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The Covid-19 Mask
You are a symbol of fear
That tries to force itself upon me.
You suffocate me and stifle my words.
You are a lie.
You are a symbol of submission-
Like a bridle on a horse
You break my spirit.
You make it hard to smile.
You hide me and make me loose my individuality,
Perhaps even a little of my humanity.
You are a barrier between me and the rest of my fellow humans.
Will I ever be free to breath in the fresh air again?
Nicely put. They are a symbol of submission to this plandemic. Lets stand our ground.
[SNIP – Please don’t copy/paste the same text multiple times. -JC]
Breathe is spelled, thus<<
CC, have you been forced to wear one of those muzzles? Or “mas-querade,” as others call it? I’m grateful to say I haven’t.
May I honor your excellent poem by copy/pasting it here? I know it’s too late for you to fix the “breath/breathe” rtmull mentioned, but I can correct it for you. And, while I’m at it, I’ll change “loose” to “lose” (everybody mixes up those two words from time to time, believe me!).
The Covid-19 Mask
by CC
You are a symbol of fear
That tries to force itself upon me.
You suffocate me and stifle my words.
You are a lie.
You are a symbol of submission —
Like a bridle on a horse
You break my spirit.
You make it hard to smile.
You hide me and make me lose my individuality,
Perhaps even a little of my humanity.
You are a barrier between me and the rest of my fellow humans.
Will I ever be free to breathe in the fresh air again?
Should’ve used a spellchecker.
I have been forced to wear a mask if I am to enter certain stores. I’m considering not shopping in them again. I do wear kind of a costume mask to annoy them when I go, though. 🙂
Feel free to correct the spelling and go ahead and share it with anyone.
Nice work. I truly hate wearing this mask, but here in the Philippines our fascist “protectors” are enthusiastically enforcing this requirement upon all who venture outside. Armed private security guards, which are present at every store, enforce the rule and bar entry to those who do not comply.
Here is a 9 minute + clip by a competent doctor. Important note by him ” The CDC knows” but why didn’t they act? COVID-19: A DIRE MESSAGE TO OUR ELDERLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKBz2hcVg-k
Thanks, Drago66.
I am an RN and really appreciate the sharing of credible, technical, medical information about this virus. There have been links to nurses in NYC and Florida describing horrible medical mismanagement of Covid patients, in particular poor patients who have no one advocating for them. Also of physicians who honestly and earnestly are trying to find effective treatments. It seems all these voices are being silenced. Such a sad time for healthcare in the US. I honestly didn’t think it could have gotten any worse, but now it has.
Dr Zach Bush, MD has put out wonderful material.
Well done!
To this day, I refuse to wear a mask.
Brilliant poem!! ? The overlords will never stop our creative spirit.
Please check out the YouTube I wear my face mask in my car by media bear! It’s a music video using the tune I wear my sunglasses at night! Very well done and very funny!
marvellous 😀
im also good at following orders & am anxiously awaiting for my 3d printer to come that i bought from amazon with govt gift$$ ~ im going the extra mile, not just a face mask, full PPE https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/3d-printed-suit will be great for antisocial distancing.
This guy has already been mentioned elsewhere, but probably buried under loads of information.
Are you doing the right thing?
The Highwire did another rundown on people standing up to prison world.
A glimmer of hope from normie land
Right on! This guy has the courage to speak the truth from his heart.
I watched a documentary about this last year. I can’t remember the name of it but I have not forgotten the story about the City of London (as opposed to the London we all know)
I agree. I think the going back and forth about Gates, Fauci, the govt’s, the WHO, CDC, etc. while worth it for it’s eye opening educational purposes does not touch the real powers that actually give the marching orders. I think these are people we will never ever hear about.
Isn’t it very often the case that the real power is always behind the scenes.
If I remember correctly, it is City of London who started the trend of off-shore banking and hidden assets.
Thanks for this reminder.
I also wonder –
with all due unequivocal respect and gratitude to good people (like James, Broc and others) who make it a mission to shine a light on the truth – if those inhabitants of the little City of London aren’t right now laughing their very comfortable butts off as they watch the whole world argue over viruses, exosomes, germ theory, cell lines, wuhan, dietrick, pcr, antibodies, herd immunity, no immunity, right wing, left wing, mikovits, fauci, gates, kaufman, erikkson, bigtree, ferguson, icu’s, ventilators, masks, gloves, statistics, percentages, flu’s, cold’s, peer reviews, stay home, stay healthy, stay away, stay tuned…
OK, that’s probably my 500 limit.
I think I’ve hit the bottom of the rabbit hole.
They already have a vaccine ready and waiting.
Maybe The Spider’s Web
If not, then maybe Secret City
They are both good, but the first once especially shows how Britain built a financial empire after its military one collapsed.
It was, indeed, The Spider’s Web. Thanks,lance.
I’m going to watch it again.
What an absolute UNIT. Solid. Simple as.
[SNIP – Please don’t copy/paste the same text multiple times. -JC]
“..Ironically, tiny Iceland had the solution for these predatory bankers….”
Iceland is a place where everyone is related…. its hard for outsiders to come and rip off people who are essentially genetic family
I’m finding the whole debate is again falling into a polarised debate like everything nowadays. Some people saying don’t lift the lockdown others saying do it all the way. some say stagger it. Again we are being asked to listen to experts, who are no such thing and that its guesswork at best. People who want the lockdown to end are being accused of killing countless people with no thought given to the thousands who will die because of the lockdown and that’s just the ones that can’t access healthcare. The ongoing repercussions will kill many more. Also the same people who are happy to send some people out to work exposing them while sheltering themselves. Common sense is not prevailing and the world is in a fear induced hysteria.
Vanschiele says:
“It’s challenging to approach this topic when some are paralysed by paranoia.”
I agree.
The folks who are afraid can not easily receive any communication.
what then is an antidote to fear? try singing, in gradually more public places. Or, ultimately, with innocent conviction, look the fear straight in the eyes (I suppose that would be the eyes of the one who is paralysed)
A possible FEAR REMEDY
I often refer folks to Dr. Brownstein YouTube videos.
If it is fear of being sick or dying, whether oneself or others, this may give folks hope.
The Case Histories give people an excellent overview of what to expect with the illness and recovery.
Kathryn: ”Right away the nebulizer started to open up my lungs.”
(15 minutes)
On March 13th, Friday, Kathryn got sick.
Z-pak was prescribed.
March 20th, Friday – She goes to the hospital. IV’s of Tylenol and antibiotic. She is given oxygen. After days and days of not getting better, she goes home.
She had worries of dying. It was hard to breathe.
April 17th, Friday, – Kathryn sees Dr. Brownstein
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
That said…some folks eat fear for breakfast. They love it. They love drowning in fear. Just like some folks enjoy horror movies…they want to be made afraid.
ok, you ask an explicit question, so here is my take.
there are several stressors that eat vitamin-c away in the body, like heat, exhaustion, infection and many more. one that is not generally mentioned is psychosomatics. the point is we all carry in our heads a virtual world, that we built ourselves, using the total of our experiences as the building blocks. this is a very nice evolutionary product, as you understand things in real time, while you see them happen. but you may also use it off-line, completely dynamically and without boundaries, only restricted by what you made of your own life long experiences.
but then, problem.
this building proces has been going on since very early childhood, and some of the parts and pieces that support the pattern recognition going on in your thinking is connected to childhood fears in situations long forgotten. being your own reference, these fears grow with you. this means thinking itself may resuscitate strong fears that are totally obsolete and irrelevant, but nevertheless steer your thinking. you will not know whats going on, but you will feel some things are very bad. this fear may block further thinking along a certain path or even stop it altogether. in the latter extreme case, you may have come to live in a sort of thought prison, surrounded by walls of fear.
there is an apparent design flaw in the connection between this virtual world in your head and your very real body. its fysiology cannot make a difference between information from your senses and from the scenarios playing inside your head. as a consequence, any fear that arises while simulating in your virtual surroundings will be interpreted as real, and your hormones start running, blood pressure goes up etc. and there you have your psychosomatic stress.
as said, stress takes away lots of vitamin-c, if only because the hormone production in your adrenals needs lots of it. on the other hand, if used, the brain by itself already is a power user of vitamin-c. therefore, fearful thinking is a vitamin-c killer.
with your c depleted, lots of bad things start happening, your thinking becomes very limited, you get depressed and your immune system can no longer do its job properly, etc.
and then the media start a deadly virus campaign and there you have your self-fulfilling prophesy.
On the topic of statistics, I found an interesting author who visualises the course of COVID-19 cases, deaths, etc. going by the youtube name of Peerless Reads (using government data).
Although it comes as no surprise in here that statistics about COVID-19 are manipulated, he takes the Hubei (Wuhan province) development of the virus outbreak as the baseline/referenc and compares various countries and some special cases (New York, Los Angeles, Brussels) with that ‘normal’ progression.
Interesting to see is that all US/EU/UK ‘aligned’ countries follow Wuhan pretty much exactly, while those countries not aligned are at much lower (and more natural) curves/development of disease progression. Some places are now clearly progressing with non-natural statistics.
He becomes more explicit and cynical as he progresses, so perhaps useful to first watch one of his presentations from a few days ago before doing the latest, e.g.:
5 May – “Covid-19 Chart Update 200504a – New York Exceeds 2 million cases PCMP” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPHBqL5gHBE
6 May – “New York Death sentence” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imrLwM97i0k
7 May – “Los Angeles LA Ram’d – Your’re being played” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmIF0vZTZaA
7 May – “The End of the World” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFsctgs4OG4
A comment under one of the presentations helps clarify the lines (otherwise you’d have to go back to one of the first presentations:
“top smooth solid line = cases (.C) middle smooth short dash (.D for death, not dash) = deaths, top wavy dotted (.V = volume, from stock exchange) = each day’s cases, bottom wavy dot-dash (.D.V = deaths.volume) = each day’s deaths figures”
Thank you for directing me to this Youtube channel. I watched several videos and, since I’m a New Yorker, was particularly interested in
“New York Death sentence” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imrLwM97i0k
I would like to request help to check on the math in this video before I go ballistic on my local politicians.
If the statistical analysis in this video is correct, it is extremely damaging to the reputations of New York State and New York City politicians and statisticians. In fact, it indicates the likelihood of fraud. It would seem that the COVID numbers are ridiculously–no insanely–high for New York City. Unfortunately, I do have one problem with Andrew Mather’s analysis of NYC data. He thinks that NYC is just Manhattan. It isn’t. New York City is made up of five Boroughs. The other four are Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island. He also uses a different measure– “rate per one hundred million” –which is different from the measure that is used by New York State and New York City (rate per 100,000). So I had to go back and check his math. I’m getting more or less the same results when I convert from rate per one hundred thousand to rate per one hundred million–using the population of NYC as 8,398,748, the death count as 14,611 and the number of cases as 178,766. However, I am not a statistician like he claims to be so I am asking for someone who works with population statistics to confirm what he says in this video. Thanks again.
He has basically proved mathematically that “…the medical situation is real, but the scale of the crisis is, until I see ironclad proof to the contrary…entirely manufactured”.
I too would like some secondary validation ofthis channels statements.
I think the hysteria is part of the plan, hugh. I agree with your thoughts. Waaaaayyyy too much divisive info out there now. Even on alt/independent media.
The folks who arranged this agenda aren’t stupid.
So I read and watch and question and then I take what I believe and leave the rest. I have even been doing my own research on things I read, and alas, have found some mistakes.
I do believe there is a strong strain of virus this year. I do believe a lot of older people contracted and died having become infected with it and not strong enough to fight it. (and younger people, also)
But I do not agree with the lockdown of the entire planet because of it. What most scientists, virologists, doctors on alt/independent media seem to agree on – even if they disagree about germ theory – is that a total lockdown was unnecessary and unhealthy.
To me the total lockdown screams New World Order. And I am against that.
So far I have not worn a mask or gloves and I go out whenever I like. I will continue in this vein and will not acquiesce to mandatory testing or vaccine.
I went to a protest in my city last week. I met a friend there who had made a huge sign for the “staging area”. He had had the virus. 3 weeks. All the symptoms.
I asked him – “if you had had this last year, what would you have called it?” He said “A bad flu”. He’s in his 50’s. In good health. But it hit him pretty hard. No hospital though.
Yet, there he was protesting the lockdown and insisting we get back to work.
We don’t have to know the ‘TRUE’ statistics to be able to prove that those given out by certain governments are fraudulent. Just like we don’t need to know how WTC seven was brought down to be able to prove that the government’s story is fraudulent. That is the beauty of math. They can heap numbers on you, but if the numbers don’t add up, they have basically proved themselves to be criminals. The way this is done with statistics is to compare numbers. The death rate in New York City is outrageously high–with no explanation. It’s not just a little higher, it’s Empire State Building vs International Space Station higher. While the rest of the world, including China, have a similar baseline of numbers, New York, London, and Brussels, the financial centers of the world, have astronomical death rates which are being used to justify tracking, tracing, testing, and vaccinating. If we can prove that they are lying, we have that much more ammunition against their agendas. That is why this video in particular is so important. I just need secondary validation beyond my poor math skills to be able to start spreading this around.
[THIS IS A REPOST FROM LAST OPEN THREAD. Nobody read it so maybe 1 more time!]
Question for Corbett, and of course everyone else
Ever heard of InsigniaGate? It might be old news to some, but this was mind-blowing. Basically it was a data dump mainly by a man named Eliahi Priest.
Website with Download of Data Dump: https://www.contactzero.org/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmJXzgJwsOl4VCWTUY6u3hw/videos
Must Watch Summary by Priest himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVhr4g66FSM
The problem is whether the InsigniaGate information is legit or not. First red flag is he is a Q supporter. Second red flag is he seems to be a bit crazy, as seen on some of the tabs on his website separate from the InsignisGate drop. Plus people seem to think it’s all a big psyop ( https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1137915021508263936.html ). But with the info he provides on his channel and the dump itself, it seems pretty darn legit.
He covers something called the Five Star Trust which basically hands out an absurd amount of money to code-named individuals/organizations, enough to pay off the U.S. debt multiple times. He delves into drug trafficking, dirty politics, CIA use of the Five Star Trust, Assassinations, Phone calls of hits, and way more. Plus he seems to back a lot of it up. Tell me what you all think!
Just an addition to what I wrote. Here’s another video with Priest talking about The Five Star Trust ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmP6MRSDtzc ). And something else that seems to add validity to InsigniaGate is Lord James of Blackheath talking about the foundation, but labeling it ‘Foundation X’ ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aWTsxSOTDA ) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLrHOgy0tRo ) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7D3YpKsHjc ). This has been described as the greatest threat to British national security since WW2. Here’s Priest contacting the Australian Security Intelligence Organization about the important info he obtains ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMNi8eGA9mM&t=217s ). Blackheath later on retracted his claims..who knows why? And obviously more in the data dump itself, just trying to help highlight some key points.
[SNIP – Please don’t copy/paste the same text multiple times. -JC]
[SNIP – Please don’t copy/paste the same text multiple times. -JC]
Facebook removed my reference to the new movie “Plandemic” and my mention of Dr. Judy Mikovitz. They have a new “information czar” that is head of a 20 member board that punishes wrongthink and dissenting opinions.
Dr. Mikovitz relating of what happened to her is quite compelling and I can see why they would remove it, because it is quite threatening to the MSM narrative.
You can watch the clip here… I recommend it highly…
Also, James…if you read this…
It would be nice at some point to visit the corruption and history of Dr. Anthony Fauci…this power player needs to be exposed.
Sunday – May 10, 2020
The New York Times
written by Davey Alba
via Yahoo News
Virus Conspiracists Elevate a New Champion
A video showcasing baseless arguments by Dr. Judy Mikovits, including attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been viewed more than eight million times in the past week.
(with short text video)
In a video posted to YouTube on Monday, a woman animatedly described an unsubstantiated secret plot by global elites like Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci to use the coronavirus pandemic to profit and grab political power.
In the 26-minute video, the woman asserted how Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a leading voice on the coronavirus, had buried her research about how vaccines can damage people’s immune systems. It is those weakened immune systems, she declared, that have made people susceptible to illnesses like COVID-19.
The video, a scene from a longer dubious documentary called “Plandemic,” was quickly seized upon by anti-vaccinators, the conspiracy group QAnon and activists from the Reopen America movement, generating more than 8 million views. And it has turned the woman — Dr. Judy Mikovits, 62, a discredited scientist — into a new star of virus disinformation.
Her ascent was powered not only by the YouTube video but also by a book that she published in April, “Plague of Corruption,” which frames Mikovits as a truth-teller fighting deception in science. In recent weeks, she has become a darling of far-right publications like The Epoch Times and The Gateway Pundit. Mentions of her on social media and television have spiked to as high as 14,000 a day, according to media insights company Zignal Labs.
(…continued below)
The rise of Mikovits is the latest twist in the virus disinformation wars, which have swelled throughout the pandemic. Conspiracy theorists have used the uncertainty and fear around the disease to mint many villains. Those include Fauci after he appeared to slight President Donald Trump and Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft, as someone who started the disease. They have also pushed the baseless idea that 5G wireless waves can help cause the disease.
On the flip side, they have created their own heroes, like Mikovits.
The conspiracy theorists “recast a pusher of discredited pseudoscience as a whistleblowing counterpoint to real expertise,” said Renee DiResta, a disinformation researcher at the Stanford Internet Observatory.
Mikovits did not respond to requests for comment…
…YouTube and Facebook have removed the “Plandemic” scene, saying that it spread inaccurate information about COVID-19 that could be harmful to the public. But the video continues to circulate, as people post new copies. Twitter added an “unsafe” warning…
…There is no evidence that Fauci and Mikovits interacted. In a statement to the fact-checking website Snopes, Fauci denied…
…Zach Vorhies, a former YouTube employee who has recently promoted QAnon conspiracy theories, posted a GoFundMe campaign April 19 titled “Help me amplify Pharma Whistleblower Judy Mikovits.”…
… GoFundMe removed the page Friday, stating that the campaign violated the website’s terms of service for “campaigns that are fraudulent, misleading, inaccurate, dishonest, or impossible.”…
…Mikovits’ newfound notoriety has also lifted sales of her new book. This past week, “Plague of Corruption” shot to No. 1 on Amazon’s print bestseller list. The book was out of stock Friday. Amazon said that the book did not violate the company’s content guidelines….
The amount of defamation and censorship against Dr. Judy Mikovits baffles me. They even seem reluctant to write her name. I had pre-ordered her book a few weeks ago at a local bookstore. Last week i was informed that my order was cancelled due to shipping problems. It wasn`t aviable even on amazon, as stated in the article. I wonderd if that was due to it being sold out or censoring (maybe a subtile way of censoring by just buying up the stock..)
I had shared the video “plandemic” with a friend of mine who is a scientist in the field of chemistry. Her answer was not in the least sience based as i had hoped but rather her opinion seemed to be shaped solely based on articles like the one you had shared
I just now had a brother text me with the link to Plandemic.com.
The word is getting out that there is a Corona-Coverup.
I just watched it on Bitchute. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IB3ijQuLkkUr/?fbclid=IwAR3ycxhKDdC5fSWvYGh56SKfUSCGN7VOqGzeJ9fXHLsWCHWLxSgNJUIKhGM
Great movie.
No way she should have been put in prison.
There is an immense criminal pact hiding
inside the medicine industry.
And that is what she tells about.
They will do everything to bury her.
There are endless reports of medicine killing people.
Cancer causing medicine.
Either by addiction (Jordan Peterson)
Aids causing blood products (Bayer)
Vaccine injuries etc.
Most of the medicine are not working, and/or causing
damage to health.
Still certain medicine work:
1) additives that fill in a certain need for chemicals in the body.
2) insulin and similar things that the body has trouble making.
3) Killing the infection (or other problem) with targeted poison
4) blocking certain chemical processes of the body, so it does
not damage itself.
And slowly the medical science learns more what to do.
Like using Hydroxychloroquine for Covid in the early stage,
or giving oxygen and immunity system suppressant in the late stage,
seems to work. But we are still learning.
But the industry have hijacked the normal scientific process,
to maximize the profits.
This is with:
1) owning the research and their institutes.
2) Owning the scientific papers.
3) Patents. and monopolies.
4) Suppression of cheap alternatives or other research.
5) Buying the media
6) Owning the (technocratic) politicians
7) Control of the justice system.
8) Free testing of products in 3rd world countries in the name of “aid”.
The movie is mostly about 3,4,6,7
Hi Alchemist,
I lost your Youtube channel information. Can you send it again? I have been attending protests in California and was wanting to collaborate with people to continue to pressure “officials” to stop these tyrannical lockdowns. Take care
I think it is really clear what is happening and why. Money goes from Bill to Fauci to Wuhan to virus spread.. then Bill has a “solution”.
I think it is more important to realize that this type of economic turmoil only comes once a life time. (and would of happened without the virus).
In addition to watching who is doing what, I think everyone should be ready for what is coming.
My advice is to ensure you have food and minimize debt. Then, buy gold(physical)/silver(physical)/crypto(BCH). These items will explode in the next year or two. Best place for precious metals that I can find at this time -> Mike Maloney at goldsilver.com. This would be short term advice.
Long term, we need to walk away from those who would claim to be our masters. Use other tools than what they are handing out.. away from google/FB/microsoft..
Good luck everyone, this is going to be a crazy ride.
What about privacy-oriented Cryptocurrencies that can be mined with regular Computer CPU processors, & have an abundant nearly infinite supply, like Monero for example.
Check this video out about Pandemic Bonds
There is discussion and research beginning related to the manner in which COVID-19 may in fact be caused by the ongoing loss of Earth’s magnetic field which in turn is related to our sun’s diminished output and lack of sunspots which provide us with UV radiation that actually kills pathogens.
Cornell University: [Submitted on 6 May 2020] Arctic Oscillation: possible trigger of COVID-19 outbreak
Here are links to cosmic ray monitors that users can input their own time span, frequency of data point sampling and other variables to see for themselves how much we are currently being bombarded as compared to previous times as far back as 1964 in some cases.
Moscow: http://cr0.izmiran.ru/mosc/main.htm
Oulu station in the Arctic circle: http://cosmicrays.oulu.fi/
The implications of this are enormous and go way beyond the notions of ‘conspiracies’ to the point of the actions of secret societies being ‘potentially’ altruistic IF it has been known that this would happen by looking at historical data, mythologies, archeology and other references that the majority do not have access to or is way above their cognitive levels.
And there’s this: 44:05 / 1:17:25
•Premiered Aug 14, 2019
I take no joy in being the one springing this ‘revelation’ onto everyone, and I do not envy James’ position in deciding what to do with it next.
One overlooked detail to mention, on the Oulo monitor be sure to check the “Generate chart:” box to see a similar depiction as the Moscow charts and be aware that differences in geographic location will depict differentials in readings.
Thank you rachelle, this is how I originally learned of it. Thank you for the reply in general just to confirm that at least someone is acknowledging this possible (PROBABLE?} link.This issue has the potential to galvanize and clarify everyone’s focus if it is allowed to be presented. This isn’t one of those “what if” type of scenarios, it is something that can be actually observed, measured, and at least approximately timed and that time is rapidly running out. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW no matter how uncomfortable it may make them, the superfluous distractions need to end if we’re ever going to properly prepare (if there is such a thing) as a species.
Check it at 5 minute intervals and it’s even worse
Man my other reply disappeared, Check the Moscow monitor chart between 2012 and present time set at 5 minute sampling rate and there are MASSIVE spikes of 200-over 700% right around the time people were dropping dead in the streets.
Not stating they caused a virus, just that at those intensities it could cause rapid immune system shock which could have manifested in respiratory issues and other flu-like symptoms.
And the spikes are still happening, may not be over the same region every time.
“Damascus Streets Early May” brought to you by Eva Bartlett
Thank you pearl, for bringing Eva Bartlett`s homepage to my awareness
Thank you Pearl!
Hi Pearl,
I saw this video in the last few days; it was quite wonderful to see people seemingly going about their normal days. It really does look like the sort of place that would be great to spend lots of time wandering the streets exploring and meeting locals….
One fears that travel to far flung places may be a thing of the past- unless we sign up for Gates’ solution?
One fears that travel to far flung places may be a thing of the past- unless we sign up for Gates’ solution?
Well until Gates’ solution comes along (vaccine) we can still travel but according to the research I did yesterday it sure won’t be fun!
I took a look at Lufthansa, Air Canada and Pearson Airport in Toronto.
In addition to the ‘new normal’ security measures implemented at airports since 9/11 you can look forward to social distancing at airports, mandatory pre-boarding body temperature scans, mandatory face masks at airports and inside the planes, staggered seating, 14 day quarantine at destination country etc. etc., the new ‘new normal’. 🙁
Then it’s just an awesome coincidence then that we began getting hit with MASSIVE successive spikes EXACTLY as people were dropping dead on the streets of China. Check the Moscow monitor with the sampling set to 1 minute intervals in the span from like 2012 to present, they are anywhere from 200 to 750% on top of the averages being at record highs. We’re still getting spikes occasionally. Ben would not report any sort of link unless he had some sort of publication on it, Cornell’s new study about it would indicate that the connection has merit or they wouldn’t be funding research much less publishing anything about it.
It has become obvious that people under 65 who don’t have underlying health challenges should be encouraged to return to work using safety measures of their choice. Other people likely should be encouraged to be particularly careful but still should be given a choice. Rest and nursing homes should be regulated to provide protection. Hospitals should be allowed to schedule elective procedures but should choose to operate sufficiently below capacity to make room for covid patients estimated (using a safety factor)to show up in the next two weeks.
The time for governors and other politicians in the USA suspending the liberties granted by the constitution must stop now. This suspension of liberties can no longer be justified.
We cannot and should not wait for or rely upon a potential vaccine before opening the economy. The March 2020 federal law that waives liability for a potentially unsafe vaccine should be repealed. Mandatory vaccination is, of itself, unsafe. People should open their small businesses, using safety measures they deem prudent, even if such openings violate politicians directives.
Counts of covid deaths should be revised to only include deaths where people tested positive and the doctor states that covid is the primary cause of the death. Where patients have health insurance, insurance companies must be required to pay contract costs and federal law should not allow or encourage otherwise. Laws that do encourage otherwise should be repealed.
A sound and reasonable approach, to my way of thinking.
[My apologies for reposting an old post of mine, so here’s an original one]
Anyone read much about the Ripple/XRP crypto conspiracy?
Here’s a good video summarizing what the Ripple/XRP plan is: https://youtu.be/AYrGqXXygj0
If the video is too long I’d suggest going to the ‘videos’ tab of ‘The Bearable Bull” YouTube channel and browse around: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX4VQG8mqhJeTJRNl69TOrg/videos
Basically, it revolves around the idea of a financial reset. The “XRParmy” mostly believes there’s going to be a new gold-standard and that XRP is going to be the main currency (some think Stellar Lumens will be backed by silver). The most important thing that raises my eyebrows is XRP/Ripple being the bad boy of the crypto world, they’re widely hated because CENTRAL BANKS and GOVERNMENTS are working with them. The word is they want to replace the SWIFT system with Ripple, so the billions and trillions being traded between governments and central banks will go through Ripple. (Side note: Ripple is the TECHNOLOGY, XRP is the currency. Ripple is what the banks and governments want to use) Instead of SWIFT taking 2 weeks, it’ll take around a minute or less. Plus, as Corbett always warned, Ripple is not the good guy. It’s using blockchain as a tool for control, atleast according to the hardcore XRParmy. There’s so much more to this, hope it intrigues you all!
https://youtu.be/Aom22ldMRY8 – Supposedly the Bank of International Settlements is involved. Who knows?
I was unaware of XRP, thanks for mentioning it. As an aside, none of these options will work out if infrastructural problems are not firstly understood and then resolved. We have already been on this path several times before.
Restaurant mandates employees NOT to wear face masks
While this is a restaurant chain, it notably caught the news cycle in Highland Park and University Park.
(Sister, very affluent cities buried within the City of Dallas – and they have never fluoridated their water.)
There is a legal fight. It looks like it will go out of Texas to a Federal level.
I came across the Mirror Project and in theory it sounds like a really good thing. Would be keen to hear what others make of it
A very slick presentation, but who’s behind it I wonder?
Exactly! This could be anything from controlled opposition to entrapment, although I’d like to think otherwise.
Their website https://www.mp-22.com has no ‘About Us’ section, and so I have left a message there to that effect, requesting more information.
caution was raised when he said “a centralized protected place for all propaganda”. The solution to a healthy population will not be centralized. The current pyramid form where we all support a few at the peak (centralized), who indecently are hidden just like Giza’s missing cap stones,, is the wrong geometry. Then theres the expression, “if you want to see who the devil is, just look in a mirror.” And, he never shows himself, though his voice sounds supisciouly similar to the guy who claims to be a DEW designer or technician who has weighed in as an anti fivjee guy. the way crisis actors can play multiple roles. maybe its another dragnet for fence sitters? Personally I’ll give that site a miss.
I am hearing on msn that people of colour are dying more than whites. That this is not accounted for by overcrowding, diet or pre-existing health problems but may be how the virus affects different people.
Reminds me of the Sept 2000 “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which speaks of the desirability to be able to target segments of the population with something infectious (I am paraphrasing, and going on memory).
Germany is standing up. In many big and small cities people stand on the streets and places and call for freedom. All over the world people are doing the same. Big Pharma & Co will face a world population that is not going to obey anymore. Keep your courage!
Stuttgart – Ken Jebsen of KenFM is speaking:
I don’t think you need any other questions, what you have here is the root cause of the issue. Everything else is just policy and psychosis. And bad statistics.
Hi All. Being a father of a 5 year old and having worked with children and young people for many years, I was shocked to see how this mother and her son (around 6 years old) were treated out the front of NSW Parliament in Sydney, Australia. The psychological impact on all involved (including the Officers) will be significant. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vUAhxZBVTqo
Lets hope the psychological impact on the WPC who wouldn’t let go of her IS significant. She deserves no less. I’d like to see that video go viral and held up as an example of ‘how not to police society’.
I don’t think I exaggerate when I say that really was reminiscent of 1930s Germany.
How depressing.
I agree with you and i am from Germany. Thats why we fight furiously against all of this, because we do remember well and we know exactly how such things end! Many many germans are fighting back right now, exactly for that reason!
That’s sick!
HEDGE110 says:
The psychological impact on all involved (including the Officers) will be significant. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vUAhxZBVTqo
This video has been haunting me all evening.
It is hard to shake off.
It embodies what we all are facing, now and into the future.
That was AWFUL. Jesus Christ, how important was it to arrest her? That was harrowing.
I am going to have to go into voluntary lockdown just so I don’t myself arrested.
A longer version of the video that shows that she was trying to reason peacefully with the Gestapo pigs before her arrest for just protesting and holding up a sign.
Longer version – Before the lady’s arrest
Interview with Renee, the Aussie mum who was arrested yesterday and had her child removed from her
I was hoping there would be a follow-up on her and her son. Good interview. Thanks for posting.
Nice one, mkey. For me, this really is an important story.
It’s also available on everyone’s favourite, YouTube at
and so is therefore is downloadable by replacing the ‘be’ in the URL with ’10’ and going from there…
If anyone finds any more content pertaining to this story, please post it here.
Much respect to Renee for standing up for what is right.
I think opposing the lockdown and protesting will help and building a community around people who are against it for any reason. Even if they are “conservative” or statists, forming solidarity with people who oppose this is good to build momentum and share ideas.
Just because someone does not know as much of the details of how corrupt things are in government or who have different thoughts around COVID 19 does not mean that they can’t be allies.
It takes time for people to learn. I don’t know much about terrain theory to be honest and have my doubts that germs don’t spread disease because I have appeared to catch colds and other diseases from people, so I am inclined to believe in Germ theory. But just because there is that possible point of difference or variance in thought, does not mean I would not associate with someone who doesn’t believe in viruses at all. I want to form alliances with people so that we can stop this unnecessary lockdown and prevent the forced vaccination.
This is completely unnecessary and I think there are many people from various backgrounds that feel the same way and I think trying to find those people and organize with them and share ideas would be helpful.
There are people who are totally brainwashed by the MSM, some family of mine and I can’t get through to them because they just can’t hear me, for whatever reason, probably a form of Stockholm syndrome or other borderline psychotic reason so I have accepted that and moved on to find people who oppose this regardless of their political background and try to protest.
I am also interested in trying to sue the government. I have yet to find any law firms that are suing but I think that should also happen.
I love the prospect of agorism and do think the concept government is inherently flawed yet am willing to work within the existing system to try to make positive change. It’s sort of a moderate approach, not very revolutionary but I think community building among people who can at least hear different ideas is good.
The Jerusalem Post is reporting…
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts
“Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to “microchip” children who return to schools and kindergartens as the coronavirus lockdown is lifted, Ynet reported on Friday.”
“I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors. For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars,” the prime minister said.
That’s a very legiti.ate reason to HATE Netanyahu the Kosher Fuhrer.
Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism BTW, & Benjamin Netanyahu deserves to be compared to Adolf Hitler.
It’s no wonder why people are legitimately comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. We really need to reach out to Jewish Anti-Zionists.
Also, there’s absolutely no such thing as a Chinese Virus. The truth is that the Corona Virus is actually a Zionist Bioweapon created by Israel the true enemy of humanity and Donald Trump the Zionist Tyrant.
Yes, we need experts to assert how implanting tracking devices in human beings is a bad idea. Even more so when done under duress.
Does anyone else follow Q? See qmap.pub
There have been dozens of new posts in the last few days. This lockdown seems to be purely political. But, it looks like people from the Obama administration are going down.
Q-Anon is a psyop. A Qon-Job.
“Trust the plan” = sit back, and relax, and don’t DO anything!
What has Q posted, which has turned out to be false?
Better yet, tell us what “Q-Anon” has said, that HAS come true. Has Trump “locked her up” yet? Has he locked up ANYONE?
We have to get our heads back into being part of the real world, out of the cyber world. We cannot restore our connection with the environment while on line using resources raping and polluting the world, while giving nothing back. Not even respect.
A giant step in fighting the monster is to get rid of cell phones, smart phones and other tracking devices. Use cable connections, not WI-FI. Shun Zoom and other Big Brother systems. Wrap your head around restoring connection to real people and plants and bugs and the outside that is being destroyed by the siren conveniences of those surveillance devices. Use cash. Block every effort to pull us into the herd health of chronic illness in sterile bubbles barely surviving on horrid prescription meds and vaccinations. That is not a sustainable future. We have to quit being sequestered feedlot cattle and go back to being part of our environment.
So you might have heard about the demonstrations happening in Germany against the corona absurdity and for the return of constitutional rights. Well, I’d like to share the experience I had at the demonstration yesterday in Stuttgart with 10-20 thousand other demonstrators.
This was Stuttgart’s seventh weekly demonstration and by far the biggest yet. They started off small, always on the limit of law and grew to be a national movement named #Querdenken711 (Quer= Against the grain, across; Denken=Thinking; 711=telephone prefix for Stuttgart) In other cities in Germany the prefix number changes accordingly to their demonstrations.
This was actually the first demonstration I attended (as a participant) in my 50 years. I am normally a couch protester protesting online or verbally with others. 😉 But I decided to go there not only because I thought it would be high time to schlepp my body there for a ‘good cause’, but especially because the media has been bashing these demonstrations always more in the last weeks for being ‘right-conspiracy theorists’. I wanted to know.
When I got there I was surprised that the grounds had been marked with X’s. Each 3m apart from one another in every direction. Thousands of X’s. Everyone or every couple or family chose one they desired and made themselves comfortable with mats, beer or whatever. Almost no one wore a mask. Some held signs “Merkel has to go!” or “Give us our rights back!”, “Give Gates no Chance”, etc…. When the organizer appeared at the mic he welcomed everyone and bade us all to stay peaceful and thank the police surrounding the event for keeping us safe. Then the organizer scolded the media for having reported falsely about the past demonstrations and asked them to stay objective. He himself would not give any interviews anymore, he said.
Then something surprising happened. He asked the audience to raise their hands for the following questions so that the press could not exaggerate their further reports. “I would like to see the hands of all conspiracy theorists” People started whistling and 1/2 of the people raised their hands – so did I because it fit the moment. Then he asked to see the hands of the Pegida supporters ( a ‘right wing’ movement in Germany) none except for three in the back raised their hands. Next he wanted to see the hands of all leftist. I expected many, but it wasn’t so, just about a fifth did. And last he wanted to know who is for freedom. Everyone raised both hands and hollered.
How did the media report afterwards? Yup, you guessed it. “A couple thousand displeased right-wingers and conspiracy theorists demonstrated today in Stuttgart”
What a great ANECDOTE!
Thanks LenZoo.
Thanks for sharing! commentator Foxlady had mentioned this demonstration and had shared this video further up this commentstream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rDApC6MiCg maybe she was standing on an X near you.
Impressive how people like you in germany are standing up. Ken Jebsen`s work (and this speech in particular) is realy strong and crucial!
I am losing hope in my fellow citizens in the land of banksters..maybe because the majority realy still believes in direct democracy and might feel somehow co-responsible for the current situation..?
small sparks of hope in interviews and speeches like this one
RUBIKON: Dr. Daniele Ganser und Jens Lehrich
babysteps towards realizing for people with submissive attitude ..
One last thing: “..to schlepp my body there..” 😀 thanks for making me smile!
This so damn crazy! Thank you very much for pointing that out vrich and for wanting to check it out!
Here is the link to the Querdenken – 711 homepage with fotos and the full video of the demonstration further down titeld
“Demo 7. Mahnwache Grundgesetz / 09.05.2020 / QUERDENKEN711”
https://querdenken-711.de/ (time mark 2:43:30 is the part where Ken jebsen speaks and foxlady and i had shared)
and here someone had uploaded a short summery video of one of those demonstrations which took place on may 2nd giving some impression
Hi there, thank you for telling this story from the south of Germany! I was in Hamburg (in the north of the country) on that day, demonstrating in front of the City Hall. I walked around and looked into people´s face. I couldn´t find some nazi, god thanks! As i honestly don´t know how a conspiracy theorist looks like i can not tell something about this. Maybe the press can tell me, as they seem to know how they look like.
It was peacefull and the police behaved correctly.
I personally think, german people have the duty to fight back as powerfull as they can – for all the others too, who can not. Just to make the famous hole into the dam so that truth can burst through.
Stay couragious dear people of the world, we are in this together!
Mama Liah,
We are all glad that you are here!
Root problem… We fear death more than we love life.
Indeed. People who don’t trust the Almighty live in fear all day, every day, from mostly imagined “threats.”
Two RUMORS I’ve become aware of. Again, these are RUMORS, but not outside the realm of possibility.
An academic friend “heard” about a plan to make COVID-19 tests mandatory for recipients of Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) and CalFresh (California SNAP/Food Stamps). I’ve found no evidence this is true. Yet.
A family friend visited a local bank 5/8, and was told by a teller she could not withdraw more than $100 in cash “due to the national stand down.” This friend is not one to make BS up, and would not concoct a term like “stand down.” I immediately contacted the bank, and was assured no such policy was in place. Did someone “spill the beans” or was this just a misinterpretation?
I am NOT trying to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), but these are “rumors” of a nature that we need to be on alert for if they become reality.
Please share any news you hear.
Chris Martenson makes it very plausible that the Covid-19 Virus was Lab-Made in his video (and also in the comment section of his video). And he has the scientific background to knowledgably comment on it.
Plus that Anthony Fauci was the source of that funding.
I don’t know if this was covered in the Corbett Report already, but I found it to be very interesting.
Check out the video (and also look for Chris Martenson’s comment in the comment-section):
Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?:
Another video where Chris Martenson making it even more plausible that the Covid-19 coronavirus was Lab-Made.
Again, here Chris Martenson also posts a comment in the comment-section where he expands on it even more:
Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow…
At about 2:05 in the video, she states Ventura County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at her home with “no warrant.”
However, in her book, Plague, on p. xxxiv (Prologue), it states, “One of the deputies was brandishing a yellow piece of paper. ‘We have a search warrant’.”
Answers that I learned these months.
1. US wanted its own testing kit due to patent (=profit) issues.
2. The kits test for certain chemicals. The C19 disease has
certain chemical characteristics that can be tested for.
But these can vary a lot per person and over time.
This is the quick test, usually a test-kit.
Cheap and fast. and inaccurate.
The lab test.
To identify the correct virus, the virus has to be isolated from
all others first. Then it needs to be of a certain amount.
This is then put in a mixer, where all small pieces are
identified. These small pieces are then put together.
And this identifies the exact coding sequence of the mRNA in the virus.
From this information it is suspected that the virus was from a lab.
I don’t know how often this long test is done, and how exact it is.
It can certainly differ if other corona-viruses are mixed in,
and how large the amount of RNA is.
3. I roughly explained the PCR as the “lab-test”
4. The symptoms are mostly caused by the immunity reaction on the infection.
The virus spreads very easy via 2 receptors.
The virus does nothing else but reproduce..
The ACE2 receptor can enter almost every organ, but most easily
into the lungs.
When the virus is reproducing a lot, the immunity system starts to
activate and over-reacts. It starts killing the cells containing
the viruses and some more around them.
This is when the severe damage to the organs occur.
Peak prosperity has good videos on this:
Doctors stunned by damage seen inside the body
Also check some of the other videos.
Because some people are free of damage,
it seems to me that something triggers these severe cases.
Maybe pollution?
The only way we can wake up the sleeping masses is expose them to the truth about this plandemic. Another truther site, which name begins with a ,D, is making flyers people can post or pass out. That is great idea. Hopefully corbettreport can do the same. BTW it is free advertising. Lol
As Quebec makes available the most thorough data (in Canada), and also as Quebec has the highest number of cases, and therefore the best statistical sample, the following is based on Quebec, as of May 10, 2020..
% confirmed cases, 50 to 59 age group: 14.8%
Total confirmed cases: 36,986
Confirmed cases, 50 to 59 age group: 5473
% of deaths, 50 to 59 age group: 1.5%
Total deaths: 2786
Total deaths, 50 to 59 age group: 42
Mortality rate, based on confirmed cases, 50 to 59 age group: 0.7%
The Standford anti-body study put the confirmed to unknown ratio as high as 85 to 1. Assuming just a ratio of confirmed cases to total cases (confirmed + low symptomatic untested + asymptomatic) of 5 to 1,
mortality rate based on assumed total cases, 50 to 59 age group: 0.15%
Mortality rate per 10,000 infections: 15 per 10,000 infections
Chance of getting covid, based on herd immunity models, if no quarantine measures were in effect 75%
Overall covid mortality rate, 50 to 59 age group: 11 per 10,000
General mortality rate, 50 – 59 age group, 2019, pre-covid: 34 per 10,000
Current overall mortality rate, including covid, 50 to 59 age group: 45 per 10,000
Chance of annual mortality via car accident: 0.4 per 10,000
The same calculations done for the 80 to 89 age group do present more alarming results.Pre-covid mortality in that age group is 890 per 10,000 Covid mortality is 1636 in 10,000
Giving a combined mortality of 2526 per 10,000 for 80 to 89 age group.
This does not however consider that the illness attacks most severely those with pre-existing co-morbidities. If the 890 was subtracted from the 1636, the covid mortality among those in that age group with no previous mortality risk is 746 per 10,000. Or somewhere,then between 746 and 1636 per 10,000.
A referendum among the elders to ask them how they would have us handle the situation? I doubt many would want their grandchildren being patrolled by robot dogs.
for further perspective,
motorcycle fatalities: 5 per 10,000
the data crunched (like my above comment) for the age range, 40-49, gives overall covid mortality of 3.6 in 10,000.
Construction worker fatalities: 0.4 in 10,000
A person in the 40-49 age range is 1.5x more likely to die from driving a motorcycle to a carpentry job than dying of the covid.
The book Virus Mania disputes what were were taught about viruses. It was written by torsten engelbrecht. It states that viruses have never been proven. Rather our bodies produce these from toxins, drugs, etc. Concurs with what doctor Kaufman stated. Good book.
I don’t post much, but has anyone heard of U.S. House Resolution 6666- COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act , introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (IL-D). On May 1st? If passed it would provide $100,000,000,000($100 billion) a year in funding for “contact tracing,” testing via mobile health centers and home visits, and steps to help in quarantine(will that be home or else where?). I feel this needs to be shared, and of course they have to put their brand on the packaging for their tyrannical plans…
https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6666/text?r=2 (actual text)
https://youtu.be/UtbtpLLFyuQ (Brief synopsis)
https://www.congress.gov/member/bobby-rush/R000515?r=2&searchResultViewType=expanded&KWICView=false (Rep. Bobby Rush gov site)
Yeah, I was just looking into that earlier.
Came here to see if anyone else already looked into it.
Keep in mind that this 6666 comes on top of the recent 060606 Microsoft patent for body activity cryptocurrency generator.
And this is after people starting calling ID2020 the mark of the beast.
Looks like they’re either mocking/trolling followers of Abrahamic religions or they’re trying to make it appear as though the opposition to ID2020 is composed of ‘stupid anti-science religious fanatics’, thereby, by default, turning the ‘vaccine’ worshipers — the adherents of the Church of Mainstream Science & Academia (COMSA?) — into ID2020 advocates.
There’s also now talk about Luciferase being part of the vaccine tattoo, though I haven’t seen solid evidence of it yet.
I saw that creepy patent as well. ‘Luciferase’ is actually a class of enzymes that are involved in bioluminescence, and was supposedly coined by Raphael Dubois in the early 1900’s. It was hard to find much on him, but he was a French scientist who worked for Lyon university in France(name has evolved a bit to now, but been around since 1800’s,). It’s just an interesting name to coin a scientific molecule, but perhaps ‘lucifer’ as a word was more benign in early 1900’s France?? So no idea if this university or the scientist is a bad actor, is related, or has ever played the role.
And I do not think for a minute that these numbers are coincidence either, but I think it’s deeper than trolling. I am no religious person myself(though I have spiritual views), and don’t personally believe in the theistic religions; however, our adversaries are a mix of satanists and luciferians, who HAVE to broadcast their symbolism, and put their signature on all of their nefarious bullshit. And they truly do believe in their weird satanic nonsense , with their plans to enslave us, because of their perceived evolutionary superiority. Seriously though, they honestly believe that if we let them get away with their disgusting ways, it’s OUR OWN FAILT for being compassionate/naieve/ignorant/fearful or whatever the flavor of compliance.
To the point of making our movement appear misguided is true as well. I do think that us pointing out the ‘666’(2/3 or.666666) symbolism of their cult does cause some to pause when reviewing the information, and that sucks. They did it on purpose too!! They OWN Hollywood, they fucking wrote the Book of Revelations and threw it in the Bible long after the other stories were assembled, and they made the number an uber superstitious number in our culture, even if you aren’t religious.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphaël_Dubois (wiki bio)
Here is a science publication entitled:
Luciferase gene-loaded CS-Qdots as self-illuminating probes for specific hepatoma imaging
That said…
…for the life of me, when I see the numbering as with the U.S. House Resolution 6666- COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, I wonder if it is a deliberate attempt to churn the conspiracy realm.
After all, if you were on the PsyOp Team, wouldn’t something like this be a smooth way to milk the cow.
“Luciferase” and any other tie-ins provide great nourishment for the feedlot.
While all of this is worth making a mental note, I am not going down that deep dive trail.
Others can if they wish. I just hope they grab the source documentations and not hearsay.
There is a glass-half-full possibility to consider too:
Maybe someone at the patent office assigned the 060606 to draw attention to the patent, and the fact that it’s evil, so that it wouldn’t just slide through under the radar.
How would that person have known that the patent it’s evil?
Because of the timing.
The patent was being processed right in the middle of the plan-demic, and after the anti-Gates-of-hell / anti-mark-of-the-beast movement was well underway.
And, in this possibility, the 6666 would have been assigned to the TRACE Act by someone following the example/strategy of the person at the patent office.
I don’t necessarily think this is what happened.
I’m leaning towards the ‘COMSA’ possibility I mentioned above. But it does appear that assigning 6666 to that Act was a death sentence for it (that specific iteration of it anyway).
Dear friends,
I’d like to keep alive an idea started by Fawlty Towers on the GatesVaccine thread (just two days ago): https://www.corbettreport.com/gatesvaccine/#comment-82419
A serious discussion about creating a symbol for our pushback against this corona world order agenda has started taking shape over there.
It’d be a shame for Corbett members, of all the worthy warriors out there, to give in to the seemingly justified conclusion, expressed earlier in this Open Thread, that the bad guys never retreat (or if they do, only temporarily) — that they always win in the long run.
Here’s a little encouragement that may help reverse our most discouraging moments: We can always find a flicker of light if we look hard enough. Remember that candle-in-the-dark-shines-brightest analogy that someone mentioned a few Corbett corona comment threads ago? (You keep adding candles and the darkness ultimately has no choice but to fade, to disappear.)
We’ve all seen plenty of examples, both in our own lives and in the lives of others (our friend victoria is one example) where good has been the permanent victor over a specific wrong. Can’t we be heartened by every instance of “healing” and “renewal” and “resistance” to the temptation to give in and give up?
Everything in me rebels against resignation. I refuse to wear a face mask. Yes, I refuse to be vaccinated. I refuse to have my temperature taken. Most important of all, I refuse to lose heart.
So, please check out the “symbol” ideas over at Gates Vaccine (see above link). Thanks, all.
But why do we need a symbol? Why do we need a label? Surely being who we are is symbol enough? Plus if you wear identifying marks, you will be more easily identified by anyone who is against you as well as for you…
Nexangelus. We are highly visual creatures. Advertising works for all causes .
This is so true!
Maryl, you are the perfect example of how truth does prevail over error, and good over evil — one thinking person at a time. You chose the right thread to tell us your story. Your three children are very fortunate that you “came to” (as when one awakens from a nightmare) when you did. They’re young enough, as you point out, to be curious, eager to know the truth, attentive, malleable, and still inclined to be influenced by their parent(s)!
Your last sentence is a heart-breaker. You must be so relieved to be no longer “serving your country” at the expense of the Libyan civilians whose lives those drones shattered.
John Carpenter – They Live 2020 UK version
short video
Hand out the cool shades and bubblegum.
Broc West’s IMAGE of Big Brother
“Bill Gates is god” at the end really helps to tie everything in.
I have been thinking on this a while and am sure a lot of others have been. The masks, not questioning the validity medically or ethically, etc – facial recognition though? Not long back, you know when we roamed free and easy, there were several furores in several countries regarding (bi/motor)cycle helmets, religious head coverings, hoodies and things that “hid” one’s biometric identity to some degree. So why are masks being pushed when facial recognition is/was getting bigger everywhere (at checkouts where you use contactless payments and self check-out services, in city centres and crime hot spots, for example)? A lot of what is happening right now, is totally topsy turvy to what was happening before.
Facial recognition no match for face masks: https://venturebeat.com/2020/04/08/facial-recognition-is-no-match-for-face-masks-but-things-are-changing-fast/
debra.b I know the drained feeling well. I have come to realise, hoping that change will domino out and we will have a larger safe space to talk freely about what we know, may be futile. But working on our own familial and community spaces in small ways, whichever way we see fit and comfortable with – food parcels, delivering stuff to neighbours, posting anti-hope flyers (our hope, not false hopes) through doors, growing our own vegetables, finding connections in the community…rather than looking outside, especially to authoritarian figures (who the majority like the general populace don’t give a damn about alternatives). It is hard without external acknowledgement, I admit, but we have to start somewhere. My main solace is my family (I have two adult children) and places like this. It used to be the gym and these places…
carolyn.f we can use the same strategies when others put the “official narrative” in our faces…turn it on them….simple…that is what I have been doing…
For anyone who is interested I just finished recording my latest song about the corona virus plandemic called:
This Superstitious Eclipse
You are more than welcome!
Thank you Jed!
It looks like there was some problem with the video at bitchute for some reason it wouldn’t play for some family members and when I checked it, it wouldn’t play for me either…
So here is the link to the copy i loaded up to bootube
Well, Here’s a question I have for James Corbett regarding the Holocaust as well as the Holodomor which are both pretty terrible, Holocaust first though.
I know James Corbett is correct that Hitler was indeed a Rothschild, & even though the Holocaust us real & it actually happened, however, there happens to be some errors in the official story, like they stripped some facts like how Zionist Ashkenazi Jews alobgside Rothschild Capitalust Banksters actually worked with the Nazis, even helping them unleash the Holocaust in the first place, slaughtering far more than just Regular Jews & White Slavs, up to a total death toll of 20 million people.
Another big Holocaust fact that Steven Spielberg stripped out of Schibdler’s List which was Nazi-enforced Gun Control which was well addressed by Adam Kokesh, who’s obviously a good Jew for opposing Zionism as well Government in general & is also buddies with James Corbett & Derrick Broze, & another major Holocaust fact you’ll bever hear from American Schools is the part where French & Albanian Muslims came to rescue the Jewish Victims of the Holocaust, & why is it that Holocaust Survivors never bring it up, & sadly they’re a dying breed.
Another 20th Century that had both Jewish & Slavic victims is the Holodomor, which was basically Stalin’s war on peasants, where he slaughtered all kinds of people acrosd Eastern Europe including not only 7-10 million Ukranians, but also Slavs, & even Russian Jews, up to a total of 50 million people. Although the Holocaust & Holodomer were both pretty awful, but the absolutely worst genocide of all time Native American genocide done by the American Government alongside the British Empire slaughtering an overwhelming total of 100 million American Indians, & it lasted centuries compared to a few years to maybe a decade regarding both the Holocaust & Holodomer.
[SNIP – No links without a title and/or text explaining why people should click on it, please. -JC]
Obama treason stuff seems to be trending (#ObaMAGAte). Q-tier. Might be an interesting summer, if any of that pans out (‘If’).
Important document leak from the German Ministry of the Interior occurred on Saturday, 9th May 2020.
This could lead to a huge scandal in Germany.
The summary of a risk analysis study assessing Corona virus and the lockdown was published by alternative media outlet “Tichys Einblick”:
The headline says:
Exclusive to Tichys Einblick: “One reproach could be: The state has proven itself to be one of the largest fake news producers in the corona crisis.”
Core statement from the leaked document:
“The observable effects of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that – in terms of health effects on society as a whole – it is more than a false alarm.”
The study is discussed in further parts:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
My generation lived through having measles, chicken pox etc – it was a rite of passage and a wonderful excuse to miss school. In contrast I developed polio as a child AFTER being vaccinated.
I know Dr. Kaufman personally. I can assure you he is an extremely intelligent individual of the highest integrity and by no means is some sort of plant by “the cabal” to create discord in the “truth movement.”
What baffles me is that when individuals such as yourself present information that 90% of the people would disagree with, you disparage the 90% as “normies”; idiots, basically, who won’t pull their heads out of their arses. But when someone presents new information to the so-called truth seekers that challenges their preconceived notions, you disparage them as being cabal plants. Go figure.
Dr. Kaufman is by no means the only physician who has challenged the so-called germ theory. That’s right, it is a THEORY, never proven. Do your own research, truth seekers (as Dr. K would encourage you to do). If you want to lay claim to that title, you have an obligation to do no less.
Having said that, I don’t think it is at all necessary to have everyone agree upon underlying theories of disease. A wee bit of Math 101 is all that’s needed to dispel the ridiculous pandemic claims and official responses. So I agree that the arguments need to be kept simple for the vast majority of people. I just don’t consider myself to be a part of that majority.
I have watched 5 different Kaufman videos. I want to believe?. No really, I just started a facebook group, “forum for truth and peace. Oregon”, and I try to post only trusted sources, and to check posts others post. I had already posted one of Kaufman’s videos. Was watching another recommended from above. In this one he says Covid19 was named because its the 19th coronavirus. Actually, I am pretty sure it was named that after the year, 2019 that it started. So I cannot use his video. If I, who only started reading about viruses two months ago, know this, it does make me question his premises. So, Mary, I think you should let him know….
My grandson graduates High School this month. He lives in a small near-west Texas town which is quite beautiful with a free flowing small river flowing through its heart. His family lives on 25 acres with some cattle, a pond, dogs, lambs during FFA classes, Guineafowl, and whatever else.
We were chatting the other day on the phone. I had sent him some “GOLDBACKS” currency and also some very small gold bars. Knowing that his Dad would hound him to write a thankyou, I pre-stamped a Thankyou Postcard and wrote the script for him:
“Dear Grandpa, Thanks for the stuff. I’ll stop hacking your computer now…besides I already have your bitcoin passwords. Are you watching porn?
Send more stuff. Love, your grandson”
During our recent phone conversation, I asked how they were doing the school thing. He said that most classes were online, especially teacher help via ZOOM. But he never goes. He doesn’t even really sign in. He is just not doing any school work. I asked how that was working for him, and he said that he is lucky because his teachers aren’t “enforcers”. Some other teachers are and so those students have work.
His older sister (21), having just escaped from NYC & Brooklynn, New York, told me that the small town had kind of an impromptu Graduation Car Parade recently which she went to.
She moves like a rocket…I go to visit her tomorrow at her new apartment in Dallas and she already has a new job.
I am really glad that my son grew up in this area, and also his kids.
(3 minutes)
There are a lot of videos which show this area of Texas.
It has changed over the decades, but still enjoys its essence.
Once the moonshine capital of Texas during Prohibition…even the Sheriff had a still.
Maryl, So glad you are here on the Corbett boards.
Here is a QUEUED VIDEO from Dr. Brownstein‘s office. It is queued to aspects of dealing with others about the COVID distancing and mask issue.
In this Dr. Brownstein video (11:51) they discuss the IgG antibody tests (long-term immunity) and what medical professionals are seeing in Michigan and around the country.
Earlier in the video, they discuss the downturn trend of COVID cases.
Dr. Brownstein’s YouTube Channel has COVID Case Histories which I strongly suggest that people watch. They provide insight. And they reduce FEAR.
The way I see it…
as was pointed out by Brownstein and Dr. Ng, it is important to be civilized when interacting with others.
Friendliness goes a long ways.
Every culture at a moment in time will have “cultural etiquette”…and good manners play an important role.
There are probably times when it is inappropriate to “make a statement” or to present a bold, non-authoritarianism activist action.
And there are probably times when it becomes very appropriate to boldly stand against this tyranny.
Sometimes, we’ll stumble. But other times our wits work well.
What is everyone’s consensus of Dr. Rashid Buttar? It doesn’t look like his videos are being banned from YouTube like everyone else. What is the difference in Dr. Buttar’s message? It doesn’t sound like the Main Stream Media. Hi I think I heard James Corbett mention him in one of his videos but he didn’t elaborate.
I’ve thought the same thing. He doesn’t appear to be harmful, but we’re never 100% sure. That is why we must use our heads now more than ever. That is why this is such a success for the few who planned it. Our ability to use our heads and to think for ourselves has slowly been attacked and hindered for a very long time. I think we can at least all agree to an extent that this was no accident. I also think we can all agree that there is a cabal of human beings somewhere on this planet that have an agenda and have been steering this world towards that agenda for hundreds of years at least. It’s profoundly diabolical.
All electron microscope photographs of aids, flu or corona that I examined are in fact very complex depictions of cartoon characters.
When you only make a small effort which takes just 5 to 10 minutes and a pair of snake-eyes, you’ll feel the acid dripping in your mind after the 1st few characters you discover while technically being abstinent of any illegal substance.
Another remarkable fact about viruses and electron microscope photographs is that there are only 3 different photos available in each search query result-page for images done in google or duckduckgo alike.
Please let me know if you will consider re-examining this yourself and if possible let me know what you discovered.
Thanks a bunch for any kind of consideration of my request !
friendly greetings
Shaman O’Sanity
(humanist, animist, anarchist)
All electron microscope photographs of aids, flu or corona that I examined are in fact very complex depictions of cartoon characters that morph into another character.
When you only make a small effort which takes just 5 to 10 minutes and a pair of snake-eyes, you’ll feel acid dripping in your mind after the 1st few characters you discover morphed, all the while technically being abstinent of any illegal substance.
Another remarkable fact about viruses and electron microscope photographs is that there are only 3 different photos available in each search query result-page for images done in google or duckduckgo alike.
Most of the time only a colour filter is applied.
The rest are beautiful drawings of a perfect sphere with aligned tentacles.
Please let me know if you will consider re-examining this yourself and if possible let me know what you discovered.
Thanks a bunch for any kind of consideration of my request !
friendly greetings
Shaman O’Sanity
(humanist, animist, anarchist)
I’d probably disagree. A virus does exist, you can download a copy of one here…
Of course, to make a real virus you would need to 3D-print it somehow (I don’t have a suitable printer)
The question to me is not if one exists, but rather how does it work, what does it do, and where did it come from?
USA: VA. Masks: the number one Public safety mechanism & the US & perhaps every other country seems to be getting it “dead” wrong. With all the lockdowns, distancing etc., still everywhere you look people are only using nose/mouth masks which “keep others safe from you,” but not you safe from them. I have yet to see another person with their ears covered too, & if you don’t wear glasses, you’re unprotected. With all this contact tracing, draconian measures &digital $ etc. coming down the pike & all the other lockdowns, distancing & horror stories from official officials or their message repeaters & what is now a multi-million $ industry being tapped into by every fashion designer or logo (sports/company/church/political stance/you name it), society is fundamentally failing to protect itself in the single most easy/important way. I have heard one correct warning message from the CDC on this, but that was after researching their site. Should all entities spreading inadequate masking & or cashing in on inadequate masks be stopped & punished by law? People disobeying lockdowns etc. are. With full masks, public safety would be profoundly increased. My mother has leukemia & coughs all the time so I don’t have the luxury of not protecting myself. With the full face covering I have, plus long sleeve shirt, pants and gloves, I get as close as I want to anyone without fear. I don’t think this complete failure of masking is on purpose or conspiracy. But I do think it’s telling that the focus is 99% on lockdowns, distancing & the ushering in of draconian measures while the single most important safety-measure you can take is 99% missing. WTF!?
& to add: our healthcare workers on the front lines aren’t masking properly. Honk your horns and make noise every evening if you want. They love seeing us emotionalize & mold ourselves into this sh** like they want. But I’d go buy some fully protective masks & air mail em to your nearest hospital!
sorry about the ears… just eyes
Monday May 11th – ANECDOTE – Spotting other like-minded people
My grandson turns 19 later this month. I had already mailed him a homemade, stick-figure marks-a-lot birthday card made by “El Cheapo Printing” (in red marker). My sticky note attached to a fin ($5 bill) said:
“I saved $5 with this El Cheapo card. Here’s the $5.” (He got a birthday check also.)
I keep clearing out my stuff. I have some collectibles (kind of), some Civil War antiques & general antiques, knives, junk, crap, cool little knick-knacks, etc.
(Sidebar: Back when I was growing up, Civil War Reenactments were a big thing. It never interested me personally, but I had friends who participated. As this sort of thing became politically incorrect, I grabbed many items at deep discounts.)
Anyways, I packed two heavy boxes full of stuff to send to my grandson. He knew I was sending them. I’d like to see him sell much of it or give it away.
I drove to the UPS shopping center ‘mail store’, dreading the mask thing. I only have drywall masks which I rarely use, except for paint.
A recent High School graduate wearing a mask is behind the counter at the UPS store. I ask if I needed a mask, because the door signs suggested it and there were ‘X’ marks on the floor. “Nah!” he said. We talked about what a pain it is to wear the masks and how unhealthy it can be. His buddy in the far back was maskless.
A lady comes in smiling and quickly drops off some things as I am wrapping up. No mask. Our eyes meet with a grin.
Before I get in my car and she into her car, I ask her “Where does a person get these masks at?”
“I don’t know. I’m trying to get through all this without buying one. she responds with her SUV running, a third grader doing school lessons in the passenger seat while a 2nd grader is in the back. She tells me that her husband cut off a T-shirt sleeve to use in case a store makes a fuss.
We get to talking for a strong 8 minutes. Pretty soon, I tell her about Corbett Report and spell it, mentioning Corbett Report repeatedly. Her family does not watch network TV – not CNN nor Fox, none of that.
We cover a lot of ground in our conversation.
She homeschools her kids. Her family has a Christian Libertarian bent.
We were both uplifted in the fact that there are like-minded folks out here as to this “Social Distancing”. We did an elbow tap greeting.
70 degrees F (21 C), Sunny, No Chemtrails, Wonderful Social Interactions. A nice wrap to Monday morning.
Her family does not watch network TV
This is pretty much a dead giveaway. Far from sight, far from the mind.
I think the type of mask you are wearing can be a bit of a give away too.
Oh! That is a great idea!
Go grocery shopping in one of those!
Great anecdote stories HRS!
re: the mask.
Someone’s already done it while grocery shopping.
I heard about it last week and plan to buy one when I get the chance.
But she was very imaginative. She wore it on the back of her head.
Brilliant! 🙂
I use a “Pirates of the Caribbean” bandana (and only when forced to put one on in order to get groceries. I do NOT wear it in my car or outside the store walking back to my car (or walking in the woods or… you get the picture)
Guilt and Habits.
This is pretty profound ManBearPig.
Society’s Culture is being reshaped.
Borisa Man,
Glad to have you on the boards.
There are a number of folks from Spain here.
On this Thread, it shows how some Doctors in Spain are having huge success treating COVID cases with Ozone Therapy.
MagicBullet says:
We as Corbeteers don’t care if it is a virus, an exosome, an alien, or a piece of rat turd…
…none of James’s videos gets into cell biology…
…alternative to germ theory is a distraction for the CR with risk that it colors us as off-kilter.
New satirical piece about covid 19 and mainstream media, already with 3 million views
I thought it is really well made, and has some awesome lines.
This guy is a gem. “Sometimes the best medicine is like the best sex: non-consensual”. Boom.
The guilt thing kicked in quickly with most folks, feeling guilty for buying non-essential goods, guilty for buying luxury items, guilty for being able to head out into their gardens when others couldn’t, survivor’s guilt in some cases even….the psychological side really has worked a treat on most people. This is what they banked on…holding people captive (no make that causing them to shut themselves in an ever smaller cage/prison) with some invisible enemy, telling them what they can and cannot do and then inducing some crazy stockholm syndrome, where the fearful and guilty have to look to the captors for answers and permission to do anything and everything thereafter because they feel lost and alone without the rules. It sure has worked with a lot of people (I am talking about the ones who watch TV, listen to the speeches and updates and believe every word that is coming at them from on high and not so high), sadly…
Lawrence “Larry” Brilliant is an American epidemiologist, technologist, philanthropist, and author, notable for his 1973 – 1976 work with the World Health Organization, helping to successfully eradicate smallpox.
If you guys have seen “Why Big Oil conquered the World” this guy looks like the ne Maurice Strong. Helped also to write the script on the film “Contagion” 2011
The fact is that this “thing”, multiplies in cells, is transmissible, and causes pneumonia and deaths
Where is this “fact” coming from? If the germ theory is a fluke, then what’s referred to as a “virus” is nothing but an excretion from the cell, trying to mop up toxins, put into the body by a number of sources.
By all means, keep the eye on the important issue, but maybe you’d want to consider shoveling “facts” with a bit more skepticism.
James Corbett no longer lives in Calgary…
Conspiracy Theorists often ask “Why?”
Is it because Corbett prefers Sumo Wrestling over North American Wrestling?*
This EXPERT living in Austin, Texas, JP Sears, sheds some light on Calgary in Alberta, Canada
(6 minutes)
Note that JP Sears was in Calgary just prior to March 2020…just prior to the American Corona-kahuna.
(kahuna – (in surfing) a very large wave.)
Sidebar: Texas Homes and Contemporary Architecture Design.
In the JP Sears videos, you often see his home, inside and out. This is a very common architecture theme on contemporary homes built in Texas. Through the decades the Texas home architectural theme has changed repeatedly…e.g. In the past: Ranch style spread out with low ceilings on big lots, or later, wood burning fireplaces with a side wet bar in the living room.
*Footnote: Wrestling
Roddy Piper in the 1988 John Carpenter movie “They Live” was a Canadian professional wrestler.
Back in the day of broadcast TV, there was a fan base of late night wrestling television.
Many Corbett Report Members have seen JP Sears’s VIRAL VIDEO with over 3 million views.
It can be an ‘easy one’ to send to sensitive people who don’t want to hear something that is not mainstream.
What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You
(Under 9 minutes)
JP Sears talks about the Viral Video
QUEUED VIDEO (watch 4 minutes)
Notice that he edits “If it were to get taken down…”
I suspect that he was going to talk about some of the alternative video platforms, but decided that he better not go there with the topic at this time. He shows the red pill.
I strongly encourage folks to watch this 2 minute video embedded at JP Sear’s website.
JP talks about balance and being who he is. Serious and Humor.
He is a real guy.
Though I did skim through all of the previous comments specifically looking for this (to see if it was already posted), I didn’t see it until just now. So, I unfortunately also posted this link at the bottom of this thread, too. Sorry!
That’s fine.
I’m glad that you did.
It’s good, isn’t it?
It has been posted repeatedly on these boards.
It is even posted just above this series of JP Sears – AwakenWithJP which I posted here.
See Corbett Members “Sunny” and “mkey”.
In fact, a few days ago, I first saw it because Corbett Member “debra.b” posted it.
When I watched the Calgary video, I had to throw in a “JP Sears series”.
Corbett understands the Calgary jokes.
James has a great sense of humor.
Yes, I love JP’s sense of humor! I just watched the 2 minutes video of JP that you posted… nice!
…and if you are like me, wanting more information on how to be more of an idiot…
Watch the News!
QUEUED VIDEO – (Watch one minute – until the blu-block ad)
“How to be Mind Controlled”
(3 minutes)
Brought to us by AwakenWithJP .
NOTE: This video was made 3 years ago.
Also notice the mention of vaccines.
Wow, Debra, that’s really something. Vietnam is just haunting. Haunting. And to have read what your own father experienced. Very moving.
I’ve often thought that should I be accused of the ole “conspiracy theorist” chestnut, I would handily reply:
“Viet Nam, Phoenix Program, Agent Orange, Laos, Cambodia, Kmer Rouge, Air America, Heroin, Golden Triangle. Read the truth about them for a start, then get back to me.”
Aside from not wearing the mask or participating in anti-social distancing I am thinking that sending that stupid stimulus check back is going to be my way of bearing witness.
BorisaMan! I have a very good friend who lives in Alicante 5 mos out of the year.
She called me frantic when Spain shut down. We only speak sporadically but I get the reports. She has told me how strict the lockdown is there.
And she is so used to running around all day when she lives there. She loves it. And now she is stuck in the house all day.
But I do not speak my feelings about this being a deep state agenda. She would not go along with that at all. Not at all. Well, at this point anyway.
She loves it so much there and I was very sad for her – and for everyone over there. I am in New England so although there is a lockdown I am not stopped by police if I am outside.
Welcome to the comment side of Corbett Report.
May 11th, 2020
Officer Greg Anderson with the Port of Seattle Police Department was terminated for speaking out about enforcing governors’ unconstitutional orders during the coronavirus pandemic.
Officer Greg Anderson with the Port of Seattle Police Department was terminated for speaking out about enforcing governors’ unconstitutional orders during the coronavirus pandemic.
Last week Officer Greg Anderson made a video urging other members of law enforcement across the country to not enforce illegal & unconstitutional orders that were coming down from local and state leaders.
He reminded law enforcement that the excuse of just following orders is not lawful or correct and he appealed to the officers’ morality.
Officer Anderson was told he needed to take the video down. When he was refused he ultimately was fired from his job for speaking out and exercising his first amendment right.
Friends of the family have created a Go Fund Me page to help with legal expenses they will encounter as they fight his termination.
YouTube Video
“America’s Keepers” YouTube Channel with other videos of people speaking out.
Cop Who Blew The Whistle on COVID19 Tyranny Gets Fired
(9 minutes)
Here is Greg Anderson’s Instagram
The original video of Greg Anderson
Police Officer Anderson On Government & Police Wrongdoings
He’s a lousy cop, anyway. Good for you, Mr. Anderson.
MagicBullet: Curious why you are “setting traps” on an open source thread. Most of us just trying to get to the truth. The truth is the truth is the truth. It isn’t subjective and it shouldn’t be disavowed just because someone will think you are a nutter. (You do realize that the vast majority of people would consider James a nutter…) My earlier response was to assure you that Dr Kaufman was not “intentionally” trying to cause arguments in “your” truth movement, nor is he a plant by the “cabal”. You may not agree with him, that is certainly your choice. He has put his reputation and livelihood on the line to keep Bill Gates, et al, from using this supposed pandemic to march forward with their Agenda 2030 and all that it entails: removal of personal freedoms, population sterilization and reduction through mandatory vaccines, etc. He seems much more concerned about the future of his children and this planet than what people think of him and any risks to him personally.
Just watched a great video – Debunking the Narrative with Prof Dolores Cahill.
She is interviewed by Dave Cullen.
Irish TV.
I love when someone says “I will take full responsibility for what I am saying”
She is a Prof of Immunolgy – thinks along the same lines as the rest of the scientists and virologists we have seen on alt media.
She explains the medical technicalities but is very understandable.
She is VERY plain speaking. This lockdown was not needed. We should all be going back to work. And the media should be held accountable.
She pulls no punches.
And she has that great Irish brogue.
(Sorry I can’t link. I watched it on Catherine Austin Fitts twitter account myself. But I searched it online and it has not been taken down)
I’m not a big fan of Michael Moore, but I was pleasantly surprised by his “Planet of the Humans” documentary. Most greenies will hate it. He tramples on all their illusions about the sustainability of current green energy solutions, and ruthlessly unmasks the duplicity of some of the key scammers, like Bill McKibben. Only one little demerit: It leaves the viewer with the clear impression that all technological solutions are futile, and depopulation is the only way to keep the earth’s climate from changing.
Maybe the coronavirus is our friend, an unsung hero.
Meanwhile, I’m wondering: If the oligarchs are so hot to depopulate, why don’t they just ask for volunteers. There are tons of people lining up at the pearly gates, waiting for harp lessons from Jesus.
I watched a bit more than half. Up to that point misdirection with a decade old (and older) data was somewhat endurable for me, but when they stepped up with the depopulation talk I got fed up.
Just look at the data presented, that one guy claimed these small pannels they are using are at 8% rate of conversion. Even cheap Chinese garbage does at least two time better than that.
They show how some wind turbines were ruined after a while, probably after being abandoned. As if standard plants don’t require maintenance. Piss poor argumentation.
There was also an abandoned solar panel array in the desert. Why not mention how failed government programs lead to booms and busts in any field? I’m not saying that was the cause in this example, but still should be considered.
“Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.”
~ Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.”
~ Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
~ Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme
Possibly the start of the next wave?
NYTimes 15 Children died due to mysterious illness possbly related to covid19 (or some propoganda as such)
Oxford Academy published a journal in 2005 studying the connection between kawasaki disease and other strains of coronvirua but didn’t find one. It refers to a previous study that I can’t find…
Watching it now, Debra. Just wanted to pause and say thank you for your summary and linking to this interesting conference! It also introduced to me a lot of people I’d not heard of before. Wow! Muchas gracias!
Biochemistry Debunks Corona
The recap , handicap, give a dog a bone wrap-up of the race to the finish line. ” Who the fuck knows” Wins! final time 1.58:00 minutes
UK’s 50 something page heading out into the “new normal” strategy:
I already answered this question:
You can’t make this stuff up…
Ironic number.
H.R.6666 is the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act now in Congress.
Here is the bill on the government website. It is easy to read.
4/27/2020 Corbett Report
Stop Calling It Contact Tracing! – #PropagandaWatch
The “Clinton Global Initiative” video excerpts and Gates warns this is “Pandemic I” are included.
German mainstream newspaper ZEIT is reporting on the Ministry of the Interior whistleblower, who leaked his own Corona risk assessment document, after being ignored by his higher ups.
His emergency call: “There is danger ahead! At the moment, supposed protective measures are causing further serious damage every day, material and health damage, and even a large number of avoidable deaths”.
This has the potential of a major turning point in the Corona story, leading to a state crisis in Germany and forcing politicians to resign, according to alternative analysts.
Link to mainstream article:
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Pandemic Control
Why an official in the Corona crisis dares to revolt
A senior government official in the Ministry of the Interior considers Corona to be a false alarm and the fight against the pandemic to be fatal. He sends his theses throughout Germany. This has consequences.
By Evelyn Finger and Holger Stark
11 May 2020, 13:59 hrs 1,480 comments
On Friday afternoon last week, when the capital celebrates the day of liberation from fascism and most of the officials enjoy the holiday, something unusual happens inside the government apparatus. The senior government official Stephan K. of the Federal Ministry of the Interior sends an e-mail to his head of department, to the Corona crisis staff, to the chancellery and then, at 3:34 pm, a copy to all state governments, nationwide. The mail has a subject that is quite something: “Results of the internal evaluation of the Corona crisis management”. An 83-page position paper is attached.
Stephan K. works in the Crisis Management and Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of the Interior, Unit KM4, he is a consultant, responsible for “critical infrastructures”, i.e. those parts of the country that are particularly worthy of protection. The political scientist has marked his three most important theses in red and bold: “Internal analysis KM4 shows: serious failures in crisis management. Deficits in the regulatory framework. “Corona crisis may be a false alarm.”
It’s now almost two months since the Chancellor imposed strict exit restrictions and almost a week since many of them were withdrawn. The country is discussing how Germany is getting through the crisis and whether the easing is coming too slowly or too quickly. But the Corona crisis – a “false alarm”? And “serious mistakes in crisis management”? What is going on in the Ministry of the Interior – and what exactly is the dispute about?
Stephan K., the ministry will clarify this this weekend, did not act on official orders, but on his own account. He takes a view that has been fermenting ever since the Federal Government reacted to the corona pandemic with hard, albeit still moderate rules by international standards. He makes serious accusations, some of them seem well-founded, others could be heard on the weekend demos that conspiracy theorists use as a stage. Meanwhile, the ministry has suspended him for unauthorised sending of the uncoordinated report.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
I just realized, that since the whistleblowers name starts with the letter K and as a single person he fights bureaucracy, it´ s similar to Kafka novels. Let´ s hope for a happy end in real life!
The accusation of the government official could hardly be harsher: The Federal Government has indeed decided on far-reaching measures to contain the coronavirus, but without taking into account the dangers of these measures themselves. It has indeed combated an acute danger of infection, but without sufficiently examining the side effects of combating the crisis. The question of the dangers posed not only by the virus itself but also by protective measures is at the heart of the current debate.
K. considers the pandemic to be comparable to a normal wave of influenza
Protective measures are in principle a separate source of danger, argues Stephan K. A pandemic could therefore lead to a “multi-hazard situation”. “Protective measures cannot be used arbitrarily in a preventative manner, because they too have the potential to cause extraordinary damage,” the official said. “In a pandemic, there are therefore always at least two dangers that crisis management must keep in mind: health damage caused by a pathogen and collateral damage caused by side effects of the protective measures or (as a special case) a false alarm.
K. considers the pandemic to be comparable to a normal wave of influenza – and the reaction of the health care system to be fatal: “2.5 million people were not treated as a result of government measures,” he claims, several tens of thousands of patients died, possibly “up to 125,000 patients”, as a result of cancelled operations and failed treatments alone. However, he admits: “The probable mortality rate cannot be seriously estimated.”
Specifically, the official criticized that the previous knowledge about collateral damage had been ignored. “A central finding from all previous studies, exercises and risk analyses is that collateral damage always occurs when fighting a pandemic” and that this “can be significantly greater than the damage caused by the pathogen. At the moment, health aspects would dominate the work of the crisis team to such an extent that other equally important aspects could be overlooked and neglected. This has serious consequences for his own field of work, the protection of critical infrastructures. K. is concerned about the power supply, drinking water and the Internet. Their survival depends on their functioning.
General Political Critique
It has been known for a long time that systemic interrelationships have to be taken into account in the case of major emergencies such as a pandemic. The decisive factor, he said, is that different hazards are interrelated. “Crisis management 2020 did not systematically include these interdependencies and did not offset their effects.
In its furore, however, the government official goes far beyond criticism of a lack of weighing up the risks. “This state has failed in the Corona crisis in an almost grotesque way”, he claims. It could be “feared that the government’s measures in the Corona crisis, which have already accumulated to this day, have destroyed potential lifetimes of up to several million life years of the German population” – because people become depressed and violent, for example, and general health deteriorates.
And then he raises to a political general critique: “The proportionality of interventions in rights of e.g. citizens is currently not given”, he believes. There could be “the fear that the decisive protective goal of national crisis management is no longer the safety and health of the population, but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government”. And: “The deficits and failures in crisis management have consequently led to the communication of information that is not sound and thus to disinformation of the population. If one follows K., then the crisis management team does not primarily protect the population from infections, but rather the government from criticism – and leads people astray. That’s hard stuff.
Stephan K.’s department in the Ministry of the Interior is not involved in the fight against the Corona crisis, K. himself is not part of the crisis team. Since March, he has been working on his theses, writing to ten external doctors and professors and asking for advice, reading a lot on the Internet. In its position paper, the senior government official refers to existing pandemic plans of the government, which prescribe a risk assessment, serious scientists and quotes the former Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière. But it also adds questionable sources, such as a collection of material from the dubious Internet portal “Swiss Propaganda Research”, which is run by anonymous makers and is itself suspected of propaganda.
When he fell on deaf ears everywhere, he turned to Horst Seehofer
When he presented a first version of his position paper in March, his head of unit at the time told him that he “did not see the official reference”. When he also fell on deaf ears with his head of department, he officially remonstrated, i.e. lodged a protest. Finally, he wrote a personal letter to Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). But Seehofer’s office manager refused to present the position paper. A meeting with the minister’s office manager scheduled for last week was cancelled by K. for personal reasons, and he did not want to wait for a new meeting to be held this week.
As a reason for “sending this information directly without prior consultation with other competent authorities”, he cites a kind of emergency: “There is danger ahead! At the moment, supposed protective measures are causing further serious damage every day, material and health damage, and even a large number of avoidable deaths”.
There’s a staff meeting scheduled for Monday at the Home Office. “Everyone has the right to express their opinions freely”, according to a statement by Seehofer’s people. However, it is “unacceptable and incompatible with the general duties of public service if private expressions of opinion and collections of thoughts are published using official symbols”.
Stephan K. said when asked by the ZEIT: “I cannot give you any information on this. I am a civil servant and want to behave properly.”
I have a really cheap flip phone and pay 25 dollars a month. I can text and take photos and videos but can’t attach them to texts. Pity at first but I got used to it.
I have never had and will never have a smart phone but I do enjoy my iPad for podcasts.
Meant to add that I have an account with Cricket.
A few things that I am pretty certain about.
I am certain that building up and maintaining a strong healthy immune system is the best way to deal with any disease.
I am certain that the truth is going to remain illusive and the struggle to weigh, sift through and discern the truth is becoming more stressful, time consuming and often futile. But still worth devoting a prudent amount of time to.
I am certain that even when I am totally convinced about something, if that conclusion goes against a person’s preconceived notions I stand virtually no chance of changing their mind. But it is still worth trying without alienating people.
I am certain that technology such as the tracking capabilities of the new products could be used to make driving almost completely safe.
I am also certain that won’t happen because there is no profit to be made by making the roads safer.
I am certain that when it comes down to it, we need to provide for ourselves. Individually taking responsibility for the basic needs. Food, water, medicine, self defense and peace of mind and give up the idea that any group, government, community, church or even family will do it for us.
I am certain that this world, this nature we are a part of has a tendency to balance. Even when it comes to people and the evil they spread.
I am certain that James Corbett and Broc West know how valuable and important their content is but would like to see people taking real practical steps in their lives to become more independent and free from the system that seems to want us all to feel helpless and not to spend all our time and energy debating minutiae.
I am certain that when you decide to live by faith. You will be rewarded by serendipity.
I am certain that it only takes about a week to build a chicken coop and acquire a few hens once you decide to do so.
I am also certain that I am going to tell the local officials to piss off when they tell me I am not allowed to have a rooster.
Ramola D Reports;has a very nice conversation with Sacha Stone.
Review and refocus our gains of understanding. Refreshing refreshment. Reality at the core ( CORPSE ). Not new but good to maintain focus. Corporate fiction.
Think of Bill & Mille as a fiction. Then it all makes sense.
This was published on DW site today:
10:58 Berlin has completed the construction of a coronavirus emergency hospital equipped with some 500 beds and more than 100 ventilators in just six weeks. The new hospital unit, built on the grounds of the capital’s Messe trade fair, cost €43 million euros ($47 million).
Construction began in mid-March when the spread of the coronavirus was growing exponentially. Berlin’s senate now says the hospital might never have to treat any patients as regular hospitals with intensive units say 40% of their beds are still available (around 8,000 free beds).
Hi, Corbett Report community,
I have a question for people who feel that this has alienated them from society due to the willingness of large numbers of people (not all but many) to follow along with these draconian policies and failure to examine the evidence that contradicts the MSM narrative.
I feel very angry with people, even many who are supposedly friends and family members. They are putting their head in the sand when it is important to voice opposition and to support dissenting opinions for our human rights and freedom and the freedom of generations to come. This is unacceptable to me and I feel very lonely. I feel lonely, depressed, angry and afraid and I have never felt this way before.
My question is how do some of you form connections with other like-minded people? I have been attending anti lockdown protests and reaching out to other online communities with similar views and an open mind, but I would like to make friends with some people in my area.
Does anyone know any groups or freedom-oriented communities in Northern California that have in-person meetings or activities? I think it is very important to support one another in times like these. Thank you and keep up the fight!! Don’t give up!
My plan is to come up with red-pill pamphlet that I can mail drop and direct people to meet up through freedomcells.org, when I say red-pill I mean it will be aimed at those that are already awake somewhat – the intellectually challenged need not apply!
robert. t,
I am inclined to disagree with it being a total hoax because I work in a hospital and have seen people coming in with a respiratory infection that is different from influenza, ie the flu test comes back negative but a person has viral pneumonia based on x rays and ct scans and clinical signs and symptoms in addition to the COVID test. I know the test is unreliable and faulty, but the disease appears to be a real syndrome.
Based on what I have seen it is a respiratory disease that affects the elderly and persons with other diseases (heart disease, lung disease, and immune-compromised) more profoundly. I have also seen a few cases of young people who become very ill and need to be hospitalized (not very often though). I have had 2 coworkers become ill, one of them critically ill who did recover. These people had some pre-existing health conditions but are relatively young (30s). It seems the disease can be slightly more severe than the flu, but not as widespread.
That said, I do not believe it is as lethal as the media is portraying and the lockdowns are NOT necessary and the medical system can treat people who need to be hospitalized, ie no lack of beds or necessary equipment. I think a better method of treating this disease would be more in line with what Sweeden has done, to shelter the elderly and people who are at greater risk, while the healthy population develops herd immunity. People should have a choice if they want to quarantine or stay inside for the duration of the epidemic (about 4 weeks or so as Dr. Wittkowski suggested).
I am inclined to believe (based on what I have seen at my hospital) and based on the study that the Bakersfield doctors conducted, that in California the lethality rate would be about 0.03%. But as new data comes out, I may be inclined to change my opinion, perhaps this disease is even closer to the lethality rate of the flu 0.01%.
Most of the people who I have treated have a mild infection if they have symptoms at all. Regardless of what people think about this disease, if it’s all a hoax or not, we can still work together to end these lockdowns and rediculous policies. If there are empty hospitals, and there are, like my own hospital, I think this needs to stop immediately.
Medical Observations made by cu.h.j
These observations jive with many other Doctors around the country (and world).
Dr Brownstein and Dr. Ng have been in touch with many front line medical professionals around the country.
It is well worth listening to the reports from his staff and patients.
Plus, his videos demonstrate what helped the patients recover.
His channel no longer has any videos. Do you have an alternate source? It seems the YT nazi book burners got him.
Thanks Gypster. It must have just happened.
DR Brownstein’s BLOG – May 14th Thursday
Dear CHM (Center for Holistic Medicine) Patients-
I want to let you know that we have been ordered by the FTC to stop making any statements about our treatment protocols of Vitamins A, C and D as well as nutritional IV’s, iodine, ozone and nebulization to support the immune system with respect to Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19).
According to this letter:
“It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C Sec. 41 et seq. to advertise that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made. For COVID-19, no such study is currently known to exist for the products or services identified above. Thus, any Coronavirus-related prevention or treatment claims regarding such products or services are not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. You must immediately cease making all such claims.”
What this means is that I will not be able to blog, post, tweet, email, etc. for awhile.
I want you to know that CHM is NOT closing. I am still here and so are my colleagues. It is my honor to be your doctor.
To All Our Health! ~DrB
robert. t.,
According to Dr. Knut Wittkowski who was mentioned also in the Episode JC had titled, lies damn lies and statistics, coronaviruses are not a new thing, so the idea that there would be one this year is not unheard of. Additionally, there have been very bad flu seasons in the past with more deaths than we had this year. It’s that the media has never hyped it up before.
Part of the reason hospitals are empty is also due to the fact that people are afraid to come in and because many elective procedures have been canceled combined with, I believe, COVID 19 is not nearly as lethal as it is claimed to be and was already on the downswing. The curve was already flattening in many places.
I have seen very bad flu seasons, and people end up on ventilators from that. These respiratory infections are not uncommon and are expected every year. What’s new is that the media and governments used this to implement lockdowns for political purposes, in my opinion.
It seems easy to blame an economic collapse on, enrich big pharma with the vaccine, and give more authority to ruling elites. But the idea that there is no virus I believe is incorrect. Furthermore, I don’t think it matters if people think it’s all a lie or a hoax. People that have the ability to actually do something about this should try to work together.
I think you may be onto something about pollution and possible geoengineering. I think that it makes people more susceptible to respiratory infections and to become severely ill from respiratory viruses.
Oh Debra that is great news about holding your grandson!!!
I have been caring for children for the past few years. I have not been able to visit with a brother and sister (5 and 2) that I ADORE because their parents are very strict about this virus. Both parents and kids adore me so it is hard on all of us.
This will be a big concern going forward. I think this lovely couple will request that I get at least tested, if not,but maybe, then get vaccinated. Which I will not do. My heart breaks thinking about it.
Also, unless the universe has something in mind for me, I will likely not be able to care for children. Or do much of anything I guess.
BUT – back to the happy news – holding those little ones is a balm to the soul. I’m really happy for you – and the baby!
Most people who test positive for “COVID 19” are either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and are discharged. They could then seek out ozone therapy, but western medicine, at least where I work does not provide that.
But there are ozone practitioners. You could check and see if they are open. I would suggest sunlight, exercise, a healthy diet, vitamin c and zinc, echinacea, lysine for immune-boosting, and lots of fluids.
I think I may have had a mild case in February with a cough, sore throat that quickly went away. I am not sure though and won’t be tested for this.
I think it’s good to build immunity naturally if someone is healthy. Even most elderly patients in good health are discharged. Some have developed pneumonia but recover outside of the hospital.
Has anyone seen this? Does Trump have control of the Federal Reserve? That would be awesome! https://youtu.be/aVkB89ONeNg
Smells like Qanon nonsense to me. If he has taken over the Fed then what good has it done? They are still bailing out Wall st to the tune of trillions of dollars while many many Americans are out of work and have had their businesses smashed. I haven’t seen Trump do much to go against the globalist agenda, in fact he seems to be supporting it just as all American presidents do.
Anyone else noted the ‘Bill of the Beast’ (I kid you not) bill HR6666 ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6666/text ) You will notice they are funding this outfit to the tune of 100 BILION dollars this year and going forward. It basically seeks to institute Gestapo like powers to U.S. agencies. More here, and a petition for U.S. residents to sign (that way you’ll make it easier for them to find you 🙂 ).
On May 1, 2020, 45 congress members co-sponsored Bill HR 6666, proposing to spend $100 BILLION dollars in 2020 to hire “contact tracers”, coronavirus testers, and reporting agents. If passed, this would create an unprecedented new mega-industry for what appears to be a type of “medical martial law”.
Proponents of this bill apparently want to hire a massive number of staff to enforce “social distancing”, administer tests in our homes — apparently whether we consent or not — and apparently even grant themselves the right to take people who “test positive” from their homes!
The full name of this bill HR 6666 — yes, that’s the actual bill number — is the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”. As many of you know, what is referred to as “contact tracing” is more aptly called total Big Brother surveillance.
Ventura, California recently announced their own draconian measure threatening to forcibly test and remove people from their homes if “necessary”… though they subsequently backtracked probably due to the massive pushback.
As many of us have come to realize (not a comfortable process), there is INDEED an agenda to lock humanity into a so-called “new normal” reality of technocratic policing and constant monitoring. Self-appointed technocrats and their organizations want to have us vaccinated and tracked with wireless and, it strongly appears, biometrics.
But millions are waking up and sharing information. This is a fight for the soul of humanity, and we’re learning what it means to combine love and action.
This instant action is the first step. It will be sent to each of YOUR elected reps, at the Federal, State and Municipal level.
We have about 80% coverage at the local level… i.e. so for most of you, you’ll be able to instantly send to your Mayor and Councillors. Also, we currently have USA nationwide coverage, and will add several other countries shortly.
In this action, we’ll use strong yet respectful language to 1) ask them to stop HR 6666 and all similar legislation, *AND* 2) remove our consent for all violations to our Constitutional Rights — including those occuring during this crisis.
It’s almost as obvious as using ‘9/11’ to cause a permanent state of emergency. At this point I think they’re just playing us because the majority aren’t waking up any time soon and have been trained to reflexively ignore us conspiracy loons. 🙂
As a follow up from yesterdays article this ( https://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2020/05/clinton-foundation-wants-to-use.html ) dovetails quite nicely. Imagine all the citizens who are more than happy to throw you into the ovens, errm, umm, I mean dob you in for shaking hands and hugging people for FREE, if you offered them a few dollars for every free citizen they got arrested?
“The Co-Chair of AmeriCorps and the creator of AmeriCorps, former President Bill Clinton, wants to create a national contact tracing force using AmeriCorps volunteers.
The Co-Chair of the AmeriCorps, Congressman John Garamendi, recently introduced a bill that would “expand volunteer opportunities within AmeriCorps and the Federal Emergency Management Agency” (FEMA).
The bill “Undertaking National Initiatives to Tackle Epidemic Act” (UNITE Act) would allow AmeriCorps and FEMA to create a national contact-tracing corps. (see page 10)
“The bicameral legislation ensures that existing national and community service programs are fully mobilized in order to assist in testing and contact tracing. The bill would also ensure that Peace Corps volunteers, whose service involuntarily ended in March due to the global pandemic, will receive benefits and priority placement in these domestic programs so they can continue to use their skills by facilitating testing and contact tracing.”
Six years ago, USA Today called “AmeriCorps a wasteful flop” saying many members are serving as recess referees. The article also asked the question, do we really need playground monitors?
In 2018 a CBS News investigation revealed that AmeriCorps programs, are rife with sexual misconduct and failed to meet federal standards and requirements.
“Conservative critics say AmeriCorps is a waste of money and promotes liberal causes. The Government Accountability Office found last year that CNCS has fallen short in monitoring whether the organizations it grants money to meet federal standards and requirements.”
The CBS News investigation also revealed that AmeriCorps and FEMA have a long history of working with young adults.”
Let’s just call them ‘Hillary youth’?
Here’s some COVID-19(84) humor from comedian JP Sears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=QcUAG6t5aN8&feature=emb_logo
I found it extremely funny (though, of course, the truth behind it is beyond sad and frustrating and ridiculous and sinister and way, way, way beyond reason). I hope at least a couple of people also get a smile out of this, too.
Yes, this is very funny. I watched a couple of the others he did. Very talented.
[SNIP – Please don’t copy/paste the same text multiple times. -JC]
Today, Tuesday the 12th, I went to see my granddaughter in her new Dallas apartment after her escape from New York.
I was surprised. The roads were busy! Lots of traffic.
It was about a 30 minute drive.
However, her mammoth apartment complex had most the parking spots filled, which implies that folks were staying home.
I feel for the restaurant industry. Those folks are getting butchered.
Some were closed.
Some were trying… ya know…the limited capacity mandates and distancing of tables, and rules rules rules.
You could tell by the parking lot at lunch time as to how busy they were.
The Mom & Pop Businesses…they are getting beat up, badly.
For the small guy…It is extremely tough to recover financially.
It takes the air out of ya.
A lot are gonna bite the dust.
The real economy (not the stock market) is going to get much worse.
The frustrations are going to get much worse.
Some folks are going to “lose it”, as in “going postal” or whatever.
And I’ll wager that Bill Gates, Fauci and other elites have a lot of attention on security, as in protecting their lives.
They may even be paying closer attention to what could be in their food. Poison?
There’s going to be a lot of frustrated people as time moves along.
It won’t be long, and we will start seeing the effects in real estate, especially commercial real estate.
On Monday the 11th, as a Mother’s Day treat, my granddaughter took her Mother to the beauty shop. She said it wasn’t busy. The routines were much the same inside the shop…not a lot of paranoia about Cooties.
Dallas County had mandated that hair places remain closed, but the state reopened them last Friday.
Shelley Luther, owner of Salon a la Mode in Dallas, went to jail when defying the Judge and refusing to apologize for her actions of opening against Dallas County restrictions.
The Texas Supreme Court quickly let her out of jail after the Governor and Attorney General also stood by her in public statements. (I think the top dogs in government did not want to look like bad guys…a political PR move.)
She is interviewed Tuesday on Fox
The hidden hand is going to keep kicking the can down the road in regards to the lock-down in lock-step.
This is a war of attrition. They are engineering a famine through the shut down and also with geoengineering.
All of the talk about ending the lock down is just that, talk; to keep the people strung along down the road. Mean while they are loosing their robots on the public in Singapore… this is only the beginning of a new form of inquisition — technocracy style.
What they are doing is similar to other programs they have ran in the past such as the roman inquisition and more recently in history the communist take over of russia, the only difference is that they have the technology to do it in such a way that has never been seen before and instead of it being regional, it is now global.
The only thing that is going to stop this is if the people wake up to what is going on and do not comply. The time to do this peacefully is running out, if it hasn’t run out already; simply because when the people refuse to comply they simply can role out the draconian physical force.
All of what is going on is really the hidden hand declaring war on the people of planet earth. If the people do not wake up and take control of the situation and dismantle the new world order – then certainly the coming pole shift will.
Something similar like this happened in ancient history where the Atlantean empire tried to take over the planet – it ended in what became known as the flood of noah. This time the fire from the sun is going to burn them down and “every island and mountain will be moved from out of their places.”
If you ask me – those behind this today are the progeny of those who were behind it in atlantean times. History repeats because of the ignorance of the people and the fact that there is an evil force at work on this planet that operates from the shadows and uses mans weaknesses against him.
Yeah – it certainly is high tech global genocide. As most of us know here they want to reduce the worlds population to what? Is it 500,000,000 that they have written on the georgia guide stones? I can’t remember off hand, and there are 8 billion now, that means they want to kill 7.5 billion people.
All along the whole talk about overpopulation has been a hoax.
Here is a great video put together by Truth Stream on the subject:
Also here is the bitchute version of my new song about the plandemic called This Superstitious Eclipse:
Here are some of the lyrics
“Don’t you find it suspicious?
They got you all walking in lockstep
Don’t you find it suspicious?
Their event called 201
To stamp you all with a
certificate of vaccination
To identify you with
a track-able and traceable binary number
To corral you all like cattle
into a technological
a biological
a psychological trap
To snap your back
and break you off from your hearts
and your common rights
to cut you off from the earth
To get you all lost in their night
with one fell swipe
In this superstitious eclipse “
You are more than welcome!!!
Noah’s Arc that song is beautiful.
There is something in the way you were singing that felt like you were beaming those words like light into my heart.
Hard to explain but I gave it a go!!
Thank you Lizzie and you are more than welcome!
I do my best to convey my passion into the recording, but the process seems to hinder it a bit at times, rather than when I am playing it live at an open mic, it is easier to let it flow in that kind of setting.
I am glad that you were able to hear it coming through and pick up on it, I really appreciate it!!!
There are other songs there on the channel that you might like as well:
Get On Out and They Live are the newer ones.
It is Now – Could it Have Been? – The Spider, Armadillo and Doe – Why’d They Educate Ya are older songs I wrote years ago.
It is one of my favorites – the prophecy of Thoth is spot on.
We have some dark days ahead of us the likes we have never seen before but at the end of the tunnel there is a light and all of these evil fools are going to reap what they have sown.
The race is not for the fittest but those who can endure until the “end”
This whole plandemic is creating two roads at this point and we are witnessing the separation of the “wheat from the chafe,” the chafe who are blind will walk like fools into the new world order and fall into destruction with it – but a remnant of the “wheat” will endure and remain to build anew.
This time around I vote to create a vampire hunting club to go and find any surviving elites and eradicate them from the earth once and for all so they can’t start this shit again.
Good insight Alchemist on Creation!!!
“The more prolific we are individually, the greater the bounty for all to enjoy.”
That is why I say it is the individual who is the savior of mankind. Because a free minded individual by default has the effect of uplifting and freeing other individuals on the path of reality and in turn like wise – one unto another!
One hand always washes the other and iron sharpeneth iron!
The consciousness of one man brightens anothers.
When individuals free themselves their is no need to mold the collective because the collective nature of life will blossom into its own thing on its own, no one needs to control the collective – just themselves!
That is a good poem.
I read The Course in Miracles years ago. It really is a profound book despite what many detractors have to say about it. I suspect they never took the time to read it.
The idea that one gains by giving of oneself is a higher truth. Where as to steal and take from others is to deplete oneself.
All of the highest truths are paradoxes!
The whole linux community and what they have accomplished I believe is a perfect example of this at work in everyday life. When we give of ourselves freely we can accomplish great things and uplift each other.
That is the “model” that I would like to see established on this earth one day. I really shows how unnecessary government really is!
Hi James,
Firstly, loving all your work!
After seeing Part 1 and 2 of the Gates series (Episode 377 and 378), I noticed that Covid patent(s) are yet to be covered (which is for some understandable reason I’m sure).
I have the following questions:
1. When stating the illusion of a virus (Genetic Material), is there a way to link this fact with the Corona Virus Patent itself, without leaving people suspicious of a contradictory argument – where on the one-hand I invalidate the virus only to then validate the virus with the patent?;
2. Does the Corona Virus patent achieve nothing more than setting the stage for vaccine development? In other words, would the patent effectively operate as a fund magnet to BMGF etc, regarding any new vaccine developed?;
3. Would you suspect to be the reason for having a virus patent?;
4. Did BMGF fund the Wuhan Lab?;
5. Was the proposition of the RT-PCR test as ‘THE’ test for Covid-19, proposed by a Gates funded offshoot, or some other related connection? Where might Gates come into this? Side note, I am aware that the RT-PCR test was also used for Ebola just like it is being used for Covid-19, as per the following WHO link. https://www.who.int/medicines/emp_ebola_q_as/en/
6. Would they have a vaccine shelved for a rainy day, such as the ‘next wave of lockdown’ (according to their predictive programming…) ?;
Many thanks
Here in South Australia, we just entered Stage 1 (of 3) in our return to the New-World-Order-Normal.
We can now dine (only outside) of cafes in small numbers etc now, YAY.
We haven’t been mandated to wear masks at all, but had to comply with a bunch of other mandates, like maximum of 2 units of toilet paper packages and other commonly used items etc… We’ve basically had a half-lock-down.
Mostly it has been okay-ish, with no more than groups of 10 people. I stopped keeping track of the mandates, was just bullshit as we all know by now.
In 4 weeks, gyms and sporting facilities etc can begin operating again.
http://www.FreedomCells.org is an answer to our new normal – find ones tribe/freedom-group, as per corbett’s video with Derrick Broze.
Onwards and upwards!
May 10, 2020 – Sunday
“Reclaim The Net”
Author Tom Parker
YouTube CEO:
Users don’t like “authoritative” mainstream media channels but we boost them anyway
Susan Wojcicki confirms your suspicions.
Over the last few years, YouTube and its executives have made it clear that when it comes to news and current events, “authoritative sources” (mainstream media outlets it deems to be trustworthy) will get boosted via the platform’s recommendation tools while independent creators who cover the news will be suppressed.
And during an interview on The New York Times’ “Rabbit Hole” podcast, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki admitted that most YouTube users don’t want to watch these “authoritative” sources but said the platform will continue to boost them anyway.
Wojcicki said that she decided to start prioritizing authoritative sources in the wake of the terrorist attack in Nice, France on Bastille Day (July 14) in 2016.
“I remember reading about it and being just extremely upset and thinking our users need to know about it,” Wojcicki said.
She then decided that YouTube would start pushing videos about the attack to the homepage of users in France and prioritize videos from authoritative sources when French users searched for information about the attack.
However, after making the change, YouTube engineers warned Wojcicki videos from the mainstream “authoritative” sources weren’t performing very well in terms of engagement.
“The users don’t wanna actually see it,” the engineers told Wojcicki at the time.
But Wojcicki decided to keep showing the videos to users and told the engineers. “It doesn’t matter. We have a responsibility. Something happened in the world and it’s important for our users to know,” Wojcicki boasted.
She added that this was the first time YouTube started pushing information to users that was “relevant,” even if the users didn’t want to see it, compared to other content.
(…continued below…)
YouTube’s heavy promotion of authoritative sources makes it almost impossible to find coverage of news and current events from independent creators
In the years since Wojcicki made this decision, YouTube has rigged the site heavily in favor of authoritative sources to the point that they’re now 10x more likely to top search results for some news events while YouTubers won’t even get recommended for breaking news.
And despite most YouTube users relatively not wanting to watch these mainstream media sources, YouTube’s constant promotion of them in search, recommendations, and on the homepage has boosted their views by 75% since the start of 2020, cementing and strengthening the dominance of legacy sources in the online era.
Another stat that reveals how aggressively YouTube is pushing these unpopular authoritative sources is that the coronavirus news shelf, which forces videos from mainstream media outlets onto users via the homepage, has been viewed over 10 billion times.
Recent comments from YouTube’s Chief Product Officer, Neal Mohan, suggest that the platform’s approach to who gets to cover the news and its attitude towards independent creators won’t be changing any time soon.
During an interview last month, he said creators “espousing” opinions “in their basement” can’t provide context on the news.
(FROM – https://reclaimthenet.org/ )
Ron Paul recently wrote about this…
Fresno Police Handcuff And Arrest Elderly Couple For Eating Breakfast On Mothers Day
(2 minutes)
What is striking!
The entire intent of the “distancing mandates” is ignored by the enforcers. The cops are right in the middle of a crowd and touching people. Nobody at this scene is really worried about being too close.
It’s silly!
It’s not about the virus or people getting sick here.
It’s about OBEY.
“It’s silly!”
You’re being too kind.
It’s hypocritical and currently illegal!
No kidding. You are spot-on FT.
Knowing me…I am bound to find myself in the middle of a scuff.
In my mind, I am trying to map out a good response which works without losing massive amounts of blood.
The Fresno video gives us a possible “drill simulation” to practice with.
One possible approach…
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers Pointing & Laughing Technique” by Bruce Lee and Tibetan Kung Fu Masters from west Texas.
I’m thinking to myself… Even if I have to open some “Canned Laughter” and start pointing and ridiculing, it just may have an impact.
Last I heard, there was no law against pointing and laughing and yelling “ha! ha! ha! You’re a clown! Stop acting like a brainwashed Nazi Putz who never read the Constitution you idiots…ha! ha! ha!…”
Or whatever…even if it is just laugh and point.
Or just point and grin.
Maybe fall on the ground laughing, pointing and grinning.
Anyway, I am planning ahead for the “Invasion of the Big Brother SNITCHES”.
I don’t want to be one of those Pod People.
Big Brother! RUN!
Actor Kevin James Demolishes Lockdown Absurdity & ‘COVID-Snitches’ In Short Film
(2 minutes)
The Zero Hedge article…
Actor and comedian Kevin James has just released a short film absolutely shredding the rise of corona-snitches in spectacular fashion.
We and others have increasingly documented the unique phenomenon of neighbors so easily turning on each other over COVID-regulations conformity and differing interpretations and perceptions of ‘social distancing’. This as the pandemic has seen pundits and politicians compete in a new wave of fear-mongering and panic.
Kevin James, who became famous for playing Doug Heffernan on the CBS sitcom The King of Queens released his new short film aptly titled “Out of Touch” on YouTube days ago, and it’s since gone viral.
As Fox News described, it “directly mocks people who are harshly judging others for not wearing masks or practicing social distancing in public spaces amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”
While the just under 2-minute film is clearly sarcastic, hyperbolic, and frankly hilarious — its brilliance lies in exposing the extreme atmosphere of psychological fear that many are living in.
The current climate seems to have newly empowered a whole class of busybodies, eavesdroppers, and people who it seems simply can’t go through life without being in others’ business.
Even the Associated Press recently noticed enough of a rising trend to profile the emerging numbers of what it bluntly dubbed “snitches” last month:
Snitches are emerging as enthusiastic allies as cities, states and countries work to enforce directives meant to limit person-to-person contact amid the virus pandemic that has claimed tens of thousands of lives worldwide. They’re phoning police and municipal hotlines, complaining to elected officials and shaming perceived scofflaws on social media.
Restaurants, Churches, Businesses as SNITCHES
Activist Post – May 12th
article by MassPrivateI
“Bars And Restaurants Allowed To Reopen If They Agree To Snitch On Customers”
In Travis County,(Austin area) Texas restaurants will do much more than track customers’ personal information. According to an article in The Austin Eater, restaurants will track customers personal information and note exactly when they ate, where they ate, and which employees served them…
…Kansas City forces churches and businesses to snitch on churchgoers and customers….
(more and video at link)
That was fantastic.
This is hilarious. He should do one every day. Maybe he could get through to people that do not read/watch alternative and independent media.
His baseball video (“I miss baseball”)is also very very funny.
More Big Brother SNITCHES !
May 12, 2020
Author Luke Putvin
Lynnwood Times
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee laid out the plans for the statewide contact tracing initiative
“…Therefore, those individuals that refuse to cooperate with contact tracers and/or refuse testing,
those individuals will not be allowed to leave their homes to purchase basic necessities such as groceries and/or prescriptions….”
Maybe it’s due to my waning sense of humor these days, but I don’t think it was meant to be funny. Given the dramatic change in what seems to be the majority of normal, everyday people, I found this video to be sobering and dead serious.
“Primed For Panic – Lockdown 2020”
LINK – https://youtu.be/Zb1N1uguLwY
(Debra, I trimmed up the link so it would hit the mark better. I know…it is tough working on an Ipad.)
James, your research is accompanied by links and references, This keeps you solidified as a proper reporter who doesn’t speak his mind, or blurt out personal views. Unfortunately I see weekly podcasts by David Icke who speaks for hours on similar subjects and leaves the listener with no reference points. His ideas are discredited by MSM simply because he does not reference his data meticulously. You (James Corbett) are even mentioned on London Real talks as the go-to guy on many subjects because of your diligence in referencing. There is not a single point of any of your conversations which are not back referenced. Good work, we applaud you for your excellent investigative journalism.
hear! hear!
(“hear! hear!” – used to express one’s wholehearted agreement with something said, especially in a speech.)
I agree… most AWESOME (& consistently researched & referenced) work, James Corbett!!!
So is science going to win out (the peak of whatever this is was reached before most countries went into lockdown, loads of mainstream articles point to this fact as well), or is their quasi-science, based on out of context statistics and totally made up numbers going to win out (second wave)?
In other news, the blatant inconsistencies with “social distancing” become even more inconsistent and illogical…as I said previously everything is totally topsy turvy to what it once was…yeah parents could get into trouble and be fined for keeping their children off school to go on holiday (during off peak time when cheaper) but now, them fines no longer stand cos prolonged home schooling and the right to refuse to let children go back to school because fear, fear, fear…it becomes more and more bizarre, yet the majority of people are still not questioning and are lost in lala land – keep calm and wait for good ol’ Boris, cos he gotz all the answerz folks…I am eyerolling, sighing, groaning, gurning, laughing my head off loudly, shaking my head and find my levels of irritation rising again. Yeah I know, I know but maybe my indignation with translate/transmute into something grander and way more beautiful?
Oh, you can also refuse to go into work if you don’t feel safe and you can also tell on your employers now, if they are not following the rules…it gets better and better every day… I am hoping any angst will be used against the system and not fellow humans trying to live…the system though seems to get protection, they want us to boot each other in the face, it seems…
…my indignation WILL translate….
not with…excuse unedited typo…
How about “genocidal maniac philantropist psychopaths with a bent on satan worship”? Or mnppwbsw? Arguably, the acronym needs work.
If that’s not the one it’s damn close.
A very humorous image, holding a rather deep message. I can relate.
The Smoking Gun
Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow…
The US sponsored lab was working on viruses related to Covid19
And the specialists keep pretending that it was not their fault.
The virus is a chimera, a combination of 2 viruses.
One of the viruses may be artificial already.
And it got inserted a sequence (cleavage site) that increased
the infection-rate a lot.
Two Possibilities
A bat manage to pass a coronavirus (RaTG13) to a..
Pangolin already infected with Pangolin/1. One of the
few thousand pangolins left in the world..
A critical translation error (not seen yet in nature)
swaps the RaTG13 RBD with that of Pangolin/1…
The that one virus particle leaves the Pangolin
and picks up a PRRA (furin) cleavage site from some
other virus.
Then that virus particle manages to latch on to a human
host who than travels to Wuhan.
Like: A freefall can happen 3 times, just by fires.
Lab Made:
Someone was mucking around in the lab,
using refined techniques proven over 20 years ago,
and is reported in many science papers,
and created Covid-19..
And some sort of “accident” happened at the lab,
as was reported around 6-11 October 2019.
Because this accident will may stop the research in
all the labs over the world, the specialists
will do their best to pretend that the natural miracle happened.
Non Sequitur…
California and Texas Compared
(17 minutes)
Many of the links shared here have been very useful to me. Perhaps I can return the favor by sharing this link
Where did the virus come from?
1. Bat in cave/market
2. Accidental release from lab doing ‘gain-of function’ research—“you take a virus that is deadly but isn’t airborne and you make it so that it becomes airborne so that you have increased its functionality, you have increased its deadliness and that is presumably a scientific accomplishment.
3. Frame-up—making it look like it came from China when it really came from US Gov.
and a lot of other useful info on possible origin of this virus and on bio warfare.
Perspective on the Pandemic / Investigative Journalist Sam Husseini on Youtube channel Journeyman Pictures
great stuff Control Savvy. everyone watch, download and distribute. i think it may be pulled from gootube rather quickly. a lot of stuff others have gone over but he is well spoken and carries some journalistic street cred.
*****5 STARS
Published May 12, 2020 – Tuesday
“Journeyman Pictures”
Perspective on the Pandemic
Investigative Journalist Sam Husseini
This is a top grade interview with Sam Husseini.
He will garner your attention and his credibility by the 11 minute mark when he discusses the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. On the screen you will notice Graeme MacQueen and his book.
Sam Husseini gives an understandable and revealing rendition of the bio-Labs and perspectives of the origin of the coronavirus.
His briefs about the cast of characters involved are profound.
This video is a bookmark for serious researchers.
Corbett Report Member Control Savvy, thank you for presenting this video.
Read Husseini’s recent article in Salon:
Sam Husseini’s website with additional pieces and resources:
In order to interlink…
Interview with Whitney Webb and Jimmy Dore.
(Corbett Member Nick’s comment)
OK, well when some very brassy woman decides she needs to try on that dress for the wedding and starts disrobing in the Fine Dresses dept. we’ll see what happens.
Hopefully it will start a trend the result of which will be nice long lines outside the private dressing rooms again.
Prepare for a cavity prodding.
But manbearpig, they “care” (I say dripping with sarcasm). How could you possibly question their “good intentions” and the FREE spyware (I mean app that will “help” you to know when you’ll get your refund). Come on, have a heart? LOL
I’m now seeing a suspicious message when I go to the Corbett Report and Off-Guardian web pages. I don’t think I can attach a screen capture here, but it basically says, “Checking your browser before accessing off-guardian.org ” This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect you to your content shortly. Please allow up to 5 seconds… DDoS protection by Cloudflare. Ray ID: “.
Any thoughts on this? I have a Mac, so am using the Safari browser.
And, is anyone else also starting to see messages like these?
I have never seen that on this site, but it pops up now and again on various sites. I don’t think there’s anything nefarious going on, possibly activates depending on the site load.
Yeah I get that on some sites as well and I’m not too worried about it, seems legit. (Been in I.T. for 33 years. 🙂 )
Yes, I am now getting that message when I log onto offguardian.
Crazy. I also got my first bitcoin spam extortion ransom email today. Wow. Full letter telling me to send 2000 dollars bitcoin or they would send a not very nice video of me to family and friends. They actually had a password that I used on an old account. Apparently they know all about me and my risque watching habits.
How they can confuse the Corbett Report with racy videos is beyond me but…
hehe, yeah I’ve had a few of them as well. HOw it works is that a website you’ve visited gets their database hacked and the list gets sold off on the black market. If you go to haveibeenpwnd.com and use the login details that the spammer sent you you can see what site was hacked so you can change the PW.
Or b) Just delete it. 🙂
Thanks. Yes, I deleted. It was from an account I had closed months ago.
Ironically,the reason I closed the acct., which I had used for years successfully, is because they implemented a new policy which required background checks, which required giving them my social security number online.
Wouldn’t do it. And they are a very popular international site.
So we parted ways and they stopped my acct.
Sort of, I guess.
Richard Grove calls them the ‘predator class‘. I think that, or more simply, ‘the predators’ is a perfect descriptor.
This appears to be decades old yet perfectly current.
and now for something different, completely:
plus ca change, plus c’est la meme.
Are they still administering the wrong test though?
What I’m getting at is that if their test throws up false positives at the rate of around 80% as some doctors have suggested would that then give the tyranny the power to whack extra restrictions on anyone who tests ‘positive’?
“Hypercapnia” (Hypercarbia)
Hypercapnia is a buildup of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream…
Hypercapnia changes the pH balance of your blood, making it too acidic. This can happen slowly or suddenly. If it happens slowly, your body may be able to keep up by making your kidneys work harder. Your kidneys release and reabsorb bicarbonate, a form of carbon dioxide, which helps keep your body’s pH level balanced.
A sudden rise in carbon dioxide, called acute hypercapnia, is more dangerous, because your kidneys can’t handle the spike. This is most likely to happen if you have a severe case of COPD or if you get a flare-up. Either way, you may be breathing too slowly, which means you aren’t taking in air and letting out carbon dioxide at a healthy rate.
You could also get acute hypercapnia if you start taking a medicine that makes you sleepy, like a narcotic pain reliever, after an injury or surgery. These drugs, known as sedatives, can slow down your rate of breathing.
Acute hypercapnia is a life-threatening emergency. If you don’t treat it promptly, you could stop breathing, have a seizure, or go into a coma.
Mild to moderate hypercapnia that develops slowly usually causes:
Shortness of breath
Daytime sluggishness
Daytime sleepiness even when you slept a lot at night (your doctor might call this hypersomnolence)
Acute hypercapnia can cause:
If untreated, it can eventually lead to a coma.
Severe hypercapnia can involve:
Hand tremors (asterixis)
Sudden brief muscle jerks (myoclonus)
Pressure in your brain (papilledema) that makes your optic nerve swell and can lead to:
Trouble seeing
Varicose veins (your doctor might called them dilated superficial veins)
come on, don’t exaggerate.
Link you provided is related primarily to people with COPD that have distressed lungs.
You are correct about the link, mik.
While it is under the medical question topic concerning COPD at that link, it actually goes further than COPD in explaining the symptoms of Hypercapnia.
There are other links to Hypercapnia which are not under the topic of COPD, but I chose to use this one because of the list.
Hypercapnia is the condition that a person builds up CO2 in the blood. The gas exchange at the alveoli is not occurring optimally. Also, Hypoxia and Hypercapnia can both occur at the same time.
Any number of things, including masks or breathing into a bag can cause hypercapnia.
One phenomena which I have personally observed with some folks wearing masks, is that their eyes seem more bloodshot.
To me, this indicates that the body is under stress. Possibly the kidneys are being stressed because of the acid levels in the blood.
I Wear My Face Mask in the Car
4 minutes
“International Travel will not go ‘back to normal’ until 2023”.
This coming from The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which coincidentally acquired a brand new ‘Strategic Partner’ early in 2020 called:
“Arizon RFID Technology” – IATA partner
By the end of 2020, we’ll have 50% of the air traffic previously seen in 2019.
James, I sincerely hope you see this. I have some information for you. Please review when you are able to give this proper attention.
The primary test that was approved just tests for certain known coronavirus RNA markers. But you should also know that scientists and researchers haven’t even isolated THIS PARTICULAR virus yet. Thus they are testing for RNA markers from other coronaviruses. These viruses are very common and account for 7-15% of yearly respiratory infections in humans.
Please also consider the fact that Medicare pays each hospital $13,000 for every COVID19 case. This doesn’t even have to be a test-positive case. Medicare also pays these hospitals $40k for every covid patient on a respirator. This creates a very, very awkward conflict of interest between patient care and profit motive. The average hospital director is probably looking at this and thinking “what’s the harm?” And you may be thinking this as well.
The answer to this question is in what’s called Pandemic Bonds. A scheme just like any other major event, where insiders rake in billions and trillions, while the rest of us suffer. This happened in the put options in the days prior to 9/11, the insider trading schemes during the 2007-2008 housing crisis and how the US government created moral hazard by guaranteeing taxpayer repayment on certain high risk loans. And now it is happening with these pandemic bonds.
Here’s some facts:
1. In the first quarter of this year we’ve seen a record amount of CEOs resigning or retiring.
2. Pandemic Bonds were issued in 2017 by the world bank, at which time 500million was harvested from private investors, but TRILLIONS went into the scheme from the Sovereign Wealth Funds of g7, g20, and other nations around the world.
3. The bonds pay a yearly payment of an interest rate that is “overly generous”, as it’s been called by certain financial analysts. One traunch paid 8-9% and the other paid 13-15%.
4. This fund was meant to be given to poorer countries in the event of a pandemic, and only if certain criteria were met. A 389-page document outlines these numerous and labyrinthesque stipulations.
5. The bonds were due to mature in July 2020, at which the final interest payment was to be made as well as full principle returned to investors, including those entities who had used their SWF to purchase bonds.
6. However, the WHO declared a pandemic, and the bonds defaulted investors lost trillions.
7. The poorer nations who were supposed to receive these emergency funds are finding themselves immersed in red tape and are STILL waiting for the funds to be paid. We aren’t hearing about this because we are squabbling amongst ourselves.
8. Event 201 took place in October 2019. It was a well publicized conference that simulated a world-wide coronavirus pandemic, and the shutdowns to “contain the virus”. And here’s the cute thing: Coronavirus plushies were handed out as SWAG at the conclusion of this event.
I only wish to spread the facts about this economic DISASTER that is stopping away our freedoms, one by one. And over what? MONEY.
[SNIP – PLease keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
James, when is the Forum coming?
There are so many posts with different topics/directions,
that I can not see what people are discussing about anymore.
It could be combined with a wiki for only moderators,
that manages links, updates, solutions, and different ideas/theories.
Yes I have mentioned this many times.
This has to be one of the most frustrating parts about the site.
Discussions become fragmented.
Topics are repeated, unknowingly.
Tracking a discussion becomes a tedious job.
etc. etc.
Perhaps in the early days with few comments, this model worked.
But with the growing number of comments now,
it is becoming very unpleasant. 🙂
What strategies can anyone suggest for protecting your assets/money prior to the pending crash? I don’t mean to sway the topic, but has anyone bought gold or silver? I bought some bitcoin and it went up. But I worry that bitcoin will crash too. I don’t recall if there was a financial podcast on this crisis.
Thank you
I also have some bitcoin.
I bought some silver a while back, and a little bit of gold recently in very small sub-ounce bars.
Physical metals are more stable. However, right now, the premiums (extra which a person pays to the dealer) are kind of high. The premiums may stay high.
Some gold and silver stocks might be a stable place to park some money.
Choose cautiously.
(FNV) Franco Nevada, Sandstorm Gold (SAND), (MTA) Metalla, are a few “Royalty and Streaming Mining Companies”. Those are pretty good bets, because for their labor cost the profits are very, very high.
“Wall St For Main St” Jason Burack is a good YouTube Channel to search the archives. He gives a communication meant for the layman.
MiningStockEducation YouTube Channel has some good interviews.
Some folks are also sitting on cash, but investing it slowly & incrementally when gold and silver miners are at a low price.
Recently, I gave my grandkids some gold, silver and also “GOLDBACKS”.
Here is a snippet of a printout I made…
A year ago, May 2019, Gold was around $1250 per troy ounce.
This May, it is around $1700 per troy ounce. In one year, one troy ounce of gold increased in value by $450.
For precious metals like gold and silver, they use “troy ounces”, which measures weight differently than the ounces in your soda or at the grocery store.
1 troy ounce equals about 1.1 ounces at the grocery store.
A stack of 10 dimes is about the size of one ounce of gold.
A one ounce coin of gold will be about half the size of a one ounce coin of silver.
If you had a box which was 1 foot on all sides (one cubic foot) and filled it with solid gold, it would weigh 1206 pounds.
1206 pounds in a small box.
The box would have 17558 troy ounces of gold, which at today’s gold prices would be about $30 million dollars.
Gold is dense. Compared to water, it is 19.3 times as heavy. Gold sinks to the bottom of the river or stream. This why people use gold pans to sift out the gold from the sand. Gold will be the heaviest thing in the gold pan.
Silver is about 10.5 times as heavy as water.
24 karat gold is pretty close to pure gold.
22 karat gold is less pure. 18 karat is even less pure.
Jewelry is often labeled in this way, because they add other metals to make the jewelry more durable.
Thank You HomeRemedySupply for the information. I appreciate it!!
God bless the imperial measurement system.
Will be civil war if if this plays out like it reads or will the people just roll over and take it?
Spearheaded by the DOD’s Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the contract will support “Jumpstart” to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year by using well-established Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) aseptic plastics manufacturing technology, suitable for combatting COVID-19 when a safe and proven vaccine becomes available.
The ApiJect syringes come with an optional RFID tag so that health care workers can track the GPS location and identity of the individual being injected. Via the Apiject.com website: https://www.apiject.com/
With an optional RFID/NFC tag on each BFS prefilled syringe, ApiJect will make this possible. Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time. The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database. Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection map.”
Yes, you will be tracked, tagged, bagged and injected, most likely against your will.
Don’t forget that this is being married with President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” which aims to bypass all the usual protocols of vaccine safety testing and clinical trials, delivering up to 300 million coronavirus vaccine doses before the end of calendar 2020. And if Trump is going to push a medical police state on America, he no longer deserves to be president at all and should be voted out of office at the next opportunity. Or pressured to resign before the election.
You can’t Make America Great Again if you’re running armed vaccine goon squads that “medically RAPE” Americans so that Big Pharma can cash in on a deadly pandemic. Trump is going to need to pick a side here, and if he picks Big Pharma, then Trump becomes the enemy of the People.
Trump already chose a side long ago. He is part of a grand psy-op that was designed to weaponize the conspiracy narrative.
In turn this leads people into a mental cul de sac and satisfies the weakness in some of what I call the savior complex. That way weak minded people can abdicate their responsibility of researching more deeply into the subject and then absolve themselves of doing anything about it.
It is a “perfect” deflection tactic.
It also has more profound psychological implications, for example it assuages the fear within those, in regards to the magnitude of knowing about this conspiracy who have not the strength of will to mature past the fear stage in the growing and learning process.
That fear itself I feel is a big part why a lot people turn away from this knowledge.
Thank you Noah, You stated most eloquently what I’ve known for a while now and have had to deal with vis-a-vis a couple of close relatives who have gone down that cul de sac and refuse to look at the real crises unfolding before their eyes. Their belief is that we just ‘have to trust the plan’ and that ‘it all about to come down’ and ‘fisa warrants’ or something? 🙂
You are more than welcome Paul,
These people have been studying our psychology and ways to manipulate us for a long time, way before the common man ever heard of the word psychology.
Trump acts a pressure release valve for them, he was tapped to be president a while back, see the simpsons episode:
They have always put little predictive programing themes of their plans in the entrainment – entertainment.
But there is more to it than just this.
Trump is the set up, along with the Q- anon thing to keep them in a holding pattern and now we are witnessing the sting.
–>”Their belief is that we just ‘have to trust the plan’ and that ‘it all about to come down’ and ‘fisa warrants’ or something?”
Qanon is responsible for what I like to call the soap-opra narrative to it all.
Obama and the whole black lives matter thing was a similar sort of psy-op. But this one with Trump was taken to a whole other level.
Hi Carolyn. I have been following Dr. Judy Milkovitz work for many years. She is a serious, top notch scientist on the cutting edge of Molecular Biology and Immune Therapies. In my opinion, one of the top 5 in her field in the world. She has a difficult time communicating with the layman because when she discusses science – she talks science – and most folks simply don’t have the vocabulary for the intricate biochemical pathways at play in our bodies. I have several biotech patents and have coordinated research collaborations with Roche Diagnostics, Mayo Clinic, etc and often I have a hard time following her. She knows what she is talking about and does not lie. She follows the science where it leads and you can trust her analysis of the science.
Most folks don’t understand how unsettled science (in all fields) actually is, and how much new information and understanding scientists are learning every year, and how hard it is for “experts in the field” to even keep up. But “the people” expect simple solutions and Experts to be Authorities that will guide us. Any real scientist will tell you that the more he knows the more he knows that he doesn’t know squat.
Molecular biology, biochemistry, and immunology are constantly evolving and changing, while theories and paradigms of understanding compete and are eventually falsified by data. Yes there are political and economic pressures to promote falsified (disproven by data) theories and paradigms and to ignore and discard proven and established solutions from the past, but eventually data proves that Aristotle and the Pope was wrong -the earth revolves about the sun – and doctors washing their hands prevents infant moralities. But people want simple answers and debates. Thus the current Exozome vs Virus debate: Yes, exozomes are real and are a carrier of information and detox for the immune system; And Yes, viruses exist as both protective and infectious agents. Neither are mutually exclusive and neither postulate addresses the actual question of what kills or heals people but is being used as an issue to divide people. (Sorry – I went on a rant)
Back to Dr. Mikovits – she is not imbued with Papal infallibility but she has a very clear understanding of the current understanding of the molecular biology of immunology. She is NOT blowing smoke. Her story of persecution by Fauci and the big Pharma/Government cartel has held true through all my investigations.
Yes she has a natural inclination to defend herself and to condemn the persecutors who destroyed her for speaking the truth, but that does not take away from the science she has defended with data, and her personal liberty.
I trust her personally, and I trust her analysis until the data falsifies her conclusions.
“Isolation” seems to be the keyword here. They don’t satisfy Koch’s postulates but they do something just as good, according to them. They may end up lying about the Koch thingy, but it’s all for the greater good.
More and more mainstream pushback, loads of articles which do not make the headlines because they do not toe the line. An article calling the covid 19 story one sided and deceitful in the Telegraph today. Not sure if you can read it, it is a subscription paper, it lets you read some pages though…
Ridiculous, where’s the ad hominem in what was posted above? Please quote it for me.
There really isn’t even proper fallacy of association in there, it may be implied but not stated. This person was in Israeli army. True or false?
Comments are being made that UK people are totally compliant with the lockdown. I live here and that is true !
Things like washing hands, 2 metre distancing, and clapping the NHS workers possibly have something to do with this.
With orders to wash hands etc. what is put into action is a phenomenon known in the cult monitoring trade as “cognitive dissonance”. CG is what happens when an action is demanded that a person does not agree with. There then exists mental discomfort – dissonance between what is expected and what the person actually thinks.
What then usually happens is that the person changes their thinking to lessen the dissonance. So they say for example “hand washing is what I do anyway, and it does no harm to wash longer and more often, so I shall comply”. The 2 metre distancing gets complied with in a similar way.
By urging compliance in a succession of small steps and changes, large changes of loyalty can be brought into existence.
So now we see the majority of the population being so supportive of the lockdown that many would enforce it on others and resist coming out of lockdown themselves.
For the majority of the population, conformity to agreed upon norms is the way to live, and operating from direct observation and one’s own reasoning is unknown. It takes moral courage to step out of the groupthink.
What makes it worse is that the notion that we might be betrayed by our own elected leaders (and in the media opinion leaders) is not confrontable. Also the notion that the entire “free speech” media might actually be a controlled media that happily collaborates with lies and even uses paid actors to be fake witnesses and victims in staged “news events”, is also not confrontable. Also that the reach of the global ruling elite, and their conformity to agendas is unknown to the vast majority of the population.
What starts knocking this brainwashing apart is quoting admissions by a WHO spokesperson that the death statistics have been inflated, that no attempt at all was made to track everybody who got flu this year, that the virus has not been isolated and purified and therefore no test or vaccine could possibly be made for it.
But even then, it takes several people in a person’s environment sayong such things before they start thinkng to join the new norm…
Soma, anybody..
Peter/biek, the 2 metre rule is a hard one, because most of us do not want to force our non 2 metre “rules” on anyone else. It therefore kind of gets applied for fear/in case of “scaring” those who want the 2 metre, or oftentimes more, rule. It is ridiculous. I just want to go about my day without having to second guess anything anymore, which is what this thing is doing to everyone, every single day.
This is a huge psychological thingumy (mindfudge), if ever there was one. Found this, when out searching for interesting reading material, the link was in a tweet someplace. The PDF on the site is downloadable…
Influencing behaviour through public policy: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publications/mindspace
“Peter/biek, the 2 metre rule is a hard one, because most of us do not want to force our non 2 metre “rules” on anyone else. It therefore kind of gets applied for fear/in case of “scaring” those who want the 2 metre, or oftentimes more, rule.”
I use the rule to my advantage when I’m out shopping.
Most people wearing masks are so paranoid that when I approach them, they will run away in the other direction to avoid me.
It’s great when I want to find something on a shelf and they are in my way.
Or if an aisle is very busy. I just cruise up the aisle next them and they clear out in no time.
I’m fearless. 🙂
It’s as if I’ve got super powers!
Yeah, walking my bicycle up a really steep hill the other day, two people stepped out into the road to avoid me. It happens a lot, first time it did, I said “Viruses are not fleas!” really loudly, no idea if they heard me or not…
I need to get my butt out walking late evenings again. Like The Pedestrian.
Also, in connection with what handwashing and distancing are doing. Take a look at Wiki, the second siege of Mafeking…
Get acquainted with “Cognitive Dissonance”… It is a commonplace brainwashing tool.
I’ve checked a bit and found an error, big one.
At 37:08 he claims, paraphrasing: “by restringing a birth legal title to child is transferred to state”.
No, by child registration a legal person is created, an abstract representation of child. Reasoning this way is very powerful for explaining many phenomena.
wow quite an unbelievable interview with Whitney Webb and Jimmy Dore here. About a task force i was not aware of and their plans for america to ‘compete with China in A.I’ and how the current ‘crisis’ is helping. Quite scary.
Mr Corbett, I have only just been following the work of Whitney Webb and am very impressed. Would love to see an interview with her some time ( i realize you have had the occasional conference with her previously)
Investigative Journalist Sam Husseini mentions Whitney Webb towards the end of his interview.
Queen – Under Pressure (Official Video)
Very appropriate video.
And I always love that bass riff
I got a new video uploaded…
mRNA Vaccines and Next Generation Testing
Thank you, my friend!
I got another one up, manbearpig!
A Message To Essential Workers… You’re Next
You are outdoing yourslef, Camille. Do pay attention that the more often you do it, more difficult it’s going to become to do it again. Too bad all of this creative potential is vasted on trying to talk sense into people, something that is proving more difficult than pushing rock into granite.
I’m trying, mkey! Unfortunately, there’s heaps I’d like to get to sharing.
I linked it just below to Debra, I did get a new little one done.
Thanks, Debra! Best of luck with warning the family. I’m still working on some of my own.
I just put a new little one up. I’m still laughing at the thumbnail…
Nudging the Herd With Cass Sunstein
I’m so programmed! Why do I keep doing that?!
i do not agree that underlying sciences are unnecessary complications finding truth. truth has many layers. the ultimate truth you will obviously never find, as it can only be metafysical by nature. sure, somewhere in between enough is enough, but cell biology and such are essential when talking about health.
i do not believe in experts. the trick of propaganda is just to have expert authority leave out a few essentials and emphasise some irrelevant facts, painting a picture that looks truthful but is actually bogus. experts are bought to contort truth, and some just know no better than the propaganda they learned at school. the first kind you may find at this site too, no doubt. but let me give you an example of the second kind.
i bought some second hand books that are used in the dutch universities for educating medical doctors. funny enough, these books are all american. one of them is called ‘the immune system’, almost 600 pages by a peter parham. high quality didactic material in absolutely magnificent print. it has a brilliant index, so i checked for vitamin-c and all alternative names i could think of. it just was not there. i do not know about peter parham, but even wikipedia acknowledges on several places that vitamin-c is essential to the immune system. so what is going on.
obviously, the us system that produced this gem of science did not want to introduce medical doctors into the dangers of our gulo mutation, that may kill us in many ways when leaving the tropics and confronting winter. your ‘rat turd infection’ does not exist. disease is not caused by infection, but by vitamin-c depletion.
this book is on a ‘need to know’ basis, only information that suits the project is available and if it hinders the project it is ignored.
the project just happens to be something else than educating doctors.
the project is about destroying health world wide through the medical system.
it is a eugenics project. it has been around for the past 80 years.
a billion people died from this project. it has been extremely succesful.
did you ever hear of that? no, you are locked in propaganda, it’s all around you.
so do your own research, take those headaches and you may find truth.
alas, no one will believe you. no longer will you be part of the corbett world.
would that hurt your feelings?
the only way to convince yourself of the vit-c story is science. so do your own research, you will become wiser and lonelier.
if you believe your focus is right on target, if you believe you do not need ‘germ theory’ to assess the superficial nonsense that surrounds you, go ahead, be a true corbetteer. james will take you there, wherever that is.
but such attitude effectively degrades james into propaganda. he is not the expert type of person with his ‘open source investigation’.
and some honest advice: try to talk for yourself, use ‘i’ not ‘we’, unless you are a political party. it is a matter of character.
4 minute parody song by YouTube Channel “Media Bear”.
Media Bear says: “youtube is my toilet.”
I Wear My Face Mask in the Car
(Hat tip to Joe for the link.)
You are not alone when it comes to dust, paper and skin mites.
I often have to “rewash” my stored linens and shirts, so I don’t get the “itchies”.
Mite Anecdote
Back in the 1980’s, when women always wore dresses and nylon stockings to work…
…I went downtown to the Dallas County Courthouse to file forms to log a new business name of mine. It was a huge floor with rows and rows of file cabinets. A lot of old paper.
I get to talking to the ladies behind the counter and paid some compliments about their dresses since I was part owner of a women’s wholesale apparel place.
They started telling me that no woman working at the courthouse can bear to wear nylons because the paper mites are so bad. The mites get in there and the itching starts.
Not sure id this has been seen or covered by James or anyone else (I suspect it has) but I have been researching Agenda 2030 and stumbled across this article by Gro Harlem Brundtland (former Norwegian Prime Minister, former director of the WHO, former chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development who compiled the Our Common Future Report, known as the ‘Brundtland Report’, which provided the UN the definition of ‘sustainable development. As well as being called the ‘mother of sustainable development’ she is currently a co-chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board).
The article was published Oct 21, 2019 (two months prior to the first reported cases of ‘Coronavirus’ in Wuhan) and sets out in its opening paragraph the scenario we are living through! Just another coincidence though, so “Shut Up Conspiracy Theorist!”
Sadly it is behind a paywall and I’m not going fund the predators if I can avoid it, but it does cite a new report (September 2019) by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, another turgid document of terminal dullness that sets out that top down Global Government (sorry I meant governance) through the mechanism of the UN.
Just another little thread in the tapestry of totalitarianism.
Wonderful, thread up there.
I watched this interview from Prof Cahill with computing forever, thought she relayed her story about how we need to get out n erbout and boost our immune system. It’s a good one to share with people who are on the fence about remaining indoors.
Del Bigtree also interviewed her. They discussed masks and other things.
Last again!
This is a groovy topical tune from the most underrated musician of all time Rory Grubb and his techno band Tomottow now.
Ha yes! They are out stagnant in their field
James Corbett says:
“Yes, folks, whether you know it or not, World War III has already begun.
And in the eyes of those waging that war, we are the enemy.
The only question that matters is:
Will we wake up to this fact in time to fight back, or will we lay down and let the authoritarians beat us?”
UK Freedom Movement, no idea who they are, never heard of them until now, are hitting the news, mass gatherings planned nationwide today in public parks and spaces. Looks like they have police at the ready in all cities to disperse the crowds…crowds already gathering because sun and weather and the need to socialise and eat and do human stuff…
I can guarantee, there will be mass gatherings without flyers, without being encouraged to do so, because lockdown measures were eased and people are tired, bored, just want to live.
Did anyone see the surreal thing happening in The Netherlands at the eatery? I watched it but could not help laughing in disbelief, it was like watching sci-fi, it seemed unreal, as most of what has happened already does.
Civil disobedience on a large scale, if there are enough people in the UK who deny the snitch culture and will not cry when they see crowds of people gathered in one place (One lady on a forum I frequent said she was in tears when she went grocery shopping and people wearing masks were coming too close to her, whatever did these people do before, for cripes’ sake?!)
I am weirdly excited (if enough people turn up, they will not be able to fine them all or bundle them all into a van). But on the other hand, we know from experience how these things can turn out, as soon as the po po are there, violence almost inevitably and always erupts, cos po po have to stir the pot and make it look like the people were up to no good, doing violent and naughty things. Loads of tweets from police warning people NOT to listen, not to go and to dob in those who share posters and information.
March article warning of mass riots and unrest (uh oh): https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2020/04/20/coronavirus-uk-police-chief-predicts-riots-and-civil-unrest-when-lockdown-is-relaxed/
Anti-lockdown protests/mass gatherings UK 16th May 2020: https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/15/when-where-are-anti-lockdown-marches-protests-what-are-trying-achieve-12707617/
I dont know if anyone else has posted anything about Larry Brilliant but the due looks more Bill Gatesy then Bill Gates…. this starts as a movie review of pandemic movies then gets into a personal profile
Well worth the wait
This is not a reply, just a thought that I just wrote:
…I see this:
If you are serious about any “plans” for the near future -you, my friend, need to ground yourself in a deeper reality than that which is confounding your mind, presently.
I must make the statement thus:
It’s not that I dont believe you- you are my friend, and I trust what comes from you.
It’s the times bringing the questions to the forefront of our mind.
We will, and should, question everything.
-In my question, I mean only remind you of these thoughts…
Be strong in Spirit and stand witness to Truth, only.
jc 2020
This dude is fully awake.
When will the rest of the country/world wake up?
Dave Portnoy (runs Barstool Sports & lives in NYC)
Great Shutdown Rant.
(Are all threads structured so you have to scroll to the bottom to see the most recent posts?)
Biblical prophecy is unfolding at warp speed in 2020. In the 1970’s, I used to hear preachers decrying the One World Government/NWO, the ‘Mark of the Beast’ which would be required in order to buy, sell or trade; and ‘the Beast’ a person who would promise world peace. Also that the entire world would look on as this person would perform ‘miracles’–which I now believe will be sleight-of-hand, aka lying.
This event will be happening next month and fits right in. And the major religious world leaders are falling right in, it seems. (I am an Eastern Christian. Not sure if our patriarch has signed up or is invited or not. Please God, no.)
swanbyrd says:
(Are all threads structured so you have to scroll to the bottom to see the most recent posts?)
Yes, for the most part… “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of the page will place the most recent comment at the bottom of the Thread.
However, when you hit “Reply” to a specific comment, it will place your comment below the originator’s comment.
Thanks, HomeRemedy.
‘…I am an Eastern Christian. Not sure if our patriarch has signed up or is invited or not…’
You are a Christian… dont trust a mere man to save you. If anyone, be they the patriarch or the pope or the baptist preacher goes bad then drop them like a hot stone and keep going
More to the point, Duck:
No religious person—or any person— should trust anything coming out of the UN.
Part of the teaching of Christ is that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. But I’m sure we’re about to see a last ditch effort in that direction.
The Bible prophecies also say this false Christ will not ultimately succeed in his efforts to set up a world kingdom. But I’m not taking any chances! Solutions search is on for me.
That will depemd on the drone, heavilly. But it would be nice to have something efficient in the ole rasenal for taking down drones.
This is not a reply, it is a WARNING.
I decided to look into the schedules of “reopening” of states here in the U.S. and found this link:
Alabama, being first alphabetically caught my eye because it has links in it for the “rules” of reopening….
One of the links leads to a multi-page document decreeing these new rules as LAW. A VERY serious document…
Also, I noticed in the Chicago news feeds from my phone, a story accompanied by a photo of a woman in a salon, wearing a cloth face mask AND one of those plastic face shields, disinfecting…things.
The description of the photo said ‘A woman in Arlington Va. cleans her shop….COVID-19…REOPENING…’
I immediately knew it was propaganda, but had not yet caught the fact that it was from Virginia.
Then it sank in- they are “teaching” us -through pictures- like children; This is How You WILL Behave, boys and girls.
I assume that they are propagandizing this kind of thing in cities, JUST BEFORE they start reopening, to “show” people ‘SEE, they’re doing it in ________ -FOLLOW SUIT!’
If you know how to get this info DIRECTLY to James, please do so- I am exhausted.
Thank you