and the religious. So the future of the west IF we get a soft landing is probably a lower IQ more religious society… better then King Bill Sméagol and his clones.
Here is a site I know nothing about but it makes a good description of IQ shredding
Interesting. I’ll check it out. My mom is one of those kinds of people, very high IQ and highly neurotic. A very good person, the kindest person I know, but not well grounded. If that is what accompanies exceptional intelligence, glad I didn’t get all of it.
I’m intelligent buy my mom is much smarter than I am and much more neurotic.
My mom was one of the smarts people I knew but she was a fruitcake.
I guess it’s like a race car going too fast and blowing a valve or something.
Yeah, good analogy. Maybe being over endowed in one area will necessitate deficiencies in other areas.
I’m sure there are people who are exceptionally bright and not neurotic but most people I know who are abnormally brilliant are also a little nutty (sometimes very nutty).
James. I do think you’re starting to lose your mind lately. For many years I have watched many of your videos and listen to many of your podcasts and read at least some of your articles. You have been for a long time one of my favorite truth journalists. The only thing I disagreed with you on for many years was your delusion about Anarchy! Lol. But there have been two rather absurd things recently coming from you. One is that you said that the wall between the USA and Mexico is not meant to keep people out of the United States it’s meant to keep Americans in! LMAO. Really?! Well it’s not doing a very good job of it is it?! That is just absurd. It’s so obviously ridiculous I’m not even going to waste time and energy saying anything more about it right now! The other thing is this nonsense about having more and more kids. 8 and 1/2 billion people on this planet is not enough for you?! How many do you want?! 12 billion? 25 billion? 50 billion? 100 billion? Come on! Obviously there’s a limit to the number of humans this planet can support at any one time! Obviously!! What the heck are you talking about?! Go forth and multiply?! Good God! I think you’re starting to get early Alzheimer’s or something, James. Obviously with too many humans on the planet there’s going to be a serious catastrophic disaster! And I do think that we are close to the limit of what this planet can support as far as humans. What’s going on? Are you just real horny lately?! LOL. You sound like you were raised in the old fashioned Catholic way which I’m pretty sure you weren’t but it sounds like you were. And you’re worried about what is going to happen if the population continues to go down for the next 698 years?! LMAO. At first I thought you must be satirically joking at the beginning of the article. Then I realized you were actually serious! LOL. SMH! Come on man, whatever you’re smoking or drinking or whatever, you need to stop! I am not an idiot, so of course I know there is an upper limit to how many humans this planet can support and I do think we are most of the way to that limit. Come on James, you are usually excellent. I hope you get back on track right away. Good luck!
“…..Obviously with too many humans on the planet there’s going to be a serious catastrophic disaster! A…..”
Yes, but the issue is twofold
1) not enough people will lead to economic collapse and certain groups going extinct
2) Africa is a dump that produces masses of people who will swarm out and fill up the space and THEN destroy everything around them like they did in Africa
There is no real issue with over population anywhere except Africa. The people who are not breeding are the ones who produce most of the world’s wealth…. So if things go on as they are now you will have the double hit of fast breeding low productivity people all over the place.
“There is no real issue with over population anywhere except Africa. The people who are not breeding are the ones who produce most of the world’s wealth…. So if things go on as they are now you will have the double hit of fast breeding low productivity people all over the place.”
Not so fast.
You are making the assumption that ‘low productivity people’ are to be scorned.
How many high productivity people inhabited this planet for millennia?
How did it fare all that time?
Maybe the past century or so is an aberration and we are not meant to be so “productive”?
“….You are making the assumption that ‘low productivity people’ are to be scorned….”
Scorned? I don’t understand how you are using that word TBH, I am just saying that they will fail to maintain the same level of high tech civilization that we currently live under.
This will lead to a later second drop off in numbers, the same way that Africa would suffer massive population decline were the west not supplying higher tech that keeps food up and death down.
“….How many high productivity people inhabited this planet for millennia?…”
Not that many, hence there were WAY LESS PEOPLE since almost everyone tended to work in subsistence food production and die from simple infections. While the Unabomber wished for a return to that state of being it will involve a big die off and harder lives.
“….How did it fare all that time…”
Like I said, hard lives and sudden death. Also people managed to do stuff like kill off the mega fauna and ruin land back then thru poor agriculture back then too.
“…Maybe the past century or so is an aberration and we are not meant to be so “productive”?…”
I do think some people WOULD be Happier living medieval peasant lives. So some people will enjoy it.
Unnaturally good life styles do appear to lower birth rates.
“I do think some people WOULD be Happier living medieval peasant lives. So some people will enjoy it.
Unnaturally good life styles do appear to lower birth rates.”
Yes, but are YOU ready to go back to it? Are you willing to forgo medical care ? It’s Lent right now so are you up for a fast?
Also, that life style gives very very little scope for PERSONAL freedom.
I guess it’s one of those cunning of reason things – God will work things out the way He likes for reasons we can’t understand….. but before you wish for it I’d suggest a vacation in a traditional farm
“Yes, but are YOU ready to go back to it? Are you willing to forgo medical care ? It’s Lent right now so are you up for a fast?
Also, that life style gives very very little scope for PERSONAL freedom.
… but before you wish for it I’d suggest a vacation in a traditional farm”
Boy you’re a funny guy.
You immediately make all kinds of assumptions. 🙂
When I was talking about going back to the lifestyles from millennia ago
I wasn’t thinking about US personally doing that in our lifetime!
It could happen 100, 200 years from now. Who knows.
“….I wasn’t thinking about US personally doing that in our lifetime….”
No, YOU are making assumptions.
1) that the demographic slide won’t make massive changes in your own life (maybe true if your an older Boomer)
2) that people in the future will all drop off tech at the same time…. What actually happens is more likely to be a small elite with good tech turn the rest into peasants.
Just checking that your ok with people being forced into slavery for the elite as long as you don’t have to suffer yourself???
“Just checking that your ok with people being forced into slavery for the elite as long as you don’t have to suffer yourself???”
You still are making assumptions as to WHAT I AM THINKING.
My whole scenarios were for centuries in the future when only God knows what will be around on this planet.
I won’t be around, and YOU won’t be around either.
None of us here at this site will be around either.
I’m talking about major shifts to mankind as we know of him today.
No, this is happening NOW and we are already feeling the very beginnings of the effects.
The age pyramid of the population is already getting inverted and when you have more oldsters then workers good luck getting a pension (even a private pension) to support you
I think taking away freedom for people to leave their own country, theory isn’t too far fetched. It’s 2025, that luxury doesn’t exist in countries like North Korea, China, and some muslim countries. It’s not 100% certain and I’m praying it doesn’t happen to the US, but that freedom can be taken away with the next crisis. And we know with every crisis, there’s an opportunity.
True, it happened here in Canada for over a year when the mRNA clot shot injection passports were in effect. Those of us that refused to be GMO-ed and pumped full of spike protein creating genetic instructions were deemed as part of a dirty underclass of humans by the government.
We un-genetically contaminated humans were deemed as the “Üntermensch” within the medical police state, and we were not allowed to leave the country on airplanes according to the federal government’s laws.
Many sought out “reverse underground railroads” and fled the spectre of totalitarian medical fascism to go to the states or Mexico in that time.
Of course, when we take a step back from our programming to see governments as “sacred institutions on high” and honestly look at their edicts, laws and mandates for what they are, we are talking about threats made by organized criminals, nothing more, nothing less.
No freedom is ever “taken away”, because those institutions never had the authority to grant any freedoms to begin with.
Freedom is either perceived, lived and embraced by an individual, or not.
People pointing guns at you does not change your freedom, it simply means you have freedom + psychopaths and their statist goons pointing guns at you.
So true about “freedom”.
Why would we want children? Well, maybe because the powers that shouldn’t be don’t want us to have more children? And “…babies are not useless eaters to be measured out as carbon footprints… They are beautiful, cherished bundles of joy whose very lives are evidence of the abundance all around us and the triumph of the human spirit.” Children are fun! (Properly trained children are a pleasure.) They are also work, but a satisfying, rewarding work. I know whereof I speak. I have seven children.
And I always thought it ridiculous when told that old time families had children to help on the farm! Really? By the time they are capable of manning real work in strength and knowledge they are 18 and move away. LOL Even as a child that did not make sense to me. I knew how many times I acted like Tom Sawyer when it came to helping Aunt Polly. 😁
And then there is the spiritual aspect of humans on earth. (Those who do not believe in an all-wise Creator who loves us, please ignore this post. It will only serve to irritate you.)
Dallas Willard taught that “the most important thing you and God will get from your life is the person you become. He was also careful to point out that this personal growth is not something God does for us, but it is a joint effort. We have to do our part.”
Fantastic post James.
It seems quite synchronistic that you would publish this very informative, hard hitting and hopeful article as I am simultaneously working on finishing up an article on Fertility and Reproductive Health Enhancing whole foods and naturally occurring compounds! 🙂
Here are a couple preview pics from the unpublished post below
Here is to sabotaging the depopulation agenda one vibrant, loving, empowered, informed, hopeful, spiritually aligned, ecologically literate and courageous family at a time through food and health sovereignty!
Goats have ‘kids.’ Humans have children.
Right speak might be a good place to start to get one’s head straight.
How many years now James have I been offering the same observation here about humanity?
We are under the controller’s agendas using their propaganda arms…media, movies, TV and the whole “entertainment” biz in general.
From It Is The Hidden Hand
“When you act alike, look alike, sound alike, talk alike, think alike, all across the land
Comes from illusion, a hoax being sold By those who control, the news and the gold”
These current crisis’ are not anything close to natural evolutionary growth.
Coming from 50 years of virtually no TV, movies, etc. until 2016, much like those who didn’t take the C19 injection call themselves “pure blood” my life experience with no “entertainment” thought control ‘injection’ has left me being a “pure brain.” Not perfect or ‘better’ the others, just healthier.
I have no favorite commercial characters, or sayings, or “stars,” or any of that pop culture nonsense.
Doesn’t get much respect though does it with all the “info junkies” who believe they know it all about everything, right here even. That is all part of the distraction, mis-direction. Why so many follow “Breaking News” because mind controlled people believe they are independent thinkers because they can regurgitate the prescribed lines of thought.
We don’t need more investigations, we need more solutions and true activism.
“Goats have ‘kids.’ Humans have children.
Right speak might be a good place to start to get one’s head straight.”
I enjoy so many of your posts, but I don’t believe in “Right Speak”. And I don’t like it where everyone sounds alike and talks alike all across the land. In Alabama kids is an endearing colloquialism. But I really suspect that most of us reading these posts are outliers, anyway.
Don’t be so sensitive friend. I used the term “right speak” as just one of many choices…good speak, better speak, etc. not as some declaration of my political correctness or something. Just trying to mirror to others the power of words.
Glad you do read my posts. I assume others do also but almost none will try any positive reply to the “bad boy” here.
I don’t know what an “outlier” is??
As I have said here before, far too many initials, agendas, pop culture phrases, etc. for my appetite in the world today.
I don’t think he’s being hypersensitive. I agree with him. It sounds like political correctness. There are so many different words including slang in human language that come to mean something that used to be called something else or in many cases still is called something else. For instance a car is sometimes called a set of wheels. So what. Now if people were calling children dog shit then you would have something to say! LOL. But kids is a slang word that has been used for a long time and is known to represent human children not just goats. Anyway, what’s so bad about goats?! I like goats! Lol. I don’t think that would be a put-down. LOL. But anyway it did sound politically correct. And anyway changing the words? What a superficial way to get rid of the global Empire of psychopaths and criminals. Do you think they really care? They couldn’t care less!
I don’t care what you think. You are pushing in on our conversation.
Thanks for the reply. I am sure many read your posts and have listened to your music as I have. As to the term outliers, I guess I have read too many David Gemmel books and sort of live in that land in my head. In the books outliers always refer to a small band of trusty characters who refuse to bow down to wickedness in authority and against all odds, though with great losses, overcome. I take courage from books like that.
Receiving only an occasional comment here, usually negative or critical, and very few comments for over 80,000 views of my music, leaves me bereft of any understanding of what is going on with folks. Doesn’t stop my work, just leaves me curious.
>>As to the term outliers, I guess I have read too many David Gemmel books>>
Never read him. Been reading Graham Hancock’s “America Before” as a refresher to our missing history.
I guess I would be a “outlier” for the past 60 years 🙂 But “trusty characters” are much more difficult to find these days being 83 and living off the grid in the mountains.
But back in the day in the Bay Area and part of the “sub culture” it was quite wonderful…
From my nearly 60 years as an authentic political/social/cultural behavior observer and activist I will share a few insights with you…
This version of our species has been lied to, mislead, and kept in a limited amount growth for centuries, most have no real idea of what we are or supposed to be. Done by whom?? Depends on one’s POV…Aliens, AI, Jews, Commies, etc. and they may all be right and more, but that quest to determine WHO, drains the resources, instead of rising against the WHAT is going on, as we outnumber them by the billions. 1st you put out the fire, THEN you investigate who did it.
We’re in a battle for consciousness the key to our survival, not from harvesting pop culture nonsense but from going within. From the burning of the various libraries in our past, the domination of tribal cultures and cessation of their ceremonial practices and even the recent intolerance of the 60’s use of sacred teacher plants allowing people to explore their hidden reality…
SOMETHING has been at war with us to block efforts at self knowledge and and expansion of consciousness. The Mandela Effect and the Mud Flood truths are a testament to another reset or awakening in progress world wide.
Trapped in cognitive bias, people with moderate understanding or skill believe they are more significant and knowledgeable then they really are, the Dunning-Kruger effect. They hop on that donkey as Internet evangelists and ride it to death, on blogs, etc. pushing their nonsense… Jesus, god, flat earth, Trump, etc., living life in an unrecognized electronic concentration camp.
Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed. Think of you life as being in a theatrical production with parts to play and lines to share. But outside the “theater” another level of “life” is going on, yet, it is as phony and contrived and scripted a production as the one you left.
The “lines” that get used are cut and paste from the controller’s media, TV, Movies, education sources, etc. often presented with the similar emotion and ability. The next level of course is to step out of the “role” one’s playing and seek the higher truths, real life. Right now, through brilliant propaganda control, people worry about possibilities more then reality.
The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY.
I’ve never been on a career path, I’ve been on a road to consciousness.
I can’t wait until nothing happens. 🙂
Haha, I love “never been on a career path” me neither.
Last night I talked to two 28 yr old women, one of them married and ready to have kids, both afraid that now means someone else will be raising them while you work. The stress and precariousness of their lives makes them wonder how it’s possible to support a family when they’re hanging in the balance.
I talked about my book, which is economics from a mother’s point of view, and how women’s lib went the wrong way. Rather than women serving investor profits like men, it should have freed the labor of men to also serve the family and community. That’s what my caret system does.
I think the two-income mortgage is a major obstacle but I don’t dispute all the other factors you cite. Here’s my episode on The Lust Frontier: Disposable Dating & the Great Isolation: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-lust-frontier.
Dear James, I’ve been trying to explain to my very academic daughter that this is an imperative, but to no avail.
“I don’t want another polluting child in the world” she laments.
I’ll try to get her to read this great article from your good self.
Keep your fingers crossed and, as usual, a very big thankyou.
Herman x
Here is another little something incase you manage to dissolve or punch through the misanthropic programming and she decides she does want to have a family:
Good Luck!
James is a great and thoughtful writer, but what makes you think that she will read this carefully, and give it great weight?
You don’t mention your daughter’s age. It is going to come down to how much respect she has for you as parents, and how really close you are. If home life is full of tension and fighting you will have a hard sell. If she sees divorce, that will make it harder, yet. It is your ideas vs the outside world of teachers, fellow students, and the vapid consumer culture.
My daughter, now 50, muttered something about this when she was 16. That was 34 years ago. The propaganda was already effective then. We didn’t take it seriously at first. But when she lost her boyfriend 7 yrs later, she went full lefty women’s lib ,etc. Unlike her brothers, she never married, and has a difficult life. The majority of my contemporaries have unmarried daughters and sons. Many have no grandchildren.
Seriously, good luck on this.
PS If she reads the article, and responds positively, please let me/us know. That would be great.
The population has cycled like this before and it’s normally a sign that you’re at the end of a cycle and hitting the dark ages.
I have a lot of confidence that some people will bounce back and replenish the supply of humans but the transition will be very hard and unpleasant just like it was when Rome started running out of people…..the main thing is that Japan or the US could certainly do fine with fewer people IF they keep other groups out.
You can have a poor economy and come back, you can replace some people with machines and then come back. You can’t come back if a bunch of foreigners have started out breeding you in your home land
Hitting a Dark Age?! Lol. The kind of places and times you’re talking about were times when the population became extremely low. What the heck! You people are panicking because of what now? Because we only have 8 and 1/2 billion people on this planet? Boohoo! LMAO. Oh no, the population might go down to something more reasonable. You people are acting like there’s hardly anybody left on the planet. And so what if Humanity died off anyway?! The planet and the life on it was still go on. And even if it didn’t, so what?! Why are you so obsessed with it? Why does it even matter? Look around and see how many barren planets there are even just in our solar system. You people act like a bunch of Scaredy Cats. This world has gone on and on and on for billions of years overall, and millions of years with humans on it! There have been countless Cycles of more and less population of all kinds of different species , including humans, and all kinds of other Cycles as well. And this planet will go on and on and on for many millions or billions of years more! What are you people whining about?! Oh my God the population might go down to 7 billion instead of 8 1/2 billion! The sky is falling the sky is falling! We’re all going to die tomorrow! It’s ridiculous. You better get used to the fact that there are cycles that keep going on and on including higher and lowered populations of human beings. Thank goodness if the population does go down! I think it would be a good thing to lower the population to some more sane and reasonable number. I don’t know what, but I’m definitely not going to sit around crying if the human population on this planet goes down to six or seven billion or even 5 billion or maybe even less than that. I think some of you need to get a life. Don’t you have enough problems and suffering in your lives without making up artificial problems so you can suffer even more?! Lol. You people are stuck at one incredibly brief moment in the lifespan of this planet. Life on this planet will go on and on for millions or billions of more years, and personally I couldn’t care less if it does or doesn’t. This world is an absurdity to me! It’s all a freak Show that I could definitely do without! You people cling to it with a death grip! You’re so worried, oh my God Humanity might die off if the population goes below 8 billion people! LMAO. Like I said it’s all a freak Show to me. Or as a Shakespeare put it, a tale told by an idiot! LOL lmao.
If you want to go out like a candle that’s fine.
“….And so what if Humanity died off anyway?! The planet and the life on it was still go on. And even if it didn’t, so what?……”
Dude, if that’s how you feel I really hope you DONT breed.
As to the population drop off mattering… you fail to notice the AGE of the population. The oldsters won’t be living on pensions when the work force is smaller than the retired population.
But it’s a pointless discussion, if you don’t see a value in human life I really won’t try to make you hold into it.
There is also good coverage of this topic at https://birthgap.org. A good primer would be the 14 minute “This Chart Explains Everything” [scroll down the home page two or three mouse wheels]. Here is a cleaned up section of the transcript from about the four minute mark.
—begin quote—
[About] 75% of us live in countries below this replacement level and no country has ever been known to move the other way. We use these numbers birth rates, total fertility rates; they are obscure numbers: 1.6 sounds like 1.5 like 1.4, but no, these numbers tell us how quickly births are going to half and then half again and then half again because this is exponential. I like to convert these numbers into what I call Social Half Lives. You probably haven’t seen this before but I think it’s quite simple. It’s the mathematics of population decline where we’re just below replacement level which is around 2.1 children per women, first [notch 2.0 children per couple] would half every 800 years. One notch lower [1.9] and that’s down to 300 years. One notch lower again [1.8] 150 years. Well let’s now look at where we are. Most industrialized nations are somewhere around 1.5 or 1.6 births: halving is happening every 50 years. Japan, China, every 40 years and South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong: births are halving every 20 years at current rates.
–end quote—
Sarcastic confession time: I’m a terrible person. My wife and I had more children than my grandfather (who had 7) and we’re not even Catholic. Just think of the terrible carbon footprint from my offspring, who had to learn to conserve resources and live within their means. And our small family farm which raises livestock on a hill not suitable for crops is definitely killing the atmosphere with all those bovine burps.
@Samadhi108: Yes, I agree the earth has limits. I think the point is that IN SPITE of my large family, the population in my country (USA) is going down. So you can blame me for not increasing the rate of decline, but you cannot blame me for causing overpopulation.
I guarantee that the way you are living your family has less of a carbon footprint than many a childless couple. I had a neighbor friend with no children and she was chiding me for having five (at the time) and the earth’s resources etc. So I said “Well, Paige, let’s take tonight’s dinner as a start. I have a big pot of bean soup on the stove, from dried beans in 25 pound paper bag purchased from a Coop. I have bread baking in the oven from organic whole wheat. (Not supporting the glysophates harming our land)You are having fresh tuna for your husband that was caught in Nova Scotia a few days ago and flown down here to a specialty fish store. Who has the greater adverse environmental impact adding in the jet?
Your car, it’s new, your clothes ,all bought new. We have a nice third hand car and almost every item of clothing in my house is second hand, including shoes for the kids. (They grow so fast. it was always a lot of fun for us to go garage sale hopping on the weekends. That was in South Florida.) now whose life has the greater impact on the environment? If people were not sooo wed to ease and convenience there would be no environmental problem.
My own sister-in-law who was the president at the time of Florida Sierra Club always looked down on us for having so many children. Finally at age 40 she had her one socially acceptable child. I gave her a baby shower gift of pure egyptian cotton cloth diapers. (I used cloth diapers for all my children.) she quit using them after ONE WEEK! And went to disposable paper diapers. Blew my mind. All her environmental talk was baloney when it came to her convenience. Hey, I was just ticked she didn’t give them back to me! She probably gave them to Goodwill and took them off her taxes. LOL!
Cloth diapers? Check.
Second hand kids clothing? Check.
Used cars? Check.
Beans? Well, for us it was 50 lb bags of oats. Lots and lots of oats.
Joy and fulfillment (and some stress and gray hairs)? Check
Good for you! Yes, a lot of joy and fulfillment and seasons of trouble because into every life some rain must fall.
I once saw my whole life summarized in a Readers Digest joke.
“A young man was told by his doctor that he had only six months to live. The man, frantic, asked his doctor was there ANYTHING he could do! The old country doctor contemplated then replied, ‘Son, go get yourself a widow woman with seven children and move with her to the country. Have some chickens and goats. Go where you have to haul your water, split your own wood for heat.” The young man asked “That will make me live longer?”
The old doctor drawled, “No, but it will be the longest six months of your life”
Circa 1970 the sunday NYT magazine section had an extended article on how each nation was to address the projected population problem. One item that the US was to implement was “prolonged adolescence”, that is, extend the date for which women would have their first child from 18 yo to 27 yo. Apparently this is done via near-universal college admission, denigrating motherhood and the process of childbirth ( eg “rosemary’s baby” movies , criticise girls using baby dolls as a socialized agenda to be demolished, etc).
In 1971 they published “limits to growth” and then we had the US supreme court rule abortion is OK then immediately thereafter that pornography is OK. The womens lib movement was clearly financed by the CIA ( Gloria Steinem et al) and the concept of women entering the workforce was gleefully rejoiced ( the Mary Tyler Moore show).
Upcoming in the very near future is 3D AI generated pornography customized to each user’s predilections followed by robotic mates. The spiral is wounding down to zero population; the elites will have killed the golden goose that laid all the eggs that they play with.
To fix this, we need a massive culture shift, and that starts with each person being the change they want to see. I think we are starting to see that with organic foods becoming more popular and with more people desiring to live a more wholesome life in the country (as opposed to the city).
I definitely agree with James’ main points on why this is happening. The two twin evils of this population crises are hormonal imbalances reducing sexual desire and drive, and cultural weaknesses, such as the breakdown of the family unit, the rise of pornography, feminism, and the victim mentality of part of society, to name a few. It seems a lot of people have lost a good purpose to live for and are lost, which contributes to the problem even more. We have become soft and weak as a society. We need to toughen up.
“It seems a lot of people have lost a good purpose to live for and are lost, which contributes to the problem even more. We have become soft and weak as a society.”
I among many others have lost good purpose and feel lost a lot of the time. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t have massive ‘PTSD’ (for lack of another term) after the last five plus years of scamdemic hell. I lost all my family and friends because I would not comply with protocols. I have found it near impossible to make any real friends since. I guess it doesn’t help that I am in my late 60s. I had such drive before Covid. Just saying… not expecting any help!
Sorry dude.
Best wishes for what their worth
Yeah, I know how you feel about the scamdemic and trauma. It really affected me in a negative way and maybe it is a sort of PTSD.
I work as a nurse so saw what it actually was and though it wasn’t a regular flu did not warrant the extreme tyranny that followed. That is the part that frightened me, the insanity of people around me. People who should have better judgment blindly following propaganda even though the evidence right in their face told them otherwise.
You must be one STRONG human being, that you could even be around such insanity. I would’ve had to leave that environment no matter what, instantly. It’s good to hear a person in that field speak out.
I’ve been happily married for 33 years to a man who, like me, never wanted children. Even with supposedly OK jobs, we’ve lived paycheck to paycheck our whole lives, just the two of us. HealthScare insurance is thousands of dollars a month for just us (and it doesn’t cover anything holistic). Food costs around $300 a week for the two of us. Gas to get to work and back home $120 a week. Car/house insurance has doubled in price over the last year, as have property taxes. We are debt free but we sure would not have been if we procreated. Rich people probably are in a better position to procreate (if they are not infertile). Another big bottom line for me: I would not want to bring another human into this psychotic clown world run by psychopaths, greed-mongers, and idiots. I wouldn’t want to say to a child: “Someday this will be yours.”
More room for my kids…. Yay I guess.
But not to be horrible about it do you really think all that working and saving you two have done is going to provide a decent retirement?
Why are you paying for healthcare if it doesn’t cover anything serious?
As for me
I basically ruined my career to stay home and bring up/ home educate kids and having someone at home to cook and do stuff full time (and not run a 2nd car) saved us a ton of money. I can still feed four of us still at home for less then 300 bucks… where do you live? Sounds expensive
“But not to be horrible about it do you really think all that working and saving you two have done is going to provide a decent retirement?”
That’s the thing, Duck, I don’t expect anything in particular for retirement! We don’t save a lot or have a belief in “The Golden Year” deception. We’ve never believed in the gamble your money in ‘investments’ scheme either. We understand fully that money is a fiction that can disappear or lose value at any time. We pay cash for most everything knowing that THEY can make it worthless. So basically, we live in the present, one moment to the next, enjoying what can be enjoyed and taking things as they come. We are simple folk and enjoy a simple life, nothing extravagant beyond the healthiest foods and supplements we can find.
“Why are you paying for healthcare if it doesn’t cover anything serious?”
Because we learned the HARD way that sometimes Rockefeller medical is the only choice. I had just one month where I was not insured (prior to bullshit medicare kicking in). Right then I fell and shattered my left hip. I called my natural medicine provider who said “go to the hospital right away; I cannot help you,” absolutely worthless wench, wouldn’t even look at me.
The medical system, though horrendously frightening and incompetent, is the only choice I know for replacing a hip and socket. SO… four days in a hospital with a surgery without health insurance is not cheap. Top that off with a false positive PCR test (asymptomatic of course) there, and add on being confined to an emergency Covid ward! Almost $2,000 just for an ambulance to go 3 miles!
My husband had a hernia last year which would not respond to any natural remedies, so he needed surgery.
I HATE the medical system. It almost killed me more than once and I have been permanently damaged by that system’s incompetence (whole lower body filled with mesh after six years of undiagnosed appendicitis that fused all my organs together). But unfortunately I do not know anybody who heals bodies beyond that system. I’m a Reiki master and so is my husband; but that does not put a broken body back together (though we’ve tried like hell to make it so)! We do red light therapy now, which seems promising in numbers of ways (too soon to tell). We eat 100% organic food and mostly shop at very expensive local organic farms.
Food prices are increasing exponentially by us (Arizona USA) along with everything else.
I am grateful for all things we have and am convinced that the worth of a life is how well it loved.
Your post makes we want to weep. So true. I have been in bed for days with bronchitis and ultimately had to get antibiotics. Tinctures weren’t cutting it. I am glad you have a spouse. You wrote, and I commend you for it “So basically, we live in the present, one moment to the next, enjoying what can be enjoyed and taking things as they come. We are simple folk and enjoy a simple life, nothing extravagant beyond the healthiest foods and supplements we can find.”
Do you know how good it feels to be acknowledged by you in any small way, Smythe511? I appreciate your feedback, as there has been basically zero connection with any person(s) beyond my husband since the scandemic took away all my friends and all but one far-away relative. And most online ‘communication’ has been shallow at best.
I hope you feel better and I Definitely understand what you are going through. If my husband wasn’t here, I don’t think I would want to live with zero friends or human connection. Life is tenuous, at best, a loosh farm as far as I can tell.
Thank you, Drumunit for the compliment. It is a strange world. Time tested social institutions have been pulverized.
You should have friends and you would were it 50 years ago. Friendships require proximity and time to visit. Even standing in the butcher shop you end up chatting with the butcher and those around you. (I am 69) I am visiting a daughter in a “planned community”. I am like, Where are all the people?” They stay inside. Every house looks almost the same. Across from us the young couple get door dash. She slips out when the delivery person is gone and dashes back in. Totally weird. People already have been severely conditioned to even live in these places and don’t even know it. There is not a touch of personal creativity on any home.
On a side note I am upset that I can’t get a cough syrup with codeine. That was over the counter medicine for 100’s of years. It is a specific for bronchial spasm coughing. And forget laudanum! LOL I chafe at the lack of freedom to make our own choices. Ivan Illich’s book Medical Nemesis addresses what we see now. He wrote it maybe 50 years ago or so.
We are from the same era, me being 68. The only way anybody out by me will have any type of conversation is if they are drunk or high. I kind of get that, as I’ve lost my social skills as well over time.
When we first moved to rural AZ in 2008, our house was one of 8 within a mile. The construction industry has been on steroids ever since, building subdivisions everywhere–little or big box houses on zero land where you can touch your neighbor from your side window (not that anyone wants to do that)! Suddenly, prison-like houses (not homes) are for rent, not for sale. You’ll own nothing and be miserable is what Klaus Rob should’ve been saying.
And I hear you regarding over the counter medications. All the ingredients in those, as with even processed foods when we were growing up, have changed to the most toxic and venomous varieties of chemicals. And all at once the companies all change, so weird. I ate like crap as a young musician touring the world. If I would’ve eaten those same things now at a young age, I’d be dead!
Regarding OTC medications… last time we both got sick in January (sick to me means trying to rid self of toxic crap in the body), I bought baby medications because they were the only ones with less than 10 ingredients!
Thanks for responding and it feels good to relate in some small way!
Rural Arizona does not have the best health care choices. It’s best to go to Phoenix or Vegas for anything complex. I know some people get “Obama” care out this way and though this insurance sucks, it will cover catastrophic medical bills. That will often save people who experience severe medical problems: hip fractures, cancer, heart attack, etc.
I would advise people to get this insurance. It’s not a good idea to go uninsured even though the medical system sucks there are some things that can only be obtained through it. Surgeries for example. And sometimes surgeries are necessary.
Insurance is nice but I think most people don’t realize that AS LONG AS YOU PAY SOMETHING REGULARLY you can string medical debt out until you die.
They can’t do much as long as you make a minimal effort to repay and don’t miss payments….unlike real debt.
We’re paying off the wife’s operation and inflation means that we got a good discount:) hahaha by the time we pay it off I bet it will have been reasonably priced … that was WITH insurance too.
People who get into medical debt should always pay something and never just try to ignore it never ever get a loan to pay it off because without interest it’s just an annoying expense every month not a bankruptcy event.
That’s true. As long as you pay something, it won’t ruin your credit.
The thing about insurance though is that doctors and hospitals charge less via insurance than private pay. I think they have contracts that cap what they can charge.
After my zillion-dollar uninsured hospital nightmare month, medicare (should be called MediScare) kicked in. Oh, what they allow and not! My portion per month to pay isn’t horrendous, and I will only use it in a dire emergency with no other options.
My husband, though he works an OK job, still has to pay way more than fair HellthScare insurance premiums for himself. He would not qualify for anything State related and there are no premiums less than what he’s paying at present. Shit’s gotten out of hand in every possible way! Showing my age here: I remember when employers (in Illinois anyways) paid 100% of your insurance; and insurance covered 100% of everything with next to zero hassle. Can I hear an amen? 🙂
Re: “…predicted in advance by Ludwig von Mises, who, in his 1922 opus, Socialism: An Economic and Social Analysis…” and “Perhaps the Rockefellers were reading Mises’ description not as a warning but a blueprint.”
So private for-profit mega corporations with trillions in capital are now called “socialist”? Learn something every day!
My husband and I have 8 children and the only positive responses we receive are from older folks who reminisce about growing up in a large family and from people within our Baptist church. It’s not uncommon for people to assume we’re Mormon or Catholic because we chose to have more than 1.5 children. Having a large family often is tied to religious beliefs – A secular, pagan society will never value God’s beautiful design of a healthy, traditional family.
Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Great article James, and very timely since my wife and I just found out we’re expecting our first child!!! Next gen of corbetteres in the works lol 😜
PS really enjoying your new book! Can’t put it down tbh 🙏
my wife and i decided to adopt children. since she went off to seek her fame and fortune i adopted the guys at san quentin state prison. since then i have included all of the Creators’ children within my reach for what ever time i have with them. i invest a sense of character in them as my Creator leads me and thus He invests in my character, being my cellie. a good look at that reveals what i might DO after i die. i am creating a resume with my history.
I’ve been with my husband since we were teenagers. Years passed and no baby. Then more years passed and still no baby. My husband started a business and I went to grad school. Still no baby. I saw a new MD and she said to wait a few more years (I was 36 and at this age you are referred to as maternal geriatric). I got an infertility book which recommended Robitussin Cough Syrup, since it makes the mucous more slippery. Instant baby, plus 2 more using this highly scientific method. The last one though I think I took the cough syrup because I had a cold.
Hahaha! Congratulations!
Yes Congrats! 🙂
That is intriguing regarding the Robitussin Cough Syrup.
Online information lists some problematic ingredients in the current formulation (Propylene glycol, very nasty stuff and a favorite ingredient for injectable products of corporations like Pfizer, conventionally grown, likely glyphosate laced Corn syrup, Codeine, a narcotic, and Acetaminophen, which can damage the liver, among other things) but perhaps there are some naturally derived compounds in the formulation you have taken which could be accessed in a whole plant based form?
You would not happen to have the ingredient list of the one you took and be willing to share it here would you?
I ask, because I have just published an article on natural ways to help with fertility (including a section on Cervical Mucus Enhancing Herbs/foods, for more info https://open.substack.com/pub/gavinmounsey/p/fertility-and-reproductive-health?r=q2yay&selection=5ea2daab-e54c-466b-b052-96447594dce9&utm_campaign=post-share-selection&utm_medium=web ) and while I would not add a product like Robitussin Cough Syrup to the article, I would certainly be interested in learning if there are any natural ingredients in that product which I could list (if I have not already).
In any case, I am so glad it was helpful to you and I thank you for the comment.
ps –
looks like I mixed up Propylene glycol with Polyethylene glycol (PEG) in my head..
Though Propylene glycol is likely problematic for different reasons depending on where it is sourced from.
If india had this problem id be excited with joy. As much as I hate the rich and powerful, the world needs less people. Im tired of going to national parks and seeing all the tourists or just hordes of people. It would also bring down the price of homes, cars, etc. But that’s just my opinion.
I felt quite invincible before children. This short sorta summarizes it.